• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 3,163 Views, 364 Comments

The Pie of my Eye - Azure_Shadow

Will Swift Justice be able to overcome his shyness and get the girl of his dreams without making a fool of himself? Probably not! Enter the Pie of my Eye!

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My Little Pick Up Artists: Part 1

Canterlot High Cafeteria
Monday, 12:17pm

Flash Sentry, Swift Justice, and Thunderlane were sitting at a small table in the cafeteria.where they were all eating what was actually food, and not normal cafeteria garbage. Swift was utterly demolishing a turkey sub while the other two gave him questioning looks.

"Dude slow down, you'll eat your hand if you keep going that fast." Thunderlane said as he took a sip of his iced tea. Swift gave him a nod with a muffled mhmmf before swallowing the mass of food he was eating.

"Mmf, gulp Sorry Thunderlane, I'm just freaking out a bit." Swift replied as he stuffed the other half of his sandwich down his throat.

"You've been really quiet today, what's up Swift?" asked Flash; who seemed as if he knew what was troubling his friend.

"I have a big oral report in history class next period, and I'm super worried about it!"

The smirk that Flash had quickly turned to a look of confusion, but before he could speak Thunderlane spoke up again.

"What teacher?"


Thunderlane's face turned sour at the mention of quite possibly his least favorite teacher. "Oooh, that sucks man, she's tough."

" I know right? It's bad enough I have to speak in front of the whole class, but trying to not look at her with that medusa stare of hers is hard. That look can turn anyone to stone."

"Yeah man, the only teacher worse than Ms. Harshwhinny is Coach Iron Will." Thunderlane said with a chuckle.

"Oh god yes, doesn't he hunt down students who try to cut gym?" asked Swift, to which Thunderlane replied with a nod.

"Wait, Wait, Wait." said Flash as he held his hand up in front of them. " That's why you're nervous? I thought It was because of the dance coming up."

"The dance? I think I'm more excited than worried about that. With all the stuff we've been doing in the committee, I'm really looking forward to the dance."

"I've been meaning to ask about that, how has being in the party planning committee been?" asked Flash

"It's been really cool. Granted it was a bit boring near the beginning of the planning with just deciding where everything was going to be set up and how, but as it went on it got more exciting. We''re gonna set up a photo booth, Mr. Cheese broke out a huge disco ball that he had from before, and Vinyl Scratch is going to be the DJ for the whole night! I actually think we blew most of our budget for the sound system Vinyl brought in. In addition to the regular sound stuff, Vinyl got her hands on these massive speakers that she's gonna put up on the stage with her. I swear those things are twice as big as me!"

"Wait, you mean like the ones they use in concerts? How did she get her hands on those?" inquired Flash.

"I dunno, She said she knows a guy." Swift replied with a shrug. Both friends exchanged nervous glances as Swift continued. "So speaking of the dance, either of you guys know if you'll be going yet?"

Thunderlane gave Swift a shrug as he slouched back in his chair. "Nah not yet, but I have nothing better to do Friday, so if a girl asks me I'll go. How about you Flashy boy?"

"I really wish you'd stop calling me that." said Flash with a sigh. "But actually, two girls already asked me; Cloudkicker and Roseluck."

"That's awesome man! So who are you gonna go with?" asked Swift.

"Well......I don't know yet." said Flash as he gave a nervous chuckle. " I'm actually waiting to see if someone else would...ask..me." he continued as his eyes started opening a bit wider. Swift looked over his shoulder to the rest of the Cafeteria where Flash was staring at. Swift saw that Twilight Sparkle had just entered the cafeteria. She walked over to the area where the food was being served. After she had payed for her food, she glanced over to where the three young men were sitting. Flash and Swift both waved to her while Thunderlane just gave her a simple head nod. She smiled at them and gave a small wave in reply as she started to walk towards them. She only took about three steps before stopping dead in her tracks a few feet away from the table. She shifted her gaze from the guys and her lunch tray a few times before she said something under her breath and did a heel turn to walk to the other side of the cafeteria where her friends were sitting sans Pinkie.

"Hm, I wonder what that was about?" Swift said as he watched Twilight walk over to her friends.

"Yeah, I wonder." Thunderlane said sarcastically as he glanced at his friend.


Twilight walked over to where her friends were sitting in the cafeteria and sat in between Rarity and Fluttershy. She had a frustrated look on her face as she stared down at her food. Rarity and Fluttershy looked at her in concern while Rainbow Dash and Applejack didn't lift their respective gazes from the table. Both girls were still clearly on ends about what each one said to the other a week prior, only ever giving the other the occasional quick glance.

"Twilight darling, what was that about?" asked Rarity.

"It...sigh...It was nothing Rarity." Twilight said in a very indifferent manner.

"It certainly doesn't sound like nothing to me." Rarity said as she looked over to the direction in which Twilight was initially going towards to see the three young men sitting by a table talking about who knows what. She turned to give Twilight a knowing grin. "Oh...this "nothing" wouldn't have to do with any of the boys sitting over there, would it darling?"

Twilight didn't respond herself, but the appearance of a slight blush on her cheeks was all the fashionista needed to see, she chuckled to herself as she began to speak again. "Oh come now Twilight, there's no need to by shy. We're all friends here! You were about to ask one of those boys to the dance! Weren't you!?" Twilight gave a small nod to Rarity as she continued. " All three of them are fine looking young men, which one tickles your fancy darling?"

"W-Well, I kinda-"

" I seem to recall you saying you've been enjoying Swift Justice's company in first period since you've arrived here. Like I've said before, our sisters are close friends so I know him a bit more than the other two. He seems to be a bit of a bookworm himself as I've seen him in the school library reading some book or another on more than one occasion. He's a bit reserved as far as I can tell, but I also know for a fact that he's very kind. Smart, bookish and kind, I'd say he'd be a good match for you Twilight."

"Yeah, he seems....nice." replied Twilight with a small smile as Rarity continued with her rundown of the boys.

" Sitting next to him is Thunderlane, I also remember Pinkie talking about how you, her, Swift, and Thunderlane went on a double date a while back. I've never associated myself with him, but from what I've heard around school and my eyes and ears around Canterlot he seems to me like a male Rainbow Dash of sorts, being that he is incredibly athletic, but rarely puts any effort into anything he does."

"Hey! I'm right here!" Rainbow Dash nearly shouted as she scowled at her friend.

"You didn't let me finish Rainbow!" Rarity retaliated as she scooted her chair away from the table slightly. "I was about to say, with that being said, he does show great enthusiasm working with motorcycles and going racing them. And from what I've heard puts his heart and soul into any one he works on; the same with you and sports!"

"Oh, well I guess that makes sense." Rainbow sheepishly admitted as she slouched back in her chair while crossing her arms.

"I've also heard that he's very loyal to his friends, and is always willing to help them out. Has a motorcycle, loyal, and quite the looker if I may be so bold to say. Overall a bit rough around the edges, but still prime dating material."

"I'll give you that, he is really cute. We did have fun on that double date like you said. We played a couple rounds of air hockey, but I think he let me win." Twilight admitted with a chuckle, her spirits being raised as the conversation continued.

"And that leads us too.." Rarity said as she shifted her gaze to the last boy, who she looked at with a sly grin. "Flash Sentry! Now what isn't there to say about him? He's the lead guitarist of his own band called Flash Drive, which I've heard, they're quite good, but I can never seem to remember the name to any of their songs. Flash is what many girls would describe as the complete package with looks, smarts, a car, and from what I hear from a trusted source, a good kisser."

"Really, what sources have you heard this from?" asked Twilight.

"Like I said before darling, my sources. Any who, I've personally spoken to him on numerous occasions, and I believe he may have a soft spot for a certain bookworm we all know?" Rarity said as she waggled her eyebrows at Twilight.

"Me? R-really?" Twilight asked with disbelief.

"Yes darling, I know from.....past eexperiences that Flash Sentry admires you somewhat! Isn't that wonderful?"

"Y-yeah I guess so." Twilight replied in a somber tone.

"Is something the matter Twilight? You don't seem very happy about that."

"Oh I am! It' just that....they're all such great guys, It's gonna be hard to pick."

"I can see that it will be, but you better act quickly Twilight! The dance is at the Friday of the next week, and every guy in the school is sure to be asked within the coming days."

"Yeah, thanks Rarity, I'll remember that" Twilight said somberly. Rarity nodded at her friend before turning her attention to her other friends.

"While we're on the topic of the dance, does anyone else has plans for the dance save for moi? Fluttershy?"

The pink haired girl let out a slight eep as she looked down at her lunch tray. " Um.....no, I don't have a date for the dance Rarity, I'm not even
sure I'll be going this year." Rarity let out a slight gasp as Applejack chimed in.

"Ah'm with Fluttershy on this un'. There's too much farm work that needs to be done before winter comes around."

Rarity stared at both of her friends in utter astonishment. "B-But girls! This is our junior year of high school! We only have so many souoraes left before our graduation next year! Are you saying you don't want to make the most of your high school experiences!?"

Applejack was the first to respond. "Ah never said anythin'bout not makin' the most of it. It's just that ah need to get as much farm work done as ah can before winter! I'll still go to other shindigs like prom and the like, but now mah priorities are all on the farm at this point."

"And how about you Fluttershy? Is work for the animal shelter going to keep you from this dance?" asked Rarity.

" Um....It's not that Rarity, it's just that.....that I don't know who to ask to the dance, or how. I'm not sure if you've noticed for the past oh, ten years but I can be a bit......ya know,.......shy?" Stated Fluttershy in a rare showing of sarcasm from her. Rarity either didn't notice her friend's attempt at sarcasm or chose to ignore it as she smiled at her friend.

"Why Fluttershy, is that all? If you just need to ask someone else out, that's easy! If you need assistance in finding a boy to ask out, then I humbly offer my aid!"

" Oh I don't know Rarity, would that really be ok? I mean you have your store to run right? I couldn't possibly take you away from your work."

"It's no trouble Fluttershy, business has been slow as of late , and I would feel absolutley dreadful at the dance knowing one of my friends wasn't able to go when I could've helped them." Rarity assured.

"Well.......alright, if it's no trouble.....I'd like having your help."

" It's no trouble at all darling! Just come down to the boutique later today so we can begin discussing who you want to ask for the dance." And with that, Fluttershy nodded her head in agreement as Rarity shifted her attention to Rainbow Dash, who was devouring a burrito. "Rainbow Dash, I didn't get an answer from you, are you going to the dance with anyone?"

"Mmrf....dat....gulp! that's a good question Rares." said Rainbow Dash as she turned her head to face the near multitude of students sitting in different places around the cafeteria. Her gaze shifted from table to table, looking at where all of the different cliques were were sitting; the jocks, the preps, the dramas, the techies, all until her eyes landed on Thunderlane, who was walking in the direction of the group's table to put his lunch tray away. "Hey Thunderlane!"

"What's up?"

"You, me, the dance, how 'bout it?" Rainbow asked.

Thunderlane shrugged " Sure, I'll pick you up at seven."

Rainbow nodded "ok cool" she replied as she turned her head back to face Rarity. "I'm going with Thunderlane."

"Rainbow Dash! That was rather rude, I'm sure Twilight was just deciding if she was going to ask him to the dance!"

Rainbow Dash mimicked the shrug Thunderlane did a moment ago. " Hey, ya snooze, ya lose."

Rarity was about to offer a retort when Twilight spoke up " It's alright Rarity, I wasn't really thinking of asking him out. He doesn't really seem like the kind of guy I'd really click with."

"Well alright If you say so Twilight, but be sure to take this as an example on how a boy can be snapped up just like that!" Rarity said as she snapped her fingers for emphasis.

"I'll be sure to remember that Rarity." Said Twilight as she started to eat her lunch, which allowed for Rarity to turn her attention back to Applejack.

"Now darling, are you sure you don't wish to partake in the festivities with us? Pinkie was telling me earlier that this is quite possibly one of the best parties the committee has ever planned."

" Like ah said before Rarity, it.........it doesn't really seem like the kinda dance I'd really be into." Applejack replied in a noticeably somber tone. Rarity took notice of this as her questioning look changed to a look of concern.

"Applejack, is everything alright?"" asked Rarity.

"Yeah, everythin's fine Rarity, ah.....ah gotta go." Applejack said as she grabbed her tray and walked away from the table, leaving all but Rainbow to exchange worried glances.

"I hope Applejack re considers, I'd hate for her to be the only one of us to not go to the dance." said Rarity.

"Oh I would too, it'd be sad to leave one of our friends behind." Added Fluttershy.

"I wonder what's wrong with Applejack?" asked Twilight. All eyes then turned to Rainbow Dash who let out a long sigh.

"Oh AJ, she's probably over working herself on the farm again." Rainbow said as she glanced at her Stetson hat wearing friend leaving the cafeteria. " When winter starts coming around she always freaks out about not getting enough work done on the farm and ends up working herself up about it and gets all depressed. It happens every year."

" I can see why she gets worked up. Winter isn't exactly a good time for growing apples." said Rarity.

" Yeah, but they don't need to worry about that! Just the other day, Granny Smith was telling me about how the farm has made the most money it's ever made in sixty years this year! They're set until the freaking summer! And even then, they'd still have some pocket change." Rainbow Dash explained. " Like I said, Applejack gets like this about this time of year for no reason! And I think she needs to just loosen up and have some fun!" She said as she gained a sly gleam in her eye. " And I think I know just how to help her out." Rainbow said as she took her phone out of her pants pocket and started texting rapidly.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the overly long wait! It's just I've had so many problems with my technical stuff that it's been an absolute nightmare to try and work on this. But here it is! I'll still try to get the other chapters out sooner so thank you for bearing with me!