• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 3,163 Views, 364 Comments

The Pie of my Eye - Azure_Shadow

Will Swift Justice be able to overcome his shyness and get the girl of his dreams without making a fool of himself? Probably not! Enter the Pie of my Eye!

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My Little Pick Up Artists Part 4: Morning in the Corner

Monday: 4 days before the dance

All was quiet in the decently sized bedroom. The floor, walls, TV, wooden dresser, bedside table, and single bed with a teenage sized lump in it were all barley visible with what little morning light trickled through the closed shudders. The only other light in the room came from the dim white numbers on the alarm clock sitting next to the bed that read six twenty nine. After a few seconds of dead silence in the room, the white number twenty nine changed to a thirty, a split millisecond of radio came on before the power button was pressed by a single finger. The lump in the bed shot up from under the large comforter it was wrapped in and pointed at the silent clock.

"Haha! Beat you again Mr. Ringaling! You gotta be quicker than that!" a perky female voice shouted at the inanimate object. The lump then jumped out of bed and in front of the shuttered window right next to it. A hand grasped the strings hanging next to the shudders as the lump yanked them downwards, allowing for the morning's first lights to flood the complete and utter disaster area that was the bedroom. It appeared as though a hurricane went through it as clothes, plush toys, gaming devices, books, magazines, and all other forms of miscellaneous objects crowded the floor around the bed, so much so that one wouldn't even know that there was pine green carpeting covering the floor. The lump opened up the window as she poked her head out of it and took a deep breath.


"ITS NOT EVEN SEVEN!! SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DAMN BITCH!!" a highly irritated male voice shouted from across the street.

" GOOD MORNING TO YOU TOO DUMBELL!!" The lump replied in a gleeful tone as she closed the window and turned to face her room. "I can just tell this is going to be a supertastic day!!" she chirped as she hopped across her minefield of a room, stepping on a few pairs of jeans and skirts and papers while somehow avoiding breakables like DVDs and sunglasses as she hoped over to the door that led to her bathroom. As she opened the door and stepped in barefoot, she felt her foot be overtaken by something with a wet and slimy texture. The lump raised her foot up to see that a small green alligator with purple eyes had put her whole foot in its maw. After looking at this for a moment, the lump giggled. "Good morning to you too Gummy!" She said as she reached out to the dresser next to the doorway to get her phone. Once she grabbed it, she snapped a picture of the animal before taking it off and setting it on the sink and opening a social networking site on her phone.

"Starting off the day by putting my best foot forward!" She exclaimed as she tagged the photo before posting it on her wall. She turned her phone off and tossed it onto her messed up bed as she faced the rectangular mirror that was above the sink as she gazed at the girl staring back at her. The girl in the mirror had straight, waist length magenta hair that obscured one of her sky blue eyes, and light pink skin. She grabbed a bright pink hair dryer laying on the sink and she plugged it into the wall socket as she turned the dial to max. It only took a few seconds of the hot air blowing machine flailing around the girl's head to make her strait hair reach max levels of frizzynes, making her hair look like a massive pile of magenta cotton candy. She took another look in the mirror as she made several faces, she was grinning ear to ear, gaped her mouth open and made a vampire-esqu pose, and finally, a sultry look, complete with hand on her hips, duck lips, and a shift in her eyebrows.

"Dayum guuuuuuuuurl, you lookin' fiiiiiiiine!" The lump's reflection stated as she gave her a smug grin.

"Aww....thanks other Pinkie! I didn't do anything special, you really mean it!?"

The other Pinkie nodded. "Ah do, Ah do! That shirt you're wearing looks reeeeeeeel nice!" the other Pinkie explained as she pointed at the white t-shirt Pinkie was wearing that had the image of what appeared to be two blond chibi twin characters on the front of it.

"You think so!? I got it at an anime convention last year! I think it looks really good on me!"

"It sure does." Pinkie's reflection agreed. "But you wanna know where ah think it'd look better?"

"Where?" Pinkie asked as she brought her ear up to the mirror as if whatever her reflection was going to tell her was a big secret. She pressed her ear against the glass as other Pinkie moved closer to her.

"Mah bedroom floor!!" the reflection whispered as she planted a kiss on Pinkie's ear. Pinkie was about to recoil, but the reflection reached through the mirror and grabbed the bottom of Pinkie's shirt, and was somehow able to pull it over her head and arms in one swift motion, leaving the party planning president wearing only her butterscotch yellow bra and panties. Pinkie cringed and took a step away from the mirror as her reflection waggled her eyebrows and twirled the shirt with her index finger.

"HEY!!" Pinkie yelled out as she balled her fists. She quickly took a step forward as her fist went through the mirror, which connected with the other Pinkie's cheek, causing her to let go of the shirt and fall to the ground unconscious. "That was a really mean thing to do other Pinkie!" the real Pinkie said as she grabbed Gummy off the sink and the shirt out of the air. Then holding Gummy in one arm and the shirt in another, Pinkie stomped back to the door to her bedroom before turning around to look into the bathroom once more and dropping the shirt into her dirty clothes hamper. "You know I don't swing that way in this fic!" Pinkie shouted as she slammed the door shut. She then carried Gummy over to the closet door across from her bed as she set the baby alligator down by the closet's entryway. "Let's see what I'll wear today!" she said as she threw open the door to the closet and running in, only to come out a split second later wearing a yellow polo shirt with dark brown kaki pants and suspenders. She looked herself over in the full length mirror that was attached to the closet door. "Hmm....a bit too cheesy for my tastes." Pinkie decided as she ran back into the closet, only to come out just as quickly, this time wearing a short-sleeve white shirt with a blue neckerchief, a blue mini skirt, knee high blue socks, and a brunette bowl cut wig.

" Gummy, what do you think of this?" Pinkie asked her pet as she turned to see he was wearing a light grey hoodie. The only form of movement Gummy gave was slowly blinking one eye. " I agree! this does look nice, but there's a time and place for cosplay, and now is not one of them." she stated plainly as she went back inside the closet, which was quickly followed by loud crashes, bangs, several zippers zipping and unzipping, (and for some reason a cat screeching.) until Pinkie once again emerged from the closet, wearing a large black fedora, an oversized blue hoodie with a heavy looking gold clock attached to a gold chain around her neck, extremely baggy black pants, and grey sneakers with red lines across the sides. "This outfit is tight dawg!!" she said with a giggle as she eyed herself in the mirror.

"You know, for someone who claims to 'not swing that way', you've been coming out of the closet a lot." her reflection joked as she grinned once more, only now she was missing a tooth.

" You better peace out other Pinkie! Or do you want a bloody nose to go with that missing tooth?" Pinkie threatened as she raised her fist to her double. The other Pinkie grimaced as she put her hands in front of her face.

"'Aight, Aight, I'll go!....Damn girl." the reflection muttered as she walked away from the mirror. Just as that was over, Pinkie heard a buzzing noise as she turned her attention to the phone on her bed.

1 msg from: Rainbow Dash

Hey Pinkie! We're all waiting for you downstairs, hurry up!!

"Oh jeez!" Pinkie ran back into the closet one more time, followed by even more crashing, banging, and cat shrieking as she hopped out wearing her normal heart t-shirt, blue cardigan, purple skirt, and sky blue boots. She grabbed her phone off the bed, and her book bag that was lying by her bedside as she was trying to get her one of her boots on. When she finally hopped to the door to the hallway, she turned her head back to face Gummy. "Bye Gummy! I'll see you after school! Don't eat my stuff while I'm gone!" she said as she closed the door to her room, leaving Gummy standing by her closet, only blinking every couple of seconds.

Pinkie dashed down the stairwell that connected the apartment that she lived in with the Cakes to their shop known as Sugar Cube Corner below. The stairway led to the back of the kitchen where the smell of freshly baked goods met Pinkie's nose as she hurried over to the door that connected the kitchen to the actual shop, running by a short blue skinned woman with pink hair not unlike her own. "Good morning Pinkie dear!" The woman called out to the teen as she started preparing the morning's batch of muffins.

"Morning Auntie Cake!!" Pinkie replied as she ran through the door to the shop. All the members of Pinkie's clique (she called them the humane 6 for some reason, Fluttershy seemed to like it.) were sitting on a couch at the far end of the room, all drinking coffee from to-go cups. The only other person that was in the shop was a lean yellow skinned man with orange hair wearing cream colored pants, a white dress shirt, a candy cane stripped tie to match his red and white hat, and a cream colored apron with a slice of cake on the front, and that was Pinkie's Uncle Cake, the co-owner of Sugar Cube Corner. Mr. Cake often allowed Pinkie's friends to come into the store early if they were meeting at her place, he even made them morning coffee to start the day. (provided they paid of course.) Pinkie ran over to her friends before plopping down next to Twilight, almost making her spill her coffee. "Hiya girls!!" Pinkie chirped as she hugged Twilight tightly, almost making her spill her coffee once more.

"H-ack H-hi Pinkie." Twilight chocked out.

"Morning Pinkie!" the rest of her friends save for Rarity said in unison.

"How've we all been doing?" Pinkie asked. "I haven't seen any of you since last week!"

Rainbow Dash was the first to answer. "I've been really busy, the members of the soccer team has been spending any free time they can practicing for the big competition against the Cloudsdale Crushers!"

Applejack shifted her eyebrow at her cyan skinned friend. "That annual soccer match thing? Isn't that like......a few months away?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Well yeah, but still! The Cloudsdale Crushers are one of the best teams in the state! You should've seen the way they played at states last year, they could've made nationals! I've been watching their games as of late on the internet, and trust me when I say we Wondercolts will need all the practice we can get if we hope to stand up to them this year. Not only that, but me and Fleetfoot will need to think up some killer strategies while we watch more of their games."

"Wow Rainbow, they sound pretty tough if ya and Fleetfoot are gunna join' forces to think up a way to beat em'. Ah thought y'all were one of those people who was all 'who needs strategy, just gun it!!'" Applejack explained.

" Honestly, that's how I usually am with other soccer teams." Rainbow Dash admitted. "But this is Cloudsdale! Their soccer team is killer! We need to show them what Canterlot's got, and why our soccer team is better then theirs!"

"Makes sense." Applejack stated plainly. "Mah weekend was borin' as all heck. All ah did was do work around the farm and study chemistry. Which for the life of me ah don't know when I'm ever gonna use it on the farm!" Applejack complained as she angrily took a slurp of her coffee. "And besides, it's not like Ah'm doin' that bad."

"AJ, what did you get in that last test?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's not important." Applejack deadpanned as she brought her Stetson down to her face.

"Just tell us Applejack! I'm sure it isn't that bad." Twilight assured the farm girl.

Applejack took a moment before speaking. "Ah....Ah got a fifty six."

Twilight nearly spit out her coffee as she looked at the cowgirl in shock. "WHAT!? Applejack, that's your second bad test grade in a row isn't it!?"

"Yeah it is." Applejack admitted as she slouched back on the couch. "But at least ah passed that one!"

"Yes, with a sixty eight!" Twilight said in a scolding tone.

"Ah know....ah know, Ah'm just not good with them molecular theories, joules and the like. It makes mah head spin. I wanna do well, but chemistry is tough ya know?"

" You know AJ, if you need help with chemistry, I'm at the top of my first period class. I'd be more than willing to tutor you!" Twilight offered.

"Really? You'd help me out with this Twi?"

"Of course! What are friends for?" Twilight replied.

"Well, if yer offerin', ah'd really appreciate any help ah can get."

"Alright then, we can start at study hall today, and then maybe after school I could come over to your place or vice versa, and we can study some more. Sound good to you?"

"Eeyup! That'll work just fine Twi! Thanks again!" Applejack said in a chipper tone, Twilight's help seeming to be a pick me up for her. "So aside from that, what else have ya girls been up to? Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy swollowed the sip of coffee she was drinking. "Oh, I didn't do much this weekend, I just volunteered at the animal shelter like I do most weekends, nothing special. How about you Rarity?" she asked as she looked at her purple haired fashionista friend. Rarity just glanced at Fluttershy as she took her cell phone out of her pocket and began typing rapidly, not saying a word.

"Hey Rares, Flutters asked you a question." Rainbow Dash stated as she narrowed her eyes at Rarity. She however, just kept typing on her phone. "What's up with you!?" The only reply Rainbow Dash got from her was her holding her finger up in a "wait a moment" position as she continued typing with her other hand. "You haven't said a word since we got here, what's the deal!?" Rainbow asked in a very agitated tone. Just as she finished her sentence, every girl's phone vibrated as they all checked their texts.

I'm afraid I had a dreadfully awful weekend girls, I couldn't speak a word since last week due to the incident at the Boutique!

Rarity had sent the girls a group text, Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity in confusion after reading it. "Incident? Why can't you speak Rares? Opal got your tounge?" Rarity shook her head as she started typing on her phone again.

Why don't you ask Pinkie?

As Pinkie finished reading the text, she looked up from her phone to see that Rarity was giving her a cold stare, and that the rest of her group had their eyes on her. Pinkie grinned sheepishly. "Weeeeeeeeeeelllllllll I may have kinda sorta by accident accidentally murdered two of Rarity's dresses with the Cake's dryer when I was going to return them but when I tried to apologize to her, she screamed so loud that it broke every window in her Boutique, set off the alarms of every car on the street, and caused a small treamor, but did I mention that I was sorry!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

Each of Pinkie's friends save for Rarity looked at her in awe in her loud spout of an explanation. Rainbow then turned her attention back to an unamused Rarity. "So.....that really happened Rares? You somehow performed a sonic screech? I thought breaking glass with your voice was only in cartoons and shit."

"Well if that's true, ah guess it'd explain the earth shakin' something fierce a few days ago." added Applejack.

Rarity nodded as she began typing again. Yes, and ever since I performed my.....admittedly earth shattering yell, my weekend was absolutely dreadful! I had to close my boutique so that the windows could be repaired, I needed to go to the clinic to get my throat checked, only to be told I couldn't speak until further notice! As if that wasn't terrible enough, I had a date with my dear boyfriend Clyde, to whom I couldn't utter a single word during our lunch. I had to text him everything I wanted to say, and I couldn't help but feel terribly rude! I'm lucky he's such an understanding boyfriend.

Pinkie looked at the text in bewilderment before looking back at Rarity. "Wait......RARITY, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?!?" she blurted out, to which Rarity nodded. "SINCE WHEN!?"

A few months ago darling. We met at the café by the mall one day and we really hit it off. I've spoken of him multiple times before, you should really pay attention Pinkie. He's very busy with the basketball team and his school work this week, but he will be escorting me to the dance on Friday, so you should be able to meet him then!

" I'm gonna meet your boyfriend and get a super awesome dress even after your freak out? This is going to be the greatest dance EEEEEVAAA!! Are you girls as nervouscited for this as I am!?!?" Pinkie asked, to which most of the girls. (Save for AJ) agreed.

OOH! That reminds me! Fluttershy, it's ready!!! Rarity texted as she zipped open her royal purple messenger bag next to her. She took out a rather thin packet of papers, couldn't have been more than five or so pages long, and handed it to the light pink haired girl next to her; her eyes practically lighting up as she gazed down at the packet.

"Oh goodness! This is the list Rarity? Oh my, I wasn't expecting a packet, a page or two maybe, but wow! Thank you!" Fluttershy said in awe as she flipped through the packet, reading off some of the names of the boys on the list.

It was nothing Fluttershy, I was more than happy to construct this list of potential suitors for you. In all actuality, making this list was a snap. All I did was cross reference some of these boy's online social web pages and what they did in and out of school to find which ones would be good for you. That being said, it would've been much harder if I didn't have my sources.

"Umm...If you don't mind me asking, who are your sources again Rariry?" Fluttershy asked without taking her eyes off the list.

Everyone. Rarity put plainly. I know most every lady in the grade, and many of them are either friends or former partners of many of the boys on the list. I only put down the boys who had the highest recommendation from the girls overall, plus factoring in things like your personal preferences so to not put the....unsavory or....playboy-ish ones. I've also taken the liberty of making the list of boys who haven't been asked, but that's a given.

"Wow, thank you Rarity! I didn't expect you to go through so much trouble doing this for me. Ooh! All these boys seem really nice, I wonder who I should ask!"

Actually Fluttershy if you don't mind, I have the perfect idea of who you could try asking! I'll show you whom it is once we get to school. Sound alright to you? I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.

"Oh sure Rarity. Ooh, now I'm really excited! I wonder who it could be." Fluttershy stated as she squeed a bit.

So girls, other than Fluttershy, how are your dance preparations coming along? Anyone need dress help from moi? Anyone decided who they're gonna be asking? Rarity typed with a look of excitement on her face.

"I've got everything ready!" declared Rainbow Dash. "I already have my dress, and what's going to be super awesome is that Thunderlane is going to be taking me to the dance on his motorcycle! Have you girls seen that thing!? Him and I are gonna look so badass pulling up to the dance in that, it's going to be the shit!!" she explained with great emphasis.

"Ah gotta go now thanks to Rainbow's message to Granny Smith. Ah guess I'll start thinking about who I'll go with." Applejack said with a sigh.

"I....think I may have an idea of who I want to ask." Twilight admitted sheepishly as Rainbow Dash shot her a grin; prompting her to blush a bit.

"I have absolutely no idea who I'm gonna ask!" Pinkie Pie proudly proclaimed. "But I do know this dance is gonna be WICKED!!!"

Hmm....no one besides me or Rainbow know who they're going to be attending the dance with. A tad disappointing, but this does certainly make things more interesting! Rarity typed as she got up and slung her bag over her shoulder. I believe we should leave for school now, it's almost 7:30,

The other girls all agreed as they picked up their bags and cups of coffee as they exited out the front door, Pinkie was about to leave the building, but quickly turned her head back to look at her uncle who had just picked up a pot of coffee.

"Oh, wait! Uncle Cake, can I have a cup of coffee before I-"

"NO!!" Mr. Cake and Pinkie's friends all exclaimed in unison before Mr. Cake spoke again.

"Umm I mean, you can't Pinkie, because....because...." Mr. Cake stalled as his eyes darted around the store before dropping the half full coffee pot he was holding, letting it hit the ground with a loud CRASH!!! and causing glass and hot coffee to spread across the floor. "Because I don't have a coffee pot! Whoops! Now you better get moving before you're late for school!" he explained as he gave Pinkie quite possibly the most nervous grin in human existence.

Pinkie blinked. "Ok Uncle Cake! I'll see you after school!" she said as she exited through the front door. When he was sure he was alone, Mr. Cake let out a loud sigh as went into the back of the store to get a mop, meeting his wife along the way. She looked down at his shoes and pants, which were stained brown before looking up to meet his eyes.

"Pinkie wanted a cup of coffee?" Mrs. Cake deadpanned.

"Yes dear." Mr. Cake replied plainly.

"I'll go get another pot from the closet." Mrs. Cake stated as she followed her husband to the back of the store.

Author's Note:

Who's Clyde you may ask? Well if you wanna know, check out my friend BRyeMC's fic "Amor Fati" to find out! He's a super awesome writer who was inspired by Pie of my Eye to write his own Mane 6 X OC Equestria Girls fanfic which also has Swift Justice as a cameo character every now and again! How awesome is that!? Also, thanks to him for letting me use his character Clyde in this fic! I couldn't think of anyone for Rarity to go with for the life of me.