• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 3,162 Views, 364 Comments

The Pie of my Eye - Azure_Shadow

Will Swift Justice be able to overcome his shyness and get the girl of his dreams without making a fool of himself? Probably not! Enter the Pie of my Eye!

  • ...

The Sleepover

It was a dark and quiet Saturday evening within the small city of Canterlot. Within a house in Canterlot, there was a mostly dark room, the only source of light coming from a television screen facing a bed, from which the Humane 6 were watching a movie.

“I’m super duper glad you were all able to come by for a sleepover! I think this is the first one we’ve had since Twilight showed up!” Pinkie said from the foot of her bed. The other girls were all sitting in front of her bed watching the movie, all of them with a similar look of fear on their faces.

“N-No problem Pinkie...t-this is really f-fun….” Fluttershy said shakily from under the blanket her and Twilight were sharing, the two were sitting on the floor cross legged as they held one another.

“Y-Yeah...I-It’s not every day you get to see a horror movie on payperview the day it comes out.” Twilight agreed as both her and Fluttershy kept their eyes on the screen. As the scene was going on, a female character was going down into the basement of an old mansion, walking around various shelves until coming across a doll. She stopped to look at it, only for the doll’s eyes to suddenly shoot open with a sinister child’s laugh playing in the background.

EEP!!” both Fluttershy and Twilight cried out as they both jumped and wrapped the blanket around themselves a little more.

“Heh...it’s just a doll darlings, a tad cliché for scary movies at this point, don’t you think?” Rarity asked as she watched the movie with a smile laced with fright. “I mean, come now girls, it wasn’t the least bit frightening.” she said as she reached into the bowl of pretzels that she had in her lap. After taking a generous handful, she quickly popped them into her mouth. She munched on them as she continued to watch the rest of the movie. Within the movie, the main character was walking past the doll, still looking a bit shocked by what she had just witnessed but was still moving forward. She looked around the disheveled basement more as she began to walk past a mannequin wearing an extremely old style dress. As the main character walked past, the mannequin suddenly lunged out at her, with its arms outstretched.

“AAAH!!’ Rarity squealed as she hopped slightly, causing the bowl of pretzels to jump out of the bowl and spill out on the floor. After her fright, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who were both sitting to her right gave her raised eyebrows.

“Really Rarity? That scared you?” Rainbow Dash asked in a surprised manner.

“YES! I mean, did you not see that dress on the mannequin? That dress was so old and horridly designed! UUGH!! I think I’m going to have nightmares.” Rarity whined as she slocked back to the bed.

“Y’all are over reacting. This movie ain’t that scary at all.” Applejack said as she continued watching the movie with a stone cold face.

“Yeah, this movie is child’s play!” Rainbow piqued in.

“Oh I wish this was Child’s Play, at least that movie doesn’t have the most abhorred dress in all of cinema in it!” Rarity said aloud as she looked away from the screen, scared of seeing the horrible dress again.

“Please, that there wasn’t scary in the slightest.” Applejack deadpanned as she glanced at Rarity with an uninterested look.

“Yeah Rares, that was like something out of a B-tier horror movie.” Rainbow said as she looked at Rarity. As her and Applejack looked back at the TV screen, a horribly disfigured face popped up in the front of the scream with a murderous yell.

EEEEEEEEKKKK!!!” every girl in the room sans Pinkie screamed at the top of their lungs. Twilight and Fluttershy hugged each other in fear, Rarity threw the bowl of pretzels up in the air, spilling them everywhere. Rainbow and Applejack both jumped slightly, with clear looks of fright on their faces. Pinkie kept watching the movie intently as she grabbed a fistful of pretzels out of the air from when Rarity threw them and stuffed them into her mouth.

“Hehehe, watching you guys react to the movie is funner than watching the actual movie!” Pinkie chirped as she chewed on pretzels.

“Jesus..” Rainbow Dash groaned, trying to catch her breath. “Freaking jumpscares…”

“Uugh..screw the jump scare, y’all screamin’ bloody murder was what scared the bejeezus outta me.” Applejack said, shortly after giving a slight chuckle. “Heh, how you girls holdin’ up?”

“I-I’m fine darlings…” Rarity said while calming her nerves. “How are you two do-pfft..” Rarity chuckled a little as she looked over to Fluttershy and Twilight. Both were wrapped up in the large blanket they had, and Fluttershy was holding Twilight in a death hug of fear with her cheeks pushing against Twilight’s, like holding onto her meant the difference between life and death.

“I-I’m okay…” Twilight said as best she could due to how closely Fluttershy was holding her. “F-Fluttershy, would you like to let go?”

“N-No, I’m good Twilight.” Fluttershy said in a fearful manner as she kept hugging Twilight tightly.

“Umm, maybe we should watch somethin’ else, ya know, before Fluttershy accidentally crushes Twilight.” Applejack suggested.

“N..no, it’s fine Applejack...I can survi-AACK!!” Twilight choked out as another scary scene occurred in the movie, which caused Fluttershy to strengthen her grip on the lavender bookworm. “O...Okay...I’m up to watching something different...anyone else?”

Twilight’s question was met with a range of “uh-huh’s” from the other girls before they quickly swapped in another movie; the sequel movie to the the smash hit Power League movie a few years ago. It was a superhero movie that starred characters such as Mistress Marvelous, Zap, and the Masked Matter Horn among other heroes. The movie was mainly about them fighting off an evil cyborg robot who was trying to do what you may ask? Take over the world.

“OF COURSE!!” Pinkie Pie shouted as the movie played, earning her questioning looks from her friends. “Sorry, it needed to be said.” she explained as her and the rest of the girls turned their attention back to the film. The girls sat in silence for the duration of the film, watching the struggle of the heroes teaming up with new heroes for the first time as well as fighting the cyborg robot as well as its army of other robots. After some impressive story and action sequences, the heroes were able to defeat the cyborg robot and make its body explode. The movie ended with the usual ending scenes of everything being alright in the world, and a dark shadow appearing in the distance at the very last part, teasing the next movie in the series before the credits rolled.

“Well...I liked that movie a lot better than the last one.” Fluttershy said with an awkward chuckle.

“Yeah, I think I’m inclined to agree with you there Fluttershy.” Twilight said with her own small laugh.

“Some of those bits in the movie were insane! How cool was the scene where Zap created a giant thunderstorm just to fight the first robot!?” Rainbow Dash asked excitedly as she started punching the air. “She sucked it up into a tornado, just to kick it back down to the ground! That was so fucking awesome!!!”

“Yes, that was quite an impressive action sequence Rainbow, though I’d say that Lady Radiance was the best hero in my eyes.” said Rarity. “I mean, being a hero and running a multi-million dollar fashion label? That’s no easy feat, she's amazing! That, and all the outfits she wore in the movie were superbly chic!!”

“Ah agree with Rainbow, seeing all of the action was really somethin’, ‘specially with all of Marvelous’ nifty lasso moves and brawlin’, she’s the kind of hero ah’d wanna be!” Applejack stated confidently as she pointed to herself with her thumb.

“I thought the movie was super groovy!! My favorite part was seeing Double Diamond without his shirt on!!” Pinkie piqued in happily.

“He umm...he is really cute..and buff.” Fluttershy acknowledged happily as she blushed at the memory of the young adult actor and his six pack.

Yeah…” all of the other girls agreed, all of them happily accepting the image that Fluttershy put in her head.

“So umm...what should we do now? I mean, I’m sort of new to the whole sleep over thing.” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Hmm..well...it’s mighty close to midnight, ah can’t really think of anything else to do.” Applejack stated. “Maybe we should just turn in for the night?”

“WHAT!?” Pinkie blurted out as she jumped out of her bed and landed right in front of Applejack. “Are you loco in the coco Jackie!?”

“Jackie?” Applejack asked in minor confusion at the new nickname.

“It’s the middle of the night! And we’re six teenage girls in a room alone together after a long and eventful week of school! You want us to just turn in!?” Pinkie asked. Applejack opened her mouth to say something else, but Pinkie quickly put her hand over the farm girl’s pie hole. “NO! We need to do something wild! Something crazy! Something fun!”

“Alright Pinkie, I’ll bite, what do you have in mind?” Rainbow asked her pink haired friend.

“I have no idea!!” Pinkie cheerfully exclaimed, to which Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

“Ooooookay, anyone else have any ideas?” Rainbow asked as she looked to Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight, the last of whom was looking through something on her phone. “Any thoughts Twilight?”

Twilight raised her head to Rainbow. “Hm? Oh, right. For a sleepover? I don’t think we should do anything too wild and crazy, I mean, Pinkie’s aunt and uncle are just downstairs with the twins, so I imagine we couldn’t be too loud.” Twilight started murmuring to herself until her eyes shot open. “Oh! I know! How about a game of truth or dare? I’ve always wanted to try that game.”

“I think it’s a marvelous idea darling.” Rarity said with a nod.

“Eh, a good of an idea as any.” Applejack shrugged.

“Sure, sounds like it could be fun.” Rainbow also said with a shrug,

“Alrighty!! Let’s go through it!!” Pinkie proclaimed as the girls got into a circle. After explaining the simple concept to Twilight, the girls began.

“Alright, I'll start us off.” Rainbow said. “Applejack! Truth or dare!?”

“Truth ah suppose.”

“Okay...well then, if you had to choose between wrestling a hog in the mud, or be on a fashion runway, what would it be?” Rainbow questioned.

“Wrestle the hog, anytime.” Applejack said with no hesitation whatsoever. Rarity gave her a surprised look.

“Really Applejack? You’d rather become all filthy than be seen by a large room full of people acknowledging your beauty?” Rarity asked.

“Yup, ah’m not one fer lookin’ pretty in a dress, and besides, have y’all ever wrestled a hog? It’s a hoot and a half! Always a popular game at the family reunion!” Applejack said with a laugh.

“I’ll take your word for it darling.” Rarity muttered.

“Anyways, mah turn. Hmm….ah...Pinkie!”

“Applejack!!” Pinkie chirped in reply. “Truth!!”

“Okay then,” Applejack said as she got a devilish grin. “Have y’all ever looked at another girl and thought to yerself ‘Wow, ah’d tap dat?'” she asked, to which the other girls looked towards Pinkie expectantly. Pinkie stayed quiet for a few second before answering.

“Yup! Sure have!” Pinkie chirped with a quick nod of the head, which led to a majority of the girls’ eyes to widen in surprise.

“Woah, seriously Pinkie? Who?” Rainbow asked in surprise.

“I ain’t telling!” Pinkie answered, to which her rainbow haired friend flattened her brow.

“Was it Sunset Shimmer?” Fluttershy asked suddenly, causing everyone to turn their attention to her, which prevented them from seeing Pinkie’s smug grin quickly shift into a look of surprise. Fluttershy glanced around at the girls before hiding her face behind her hair. “W-What? If it had to be any girl based on appearance… I’d guess her....”

“Who’s Sunset Shimmer?” Twilight asked.

“Former 'Alpha Bitch' of Canterlot High, during the Fall Formal, which was actually the week before you moved here, we had the entire school band together to toss her off of her high horse, and now she’s just another student here, nothing more, nothing less.” Rainbow explained. “I’ve seen her around the school since then, but whenever we see each other, she just walks off, or goes quiet.”

“I’ve tried talking to her...but I’ve never really...worked up the courage to do so.” Fluttershy muttered quietly.

“Sunset Shimmer….” Twilight repeated the name. “Is she the girl with red and yellow hair, always wears a leather jacket?”

“Eeyup, that’s her.” Applejack answered.

“I’ve never spoken to her, but almost every time we see each other, she always gives me the stink eye..” Twilight explained, which caused the other girls to exchange nervous glances.

“Eh, who knows with that girl, it’s probably her just being bitter about not being the queen bee anymore, you’re fine.” Rainbow tried assuring Twilight.

“Yeah...but still, I think it’s sad that none of us have really been able to reach out to her, I know what it’s like to be lonely...it isn’t great…” Fluttershy said in a sorrowful tone.

“Well it’s not like she doesn’t have any friends.” Pinkie pointed out. “I’ve seen her hanging out with Trixie Lulamoon and Gilda Griffins a lot! They seem to get along well.”

“Well...ah suppose so, anyways, we’re gettin’ off track, Pinkie it’s yer turn.”

“Oh! Right! Hmmm….Ah...hmmm...Oh! I know! Dashie!” Pinkie exclaimed as she pointed to Rainbow.

“Gimmie a dare Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash ordered.

“I know! You know how my sister Maud is visiting us ‘cause she’s on college break right?” Pinkie asked, to which Rainbow nodded. “Weeeell...she’s in the room at the far end of the hall sleeping, so, for your dare, you need to sneak into her room, find her pet rock Boulder, and kiss it for ten seconds!!”

“Her pet rock? Umm….okay, where does she keep it?” Rainbow asked.

“She always keeps Boulder really really close to her! So look on her bed or something!!” Pinkie suggested. With that, Rainbow Dash krept out of Pinkie’s room and into the dark hallway, with the other girls shadowing her. She crawled along the floor quietly until she reached the absolute end of the hallway where the guest room was.Rainbow slowly opened the door and looked in to see that Pinkie’s sister was sleeping in a bed at the corner of the room, it was easy to see due to light entering the room through a window. Rainbow looked back to see the other girls were behind here, with Pinkie, AJ, and Rarity all making ‘go on.’ motions to her. Rainbow nodded as she crept into the room silently, crawling on her belly until she made her way to the bedside. She stood on her knees to look at Pinkie’s older sister; a woman with light grey skin and shoulder length straight purple hair that was wearing a purple tank top.

“Alright, that’s Maud, now where’s Boulder?” Rainbow quietly murmured to herself as she looked on the nightstand next to the bed and the area surrounding the bed. “Where the hell is that stupid thi-...oh..” Dash said as she looked glanced at Maud’s chest, where a small rock was nestled within the elder Pie sibling’s cleavage.

Woah...looks like Maud doesn’t just have one boulder. Rainbow thought to herself. She looked back to see that the other girls were watching her from the doorway, eager to see if Dash would actually do the deed. Rainbow turned her head back as she slowly reached for the small rock, gently grabbing it with the tips of her fingers before yanking it out quickly, like a band-aid. With Boulder now in her fingers, Rainbow turned back to the girls and blushed. She glanced down to the rock and without further adu, pressed it to her lips, her blushing growing stronger as the rock was still warm from before. Rainbow kept kissing it, mentally counting down how much time was left until she had to stop. She reached two before seeing that the other’s faces all had a look of shock on their faces, Rainbow wondered what it could be until she felt someone tap on her shoulder from behind. Rainbow looked over her shoulder to see that Maud was awake, and giving her a neutral expression. Dash completely turned around to face Maud before she stopped kissing Boulder.

“I think you have something that belongs to me.” Maud said in a dull tone as she pointed to Boulder.

“Hehehe...that I do…” Rainbow said sheepishly as she looked from side to side of the room. She gave an awkward chuckle before returning Boulder to his previous resting place. “T-There you go...goodnight…” Rainbow said, and with that, she ran out of the room, leaving only Maud and Boulder.

“Goodnight.” Maud said back to Dash before glancing down at the rock in her cleavage. “You’re right Boulder, Pinkie has weird friends.” she said before shifting to face the other side of the room and going back to sleep. As she fell asleep once more, the girls retreated back into Pinkie’s room and quickly shut the door.

“Hehehe...well ah’d say that this is gonna be a sleepover to remember.” Applejack said with a chuckle as she glanced at a still blushing Rainbow Dash.

”Yeah, whatever, dammit that was the weirdest thing I’ve ever done.” Rainbow groaned.

“Heh, don’t worry darling, it’s over now.” Rarity told Rainbow. “Now, shall we continue our game? I believe we should each be asked something at least once.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Rainbow agreed. “Hey Flutters! Truth or dare?”

“Oh u-umm..truth please, I don’t do very well with dares.” Fluttershy said, slightly worried about whatever her cyan skinned friends was about to ask her.

“Okay...if you had to date any one of us, who’d it be?” Rainbow asked with a devilish grin of delight. Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she gulped.

“O-Oh my...that’s quite a question Rainbow...w-well...I-I don’t know...you know you’re all my very best friends...I’m just...not sure if I could choose.” Fluttershy stuttered, clearly uncomfortable with the question she was asked.

“It’s alright darling, you don’t have to answer the question if you don’t want to, and if you do choose to answer it, none of us will be offended.” Rarity promised her pink haired friend.

“Come on Rares! Answering the question is like, the whole point of the game!” Rainbow pointed out with a groan, which earned her a sharp glare from Rarity.

“N-No, Rainbow is right.” Fluttershy said with a nod. “W-Well...I guess if I had to choose one of you...it’d probably be Applejack.” she answered, to which the aforementioned cowgirl blinked in surprise.

“R-Really?” Applejack asked, to which Fluttershy nodded.

“Well..I mean, you do have the qualities of a guy I’d like; you’re strong, honest, down to earth, kind, and you like animals, any person with at least half of those qualities would be okay for me, but someone with all of those qualities would be a real catch in my book. If I was...or if you were a guy, I’d date you.” Fluttershy admitted quietly, still slightly embarrassed about her answer.

“Heh, well shucks Fluttershy, ah’m touched! That’s nice ta know, ah’d date ya too if we weren’t already close friends, and if one of us were guys.” Applejack said with a smile, putting some of Fluttershy’s weariness at ease. “Now it’s yer turn Flutters.”

“Oh umm...alright, who hasn’t gone yet…” Fluttershy asked herself as she looked through all of her friends, with her eyes eventually resting on Rarity.

“Hehe, is it finally my turn darling?” Rarity asked as her eyes met Fluttershy’s.

“Umm..yes, if you’d like to go that is.”

“Of course darling! I’m feeling a tad adventurous today, so how about a dare?” Rarity suggested.

“Okay..let me think for a moment.” Fluttershy said as she put her hand to her chin, pondering what sort of dare she’d have her friend go through. Eventually, her eyes lit up as she came up with an idea. “Oh, I know! Rarity...I dare you to let Applejack apply makeup to you!!” she exclaimed, to which some of the girls went ‘Ooooh’

Rarity’s smile faltered for a moment before returning. “Oh? Is that all? I’m sure that won’t be so ba-”

While she’s wearing a blindfold!” Fluttershy added in, which caused Rarity’s smile to go away once more. The fashionista looked around to see that all of her friends were looking at her with varying levels of amusement, namely Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“I-Is that all darling?” Rarity asked, attempting to re-establish her composure. “Why, if that’s all there is to it, then I don’t see any problems with it.”

“Well that’s good Rarity, cause I just pulled out the makeup kit!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she dropped a large cube with a handle right next to Applejack and began setting up. She put a bunch of different make up supplies in front of Rarity before tying a bandanna around Applejack’s eyes.

“Well Rares, are ya ready ta look all pretty?” Applejack asked Rarity as she picked up some lipstick and brought it close to her face.

Rarity gulped. “Y-Yes...I suppose so…” she said as she watched in horror while her friend was bringing the lipstick up to her face.

N-No! Stop!! That’s not my shaaaaaaaaaaade!!!!


“Just a little more of these here...ah think it’s eyeshadow.” Applejack said as she applied something on Rarity's face.

“Yup! It’s eyeshadow!” Pinkie informed her.

“Alright, that should just about do it then!” Applejack said as she took the blindfold off to gaze at her handiwork., her lips quickly puckering as she put her hand to her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh.

“Yes, yes, I’m sure I look quite hilarious right now. Let me just get it over with and see what I look ki-” Rarity stopped as she looked into her pocket mirror. She was horrified the moment she looked at her reflection; a very light pink lipstick smeared all over her mouth, blush all over her cheeks that made her look like she had a fever, complete with such an over-abundance of eyeshadow that it made her look like she had two black eyes. “Well...this is....about what I expected, maybe a bit better.”

“Heh, really?” Applejack asked with a chuckle.

“To be honest, I expected to look more like an expressionist painting than this, but for what it’s worth, it’s not as bad as I expected.” Rarity said as she closed her mirror. “Well, I suppose I should go wash this off.”

“Not yet Rarity!!” Pinkie Pie said from behind the fashionista.

“Why ever not Pi-” Rarity said as she was turning around.


“First of all, I wanted a picture!” Pinkie Pie said as she stuffed the camera she was holding back into her hair. “Second of all, you need to ask someone a question, or give them a dare!”

“Oh, that’s right. Hmm...who hasn’t gone yet..” Rarity asked as she looked at each of her friends, eventually looking at Twilight, who was sitting right across from her. “Ah! Twilight! Truth or dare darling?”

“Umm...I think I’ll just go for truth right now.” Twilight answered sheepishly.

“Very well darling...hmm...what do you think it the most attractive part of your body?” Rarity asked, to which Twilight blushed a bit.


“You heard me darling! What part of your body do you think you could use to make the boys go crazy?” Rarity asked as she winked at Twilight.

“W-Well...I’m not really sure, I’ve never counted myself as being able to ‘make the boys go crazy.’.” Twilight explained.

“Well every girl has something like that darling! For instance, I’ve got beautifully sculpted face, pristine hair, not to mention my voluptuous figure, Applejack has her muscular physique that many young men appreciates, and Pinkie..well...Pinkie is particularly gifted in her..*ahem* bosom.”

“I sure am!” Pinkie agreed as she proudly puffed her chest out.

“Well, all those sweets have to go somewhere, don’t they darling?” Rarity jokingly asked as she prodded Pinkie’s slightly doughy side.

“Hey! Rarity! That tickles!” Pinkie giggled as she covered the part of her body that Rarity poked.

“So Twilight, darling, what do you think is your most attractive feature?” Rarity asked again. Twilight took a moment to think about Rarity’s question, putting a finger to her chin.

“Well...Cadance and I talked about this sort of thing once...she said that I have a nice rear.” Twilight answered sheepishly.

“Oh? Is that so?” Rarity asked.

“Well..I’m not really sure, I haven’t really judged my own ass, i mean, come on, it’s an ass.” Twilight explained as she turned around and stood up, showing off her black shorts-clad butt.

“Hm, ah agree with yer sis-in-law.” Applejack said. “It looks good ta me.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty good.” Rainbow agreed.

“I think it’s nice.” Fluttershy said quietly, feeling slightly awkward for judging her friend’s rear end.

“Super groovy!”

“Quite a nice tushy.”

“Umm...thanks girls.” Twilight said awkwardly as she sat back down. “So umm...should I ask someone something now? or are we done? or what?”

“I suppose we could keep playing this game for a while, I’m not tired yet.” Fluttershy said, to which their other friends agreed and nodded, deciding to spend some more time playing truth or dare.


After about an hour or so of playing truth or dare, the girls finally decided to turn in for the night. It was now dark inside Pinkie’s bedroom, all of the girls were asleep in sleeping bags except Pinkie, who was sleeping in her own bed. The room was dark, the only noises audible were the sounds of the girls tossing and turning in their sleeping bags. As all was mostly quiet, one of the girls was tossing and turning restlessly. after tossing and turning for a while, Twilight quietly groaned.

“Ugh...I can't sleep.” Twilight muttered under her breath, internally cursing Pinkie for giving her so many sugary snacks during the night, now she still felt wide awake even at three in the morning. Seeing little to do in her current situation, Twilight removed her arm out from under her pillow and reached for her phone that was plugged into the wall. After entering the passcode, she did nothing save for glancing through her near empty MyStable account page that Pinkie made her get, and read through the feed uninterested in many of their topics. After that, she glanced through some random internet pages, nothing really of interest there either. Sighing, Twilight glanced around to see the otherwise quiet room, completely bored out of her socket.

“I hate it when I can’t sleep.” Twilight whispered to herself as she looked at her phone again. She stared at the home screen for a few moments before glancing at one of the apps on it, the photo album app. Quickly, Twilight opened the app and went through the album to a familiar picture, to which she quickly enlarged to fit her entire phone’s screen. The picture was taken by Rarity back at the dance the day before, it was of Twilight and Swift during their slow dance near the end. Swift had his arms wrapped around Twilight’s waist, and she had her arms around his neck. The two were looking at one another eye to eye, Swift had a soft smile on his face along with a slight blush on his cheeks. Twilight too was smiling, only her blush was much easier to see as her cheeks were much pinker than Swift’s. Twilight sighed a little as she stared at the picture. Rarity sent it to her shortly after the dance as a little memento of the night her and Swift shared together, and she loved it, she loved it enough to take glances at it every now and again through the day, even just looking at it made her feel warm inside. While Twilight was looking at the picture, she heard the sound of a sleeping bag moving slowly in her direction, she glanced over her shoulder to see that Fluttershy was close to her.

“Oh umm..hi Twilight.” Fluttershy whispered quietly as she came closer to Twilight.

“Hey Fluttershy, couldn’t sleep either huh?” Twilight asked as Fluttershy inched up next to her.

“No, not really, I think I had too much grape soda.” Fluttershy said with a slight giggle.

“Heh, that makes two of us.” Twilight whispered with a smile.

“So umm..what are you looking at? I mean...if you’re alright with me asking.”

“Oh umm...it’s nothing, I was just...looking at a picture Rarity sent me from the dance.” Twilight said sheepishly as she showed the picture to Fluttershy.

“Oh, how did you get that?”

“Rarity sent it to me after the dance, needless to say I was pretty happy getting it.” Twilight answered.

“Is that the reason why you checked your phone every now and again during the sleepover?” Fluttershy asked, to which Twilight sheepishly scratched the back of her head.

“Hehehe...yeah...it kind of is.” Twilight said somewhat guiltily. “Umm...Fluttershy, do you think this is weird? I feel like I’ve been talking about Swift a bit too much, more than I should anyways.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I don’t think it’s weird at all Twilight, it’s only natural. I mean, you like Swift, and you just had a wonderful night with him at the dance, it’s completely normal for you to talk about him since it went so well. Rarity does the same thing, before she got together with Clyde, all she talked about were her dresses, fashion, the occasional bit of school gossip, and of course, all of the cute boys in Canterlot.” she said with a chuckle.

“Heh, really?”

“Oh yes, she would go on and on about all the boys in school, how cute Trenderhoof looked wearing fall fashion, how she really liked Thunderbass’s bad boy attitude, Normal Norman and his simple charm, and Big Mac of course, who doesn’t need any explanation as far as I’m concerned.” Fluttershy said to which Twilight nodded. “Anyways, that went on until she began going out with Clyde, and even then, whenever it’s just us, or with the rest of the girls, she talks about him a lot. ‘He’s so considerate! Such a gentleman! I care for him so dearly!’, sound familiar?”

“Yeah, come to think of it, Rarity does talk about her boyfriend a lot.” Twilight agreed.

“Mmhmm, and that’s perfectly fine, it shows how much she cares about him, I for one think it’s cute. It’s the same with you and Swift, Twilight.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Y-You think Swift and I are cute?” Twilight asked.

“Mmhmm, I think you two would go well together, I mean, you’re really nice, and he seems really nice. I saw you two at the dance when you were slow dancing, If I didn’t know you, I would’ve guessed that you were a couple.” Fluttershy explained, to which Twilight blushed a little.

“Really? That’s nice to know.” Twilight said, not being able to hide the grin on her face.

“I really do hope the two of you get together. It’d be really cute.” Fluttershy said matter of factly.

“Yeah, I hope it would be. Hey Fluttershy, do you have any ideas as to what I should do regarding getting Swift to notice me? I’ve listened to what the other girls have to say, but not you.”

“Oh..well if you want my honest opinion, I think you should do what Rainbow said and just try asking him out on a date! I mean, that worked when you asked him to the dance, didn’t it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, it did.” Twilight acknowledged. “So maybe if I just actually ask him out, on an actual date, maybe that would work.”

“I don’t see why it shouldn’t, I mean, If I can ask a boy on a date, you definitely could.”

“Yeah, that was great that you were able to ask Big Mac to the date Fluttershy.”

“Umm...it wasn’t just the date to the dance…” Fluttershy said with a sheepish smile on her face. Twilight blinked in confusion as Fluttershy continued. “After the dance, I kind of asked him if he wanted to maybe go see a movie with me sometime, and he said yes!!” Fluttershy explained excitedly, to which Twilight gasped.

“Fluttershy, that’s amazing!!” Twilight said as she brought the pink haired animal lover into a one armed hug.

‘It’s thanks to you Twilight, I wasn’t sure about asking a boy out to the dance until I saw how determined you were to go with Swift, now that I asked Big Mac once before and spent the night with him, asking him again just felt easier.” Fluttershy said excitedly. “So umm..if you want my advice, I’d say go for it, I know you can do it.” she said as she gave Twilight a supportive smile.

“Thanks Fluttershy that means a lot.” Twilight said with a smile. “Let’s both try our hardest with our guys.” she said, feeling slightly awkward yet giddy for calling Swift ‘her guy’.

“Oh yes, maybe one day we could even have a double date!” Fluttershy suggested excitedly.

“That sounds wonderful Fluttershy, I’m sure we could do that.” Twilight agreed.

“Well...I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try heading back to bed. Goodnight Twilight, see you in the morning.” Fluttershy said as she started inching away from Twilight to give her some sleeping space.

“You too Fluttershy, goodnight.” Twilight said as she turned off her cell phone and put it down. Twilight rested her head back onto her pillow as she closed her eyes, trying to lull herself off to dreamland with the conversation she had with Fluttershy still fresh in her mind.

I will try, I’ll try as hard as I can.