• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 3,163 Views, 364 Comments

The Pie of my Eye - Azure_Shadow

Will Swift Justice be able to overcome his shyness and get the girl of his dreams without making a fool of himself? Probably not! Enter the Pie of my Eye!

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My Little Pick Up Artists Part 5: Blushing Intensifies

After the girls arrived at school, Twilight quickly hurried to her first period class on the upper floor. When she finally reached the room, she peered in to see that no one was there yet; she was the first one to class as usual. The lavender skinned girl then walked to the back of the room and took a seat at her desk. She took a quick sip of her coffee that she brought from Sugar Cube Corner as she looked over at the windows to the right of the room and took in the sights. It was an extreamly cloudy day; the sky being a mishmash of light and dark greys. The trees across from the empty soccer field shook violently due to the semi-harsh winds that were starting to pick up, prompting a chorus of rustling leaves and winds blowing to slowly seep into the room. It appeared as though it was going to rain, so Twilight was lucky that Rarity had offered her a ride to and from school today. That was all well and good, but neither Rarity's generous offer, nor the dreary weather outside were the focus of Twilight's intellect at the moment. No, as the egg headed student stared with an uninterested look outside, a matter that was much more pressing was on her mind.

Okay....the dance is this Friday. she thought nervously to herself as she took another sip of her now just warm coffee. To say that Twilight was a tad nervous about the whole thing would have been an understatement. Just thinking about going, and with a date made a feeling of uneasiness emerge from the pit of her stomach. Twilight was nervous not only for the reason that dances weren't exactly "her thing" but also due to the fact that this was most likely going to be her first dance amongst other reasons.

I've never been to a dance before. Then again, no one really asked me, and I didn't really have friends to go with. But now the tables have turned. I'm going to be the one doing the asking, and I do have a couple of great friends that I want to see there..........and I do have a guy that I want to ask.

Twilight's head; much like her thoughts, turned to her left, to the empty desk next to her own. She smiled as she immediately turned back to the window on the right. And I do want to ask Swift to the dance. I mean he's a really nice guy, and he's the first friend I made here in Canterlot. Heck, if it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't have accepted the girls' invitation to lunch that one day. Plus, I really enjoyed going on that date with him, Pinkie, and Thunderlane a while back. It was a lot if fun, well.....at least before Swift nearly choked to death. He seems smart, and we do have similar tastes in literature if I remember correctly from the book store. From what I can tell at least, I think we'd be a match. Twilight though as a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. I don't think he has a date yet, I mean if he did I'm sure he would've spoken of it before class, or Rarity would've known. She knows about everyone in the school. Maybe I should ask her of she knows or not. But then again, I'll see him soon enough.....maybe I should just ask him casually and if he doesn't, I'll just ask him. Yes! That's perfect!

As Twilight was finished thinking of her plan, she stopped when the silence of the room was broken by a sound to her left. It was the sound of footsteps slowly coming towards the room. The sound of the footsteps got closer and closer until Twilight could hear them stop just short of the doorway. She didn't look to the doorway, instead she kept staring out the window, trying to keep casual.

Oh boy, is this gonna be it?

The footsteps continued over towards her as whomever it was plopped down in Swift's seat. Twilight kept her gaze on the window as she started to nervously drum her fingers on her desk.

Alright, here goes nothing. Twilight thought to herself as she took a deep breath. She steeled her resolve as she turned to face her neighbor and potential date to the dance.


Twilight stopped as she looked at her neighbor in confusion. The person next to her was definitely not Swift: instead, it was one of his buddies. It was the one with light orange skin and spiked multi-blue shades of hair; the one that had flirted with her on her first day in Canterlot. He was lounging back in his seat as he looked over at the front of the room before turning to Twilight and giving her a warm smile.

"Umm....hey Twilight." said the young man in a calm and somewhat nervous tone.

"Oh, um....hello.....Flash, wasn't it?" Twilight asked. The young man grinned.

"Yeah, that's me!" Flash replied in a chipper tone. "Heh, thanks for calling me by my name."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "You're......welcome? I guess?"

"Sorry if that sounded weird, it's just that some people in this school think my name is Brad. Hell, some people know my name and still call me that."

"Why would they do that?" Twilight asked.

"It's a running gag of sorts between my friends. My friend Swift came up with it in middle school after deciding that I look like a Brad and ever since then the name has unfortunately stuck." Flash sheepishly admitted. What he didn't know was that Twilight breathed a quick sigh of relief.

Phew...I wasn't sure what to call him. Good thing I remember Rarity mentioning him. she thought. "So...Umm....speaking of Swift, where is he? He's usually in here not long after I am."

Flash nodded. "Oh, I think he went to the doctor's this morning. Nothing serious, a routine checkup from what he told me. He should be back later in the day though." he assured Twilight.

"Oh, alright."

Flash shift uncomfortably in his seat before speaking again. " So hey, I....wanted to talk to you about something, if that's alright."

"Sure, what is it?"

Flash scratched the back of his head. "Well.....I kinda wanted to apologize for when I....ahem flirted with you about a month or so back. I realize that I was a bit too forward, and didn't even think about how you probably needed time to settle in still, so I hope you can forgive me."

"Oh that? Water under the bridge at this point." Twilight assured Flash, which brought a smile to his slightly worry-warden face. He didn't seem like a bad guy, maybe a bit of a ladies man, but not too bad. "I admit I wasn't really much of a social butterfly when I first arrived to this school." Twilight continued. " And while you were a bit....forward....with your invitation, I definitely could've been less.....blunt with my tone and choice of words, so I think I'm at fault here too." Twilight admitted. "So, what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry too."

Flash cocked a wider grin. "Don't be! I'd probably be like that too if some guy just walked up to me and asked me out point blank, day one. It's just that....well.....I honestly wasn't really thinking about what I was doing. A spur of the moment thing, you know? It's not every day a cute girl transfers to your school." he said with a nervous chuckle before his awkward smirk shifted into a look of surprise at what he just said. "Oh, did I really just say that? Sorry, didn't really mean to, just....stupid brain you know?"

"No, that's alright...." Twilight said as her lavender cheeks blushed a slight shade of pink. It wasn't every day that she was called cute by a rather handsome young man like the one sitting next to her.

Flash continued. "Well anyways, I wanted to tell you that I was sorry, and well, I'm just throwing it out there that if you ever say, need help with something, or if you want to ask me something, anything, I'm usually not doing anything besides chilling with my friends or jamming with my band, so just if you want, give me a holler sometime. I'd be all for anything."

Twilight thought about Flash's statement and a few of the "choice words" he used in those sentences before answering. "Why thank you for your.....offer Flash, I'll be sure to keep it in mind." she said very plainly. Flash seemed like a nice enough guy, just not the kind she'd really be into, and at the very least she wanted to be polite to him. But after thinking about his offer once more, she decided to take him up on part of it. "Umm...actually Flash, there kind of is something I'd like to ask you if that's alright."

"Yeah sure, ask away!"

"Well you see, I was kinda wondering, if you would...."

"Yes?" Flash said with a hint of anticipation in his voice.

"If you would lend me the notes we took in class last week Friday? I was absent then, and I hear we took quite a few that day, so would you mind if I use your to catch up?"

Flash's smile faulted at Twilight's question before it just as quickly returned to it's original state. "H-Huh? I mean uh....of yeah, the notes. Sure, I can lend you mine just....let me go get them. I forgot them at my locker." He answered as he slowly got up from the seat he was in.

"Thank you Flash."

"Hey, don't mention it." he replied as he left the room. He walked a few feet down the hall before gritting his teeth and stamping his foot on the ground. "Damn it!"


"sigh......Alright class, that was it for today's riveting lesson on fractional exponents." huffed an older man with a black toupee. "Your assignment is numbers twenty through thirty three on page two hundred and seventy four in your textbooks. Any more questions?" he asked in the blandest way possible with the most uninterested look in all of mankind, of which it seemed that most of the students in the class were trying to copy by either just staring at the front of the room, out the window, or just sleeping at their desk. The older man took one more look around the room before speaking again. "Nothing? Ok then, you all have....ten minutes until the bell rings. Just make sure it's not too loud in here." And with that, the man walked back to his seat and started on grading a pile of papers on his desk after which most of the students that were still awake began conversing amongst themselves.

Swift Justice breathed a sigh of relief as he closed the notebook he used for his teacher Mr. Doodle's class. He then laid his arms down on his desk before gently resting his head on them.

"Gah, my brain is too fried to do anymore math today." he complained to nobody in particular. Swift was a very good student in school, mostly getting A's and B's throught the year, but math was the subject that was the bane of his existence since elementary school. Then again, wasn't that most kids in school?

"Ugh, ah hear ya." a female voice with a country accent replied to Swift muttering to himself. He turned his head to the desk immediately to his right. Sitting there was the blonde cowgirl Applejack, she was still staring at the front board with the same look of boredom that the entire class, including the teacher held a moment ago, with her head resting on her arms in a similar manner to Swift. To him, she looked like she was either dead tired, or bored out of her skull. Swift immediately believed it to be the latter after Mr.Doodle's lesson.

"So uh....quite a lesson today huh? For a second there, I though Mr.Doodle was going to put himself to sleep." Swift joked, which gained a Hmpf of amusement from his neighbor.

"Yeah, ol'Cranky doesn't seem to be all too thrilled about teachin' Intro to Trig' each an' every day." the cowgirl said as she nodded her head slightly in agreement.

"Poor guy, I'd be cranky too if I had to deal with this class every day for who knows how many years." Swift stated with a note of sympathy in his voice. "I know Pinkie Pie tried to cheer him up last week, but I don't think setting off confetti cannons are the way to go."

"Pinkie told me she was gonna try settin' him up with some lady that works at the fabric store next door to where she lives with the Cakes. Matilda, ah think her name was."

Swift blinked in surprise. "Really? Huh.....I guess if anything, having a relationship will put him in a good mood. Let's just hope that Pinkie is a better matchmaker than our sisters."

Applejack grimaced at the end of Swift's sentence. "Ah sure hope so! That whole incident with Big Mac and Ms. Cherilee last year was a HUGE mess. The two of em' weren't able to so much as look at each other for a month!"

"Yeah, that could've gone a lot better for everyone." Swift said as he looked back towards Applejack. The cowgirl was now silent, still staring ahead at the board as uninterested as ever. Swift knew that Intro to Trig. could drain anyone of their pep in mere moments, but for some reason Swift thought that she looked not just bored, but somewhat unhappy with something. After a few more seconds of silence between the two, he decided to take a shot in the dark. "Hey, um.....Applejack, is everything alright?"

The cowgirl shifted her uninterested gaze to him. "Yeah, everything is as ok as it usually is. Why do ya ask?"

"I don't know, it just seems that you're......unhappy about something."

"Uhh....y'all remember we're in math class right?" she pointed out.

"Well yeah, but still, usually most people have just a look of brain dead boredom on their face after this class. I can't really put my finger on it, but you just seem a bit bummed about something else. So I ask again, is everything alright?" Swift asked in a concerned tone. Applejack stared at the boy for a moment more before turning her attention back to the board.

"Well...ah.....well." Applejack stuttered as she kept staring ahead. She remained silent for a few moments, occasionally mumbling something unintelligible to Swift. After a while, she spoke again in a soft tone. "Swift....can.....can ya keep a secret?"

"Sure, what is it?"

" The thing is Swift....most of mah friends think I just don't wanna go to the dance 'cause I want to work more on the farm the next day, or it's cause Ah'm not interested. But the thing is.....neither of these things are true, or at least....they weren't." Applejack explained in a somber manner.

"So, you do or at least did want to go to the dance?"


"Well why don't you want to go now?" Swift inquired.

"Ya see.....there is this guy that ah've liked for a while now, and I was thinkin' about askin' him, but he already has a date apparently." Applejack lamented.

"Alright then, why didn't you just tell your friends that? I'm sure they'd understand if you just told them."

Applejack shook her head. "It ai'nt that simple Ah'm afraid. It's just that....well.....even if he didn't have a date to the dance, Ah'm not sure it'd be a good idea to ask him for reasons ah don't really wanna share."

Swift nodded. "Ok, can I at least ask who it is?" Swift asked to which Applejack replied with a shake of the head. "Mm....not that either huh? Can I at least guess?....."

"Ah'd prefer if ya didn't."

"Because I guess Thunderlane!" Swift stated as he grinned. Applejack stared at Swift for a few seconds as her eyebrow shifted.

"Uhh......Thunderlane? Why'd ya think of him?" Applejack asked in a voice mixed with curiosity and confusion.

Swift shrugged. "I'm not really sure myself. I just though you two would be a good match."

"Thunderlane.......the guy who wears all black almost every day and just breezes by his classes? Ah don't see it." Applejack deadpanned.

"So it's not him?" Swift asked sounding slightly disappointed.

"Nope. It ain't him." The cowgirl answered matter-of-factly.

Damn it! I owe Flash five bucks! Swift thought to himself briefly. " Well, if anything I'm sorry about this whole guy thing. You seem pretty down because of it. If you need to talk about it again, I'd be happy to listen. I may not look it, but I've been where you are....sorta." he admitted in a somewhat sheepish way.

"Well thanks Swift, ah'll be sure to remember that." Applejack said as she tipped her hat to Swift in appreciation, the conversation seemingly lifted her spirits at least for a bit. "But....sigh Ah'm still gonna need to find a date to the dance considering my granny is forcing me to go now."

"I'd love to help you in that department too Applejack, but I don't want to give our sisters any more ideas, and I'm kinda still holding out hope for a girl to ask me to that." Swift admitted.

Applejack chuckled in reply. "Oh ah wouldn't worry about you Swift, ah think one of my friends already has ya covered."

"Oh, alright. That's cool." Swift said as he turned his attention back down to his desk on,y for his eyes to shoot open as he looked back at Applejack. "Wait, what was that!?


At that time, the school bell let out its shrill cry, letting the students know it was time to move onto wherever their next class was. All of the students in the room were more than eager to leave the room as they filed out the door. Applejack gathered her supplies and followed the trail of students out the door, with Swift not far behind her.

"Ah'll see ya later Swift." Applejack said with a smirk as she exited the room.

"Wait! What one of your friends!?"

"Ah don't wanna spoil the surprise !" Applejack replied in a slightly trollish tone.

"Can you at least give me a hint!?"

"EEEEE-Nope! Bye!" Applejack answered even more trollishly. And with that, the young cowgirl walked off and disappeared into the large crowd of teens in the halls, leaving Swift outside Mr.Doodle's classroom with what she had just told him. He stood there for a few more seconds, allowing AJ's slightly trollish words sink into his mind. He knew that she was a stickler for honesty, and that what she said was most likely true. Most likely someone in her immediate group of friends, I.e. The girls she was always hanging out with. Applejack already told him what she was doing, Thunderlane said Rainbow Dash asked him to the dance while he was putting his lunch tray away, Swift knew that Rarity already had a boyfriend, the guy she was alwayswith whenever she wasn't with her usual posse, so that left half of her immediate group out of the equation. That shy girl with the pink hair didn't seem to be a very likely candidate either, she didn't share any classes at all with Swift and from what he did see of her, he assumed that she wasn't the kind of girl to walk up to a guy and strait up ask him.

And then there were two..... Swift thought silently to himself as he started to move down the hall. Of course his thoughts immediately shifted to Pinkie Pie, the pink haired piece of pep was an enigma to be sure, but Swift knew that she'd never miss something like a dance. He didn't have any classes with her either, but he's been spending enough time in the party planning committee to have hopefully gotten closer to her. With her......Pinkieness though, Swift figured that he had as much a chance as anyone did with her to be sure. Who really knew with Pinkie? All he knew was that one of Applejack's friends had their eye on him as a potential date for the dance. At worst, Swift had a 1/3 chance of it being Pinkie, although he figured it was safe to leave the shy girl out of the equation, bumping his chances with Pinkie up to a whopping 1/2 chance! Needless to say, Swift liked those odds.

But that then made him remember the other half of those odds; the bookish, not so new anymore new girl Twilight Sparkle. If anything, she was also likely, if not moreso than Pinkie to ask him. He not only sat next to her in chemistry class, but also had history class with her as well. She was incredibly intelligent, and was a fan of many of the books that Swift was, except possibly manga, but then again he never asked her if she enjoyed that kind of thing. Honestly, Swift was surprised he didn't consider that she'd ask him at some point. They have been friends for a while, and it was because of him she met her current clique. It would make sense that she'd want to ask him. However, Swift also remembered earlier that morning before he went to the doctor, Flash stated that he was going to attempt to get closer to her somewhat in hopes that she'd ask him. Swift was unsure how likely that'd work out, given that the "patented Sentry charm" had failed when they first met Twilight, but if it succeeded this time, then there was only one girl left for Swift. And boy, was he ever hopeful about that.


"R-Rarity! W-where are we going?!" asked a bewildered Fluttershy. A minute before, she was just exiting her last class to head down to her locker and leave when the currently mute fashionista grabbed her wrist and quite literally dragged her down the hall. They sprinted down the halls as Fluttershy struggled to keep up with Rarity; who was running so fast you'd think she was chasing a designer handbag that was on sale. They ran down the hall, up two flights of stairs, down another hallway, and then another hallway, down one more flight of stairs, and down another hallway after that. They just about ran through most of the school before Rarity came to a screeching halt without any warning. With too slow of a reaction time, Fluttershy slammed into her friend before falling on her behind. The moderate indigo haired girl looked back at her pink haired friend with a look of surprise as she took out her phone in one hand and helped Fluttershy up with her free one. As she helped Fluttershy up, she showed the animal lover the screen of her phone.

Good heavens Fluttershy! I am so deeply sorry for that, are you alright?!

"I'm ok Rarity." Fluttershy assured her friend as she dusted off her skirt. "But why did you drag me halfway around the school like that?"

Rarity grinned as she began typing rapidly on her phone again. Look into the hallway, and you'll see why, darling! read the text. Rarity herself was motioning for Fluttershy to take a peek. The pink haired girl poked her head out from behind the wall they ran behind just enough to see what was in the hall. Her eyes widened to see that a few feet away from where she and Rarity were, was Applejack's older brother Big Mac sitting on a bench and reading a book. It seemed as though he didn't hear the girls run into the hall or that he was so absorbed in reading that he didn't notice them. Fluttershy quickly retreated behind the wall and turned to Rarity to see that she had a cheeky grin.

Well Fluttershy? What do you think of bachelor #1?

Fluttershy read the text before immediately looking back at Big Mac, who was still motionless on the bench. "B-Big Mac?!" she said in a surprised whisper. "Umm....are you sure Rarity? I mean, he's very handsome, but he's....well....Big Mac! I'm sure someone like him is already taken." Fluttershy somberly assessed. This was met with a smile from Rarity as she shook her head and began typing on her phone.

Actually, quite the opposite! You see Fluttershy, before we all met at Pinkie's before heading to school I spoke...well....communicated with Applejack about the availability of her brother and she said that he hadn't been asked to the dance yet!"

"A-And you think Big Mac is the ideal date for me?"

Rarity nodded as she texted again. Without a shadow of a doubt darling! After reading through what you like in a gentleman, I realized that all signs pointed to Big Mac! He is a very kind fellow, he cares deeply for the animals on his family's farm, he's loyal to his family and friends, quite intelligent, and I don't think I need to remind you of that one day we visited the farm while he was working?

Fluttershy looked up from Rarity's phone to see that the fashionista was biting her bottom lip and waggling her eyebrows. "U-Umm......n-no, I remember that day quite clearly." Fluttershy nervously stated as her yellow cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink. She remembered that day very clearly. She and her friends were sitting in the Apple's living room. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were completely absorbed in some football game that was on tv whilst the others just talked amongst themselves. She remembered hearing the sound of the front door of the house opening and looking over to see who it was. Hers, Pinkie's, and Rarity's jaws all collectively dropped as they saw Big Mac enter the house shirtless, his muscles exposed to all. It must've either been a very hot day, because his entire upper body was drenched in sweat. She remembered him breathing a heavy sigh as he wiped some sweat from his brow before walking into the kitchen. At that point, Fluttershy's face was as red as a....well.....apple, Pinkie's mouth was still agape due to the massive amount of eye candy she just got, Rarity had quite the blush herself as she was fanning herself with her hand while AJ and RD had no idea what was going on around them, too focused on the game to notice. Just thinking back on that day made Fluttershy's blush intensify. She was so focused on that memory that she didn't notice that Rarity was waving her phone right in front of her face.

Well darling, best of luck! I'll be right here. read the text.

"Oh, I still don't know Rarity, don't you think I should at leeeEP!" Fluttershy squealed as her fashionista friend shoved her into the hallway. Big Mac apparently heard Fluttershy's squeal, as he looked up at the pink haired animal lover.

"Hm?... Oh howdy Ms.Fluttershy." Big Mac said as he gave Fluttershy a warm smile. Under normal circumstances, Big Mac didn't speak much save for the occasional Eeyup or Nope, but he was a bit more comfortable speaking around some of the girls like Fluttershy due to the fact that they were Applejack's friends and they came over a lot.

"Um....h-hi Big Mac." Fluttershy replied as she glanced back at Rarity; who was giving her two thumbs up. "So....what are you doing here? School already let out."

"Well Ah'm just sittin' here cause Applebloom is stayin' after for detention down the hall." he said with a sigh. "Her and her friends tried mixed a whole buncha chemicals to get extra credit in science class or somethin' and it caused a huge explosion in Mr. Neigh's room, so he's havin' them clean it up. Ah just though ah was already in school, so why not get a head start on mah English assignment while waiting to give them all a lift home." he said, glancing at his arm to check what time his wrist watch read. "Oh! Whaddya know, girls should almost be done!"

And with that, the farm boy closed his book and got up from his bench. "Well ah'll see ya later Fluttershy." he stated as he started walking away from the pink haired animal lover. Fluttershy watched him start to walk away as she felt something hit the back of her head. She turned around to see a crumpled ball of paper was on the floor behind her, and looked up to see Rarity was mouthing the words You're losing him!! You can do this!!" as she pointed at the young man. Fluttershy looked back at the young man as he was walking. For some reason, the words didn't seem to want to come out of Fluttershy's mouth. Finding a boy to ask out was the easy part for Flutters, actually asking him out was a different story entirely.

Come on Fluttershy darling, say something! Anything! Rarity mentally yelled at her friend as she watched Fluttershy basically acting like a motionless tree. Fluttershy stood motionless for a few seconds as she tried to form the words under her breath. She took a couple of quick breaths.

"I can do this, I can do this" Fluttershy recited to herself a couple times. After assuring herself she could, she forced her anxiety into her gut as she took a breath. "B-Big Mac.." she said in a barley audible whisper, barley enough so the boy in question didn't hear it.

Rarity face palmed. You can't call him like that! Darling, say it louder!

"Big Mac." Fluttershy said in a semi-louder tone, still apparently inaudible to the senior student.


"Big Mac!"

One more time Fluttershy! Just say it a bit louder!

As if she had heard her friend's thoughts, Fluttershy took another deep breath as she tried again. "Big Mac!" she called out to him. This time, the eldest Apple sibling looked over his shoulder back at the young girl before turning around. She felt victorious in that she got Big Mac's attention, but that feeling was quickly dashed as she realized she had his attention.

"Yes Ms.Fluttershy? What is it?" Big Mac asked as he started coming towards her. As he came closer, Fluttershy started to panic. She looked back towards where Rarity was for support, but it appeared as though the fashionista had hidden behind the wall once more. She turned back to face Big Mac to see that he was standing in front of her. Fluttershy's blush grew redder as she struggled once more to find her voice.

"U.....Um....w-whell...um...." was all that came out as Fluttershy stared down at her feet, trying to find some sort of assurance anywhere. "B-Big Mac.......I-I was um...well....Mmhhmm...."

"Ms. Fluttershy, are you alright? You don't seem so good." said a concerned Big Mac as he bended down slightly to meet her eye level and see her bright red cheeks.

"Oh, I'm....ok, I'm just fine...yup! Yay, everything's ok." She replied quickly as she looked up at Big Mac, only to retreat her gaze back to the safety of her shoes.

"Nope, ah don't think it is. It looks like yer comin' down with somethin." Big Mac determined as he shook his head. Before Fluttershy could say anything, he gingerly put his hand on her chin and lifted it up to meet her eyes. It seemed as though her cheeks grew even redder than before. "Now Fluttershy, does anythin' hurt or feel weird? Are ya hot or cold or anythin'?" He asked in a soft, concerned tone.

"Ha~......." Is the only noise that came out of Fluttershy's mouth as she stared into the deep green of Big Mac's eyes.

C-C-Come on Fluttershy! Y-You have him r-right where you want him! Fluttershy tried convincing herself mentally. But ooh....I-I-I can't ask him! I'm too nervous to even form a word! she though as she tried taking a couple of deep breaths. "N-no......I've come this far, and I c-can't that this chance pass! Rarity said I can do it....and I can! But.....the question is how?"

"Ya feel like you have a bit of a fever." Big Mac said as he put one hand on Fluttershy's shoulder, and one against her forehead to feel slight warmth. "Ah think we should take ya to see Nurse Redheart right quick."

O-Oh! I know! I'll just use that trick that makes people less nervous when they're on stage! I'll just imagine Big Mac is in his underwear! It's worth a shot!"


.........oh no.......

"Umm.....Fluttershy? Can ya answer me?" Big Mac asked as he stared at the girl in front of him. It was as if in one millisecond, the young girl went from madly blushing to having her entire face be a bright crimson color.


"Say somethin' Fluttershy!" Big Mac said as he brought the junior slightly closer to him and shook her gently.

"Oh.............goodness........" Were the last words that came out of Fluttershy's mouth before her knees buckled, and she started her descent to the ground. Luckily, Big Mac caught her just in time before she hit the floor. Her eyes were closed, it seems as though she passed out. Without a word, Big Mac picked up the unconscious Fluttershy and carried her in his arms. He started making his way down towards the wall Fluttershy came out behind to see Rarity poke her head out from the other side. Her eyes shot open as she ran up to the two other students, her worry-laced gaze going between him and Fluttershy every few seconds.

"Rarity, can ya do me a favor and give the girls a lift home? Ah wanna take Fluttershy to Nurse Redheart's and make sure she's alright."

Without a second thought, Rarity nodded and started to text with her phone again before she brought it up to Big Mac's face.

Thank you very much Big Mac. You're a true gentleman, you know that?

Big Mac chuckled as he finished reading the text. He answered with a "Eeyup." before walking past Rarity and carrying Fluttershy down the stairs to the nurse's office.