• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 3,164 Views, 364 Comments

The Pie of my Eye - Azure_Shadow

Will Swift Justice be able to overcome his shyness and get the girl of his dreams without making a fool of himself? Probably not! Enter the Pie of my Eye!

  • ...

My Little Pick Up Artists Part 7: One down, Three to go

Wednesday; two days before the dance

It was nearing the end of the day in Canterlot High School with only about a period left in school before the students were allowed to leave the building in droves. During this final period of the day, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were sitting at a table in the study hall they shared doing their own things. Twilight was skimming through a book she was reading, and Rainbow Dash was trying her best to catch some z’s with her eyes closed and her mouth agape. Neither made too much noise until Twilight heard someone enter the room. She looked behind herself to see that it was none other than her cowgirl friend Applejack with a look of sheer tiredness on her face. She walked over to an empty seat between where Twilight and Rainbow were sitting and dropped the books she was carrying onto the table, which made a thud capable of rousing Rainbow Dash for her slumber.

“Nn..geh...guuuh?” the aforementioned athlete mumbled as her eyes lazily opened up. “Huh? yaaaawn Oh hey AJ, ‘sup?”

“Howdy Dash. Eh nothin’ much, Just got done finishin’ a chem test,” Applejack said with a sigh.

“Oh really?” Twilight spoke up; her curiosity piqued. “How did it go Applejack?” the young bookworm asked, which was met by a shrug from her friend.

“Eh, it went alright ah suppose, them lessons you’ve been givin’ me helped me out a lot Twi, Ah wasn’t as hopeless as ah was before in this subject.”

Twilight nodded. “Well that’s good, if our study sessions are helping you, then we should definitely continue them. Next time I’ll bring the flash cards!” Twilight stated with a noticeable hint of excitement in her voice.

cougheggheadcough” Rainbow Dash piqued in, which was met with a hard glare by Twilight. The athlete simply smirked as she reclined back in her seat. “Aw, I’m just messing with you Twilight. If it helps AJ to not totally bomb at chemistry, it’s cool.”

“Well I’m glad you think that way Rainbow.” Twilight stated in a plainly sarcastic tone as she went back to writing in her notebook. This action made Rainbow Dash raise an eyebrow.

“Whatcha doin’ there Twi? Finishing up homework or something?”

Twilight shook her head as she concentrated on what she was writing. “No, I already finished my homework in lunch today. It’s umm….something extra curricular….”

“Oh really?” Rainbow Dash questioned as a sly grin crept across her face. “Lemmie see dat!” the young athlete said as she grabbed Twilight’s notebook and read through it. “Oooh….what do we got here?” she questioned as she skimmed through some of the pages.

“H-Hey! Rainbow! Give that back!!” Twilight demanded as she tried reaching to grab the book from her nosey friend’s grasp. Dash simply put her foot against Twilight’s side, effectively keeping the young bookworm at bay as she continued reading.

“Oooooh, well she isn’t doodling Mrs. Twilight Justice, but it looks like she’s planning to start making it a reality.” Dash chuckled as she continued flipping through the book. She was so absorbed in glossing over it’s contents that she didn’t notice the beige hand come close to it and yank it out of her grasp. “Hey! I was reading that!”

‘Yeah, Yeah, ah know.” Applejack replied as she flipped back a couple pages to the front of the book.

“Is privacy dead in this day and age?” Twilight huffed as she leaned towards the cowgirl reading her notebook. “Applejack, can I please have my notebook back?” she asked in a shaky voice, clearly embarrassed by whatever her friend was reading.

“Now hold on a minute.” Applejack said as she leaned away from her lavender skinned friend and continued reading. She read a few more pages in before looking back towards Twilight. “Twi, this is a pretty big research type thing ‘bout askin’ Swift out.”

Applejaaaaack” Twilight whined as she started to blush and glance around the room due to the aforementioned cowgirl saying that for the entire study hall to hear.

“Eeyup, it’s the whole shebang. A list of conversation topics to get him talkin’, a pro and con list about him that’s mighty sparse on the con side, even a fully detailed twelve step plan ta ask him to the dance, and what’s this ah see? Awww, ya even dotted the I in his name with a little heart, that’s really cute Twi.” Applejack said; both cooing and teasing the young lavender skinned girl about her crush. Twilight’s face was now a bright crimson. She looked back towards Rainbow Dash to see that the athlete was making a kissy face at her while waggling her eyebrows. Twilight groaned as she put her head down on the table and wrapped her arms over it.

Ooohh….just end it now….” Twilight moaned as she so desperately wished for this horrid period to be done with. In her moment of loathing both her friends as well as herself, she heard Applejack begin to speak up again.

“Oh relax Twi, Rainbow and I are just yankin’ yer chain is all.” Applejack explained as she passed Twilight’s notebook back to her. “Why ah think it’s kinda cute how you’ve takin’ a fancy to him. Ah think you two’d have good chemistry.”

“Yeah, totally!” Rainbow Dash piqued in. “I’ve known him for a while, and he seems like he’d be an awesome match for you! He’s smart, a nice enough guy, and he’s the older brother of the coolest freshman at the school, so he’s got that going for him too. Combine his slight awkwardness with your major awkwardness, and I think Canterlot High will have another top notch couple.”

“Thanks Rainbow...I think….” Twilight stated with mild unease in her voice. “But a couple? I-I don’t know...”

“What’s the issue?” Rainbow asked. “You clearly like him.”

“Yeah, I do.” Twilight confirmed. “But….I don’t know if he likes me, well...as anything more than a friend. I’d really like it if he saw me as more, but...I don’t think I can make that happen.” she said with a sigh as she rested her head on her hands. Applejack was about to reach over to her friend, but was beaten to the punch by Rainbow Dash, who put her arm around Twilight and pulled her close.

“Not with that attitude you’re not.” Rainbow Dash deadpanned as she pointed at Twilight. “Listen Twi, you remember that conversation we had after your first attempt to ask Swift out crashed and burned right?”


“Well I still think the advice that I gave you is the best thing to do. Trust me on this Twilight, there is absolutely nothing and no reason why you shouldn’t ask Swift to girl’s choice. In fact, there are only two things you need to remember in order to ask him.” Rainbow Dash explained as she once again took a hold of Twilight’s journal and flipped to the page with the steps to asking Swift out on them, on which she wrote down to more steps for her friend to follow. When she was finished writing them down, she slid the notebook over to Twilight so she could see it.

Step 13: Ignore every step above.

Step 14: YOLO

“Yolo?” asked a confused Twilight. Rainbow Dash proudly nodded while Applejack groaned and rolled her eyes at the last step as Twilight looked back at it. “What does yolo mean? I hear everyone around the school use that word, but I don’t actually know what it means. Is it an acronym or something?”

“It’s stupid is what it is.” Applejack deadpanned.

“Yolo...is a code Twilight, it’s a life motto to many, and a life lesson to all.” Rainbow explained proudly as she put her fist to her chest. “You only live once; YOLO.”

“Alright Rainbow, but how is ‘YOLO’ going to help me ask out Swift?” Twilight inquired.

“It’s just as I said before Twi. You’re probably worried about asking Swift cause you’re scared of how he’ll react, if he’ll say no, yadayadayada that stuff. That’s your problem! You’re worrying too much about the what ifs, and not living in the here and now. You just need to go for it! If he says yes, great, that’s freaking awesome, that’s probably what he’ll say. If he says no, well then screw him, plenty of fish in the sea, ya know? Point is, you gotta act. You gotta live in the now. You only live once.”

“Yolo?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yolo.”

“Ugh, yer really buyin’ this whole yolo thing Twi?” Applejack asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Well Applejack, what if Rainbow Dash is right about this? I mean...I haven’t straight up asked Swift yet. Perhaps the best approach is the direct one.” Twilight assumed. “So when the time comes...I’m gonna try Rainbow’s yolo strategy.”

“Huh…alrighty then.” Applejack said as she looked away from her friends. “Well Twilight, ah think that time may be closer than ya think.” she said as she pointed behind the two sitting across from her. Both Twilight and Rainbow turned their heads to see that Swift Justice had just entered the room. He apparently didn’t notice the three girls as he walked towards Ms. Cheerilee’s desk and began talking to her.

“What’s Justice doing here?” Rainbow wondered out loud as she watched the young man have a conversation with their study hall teacher. She kept watching them for a few seconds before smirking. “Heh, who cares? For whatever reason, he’s here. This is your big chance Twilight!...Twilight?” Dashie said as she looked back at her lavender skinned friend who currently had her nose deep in her notebook, feverishly flipping through the pages.

‘Ohgodohgodohgod I’m not ready! I’m unprepared! I don’t know what to say, what to do, geez..what can I do?” the young girl panicked as she continued going through the pages of her notebook. As she was flipping through, a cyan hand came down on the page she was on. Twilight looked at Rainbow, who tapped her finger on the notebook; pointing to the word ‘yolo’. “Oh right...yolo.” Twilight stated nervously.

“Twi, just remember YOLO, and you’re sure to succeed.” Rainbow assured Twilight as they both glanced back at Swift to see that he was starting to walk back towards the exit to the room. Twilight glanced back and forth between her friends one more time before taking a deep breath and jumping out of her chair.

“H-Hey Swift!” Twilight suddenly greeted while standing as stiff as a board.

“Hey Twilight, what’s up?” Swift asked with a smile.

“Oh you know, it’s study hall so I’m studying….in this room. Heh, isn’t it weird that it’s called study hall and not study room? Ehehehe…..” Twilight ended with a nervous chuckle.

“Hmm...well I guess so. Though study room doesn’t really have the same ring to it as study hall does.” Swift thought out loud.

“Heh, yeah, it doesn’t.” the lavender skinned girl agreed. “So umm….what brings you to Ms. Cheerilee’s room?”

“Ah, well Scootaloo had a doctor’s appointment today, so I was just getting her homework for her. Ms. Cheerilee said it was stuff she already knew, so I decided to be a bit evil by being a caring brother who got her sister’s homework for her on her day off.” Swift explained with a grin made of malicious delight.

“Well that’s very….thoughtful of you Swift.” Twilight noted as she glanced back at her friends. Applejack made a hand motion for the bookworm to keep going, and Rainbow silently mouthed the word yolo before Twilight shifted her gaze back to Swift. “So Swift...um...since you’re here, there’s something I’d like to ask you..if that’s alright.”

“Sure Twilight, what is it?” Swift asked with a smile. The young girl in front of him instantly began to blush slightly as she started to fidget a bit.

“Well...the thing is...the thing I wanted to ask you being well s umm…” Twilight continued as Swift looked at her curiously. “It’s not really a big or important thing, well it kinda is I think to some people, not really me, or you really...I just wanted to know if you…..”

“Yes?” Swift asked with a straight face. Twilight kept looking at Swift without speaking for a few moments as she struggled to find the words to reply to the young man in front of her. Before long she gulped and tried speaking again.

“I-I just wanted to know…..”


“If...you……...knew that japanese hornets spit acid?” Twilight asked with a sheepish smile on her face. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened and opened their mouths in disbelief at what Twilight had just asked Swift. The cyan skinned young man gave Twilight an odd look.

“Wait….japanese hornets can seriously do that?” Swift asked in genuine disbelief.

“Y-Yeah, crazy right? There’s a video online of how about a thousand of them were able to decimate about 5,000 bees in an hour.” Twilight added.

“Seriously? Wow...Japan has some messed up creatures. Well anyways, the period is about to end in a few minutes, so I should probably start heading on out. I’ll look up that video later Twilight, sounds like some real freaky shiz.” Swift stated as he walked past Twilight and her friends.

“Yeah, you do that Swift! And I’ll see you later I guess.” Twilight said as she waved to Swift as he was walking away. The instant the young man walked out the door, the sheepish smile that Twilight had melted into a look of defeat before she sat back down and laid her head back on the table. She stayed quiet as she felt her two friends staring at her.

“So Twilight….quick question, what the hell was that?” Rainbow Dash asked in quiet disbelief.

“I don’t know, I messed up...again?” Twilight answered in a muffled voice.

“I agree, you know what happened? You didn’t yolo hard enough.” Rainbow was quick to point out.

“Well there is that load of malarkey.-” Applejack spoke up as she wrote something down in Twilight’s notebook. “And there’s this.” she said as she pushed the notebook in front of her friends so they could both see Swift’s con’s list had its first con.


Is denser than a block of wood


“Sigh...drat drat drat.” Fluttershy mournfully repeated as she flipped through the pages of the list of boys that Rarity had given her. She looked disappointed as she skimmed through all the names of the boys on the list, many of which were crossed out with a red marker, each page of red names made her feel more and more hopeless as she went through. The saddened pink haired girl sighed once more as she hung her head in disappointment. She stayed this was for a few seconds until she felt the hand of her friend Rarity touch her shoulder.

“Don’t...cough….don’t be sad Fluttershy, It’s not over yet.” Rarity assured the girl in a quietly raspy voice.

“Rarity, you shouldn’t try speaking. Can’t it damage your throat if you try while it’s still healing?”

“Please darling, it’s nothing really, I’m sure if I just keep drinking my herbal tea, I’ll be as good as new come time for the dance.” Rarity replied nonchalantly. “Besides, we have more important things to worry about than my voice; namely, getting you a date for the dance!”

“You think that’s still a realistic possibility after everything that’s happened?” Fluttershy deadpanned as she flipped through the list once more. “Big Mac, I made a complete fool of myself by falling unconscious, Green Cycle; Coach Iron Will kidnapped him, I tried asking Captain Planet out, he gets nailed in head by a dodgeball so hard that he lost consciousness.”

“Yes, perhaps asking him out during a game of dodgeball wasn’t one of my finer ideas.” Rarity agreed sheepishly.

“And we’re not even talking about the ones that went horribly wrong!” Fluttershy exclaimed as loudly as she could, which wasn’t very loud. “I don’t think this is going to work Rarity, I think I should just recycle this list and call it a day.”

Rarity gasped. “Don’t say that Fluttershy! We all said we’d go to girl’s choice together, every one of us! So what a few boys weren’t able to go to the dance with you, that’s no reason to lose hope! We still have boys you can try asking!”

“You mean we still have a boy I can try asking.” Fluttershy corrected as she flipped through the pages of the list one more time, this time stopping to put her finger under the only name that wasn’t red. “I can still try asking out Bulk Biceps, but I’m not so sure anymore Rarity. After all that’s happened, I’m not exactly feeling confident about this whole thing anymore.”

“Well who knows darling? Perhaps the twenty eighth time will be the charm!” Rarity chirped as she grabbed Fluttershy’s arm.

“Well...I guess, sigh...We’ve already tried twenty seven times, what’s one more?” Fluttershy asked as she mustered a weak smile for her friend.

“That’s the spirit darling! Now let’s go quickly! I know exactly where Bulk should be about this time!” Rarity exclaimed confidently as the two teens started moving down the hallway.

“Really? How do you know that?” Fluttershy inquired, which Rarity gave her a knowing grin.

“Fluttershy, we’re staying after school right now. It doesn’t take a genius to know where Bulk Biceps may be.” she explained quickly. And she was right. No sooner did Rarity answer Fluttershy’s question then they made their way down towards the physical education section of the school. The two went by the weight room as they ducked down by a window looking into it. Both girls took a quick peek inside and low and behold, there was Bulk Biceps; bench pressing what looked to be about two hundred and fifty pounds.

“There he is darling! My, if you wanted a young man with muscles, I’m surprised we didn’t go for Bulk right after Big Mac!”

Fluttershy glanced down to her feet. “Well...umm….I...well it’s just that find Bulk can be a bit…”

“YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAH! THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY REPS!” Bulk Biceps exclaimed from the weight room, taking a brief respite to admire his pecs before returning to his workout.

“...Intimidating.” Fluttershy finished as she glanced over at Bulk.

“It’s true that Bulk can be a tad...over enthusiastic about things…” Rarity stated. “But, from what I’ve heard about him, he’s quite the kindred spirit! He’s in the Canterlot High poetry club, he’s worked on a few of those projects that build homes for the poor, and he’s even in Canterlot’s Big Brother/Big Sister program as an older brother to a kid named Featherweight.”

“R-really? I didn’t know any of that.” Fluttershy said in a pleasantly surprised tone. She looked back up at Bulk to see that he was still working out. “Well...he is a bit loud, but I can overlook that. He is cute, and sweet by the sound of it.”

“Indeed he is Fluttershy, indeed he is.” Rarity agreed. “So, are you ready to give it another go Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy looked back at Rarity, and after a few moments of thought she smiled. “Yes Rarity, I think I’m ready to try again.”

And with that, Fluttershy stood up and took a deep breath before marching into the weight room. Rarity watched from the window as Fluttershy slowly walked up to Bulk and nervously brushed her hair to the side. She stopped walking towards him about halfway through the room before glancing back at Rarity nervously. Rarity gave her a wide smile and a thumbs up, which the pink haired girl met with a nervous smile and a thumbs up of her own before continuing her walk, eventually reaching her destination.

“U-umm....B-Bulk?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“YEEEEEEEEEEAH?” Bulk replied as he hoisted the weight he was using up and onto it’s rightful place before getting up. “WHAT’S U-oh umm…*ahem* What’s up Fluttershy?” he asked in a quieter tone.

“Oh umm….well nothing of importance recently, how about you Bulk?”

“Oh you know, hittin’ the gym, lifting, being MAD AWESOME! YEAH!” Bulk proudly proclaimed as he flexed his biceps.

“Well that’s nice, you definitely have the umm...body to show for it.” Fluttershy started with a blush on her face.

“Heh, thanks Fluttershy. It ain’t easy keeping up a rockin’ bod like this, but I do it!” Bulk said with another flex. “So what brings you into the Bulkster’s domain today? Do you lift?”


“Do you want to lift?” Bulk asked with a smile.

“Uhh..not at the moment, I umm...actually came in here to ask you something….if that’s alright with you?”

“Sure thing! You can ask me anything! I’m ready!” Bulk said with a confident grin. Fluttershy glanced back towards where Rarity was, only to see that she wasn’t in the window. With another deep breath, she looked back at the white skinned beefcake in front of her.

“Well...umm….Bulk I was wondering if…..umm.” Fluttershy gulped. “Y-You would be willing to go to the girl’s choice dance with me?” she finally managed to choke out. For a brief moment, Fluttershy felt relieved to finally be able to ask a boy that question before something bad happened, but that feeling was quickly dashed when she saw that Bulk’s former smile turned to a frown.

“Oh….Girl’s Choice? Umm…” Bulk scratched his head nervously. “Well...the thing is Fluttershy, I….kind of already have a date for the dance.”

Fluttershy’s heart sunk, her last chance seemingly gone in a second. “O-Oh, alright. So...who asked you out? If you don’t mind me asking that is.”

“It was Cloudchaser. She already asked a guy earlier this week, but he took too long, so she asked me instead. We’re actually going for a run in a little bit so I’ll have to leave in a bit. I’m really sorry Fluttershy, I really am.” Bulk said in a clearly sorrowful tone.

“Oh no, It’s alright Bulk. Cloudchaser is a great girl, I’m sure you two will have a great time at the dance.” Fluttershy said with a faux smile on her face. “Well….I’m sorry I interrupted your workout. I’ll…see you later Bulk.” she stated as she started moving back towards the door to the hallway. When she exited the room, Rarity was quick to rush to her side.

“Fluttershy darling, that...didn’t look as though it went well, did it?” Rarity asked as she grimaced slightly. Fluttershy was frowning, and her hair was positioned in such a way that Rarity was unable to see her eyes when she looked at her.

“It didn’t.” Fluttershy replied in a cold and simple tone.

“It’s alright Fluttershy, the important thing is that you tried your best in there and umm…..” Rarity struggled to find words to comfort her saddened friend. As she was thinking of what to say, said sad friend took the list out of her packet and crumpled it up before tossing it in a nearby wastebasket.

“Thank you for trying to help me Rarity, I appreciate it.” Fluttershy said in a monotone.

“I’m dreadfully sorry that it turned out this way Fluttershy.” Rarity lamented. “ I wish there was something else I could’ve done to help. I didn’t think that it’d be this difficult. I’m sorry for failing you darling, I hope you’re not mad at me.”

Fluttershy shook her head.”No, it’s not your fault Rarity. If anything I’m mad at myself for getting my hopes up. I should’ve known that this was how it was going to turn out in the end. Just the kind of thing to be expected from ol’Flutters.”

“Fluttershy…” Rarity said as she reached out to her friend, only for Fluttershy to back away from her hand.

“I’ll...see you and the other girls tomorrow Rarity, I should be heading home now.” Fluttershy stated as she began walking away.

“Would you at least like for me to drive you home?”

“No, that’s alright...I just want to be alone for a little bit.” Fluttershy said as she walked into the direction of the school’s main foyer.

Fluttershy was walking down the sidewalk by Canterlot High in the direction of her home. As it was getting close to winter, the sun was already beginning it’s decent as the evening was already fast approaching. The pink haired animal lover looked down to the ground as she continued her trek to her house. It wasn’t that far away, only about ten to fifteen minutes away walking distance. On her way down to her home, she wiped what appeared to me moisture from her eyes as she continued onwards.

“Don't be sad Fluttershy, you can’t let your pets see you like this when you get home. Can’t worry them too much.” Fluttershy said to herself as her voice cracked. Her heart at the moment sadly hung as low as her head as she walked. The girl was feeling far from her best, her chest was tight with emotions of sadness, and her brain was cluttered with the thoughts of not being able to go to the dance with her friends, or any boy she tried asking out that ended up going horribly wrong. It stung thinking of the possibility that she would be the only one of her group not going to Girl's Choice, but with the dance two days away, that seemed to be the sad reality the teen now faced.

“*sniff*.....Why do I have to be so shy? Is that why I mucked everything up?” she asked no one in particular as she felt a small tear move down her face before promptly wiping it away. “Dangit, dangit, dangit.” she repeated to herself as she wiped a two more tears from her cheeks. Fluttershy could feel her chest tighten as she felt herself failing to keep her tears away as she batted away three more.

“No...no, I won’t cry, I won’t cry, I won’t cry, I won’t cry.” she repeated to herself as she shook her head back and forth. As she was doing so, she felt a cold wind blow from behind her. As it came, Fluttershy zipped up her coat and tried basking in its warmth as she started walking slightly faster.


Fluttershy picked her head up quickly as she looked towards the sky. The sky was a very plain grey as further cracking could be heard from above.

“Oh no….” Fluttershy cursed as she hurried herself along. She needed to get home quickly now as the cackling sounds of lightning occurred right over her. It was clear that rain was coming, and unfortunately for the young girl, her coat didn’t have a hood. The was she was going down didn’t have any sort of coverage from rain, there were no trees or any public buildings or structures she could wait it out under, so she had to keep moving and hope to stay as dry as possible. She hurried along as she felt droplets fall upon her. She looked down to the ground to see small droplets of water falling on it. Fluttershy cursed her luck as she broke into a run. As she was running, the rain fell with greater frequency. Fluttershy could feel herself getting soaked as she continued onwards, running in a sprint at this point. She needed to get home, or find a way out of that rain soon.


"EEP!” Fluttershy squeaked as she almost tripped over her own two feet. She glanced over to the street to see that there was an old red pickup truck right next to her; a red pickup that she had seen before. the truck window pulled down, and Fluttershy got a good look at the driver.

“Howdy Fluttershy, need a lift?”

It was Big Mac. The orange haired farm boy gave Fluttershy a concerned look as he unlocked the side door, which Fluttershy was quick to open and sit down.

“Oh yes! Thank you Big Mac! Thank you!” Fluttershy cried out in relief as she plopped down on the passenger’s seat. She took one look at Big Mac before turning her site back to the side window. “Umm...I mean, if it’s not too much trouble that is.”

Big Mac chuckled. “Ah, it ain’t no trouble. Ah wasn’t gonna let ya be out in this downpour until ya got home, that wouldn’t sit right with me.” he said as he put the truck back in drive and began driving on the road again. The two sat in silence for a few moments as they continued down the road, with both looking ahead.

“Uum here, let me turn on the heat for ya.” Big Mac said as he flipped a switch on his car.

“Thank you Big Mac, that’s very kind of you.” Fluttershy stated as she smiled at the young man.

“It ain’t nothing Fluttershy.” Big Mac assured her. “So if ya don’t mind me askin’, why were ya runnin’ through the rain like that? Doesn’t one of yer friends usually drive ya if ya stay after?”

“Oh umm….yes, usually one does. But I didn’t want to bother any of them today, most weren’t staying after today.”

“Ah, I see.” Big Mac said with a nod. “So ya in a club or somethin’? Or did ya just stay after fer a class?”

“I did neither. I...well, it’s not really important. I wouldn’t want to trouble you with it.” Fluttershy stated in an offput tone.

“Wouldn’t be any trouble at all Fluttershy, looks like it’s bothering you a bit. Maybe talkin’ bout it would make ya feel better.” Big Mac assumed as he kept his eyes on the road ahead. Fluttershy squirmed uncomfortably in her seat as she sighed.

“Well….I stayed after so I could try asking Bulk Biceps to girl’s choice on Friday, but he already had a date, so that opportunity is gone.” Fluttershy lamented as she slouched back in her seat.

“Oh yeah, Girl’s Choice is this Friday right? Yeah, a few girls tried askin’ me to that this week. Had to turn ‘em down though.” Big Mac said matter of factly.

“I see….wait, you turned all of them down?” asked a confused Fluttershy. “Excuse me for being a bit forward, but why would you turn down six different girls? Was there something wrong with them?”

Big Mac shrugged. “Nope, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with any of em, in fact they were all real nice girls. Ah just said no to ‘em because well….I got a feelin’ in mah gut that someone else tried askin’ me before they did, but they weren’t quite able ta do so. Call me crazy, but ah guess ah was still holdin' out hope that she'd try askin' me again.”

“Oh, I see. Well I hope whoever she is tries again soon.” Fluttershy replied calmly as she stared out the window of the truck. She continued to look out of it for a few moments before her eyes shot open and she glanced back at Big Mac to see that he had a smile on her face. Needless to say, Flutters was already blushing. “O-Oh! Umm….oh goodness, oh dear….” she mumbled as she glanced down to her feet. She took a few deep breaths before brushing her hair out of her face. She started twiddling her thumbs as she began to speak again. “U-U-Umm….B-Big Mac?”


“W-Would you...go to Girl’s Choice with me?” Fluttershy managed to choke out as she slowly turned her gaze to the boy next to her.

“Eeyup.” the young farmer said with a smile on his face. He took a glance at Fluttershy to see that the young girl was frozen in her seat. He chuckled to himself as he turned his truck to go up a driveway before pushing the breaks. “Well Fluttershy, we’re here.”

Fluttershy was still frozen.

“Ah’ll pick ya up Friday night then? Six thirty sound good to ya?”

“A-A-A-Ok….” Fluttershy replied as she turned to open the truck door. “T-Thank you Big Mac.”

“Anytime Fluttershy. Ah’m lookin’ forward to our date.” the young man replied as Fluttershy shut the door. He gave her a smile and a wave before backing out of the driveway and going back down the road. Fluttershy stood in the rain as she watched Big Mac’s truck disappear down the road. She stood there until she found the only coherent word that could leave her lips.
