• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 4,443 Views, 143 Comments

The Joke's on Equestria - Grey Ghost

The dark master Piedmon has entered Equestria and seeks to conquer it. A Displaced story with an extended cast.

  • ...

Trains, Shadows and Villains

Trixie smiled and hummed to herself as she cut a piece of ham up with a fork and knife in her magic. She then levitated the fork over to Alex, still smiling at him. “And there we go, it’s your favorite, too.”

“Do we really have to do this?” Alex asked, glaring at the fork.

“At least I’m not saying something ridiculous like, ‘Here comes the train~’” she cooed in over the top baby talk as she pushed the fork over to him. He turned his glare to her, narrowing his eyes.

“I really hate you sometimes...”

“Oh calm down, Alex. I’m trying to be nice to you and cheer you up with your favorite meal.”

“Sorry...” he sighed, looking up at her, “I'm just a little testy, that's all.”

“I understand,” she assured him, stroking between his ears with her hoof and keeping the fork by him. “It’s frustrating to not be able to do things you normally could. Like when I was working on a rock farm, they wouldn’t let me use my magic for things.”

“Sounds rough,” Alex admitted. He opened his mouth, allowing her to feed him.

“That was still when I was in my revenge phase,” Trixie explained, gently putting the fork in his mouth. “I was willing to go through with it for the sake of buying the Alicorn Amulet and proving my superiority to Twilight. And, well, I’ve told you how that went down.”

“Not too well,” Alex recalled, chewing on the piece of meat. He took a moment, looking back at the others. They were currently sprawled across two train cars, courtesy of the princesses. The car his group called home was the 'royal carriage’ something he suspected was on every train in the country. The interior was currently styled after Twilight, in various shades of purple with her cutie mark plastered everywhere. Out of embarrassment, she had sequestered herself in the other car.

“That would be an understatement.” Trixie chuckled and prepared another bite for him.

“At least you still have limbs.” He licked his lips, opening his mouth again.

“And you will get your limbs back soon,” Trixie retorted. “Not too many who have lost their limbs can say that.”

“That's... true...” he looked down, sighing a little. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“I’m okay because you and Roger are okay,” she replied, patting his head again and giving him another bite. “You two are important to me.”

“We got really lucky,” he replied, looking up at her. “We’re lucky none of the seaponies, you know... died...”

“Seems you and Marty had expert timing for reaching ultimate,” Trixie told him, scratching behind his ear. “You two played a huge part in making that possible.”

“H-hey!” He laughed, squirming under her hoof, “Stop that!”

“No,” she stated with a devious smirk, continuing her treatment on his ear. “You have been far too sullen lately. You need to lighten up, even if I have to force you to do it.”

“J-just stop the tickling!” he pleaded, trying to wriggle out from under her hoof.

“Are you going to stop being such a wet blanket?” Trixie asked, scratching behind his other ear.

“Y-yes!” He pleaded, looking at her. “Just stop the torment!”.

“Weeeell,” Trixie paused, still scratching and pretending to consider it. After a minute she said, “Okay, I’ll believe you.”

“You're horrible...” he mumbled, twitching his ears.

“Of course I am,” she started, picking him up with her magic so he was eye level with her. “And don’t you forget it.” he sighed, looking into her eyes.

“Alright, alright, can we get back to the food? Please?”

“Yes,” she said, popping the fork into his mouth. “There, better?”

“Yes.” He nodded, chewing away. “A lot better.”

“Let me know if you want anything else,” Trixie told him. “This is going to be a long ride, and one of the benefits of the royal car is five star cuisine on demand.”

“I'll keep you informed, oh great and powerful one,” he teased, smirking at her.

“Thank you, oh astounding one,” she teased back, giving him another bite. He smiled, chomping down on it.

“I think they're in love,” Terriermon muttered to Applejack.

“Heh, they certainly do have a good thing goin’ there,” Applejack replied. “Though Ah dunno if either of them know if it’s love or not.”

“Should we help them?” he asked, climbing onto her back.

“Eh, let ’em sort it out fer themselves,” she waved off. “Besides, we might just make things awkward between ‘em if we try anything. Ah ain’t too knowledgeable about romance an’ all that.”

“If you say so,” he agreed, hanging off her neck by one of his ears.

“Ah do say so little guy,” she told him, patting his head. “Gotta say though, ya make fer a better accessory than the things Rarity has offered me,” she joked.

“Heh.” He smiled. “Thanks, AJ.”

“Still can’t believe ya’ll digivolved while we were down in the city,” Applejack commented. “What caused that?”

“I felt like you were in danger, so I digivolved,” he explained, giving her a stern look, “Promise me you’ll take me next time.”

“Alright little buddy, Ah’ll take ya the next time we go chargin’ into whatever trouble we’re plannin’,” she assured him, ruffling the fur atop his head. “Ah promise.”

“Thanks.” He adjusted his position, hugging her with both his arms and ears.

“Ya’ll don’t have t’thank me,” she told him, hugging him back with a hoof. “Ya wanted to protect me, right? Can’t exactly do that if yer constantly bein’ left behind.”

“I just have to make sure.” He grinned, climbing onto her head.

“Alright, just promise me ya won’t get turned back into an egg when Ah take ya along,” she stated, adjusting her hat.

“I promise, AJ.” He glanced over, spying Dash talking with Biyomon.

“You’re totally awesome looking!” Dash said, looking Biyomon over. “And you can actually stay at my place without me worrying about you falling through the floor.”

“You don't mind that I’m pink?” Biyomon asked, nestled next to Dash.

“I didn’t mind when you were Yokomon, not gonna start caring now,” Dash replied, smiling at the bird digimon.

“That's a relief.” Biyomon leaned over, nuzzling her.

“Were you actually worried that I’d be disappointed with your new appearance?” Dash asked, returning the gesture.

“A little,” Biyomon admitted, blushing a little.

“Well, don’t,” Dash told her, putting a wing around her. “I’ll be happy no matter what your forms look like. You’re practically family now.”

“That means a lot to me.” Biyomon beamed. “Hey, think the Wonderbolts would let me join?”

“Well, there has been a griffon member once or twice,” Dash replied, rubbing her chin in thought. “I don’t see why not. Just gotta make sure your skills are up to snuff.”

“Well, I'm not so good at flying as Biyomon...” she admitted.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Biyomon,” Dash told her, an excited grin on her face. “With my patented training method, you’ll be Wonderbolt material in no time at all.”

“You are the resident wonderbolt after all.” Biyomon nodded, grinning. “When do we start?”

“As soon as we get back to Ponyville, if you want,” Dash answered. “I was thinking of starting with a few wing exercises to build up some strength and see where you’re at at the moment. After that, we’ll go over the fundamental forms of flying, and some do’s and don’ts.”

“That sounds like a lotta fun!” Biyomon’s smile grew. “Though I am gonna miss you carrying me around.”

“Heh, I’m sure you can live with just sitting on my back when I do wing ups,” Dash told her, giving the digimon a small noogie.

“Hey!” Biyomon grunted, trying to push herself away.

“Give up and accept the noogie!” Dash laughed, not relenting. “There’s no way you’re gonna break free of my wing’s iron grip.”

“I'll bite you!” Biyomon threatened, struggling harder.

“No way,” Dash dismissed, though her noogie got a bit softer. “You love me way too much to try and bite me.”

“You're sure they’re not fighting?” Elecmon asked, cuddled up with Fluttershy.

“That’s just how Dash normally shows affection,” Fluttershy explained. “It’s even worse considering how happy she is that she can go back to her house.”

“I'm glad you're not like that.” He nuzzled her. “Do you need anything?”

“I’m fine, Elecmon,” Fluttershy assured him. “But what about you, can I get you something?”

“No way, you're still recovering,” Elecmon said, giving her a stern look.

“I’m perfectly healthy,” Fluttershy told him, a stern look of her own meeting his. “I barely even got hit. You don’t have to fuss over me.”

“It’s my job to,” he argued, frowning at her.

“And it’s my job to fuss over you and make sure you grow up big and strong,” she retorted, petting his head.

“And I have to protect you.”

“Oh, there’s just no getting through to you, is there?” Fluttershy asked with a sigh.

“Nope.” He shook his head. Fluttershy sighed again, continuing to pet Elecmon.

“What am I going to do with you?” she wondered aloud.

“Let me take care of you,” he replied. Fluttershy chuckled a bit at that, scratching behind his ear.

“You’re as stubborn as Angel bunny.” He melted under her hoof, murring happily.

“Are those two honestly trying to out-kind one another?” Ryudamon asked, watching them curiously.

“Maybe.” Starlight glanced over, smiling, “They seem made for each other.”

“I suppose you make a point there,” he replied, nodding and looking up at her. “Think the same is true for us?”

“Of course I do.” She reached down, petting his head.

“I am glad,” Ryudamon replied, trying not to show how much he enjoyed being petted.

“You know, i didn't expect you to turn into a dragon.” She looked him other again, noting his armor.

“Did you expect a flower to turn into a bird?” Ryudamon asked with a chuckle.

“Not really,” she giggled, “All I know is our food expenses are going to skyrocket.”

“Then it’s a good thing we live with a princess,” Ryudamon noted with a grin as she petted the red marking on his forehead.

“I almost feel like we’re freeloaders...” Starlight confided, letting out a long sigh.

“Don’t you do chores on top of your friendship lessons?” Ryudamon asked, his expression falling slightly.

“Yeah but...” Starlight frowned, rubbing her head. “I haven't exactly been the best student...”

“A bad student is one that doesn’t try to learn,” Ryudamon said. “I don’t think that describes you at all, Starlight. You’re constantly trying to learn from Twilight and the others.”

“Thanks Ryudamon.” She smiled, giving him a hug.

“Don’t mention it, it’s my duty to protect you. In body, and in mind,” he replied, returning the hug. She giggled, grinning.

“If I have you with me, I'll end up with wings of my own!”

“If that is what you want, then I will help you achieve your goal,” he replied dutifully.

“You really are the best.” She tightened her hug, letting out a sigh of content. Isaac watched the two, grinding his teeth and his eye twitching.

“Oh Ryudamon, you’re the best,” he muttered under his breath, impersonating Starlight. “Much better than any Veemon I know.”

“If you don't tell her soon, your gonna get friendzoned~” Pinkie sing songed into his ear.

“Maybe,” Isaac huffed. “But I don’t think she’s interested. I mean, she’s never even hinted that she sees me that way.”

“How do you know? Have you talked to her?” Pinkie asked, pulling him onto her lap.

“Not about that, no,” he admitted. “But when we do hang out… it feels like she treats me the same as everyone else.”

“Well that's not going to change if you don’t speak up now will it?” Pinkie asked, petting his head.

“Ugh, I wish I was better at stuff like this,” he groaned, grabbing his head. “I know you’re right but… I’m scared.”

“You fight giant monsters, talking to Starlight is a piece of cake.” She beamed. “Ain't that right, Hacky?”

“She makes a good point,” Hackmon said, looking up at them. “I don’t see how talking to your friend about being more than friends could be scarier than fighting tough digimon.”

“Oh what do you know, animemon?” Isaac huffed, crossing his arms.

“My name is Hackmon,” he corrected, glaring at Isaac slightly.

“I know that.” Isaac snorted, glaring back at him.

“Then why don’t you say it right, you little munchkin?” Hackmon retorted.

“Hey, no fighting,” Pinkie scolded, looking between them.

“He started it,” Hackmon said, pointing a claw at Isaac.

“It doesn’t matter. Save the fighting for the bad digimon.”

“Yes Ma’am, I understand,” Hackmon replied, lowering his head.

“Good boy.” Pinkie smiled. She dug around her mane, pulling out a cupcake. She held it in front of his nose, letting him sniff it. He then took a bite, his face lighting up as he continued to eat the treat, instantly feeling happier. “Better?”

“Much,” Hackmon replied, licking the frosting off his lips. “Your treats are the best.”

“You’re welcome, Hacky.” She patted his head, cooing at him. “And you,” she said, turning her attention to Isaac, pulling out a cupcake with purple frosting and giving it to him. “You need to live up to that digiegg of courage you carry around.”

“Hey.” He frowned. “I have courage!” He took the cupcake, munching away on it.

“Then show your courage and tell Starlight the truth. Otherwise, you could lose your chance forever.”

“Alright, alright, I will,” he relented, letting out a long sigh. “Think I should do it now?”

“I’d wait until the two of you can be alone,” Pinkie said. “That’s a better environment for this kinda thing.”

“Right...” Isaac nodded, finishing up his cupcake. “Thanks, Pinkie.”

“Hey, cheering up my friends is what Pinkie’s here to do,” she told him, rubbing the top of his head. He laughed, a smile finally breaking across his face. “Giving a smile and getting a smile, that’s special to me,” she said, her own smile growing. Hackmon gave a small smile of his own, though he did his best to hide it.

“I’m bored,” Dorumon commented, looking out the window.

”I said you could read my comics.” Spike pouted, looking at him.

“Alright, I could try that,” Dorumon sighed, turning to the dragon. “Anything in mind for what I should start with?”

“Here, read some Power Ponies.” Spike passed over a few issues.

“Thanks,” Dorumon said, opening the first issue. “Hey, what about those comics you keep under your bed?” he asked. “The ones with the tied up mares. Those looked interesting.”

Spike just stared at him. “I think someone broke into my room again. I keep telling Twi to put a lock on the castle doors.”

“But I saw you put them there,” Dorumon pressed.

“Lemme guess, Rumble paid you to tell people that didn't he?” Spike snorted, glaring daggers at Dorumon.

“He paid me in cream puffs,” Dorumon replied. “My willpower is only so strong before it breaks, buddy.”

Spike growled, tossing his comic into the air. “You sold me out for cream puffs?!”

“Like five boxes of them!” Dorumon protested. “And they were from Sugarcube Corner. Could you tell me with a straight face you wouldn’t do the same for sapphire cupcakes?!”

“You can read comics by yourself, I'm going to talk to Twi.” Spike slid out of his seat, storming into the other car.

“Well, crap,” Dorumon muttered. “I’m gonna have to make it up to him somehow.”

“Ya think?” Isaac asked, looking over at him.

“In my defense, I was still at in training at the time and was easily swayed through my stomach,” Dorumon said. “Still, can’t let my best buddy down like that anymore.”

“You're gonna need a pretty good apology,” Pinkie commented.

“Think you could help me with that?” he asked, turning to Pinkie. “I don’t have much experience with apologies.”

“Sure!” She hopped to her hooves, passing Isaac to Hackmon. “You take care of the little one okay?”

“Don’t worry, I can keep an eye on him,” Hackmon assured with a salute. She gave him another cupcake before grabbing Dorumon and pulling toward a quiet corner of the car.

“So, what are you thinking I should do for this apology?” Dorumon asked in a hushed tone.

“Baking is always a good place to start. You could buy something but I think it's better to put sincere effort into your apologies.”

“Yeah, I agree.” Dorumon nodded. “Think you could help me bake a cake and then write out “I’m sorry” in sapphires?”

“Of course!” She beamed, hugging him tightly.

“Great!” Dorumon cheered. “Can we start as soon as we’re in Ponyville?”

“Yupperoonie!” She beamed at him.

“Thanks Pinkie, this means a lot to me,” he told her, smiling brightly. She hugged him tighter, petting his head. “Gack! Pinkie, too tight,” Dorumon wheezed, struggling futilely against her grasp.

“Sorry!” She released him, giggling.

“No worries, but you hug like a SeaDramon,” he said, straightening out his fur. She didn't lose her smile, beaming at him. “Let me guess, can’t wait until we get to Ponyville?”

“Nope! We can even get Hacky to help!”

“Sounds like a plan,” Dorumon replied. “I’m sure that two future Royal Knights and a baker can manage making an apology cake.”

“It’ll be the bestest cake ever!” Pinkie declared, stamping a hoof.

“Well, Pinkie is excited about something,” Twilight commented, having heard the party mare from her car.

“Maybe she’ll bake more.” Candlemon licked his lips, grinning.

“It’s Pinkie,” she tittered as she turned the page in her book. “It’d be odd if she wasn’t baking.”

“Do you need more light?” he asked, moving one of his arms closer.

“I’m fine, Candlemon,” she replied, using a wing to pat the side of his face. “Though I think I’m going to save money on candles with you around.”

“I'll do my best.” He smiled, his flames getting a little brighter.

“Thanks, Candlemon, and sorry that your digivolving happened under less than ideal circumstances.”

“You won't go out without me again, will you?” he asked, looking into her eyes.

“No way,” she told him, wrapping him up in her wing to hug him. “I’ll take you every time we do something like that again.”

“Good.” He smiled, hugging her back.

“And the next time danger comes around, I’m sure you’ll digivolve to protect me,” Twilight stated.

“You're darn right I will!”

“Good, I’m sure that with you around, the others and I will be completely safe.” He nodded, nuzzling her head. “I am really glad that you can choose not to burn things. Otherwise this moment would be ruined by me screaming and rolling on the floor.”

“I already told ya Twi, I'll never burn you.”

“I know, Candlemon, I know.” Twilight told him. “And I trust you.”

“I trust you too Twi.”

“Good for you guys,” Spike mumbled, looking out the window.

“You can't stay mad at Dorumon forever, Spike,” Twilight reminded.

“I know but… we’re supposed to partners or whatever and he sold me out, for snacks!”

“You’ve done similar things,” Twilight reminded, shifting so she wasn't laying on her injured wing.

“Well…” Spike paused, he couldn’t exactly argue with her there. “Okay, but it’s still bad.”

“I know.” She nodded. “Just don't hold it against him, okay?”

“Alright,” Spike relented with a nod. “I won’t hold this over him.”

“Good!” Twilight chirped, offering him a cuddle. Spike took the offer, relaxing into her barrel.

“Thanks for the advice, Twi.”

“No problem Spike.” She closed her eyes, rubbing his back. Spike closed his own eyes, drifting off against her. “Rarity,” she whispered, “can you pass me a blanket?”

“I’d be more than happy to, darling,” Rarity replied, levitating over a blanket to the alicorn. Twilight gave her thanks, draping the blanket over Spike and herself. Rarity waved her off and returned to her own activities.

“I’m thinking a vine pattern along the seam, what about you, Lalamon?” the unicorn asked.

“I think it looks great,” Lalamon agreed, floating next to her head.

“Well, I couldn’t have done all this without your inspiration and input. I’ve been very productive lately and I just can’t stop.”

“So do I need to hold an intervention?” Lalamon asked.

“If you did, I, and my many happy customers, would never forgive you,” Rarity replied, patting her head.

“I'd prefer if you didn't go crazy, Rarity.”

“I’m not going crazy, Lalamon,” Rarity protested. “I’m just feeling more creative than usual.”

“Some people say they’re the same thing.”

“And some people believe all sorts of ignorant things. What’s your point?”


“Lalamon, I promise to take more breaks from my designing. But I want you to know that it’s felt good to have so many ideas.” Rarity told her partner.

“I'm glad I could inspire them,” Lalamon replied, “I just hope you don't run out of them.”

“I haven’t yet in all my time working in fashion, and I don’t think I will anytime soon,” Rarity said, patting her head.

“I hope so.”

“Lalamon, you don’t have to worry about me getting tired of you if I run out of ideas,” Rarity told her in a comforting tone. “You’re family first, my muse second.”

“That makes me feel a lot better.” Lalamon landed on her head, getting comfy.

“Next time something’s bothering you, tell me. I’ll always lend a helping hoof to you.”

“Alright Rarity, it's a deal.”

“I’m glad, now how about we enjoy the ride, and I can continue my work tomorrow?” Rarity asked, rubbing Lalamon’s head.

“Alright Rarity. What do you want to do instead?”

“Is there anything you’d like to do?” Rarity asked. “We could always take a walk through the park, and maybe have a picnic.”

“A picnic sounds fun.”

“I’ll be sure to make your favorite foods then,” Rarity told her.

“Even potato salad?”

“A large serving of it,” Rarity replied, hugging her digimon. “You deserve it after all.”

“Thanks Rarity. I can't wait.”

A changeling drone watched the train pass by. This drone had been given orders in case Simon and ShadowSeraphimon had failed. It had an orb containing a contingency of shadow digimon. The drone gulped, fearing its own failure as it dropped the orb onto the ground. Shapes formed in the shadowy mist that spewed out of the busted orb. Soon, a number of dark digimon formed, mindlessly awaiting their orders.

“Go, find the Digidestined, and destroy them,” the drone ordered. They moved off, taking hidden positions around the train tracks. “Please do not fail,” the drone silently prayed. “If I succeed here, the torture of the queen may lessen.” The drone watched as the train came into view, taking in a deep breath. When the engine started to pass by, one of the shadow digimon launched an attack on the connecting locks, separating the engine from the rest of the train. “Quickly! Before they mount an attack!” The shadow digimon all spread out, the smaller ones going inside the train to search for their targets.

“Atomic Blaster!” An explosion rocked the remaining cars, flames licking the windows. The drone’s breath hitched in their throat, wondering what was happening inside the train. It felt a small bit of relief when it spotted several of the shadow digimon ready, poised to attack the train and the one who had retaliated on them.

“Frozen Hunter!” The warrior of Light burst out of the train, slicing one of the shadows in half. The drone silently prayed that there was a mega or two that could combat the warriors among the shadows. As if to sink the drone’s hopes further, the warrior of fire jumped out.

“We can't catch a break can we?” Willy asked, a tired look on his face. “Atomic Inferno!” Rapid fire bursts of compressed heat erupted from the warrior, taking out more of the shadows.

“Doesn’t seem like it,” Rico replied, slicing into another shadow digimon. “It’s like the bad guys know we’re on vacation.”

“They do have the changelings...” Willy groaned, getting hit in the back by a shadow Kimeramon. “And they have one of the ugliest digimon in the history of the series with them, perfect.” He turned around and pointed both barrels of his blasters at the abomination. “Atomic Inferno!”

It shrugged off the barrage, sneering at him. “Heat Viper!” it roared, firing a blast of green fire back at Willy. He dodged the blast, though it grazed his side, causing him to cry out in pain.

“Grahh!” He fell to one knee, gripping his side. Kimeramon roared, darting forward and slapping Willy into the train car. He crashed through one of the walls, scrap wood and glass falling on top of him. “Ugh… I think we need a vacation from our vacation,” he said, feeling slightly dizzy.

“Willy!” Twilight shouted, rushing to his side. “Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine,” he said, pulling himself out of the wreckage. “I just need to walk it off.”

“You don't look fine,” she frowned, looking him over.

“Look...just do me a favor okay? Make sure the others are safe. They’re in no condition to fight.” He didn't wait for her response, merely spreading his wings and flying outside. She rolled her eyes, galloped back to the car where the others were, and put up a barrier. She frowned, hoping Willy could see it as she watched the battle.

“Let us out, Twi!” Candlemon looked at her, a stern look on his face.

“You just reached rookie,” she told him, looking back at him with a stern look in her eye. “You’re not ready to fight them. I’m not going to let you get reduced to an egg.”

“You have to, Twilight!” He glared at her. “I have to protect you!”

“And I have to protect you!” she argued. “I won’t let you get turned back to an egg just for my sake!”

“Ah say we let em go, Twi,” Applejack spoke up, “They’re here to protect us, ‘member?”

“...But...” Twilight paused and looked down at all of their partners, noting the determined look in all of their eyes. “Okay,” she sighed, creating an opening in the shield, “just promise me you won’t let yourselves be turned back to eggs.”

“We’ll be fine, Twilight, I promise.” Candlemon gave her a quick hug before hopping out of the car, the other digimon following after him. “Hey!” He dashed out to Rico and Willy. “Need some help?”

“I don’t think you can do anything to help us,” Willy told him as he dodged a swinging skeleton arm. “Your attacks wouldn’t even scratch this thing.”

“Speak for yourself.” Hackmon rushed forward, leaping into the air. “Fif Slash!” He roared, slashing Kimeramon across the face. The monster screeched in anger, Hackmons claws cutting into its skin.

“Well, I’m not gonna be outdone by a rookie,” Willy said. He charged the Kimeramon, getting in close as he shouted, “Solar Wind Destroyer!” He fired a condensed orb of heat right at the place Hackmon had just clawed.

“Heat Viper!” Kimeramon countered, the resulting explosion nearly knocking the train over.

“Are you ready, guys?” Candlemon asked, looking back at the other rookies.

“You know it!” they all chimed, getting into a ready position.

“Let’s do this!” Dorumon yelled. “Metal Cannon!” He fired an iron sphere out of his mouth at Kimeramon.

“Super Thunder Strike!” Elecmon flared his plumage, firing off a surge of electricity.

“Seed Blast!” Lalamon fired a series of nuts out from her mouth to hit the same point that the other attacks were aimed. Kimeramon screamed, flailing its limbs around in an attempt to protect itself.

“Terrier Tornado!” Terriermon spun around, sending out a green tornado out against the flailing digimon. Kimeramon swatted it away, lashing at them with its tail. Ryudamon jumped out of the way, something building up in his mouth.

“Katana Attack!” he cried as he fired a metal blade out at Kimeramon.

“He just doesn't learn does he?” Willy growled. He slammed a fist into the ground, sending a crack running toward Kimeramon. The amalgamation fell, unable to get out of the way of the crack with all the attacking rookies distracting it.

“We got him!” Dorumon grinned, looking at the trapped beast.

“I dunno, I think we just made him mad.” Kudamon frowned, hanging onto Monodramon’s head.

“Well, there’s one good way to fix that, isn’t there?” Monodramon asked, flexing his claws. He leapt into the air, rushing towards the trapped digimon with his left claw reared back. “Beat Knuckle!” he boomed, punching Kimeramon between the eyes. Kimeramon screeched, swatting the rookie away. Monodramon let out a long groan, tumbling across the ground before being stopped by Candlemon.

“You okay?” Candlemon asked, helping Monodramon to his feet.

“I’m okie dokie,” Monodramon slurred, his head bobbing slightly. “Let me at ‘em coach. I’ll beat him before the second bell.”

“This hardly seems like a fair fight,” a woman's voice called out, dragging their attention away from Kimeramon.

“Who are you, lady?!” Terriermon called out, turning to the newcomer. “Are you with ugly over there?!

“I suppose you could say that,” the woman responded, stepping into view. She appeared to be human, sporting purple shades and a red dress.

“Of course, he’s only half the ’mon he should be,” a man added, stepping out next to her, sporting a blue outfit and cane

“Oh you have got to be kidding me,” Willy said. “What the hell are you two doing here?! And why the hell are you in human disguises when you’re in a world of talking ponies? You stand out like a giant sore thumb.”

“I think the better question is,” Rico leaped over, gazing at the newcomers, “if they’re Displaced, or the real deal?”

“More Displaced in this world?” Willy groaned. “Is there some kinda convention for us being held in this universe or something?”

“Oh I assure you, we are originals. Though to think some lowly imitator might one day steal my image.” The woman scoffed, tossing her hair back.

“As I recall, the two of you were destroyed by MaloMyotismon,” Rico reminded, glancing back at the rookies as they kept Kimeramon distracted.

“Oh it’s the most interesting story,” the man chuckled, “That pretender nearly had us. Luckily, our new, very handsome master whisked us away before he could.”

“Well, you two can count yourselves lucky I guess,” Willy said. “But I think revealing yourselves to us was a big mistake.” He pointed his blasters at both of them. “You really think you’d have learned not to underestimate Digidestined by now.”

“Heat Viper!” Kimeramon roared, blasting Willy in the back. It spread its wings, taking flight. Willy cried out in pain, falling to one knee and his blasters falling from the two newcomers.

“You look tired, maybe you should take a long nap.” The man smirked, stepping closer. “A dirt nap, that is.”

“Yeesh, you’re as clever as ever,” Rico commented, brandishing his saber. “And I’d like to see you try. We’ll have you crying for your mummy.”

“If that's the best you can do, I’d hate to see what your test scores look like,” the woman shot back, her form distorting. In a matter of moments she became a digimon with a human-like upper body and a red and purple colored spider lower half. “Acid Spray!” she hissed, spewing out a sickly green gas. Rico threw out his hands, letting loose a stream of water at the oncoming gas.

“My test scores were fine, thank you,” he said, watching the gas and water mingle. “I even learned that water helps balance the ph level of bases and acids.”

“Must have been a teacher’s pet.” The man rushed forward, his form changing as well. He had become a mummy of sorts, wearing a blue bandana on his head, an ammo belt on his waist and a large gun in his hands. He raised his gun up, firing a white and red beam at Rico. Rico jumped back from the beam, turning to him with a glare.

“Better a teacher’s pet than a part of the history class. Frozen Hunter!” he roared, sending out an aura attack against the mummy. Mummymon countered, firing off another blast of energy. The two attacks collided, an explosion of smoke and debris filling the area. Rico charged into the smoke cover, hiding his movements from Arukenimon and Mummymon.

“Come out, come out wherever you are!” Mummymon called, looking around.

“Atomic Inferno!” Willy cried, trying to catch the two off guard as he launched a barrage of bullets on them.

“Now I've got hot foot!” Mummymon complained, dancing around to avoid the fiery bullets.

“Ugh, you are just as annoying as I remember from 02,” Willy groaned, continuing to assault the mummy with a hail of bullets. Mummymon dived behind a tree, peeking out to take shots at Willy. Willy flew into the air, maneuvering away from the shots as he returned fire on Mummymon.

“I think...” Candlemon panted, jumping away from another Heat Viper, “We need to digivolve!”

“Do you think we can yet?” Kudamon asked, panting along with him. “We just digivolved.”

“It doesn't matter if we can, we have to.”

“Then I’ll start us off,” Dorumon said, charging Kimeramon again. “Dorumon digivolve to!” he leapt up, moving in close to the larger digimon. “Dorugamon!” His body glowed and started to change. His fur became black with purple stripes though this was undercut by white parts along his feet, claws, the tip of his tail, muzzle and a ring-like tuft around his neck. His wings became large enough to fly and the claws on his feet and arms were red.

“See?!” Candlemon beamed, “We can do it!”

“Alright, let me try!” Monodramon exclaimed as he charged at Kimeramon. “Monodramon, digivolve to! Strikedramon!” Monodramon stretched out, with metal plates covering his face, shoulders, hips, and several other places. He wore olive green pants similar to military fatigues and had two three clawed hands. “Now this,” he cracked his neck, “is great!”

“Gotta agree with you there,” Dorugamon said, flapping his wings slightly. “I’m gonna tear this thing to shreds.” He chomped his teeth, a wicked grin on his face.

“Terriermon digivolve to! Gargomon!” Terriermon glowed, his general body shape staying the same while he grew. He now had a green marking on his face that looked like a bandana, along with some red markings and a red gem in his forehead, machine gun hands, an ammo belt that was slung across his chest, and a pair of grey pants covering his lower half. “I am locked and loaded!” he beamed, holding up his gun hands. “Gatling Arm!” His guns spun up, and he unleashed a barrage of bullets at Kimeramon.

“Power Metal!” Dorugamon roared, firing a large metal orb from his mouth at Kimeramon’s head.

“Death Claw!” Kimeramon swooped down, clawing at them with its Devimon arms. Dorugamon took to the air with his wings to avoid the attack, while Strikedramon and Gargomon simply jumped.

“Looks like the little guys aren't so little anymore,” Willy commented, tossing Arukenimon into a tree.

“They grow up so fast,” Rico said as he backhanded Mummymon, causing him to crash into Arukenimon.

“Get off me you gift wrapped idiot!” Arukenimon growled, pushing Mummymon off.

“I can’t,” Mummymon groaned, struggling against her. “My linens are caught in those hairy legs of yours.”

“What did I tell you about talking about my legs!?” she growled, punching him in the head.

“That you need the hair to cling to surfaces and that I shouldn’t call attention to it,” he replied in a robotic tone, obviously not the first time this exchange had been made.

“Is this... really happening?” Willy asked, watching with a dumbfounded expression.

“It appears that we’re witnessing one of their famous lovers’ quarrels,” Rico said, hardly believing the sight for himself. He then lifted his arm up, pointing it at them and the claw sliding up to reveal missiles. “Think we should administer some couples’ therapy?”

“I love the way you think.” Willy grinned, creating a fire orb in his hands. “Solar Wind Destroyer!”

“Cleansing Light!” The two attacks shot out, racing side by side toward the two bickering digimon.

“This is gonna hurt!” Mummymon whined before the attacks hit, sending them soaring into the sky.

“Well, they sure are resilient,” Rico commented, watching them soar into the distance. “How long until you think we’ll see the odd couple again?”

“Not long enough...” Willy grumbled, wiping some sweat off his forehead.

“Alright, let’s go and help the little guys with Kimeramon,” Rico said, turning and heading back. “And after that, somebody’s gonna have to pull the train cars back to Ponyville.”

“I mean, KendoGarurumon has wheels...” Willy offered.

“Yeah, yeah, you just don’t wanna be the one to do it.” Rico rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll pull the train. Now let’s go and fight!”

“That thing hits pretty hard...” Gargomon groaned, slumping against a train car.

“I didn’t even see that attack coming,” Strikedramon muttered, his front half stuck in the train.

“Looks like I’m up.” Kudamon rushed over, glowing. “Kudamon, digivolve to! Reppamon!” His body grew out, becoming a fox-like being with a mask covering his face. He had a yin yang symbol on his haunch and a long bladed tail with an eye on it. “Shinkū Kamaitachi!” Reppamon shook his tail, sending forth an invisible blade of wind. It sliced through air, striking Kimeramons weak point. Kimeramon let out a cry, one of its arms clutching where it was struck.

“Everybody aim for that spot!” Dorugamon barked, charging at it. “Cannon Ball!” A smaller metal ball than before fired at the point Reppamon hit.

“Heat Viper!” Kimeramon retaliated, clawing at them only moments after the fireball hit.

“Gatling arm!” Gargomon leapt on top of the train, peppering Kimeramon’s face with bullets.

“Strike Fang!” Strikedramon boomed, his metal plates glowing red hot as he rammed into Kimeramon’s side.

“You guys look like you could use some help. Atomic Inferno!” Willy flew over, pelting Kimeramon with fireballs.

“Cleansing Light!” Rico boomed as missiles converged on Kimeramon’s face. Kimeramon roared in agony, its body starting to fade out like TV static. It ultimately vanished, leaving no trace of its existence.

“Yes!” Gargomon cheered and hopped into the air. “Our first real battle was a huge success!”

“Good job, guys.” Willy gave them a thumbs up before collapsing and reverting back to Flamemon. Rico wasn’t far behind him as he reverted to Strabimon.

“You two okay?” Strikedramon asked, jumping over to them.

“We’re fine,” Willy waved off. “We’re just a little tired. That undersea battle took more out of us than we thought.”

“I'm just glad we don't have in-training forms...” Rico laughed, wincing a little.

“I dunno, I wouldn’t mind having Daring feed me like Trixie was doing for Alex earlier,” Willy admitted with a shrug.

“I hope Gagate and Cinnabar aren't giving her too much trouble...”

“I’m sure she’s fine,” Willy said. “As long as she has plenty of chocolate nearby, Cinnabar won’t give her any trouble.”

“Hey! You guys can come out now!” Gargomon called, looking at the train cars.

“Whoa, you guys really know how to fight,” Spike commented as waddled out of the car and looked over Dorugamon.

“Told ya!” Dorugamon beamed, wagging his tail.

“And you were the first one to digivolve of the group,” Spike said, a hint of pride in his voice. “And you look pretty cool too. You’ll have to fly me around sometime.”

“We could fly now,” Dorugamon offered, kneeling down.

“That sounds awesome!” Spike cheered, hopping onto Dorugamon’s back. Dorugamon spread his wings, leaping into the sky. He soared high above them, circling the train. “Woohoo! This is amazing!” Spike called out, one of his hands held up to the sky.

“I know!” Dorugamon agreed. “It's amazing!”

“We’ll have to do this more often,” Spike said. “Now do a loop!” Dorugamon obliged while Spike held on tightly. Spike laughed, having the time of his life. “Thanks for letting me fly with you, buddy,” he said, petting Dorugamon on the neck scruff.

“Anything for my best bud!”

“Even sharing cream puffs?” Spike joked, a sly look on his face.

“Of course.” Dorugamon nodded emphatically.

“Heh, glad to hear it, Now let’s land. We do still have to find a way to get everypony back to Ponyville, after all,” Spike said.

“Heh, you're pretty tiny now,” Gargomon teased, looking down at AJ.

“And it looks like Ah’m gonna have to hitch rides on yer back from now on,” Applejack teased back, nudging his side.

“I bet you’d like that.” He smirked, patting her head as gently as possible.

“It would be nice t’be the one gettin’ piggyback rides fer once,” she admitted, chuckling.

“You look awesome!” Flint cried, looking up at Strikedramon.

“Thanks, I like the new look too,” Strikedramon replied, showing off his claws for the young colt.

“You're even cooler than the Power Ponies!” Flint declared, hugging his leg.

“Even the Masked Matter-Horn?” Strikedramon asked with a hopeful smile, enjoying the hug.

“Totally!!!” Flint beamed, looking up at him in awe.

“Yes!” Strikedramon cheered, fistpumping. “And I’ll be even cooler once I go ultimate,” he promised. “And even cooler than that when I hit mega.”

“I can't wait!” Flint giggled, pulling away from him.

“Hmm, your new look is very mysterious, I like it,” Trixie said after giving Reppamon an appraising look. “Though, it really feels like your tail is staring at me.”

“Too bad I can't ride on your head,” he joked, sitting on his haunches.

“No, but I can ride on you,” she teased, poking him on the side. “I bet it’d make for a good part of the act.”

“I haven't had much practice, you know.”

“We can always practice,” Trixie offered. “We are still hammering out details in the new act. And Alex can’t exactly perform as he is now, so we have plenty of time till our next show.”

“We’ll be back to normal in no time,” he replied, licking her cheek.

“I will be glad to have my favorite scarf back,” she said, straightening her ruffled fur.

“Oh is that all I am? An accessory?”

“Hey, an adorable accessory,” Trixie corrected, a massive grin on her face. He chuckled, licking her cheek again. “I’m gonna need a shower if you keep that up,” she told him, slicking her fur down again. He grinned, moving closer to do it again. “...I think I’m done trying to slick my fur back down. You’re only going to cause it to stand back up again with your fox slobber.” He chuckled, merely nuzzling her this time. “I’m very proud of what you did out there, even if I was terrified the whole time for your safety,” she told him, returning the nuzzle.

“I can't lie, I was terrified too, but I had to protect you.”

“You didn’t look scared at all,” Trixie told him. “And you fought that thing extremely fiercely.”

“I had to be tough, for you.”

“Oh you,” Trixie said, hugging Reppamon’s neck. “How did I get so lucky as to have a partner like you?”

“Being yourself,” he replied, grinning back at her.

“Someone’s trying to earn themselves extra treats when we get back to Ponyville,” Trixie teased, not releasing the hug.

“Is it working?”

“Lucky for you, I was planning on giving you extra treats even before you started buttering me up,” Trixie told him, petting his side. He smiled, leaning into her hoof.

“Man, if she keeps that up, Alex might get jealous,” Willy commented, smirking at the display.

“Nah, Alex isn't the type to get jealous,” Rico disagreed.

“Yeah, that’s more Isaac’s bag,” Willy admitted, turning his attention to Starlight happily hugging Ryudamon. Rico chuckled, shaking his head. “Hard to believe that someone could be so oblivious to someone else’s feelings,” he commented. “I mean, I actually think Isaac could wear an ‘I heart Starlight’ t-shirt and she still wouldn’t get the point.”

“She has a thick skull man, thicker than diamond.”

“Amen to that man,” Willy said with a chuckle. “How much you wanna bet she doesn’t get what he means the first time he tries confessing?”

“I'll put up fifty that she does.”

“You’re on.” The two of them shook on it, wearing identical smirks on their faces.

“I come here hoping to find Lord Lucemon and all I find are a bunch of bugs.” LadyDevimon glared at the changelings, making her way through their hive. She walked into the throne room, where Piedmon was sitting and waiting for her with a smile.

“Ah, LadyDevimon, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Piedmon greeted, giving her a seated bow.

“I don't believe we’ve met,” she replied, keeping a respectable distance between them.

“Perhaps not directly, but our master has informed me about you. And that includes his plans for you.”

“The only one I serve is Lord Lucemon,” she growled, baring her fangs.

“Who else do you think I’d be referring to?” Piedmon asked with a grin. “But if you do not wish to fill an empty seat on the seven, then the metaphorical door is that way,” he concluded and made a shooing motion.

“And who are you to speak for our great lord?!” she hissed, taking a step closer.

“Me?” Piedmon indicated himself with a manic grin. “Why, I am our lord’s hands in this world. I am the one that will facilitate his return. And I am the one that will ensure that he will not be locked away again!”

“i am supposed to simply believe you?” LadyDevimon glared. “I don't even know who you are?”

“I am Piedmon, greatest of the Dark Masters, and if you do not wish to help me with the performance I have planned, someone else can easily fill the role.”

She went quiet, staring into his eyes. “Fine, until Lord Lucemon has returned, I am at your disposal.”

“Excellent!” Piedmon clapped, rising to his feet. “You can start by getting acquainted with the insects. Go find Chrysalis, she's around here somewhere.”

“And why exactly do you want me getting acquainted with your little pets?” LadyDevimon asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

“That's for me to know and for you to find out. Now, begone with you,” he ordered, sitting back down. LadyDevimon muttered hatefully under her breath, but she complied all the same and left the throne room.

Piedmon reclined back in his throne, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Why can’t anything just be simple? I hope those two were able to complete their mission,” he muttered to himself. “I would hate to think that ShadowSeraphimon failed me.” A random drone scampered in and bowed.

“My lord… We have just received word from ShadowSeraphimon and Myotismon… They have… failed to capture the spirits.”

“I'm sorry, what was that?” Piedmon asked, leveling his gaze at the drone.

“Myotismon and ShadowSeraphimon… did not retrieve the water spirits,” the drone repeated, gulping.

Piedmon stared at him for few moments, a scowl forming on his face. “Clown Trick!” He threw his hand out, tossing a white sheet over the drone. He stepped over, rummaging around under the cloth until he found his prize, pulling out a changeling egg. The poor drone seemed perfectly aware of his plight, staring out at the clown in horror. “How many times do I have to tell you pathetic insects? I will not tolerate failure!”

“M-my lord, I am sorry!” the drone cried.

“Quiet!” Piedmon snapped, squeezing the egg, threatening to squish the poor guy. The drone stopped making any noise, cowering inside the egg. “Beg, you worthless excuse for a bug! Just maybe I'll take my wrath out on something else!”

“It was not us drones who failed you my lord,” the drone whimpered. “ShadowSeraphimon and Myotismon were the ones tasked with the spirit retrieval.”

“Chrysalis!” he boomed, rising to his feet.

“Yes, my lord!” Chrysalis shouted, rushing into the room. She bowed down and fought to keep a straight face as her child was tortured.

“Deal with this waste of space!” He sneered, tossing the egg at her. Chrysalis caught the egg, cradling it close to her as she left with a bow.

“It’s okay, your mother has you, my sweet,” she cooed, bringing the egg to her cheek.

“I-I’ve never been more scared in my life!” the drone whined.

“I know, honey, we’re all scared right now,” she told the drone, stroking the egg. “But I am working on a plan as we speak. We won’t have to be scared much longer.”

“Really?” he asked, looking up at her.

“My child, when have I ever lied to one of you?” she cooed, giving him a maternal smile to ease his worries.

He smiled back before frowning. “Um... mother?”

“What is it?” she asked, looking in his eyes.

“How long am I going to be stuck in here?”

“I am sure that it will not be much longer,” she assured him. “Until then, I am keeping a close eye on you.” He nodded, having complete trust in her.