• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 3,163 Views, 364 Comments

The Pie of my Eye - Azure_Shadow

Will Swift Justice be able to overcome his shyness and get the girl of his dreams without making a fool of himself? Probably not! Enter the Pie of my Eye!

  • ...

Practice Date One

When the day finally came for the first practice date, Swift made his way over to the spot out in front of the mall he and Pinkie agreed to meet. As he reached the spot, he double checked everything.

Hair looks nice? Check, casual clothes? Check, smell nice? Swift smelled his pits. Double check! On time? Yup! Checkaroo! Now all that’s left is for Pinkie to show up. Swift thought as he looked around the mall entrance for any sign of the pink haired girl. He waited for another minute or so before checking his watch. It’s twelve o’ six. Maybe she missed the bus or something? he considered while still looking at his watch, unaware of the fact that someone was leaning into him from behind.

“HIYA SWIFT!” a voice cheerfully screamed right into his ear.

“GAAAH!!” Swift yelped as he scrambled away from his spot and glanced back at it. Pinkie was standing where he was before with a huge grin plastered over her face. “P-Pinkie!”

“Hey Swift! Sorry I’m late, I had to watch my aunt and uncle’s twins for a little longer than I thought.”

“T-That’s fine Pinkie, but why did you sneak up on me?...And yell in my ear for that matter?” Swift asked as he rubbed his still ringing ear.

“To surprise you of course!” Pinkie replied as she walked up to him.

“O-Okay, but if you’re going to do that, please don’t yell as loud. Most guys don’t enjoy getting surprised like that, or getting possible heart attacks.”

“Oh...okay! Thanks for the tip!” Pinkie chirped happily. “So! First ‘date’ time! I’m super pumped to do this!”

Swift smiled. “I’m pumped too! Are you ready to get started?”

“You bet your baby blue booty I am!” Pinkie said as she gave Swift a determined look.

“Heh, alright then, the practice date starts now,” Swift declared with a smile on his face. “For the first practice date, I’m glad you said we should come to the mall, it’s a perfect location.”

“You think so? After we agreed on it, I thought about it more and considered that maybe it wasn’t the best idea considering this was where the restaurant was where you choked on hot meat!” Pinkie explained.

“Yeeeeah….I remember that. Nonetheless, I think the mall is a perfect place for our first practice date. You see Pinkie, the thing about the first date isn’t about being together as an item so much, as it is being friends. The first date is all about having fun with a friend! And that’s what we’re going to be doing today!”

“Woohoo! I love fun!” Pinkie chirped.

“Heh, I know you do, so let’s get on with it!” Swift said as he walked into the mall with Pinkie following closely behind. As they went inside, Swift took a quick breath.

Alright Swift, this is fine. This is a good start, this is a great start. You got this. You can show Pinkie a good time. Swift thought to himself, trying to pump himself up before looking back at Pinkie.

“So Pinkie!”

“So Swift!” Pinkie replied as she looked to him with a smile on her face.

“What I think we should do to start this first date off is just to go to some stores and just, you know, have a good time.” Swift suggested.

“Sounds good to me! There were a few stores I was planning on going to after our “date” but I guess we can just go during it,” Pinkie said as she looked around at the different stores available. “Oooohh!! Blazing Point! That store is great!”

“Sure, we can go theeeee–I!!!” Swift was cut off as Pinkie forcibly grabbed his hand and dragged into the store with her. Blazing Point was one of those stores that catered to the hipster crowd, the anime fan crowd, the 3edgy5me crowd, and so on and so forth. Swift, being a member of the second crowd, often frequented Blazing Point himself for anime merchandise. He stood with Pinkie as she browsed the walls of the store for its different t-shirts. She looked at several shirts sporting peace symbols, anarchy symbols, and different characters from popular culture. As she was browsing, Swift’s own eyes wandered to some of the anime items that were on a nearby stand. It too had t-shirts, but it also had lanyards, figurines, mugs and other little trinkets on it. Swift stared at the stand, and even thought of over to look at the prices of some of the cooler items, but ultimately decided against it.

Eeeh...I better not...Pinkie probably isn’t really into anime or anything like that..I shouldn’t go over there, don’t want to look like a loser or anything. Swift thought to himself, ignoring anything else that was going on around him.

“Hey Swift! What top to you like be-” Pinkie said as she turned to look at Swift to see that his attention was turned elsewhere. Pinkie looked over to where Swift was looking and noticed the stand. “Huh?.....Ooooh!! Look at all that cool stuff!” Pinkie said as she walked over to the stand and started looking through the merchandise.

“What?” Swift said as he watched Pinkie play around with some of the figures, one being a burly man with blueish purple skin wearing shoulder pads and a scarf, and the other being a golden yellow man with a triangle-ish head.

“ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA! MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA! ORA ORA ORA ORA! MUDA MUDA MUDA! IT'S A RODA ROLLADA!!” Pinkie dramatically exclaimed as she made the figures’ fists clash multiple times. Swift watched her do this wide eyed.

“Oh….my….” were the only words that could leave Swift’s mouth as he watched Pinkie. “She...she has seen anime.” he whispered as he watched Pinkie set the two figures down. She looked to a different object on the stand, a white object that she put on the side of her face that put a green lense over her eye.

“Swift! Ask me how much those clothes cost!” Pinkie said as she grinned.

“.....Pinkie, how much do those clothes cost?” Swift asked.

Pinkie took off the object and held it in her hand. “It’s over niiiiiiiine ninety nine!!!” she screamed out before crushing the object in her hand, making Swift jump in surprise.

“Hey! You’re paying for that now!” the shopkeeper said as she looked to Pinkie in annoyance, who gave her a sheepish grin.

“Hehe...oops...went a bit too far with that reference...sorry.” Pinkie said before putting the money on the counter for the broken object. She threw the broken object in the nearby trash can before walking by Swift and looking through more clothes.

“S-So Pinkie….this is just out of nowhere, but...do you...watch anime?” Swift asked as Pinkie looked at a black tank top.

“Yup! I sure do! I’ve been watching anime since I was little! My sisters and I used to watch some shows on TV every Saturday morning!” Pinkie happily replied.

“Heh...boy, I remember those days,” Swift said as he looked at the shirt Pinkie picked up. “So...you have sisters, I think you talked about them a bit when we spoke before the dance..what are they like?”

“Oh! My sisters are all really super great! I have three named Maud, Limestone, and Marble! Marble is really super shy, kind of like Fluttershy! Actually a lot like Fluttershy since they both hide behind their hair when they get nervous. Limestone is super intense and passionate about a lot of things, especially our family farm. It’s her dream to make it the best farm in the state!”

“Heh, that sounds like a very noble goal. I hope she’s able to do that.”

“Me too! Oh! And then there’s my big sister Maud! She’s two years older than me, she’s in college now studying to be a geologist! She’s really really into rocks and the earth and that kind of stuff. She’s just about the coolest girl I know!” Pinkie said as she smiled brightly talking about Maud.

“I’d love to meet her sometime, she sounds nice.” Swift said as he smiled.

“You should! My family comes to stay with me and my aunt and uncle every year or so.” Pinkie said as she picked up a skirt. “Oooh! This stuff looks cool!” and just as she said that, Pinkie grabbed some random clothing items before running into the changing room. Swift could hear the sounds of clothes coming off, and zippers being fastened, belts being buckled, and clothes being tightened from the inside. “Check me out!” Pinkie said as she opened the door to the changing room. She had changed from the outfit she was wearing before into a black top with a crescent moon on it, tight leather pants, and arm warmers. In addition to god knows how much spiky jewelry. In addition to all of this, Pinkie’s hair also somehow changed from being big and puffy to being completely straight and limp. Pinkie leaned against the wall as she crossed her arms. “How do I look Swift?”

“...Like you’re ready to head to a grunge band concert?” Swift said as he looked over Pinkie’s outfit.

“Heh, you think? I think this would be awesome to wear to spice up my look! I could wear this to a rave and totally look awesome!” Pinkie said as she looked at herself in a mirror.

“You go to raves Pinkie?” Swift asked.

“Yuppers! I love to get down and boogie,” Pinkie exclaimed as she started to dance around before lifting her leg high and turning around quickly “How about you Swift?”

“Me? Oh, heh...I’m not really much of a dancer myself..two left feet, you know.” Swift chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Hehe, I could kind of see that at girl’s choice.” Pinkie said before she giggled a bit.

“Heeeeeey.” Swift said as he squinted at Pinkie.

“I’m just kidding Swift! You looked like you were having a lot of fun at the dance! I know I did! I loved showing off my moves!” Pinkie said as she started dancing around once more happily. The more she danced, the more she got into it until she dropped down to the floor to do the splits.

“Pinkie, wait, I don’t think that’s a good idea in those-”


Swift’s face turned red before he looked away from Pinkie. The shopkeeper looked up from the magazine she was reading and glanced at Pinkie, who turned her head to look at Swift and the shopkeeper.

“....Maaaaaaybe we should try looking in a different store.” Pinkie suggested.

“...Yes, I think that’s a great idea.” said the shopkeeper as she narrowed her eyes at Pinkie.


“Well that was a teeny weeny bit embarrassing! Let’s try this store now!” Pinkie said as she pulled Swift into a different clothing store, one with more average looking shirts, hoodies, and the like. There were a few people in the store already, and it seemed mildly busy compared to the previous store. “Maybe now I can find some cool clothes!”

“Heh...just maybe don’t do the splits in them this time.” Swift said with a chuckle.

“Yeah….I guess those tight pants couldn’t handle the power of my booty, huh?” Pinkie asked as she she patted her butt, prompting a smirk from Swift. “Pie butt too strong.”

Swift scratched the side of his head as he chuckled, a bit unsure of how to continue due to the topic of their laughter being Pinkie’s behind. “Heh..yeah. Ssssoooo…...you still looking for some cool clothes?”

“Yup! I’ve got a bunch of money from my job as a waitress at Sugarcube Corner burning a great big hole in my pocket!” Pinkie said as she looked around the store. For a few minutes, Pinkie looked around at different shirts, skirts, shorts, and pants as she kept swapping clothing in the changing room to find the ones she really liked. Eventually, she came out of the changing room with her arms filled with a large pile of clothing that went up past her head in height as she carried it.

“N-Need a hand Pinkie?” Swift asked as he looked at the large pile of clothing.

“Nope! But thanks for the offer, I got this.” Pinkie assured Swift as she put all of the clothes she was holding in front of a cashier, who began scanning the price tags. “You know Swift, since we’re here, you should totally buy something too! You haven’t bought anything yet!”

“Eh...I’m not sure Pinkie, I don’t know if anything here would really look good on me.” Swift said as he looked around the store.

“Sure something would! There’s lots of different clothes here! I can even find you something myself! Hang on a sec!” Pinkie said before darting around the store in a flash. “Hmm….too stripey….too nerdy….too preppy….ooh! This is nice! Oh! So is this! Yup, yup, yup! Here Swift.” Pinkie said as she grabbed Swift and pushed him into a changing room before tossing some clothing over the door. “Try this!”

“O-Okay….” Swift muttered as he looked at the clothing Pinkie picked for him. He grimaced slightly at what it was.

“When you’re all ready, come out and show me!” Pinkie said as she hopped with excitement.

Swift nodded and slowly got changed into the outfit Pinkie chose for him. He had to hold his mouth shut so he wouldn’t make any sounds of disgust or unhappiness, lest Pinkie hear it. He unlocked the changing room door and stepped out.



“That looks….amazing on you!!” Pinkie cheered as she looked Swift over. The outfit she chose for Swift was a big fluffy pink hoodie with a white dove on the front and bright red pastel pants that hugged Swift’s legs. He shifted around uncomfortably.

“I...don’t know about this Pi-”

“You look awesome Swift!! You totally rock that outfit I picked for you!” Pinkie said giddily as she looked at Swift with big, bright eyes and a toothy grin.

“Oh, I see...well I think…”

‘Yeah!?” Pinkie asked as she kept looking at Swift with the same excited expression. Swift looked to her and then to the outfit he was wearing before a sheepish grin crept across his face.

“I…...think it looks good on me too! Heh...you have a great eye for fashion Pinkie.” Swift said in the most convincing happy voice he could muster.

“Thanks Swift! You should totally buy that! It looks super duper groovy on you!” Pinkie said as she walked around Swift to get a look at his outfit from all angles.

This stuff makes it look like Valentine’s Day threw up on me...I look like a dork. Swift thought as he glanced back at Pinkie. But….Pinkie looks so proud of herself that she picked these clothes for me. He shook his head. N-No...I need to do something...I don’t want this stuff...oh! I got it! I can just tell Pinkie I don’t have enough money to buy it! That’s it! I just need to lie to Pinkie! Easy!

“Well Swift!? Is it a keeper?” Pinkie asked excitedly. Swift stared into her eyes for a few moments before opening his mouth.


“Thank you for your purchase! Have a nice day” the cashier said as he handed Swift the bag with Swift’s new clothes in it.

“I will...you too.” Swift said as he took the bag and turned to look at Pinkie. “Ready to go?”

“Yuppers!!” Pinkie said as she held up what looked like five big bags of clothes in each hand.

“....No, no, no, here, give me.” Swift sighed as he grabbed some of the heavier looking bags from Pinkie and held them. “That’s too many bags to hold on your own, my inner gentleman forbids me from letting you carry all those while I only have one.”

“Aaawe, tell your inner gentleman I said thanks!” Pinkie chirped as she picked up her other bags and started walking out of the store with Swift. As they walked, two other teens watched them leave, one a boy who had dark purple skin and short magenta hair wearing a simple red T-shirt with grey jeans, and the other a girl with light blue skin and two toned dark azure and silverish grey hair wearing a baggy blue hoodie and black compression shorts.

“Pff...that poor guy.” the boy said as he shook his head. “I feel sorry for him, that stuff looked awful on him, and he still bought it bought it cause a girl egged him on to get it.”

“Aww, don’t be like that. I think it was sweet of him. He spared Pinkie’s feelings, no harm in doing that,” the girl said as she watched the two leave.

The boy shrugged as he turned his attention back to some shirts on a shelf. “Eh, whatever. It’s none of my concern anyways. That guy’s biz isn’t mine.”

“Yeah, that guy’s biz is that he’s on a date with a cute girl, unlike some guys I know.” the girl said as she playfully bumped her hip into the guy’s hip.

“That’s true, I’m here stuck with you.” the boy joked as he gave a smarmy grin to the girl, who then proceeded to smack his shoulder.

“Jerk.” she said with a smile. “But still, I’ve seen that guy around, and I’ve never heard a peep from him, and yet it looks to me like he’s on a date with one of the girls who saved the school with magic, if he can do it, I’m sure as hell you can do it too.”

“Eh, I suppose. Though I don’t think many of the girls in school would be into a guy like me,” the boy said as he took a shirt off the shelf and examined it.

“You’d be surprised Night, I’m sure a lot of girls would like you if they got to know you. Maybe some girl already does, and you just don’t know yet,” the girl said as she winked at the boy.

“Maybe, but I doubt it,” the boy said as he continued to look at the shirt. “I think I’m gonna try this on.” he said as he walked over to the changing rooms. The girl watched him leave and shook her head.



After a few more stores, and a brief stop for lunch in the mall food court, Swift and Pinkie continued their walk through the mall to see what other stores they could visit.

“Man, you really got a lot of stuff today Pinkie,” Swift commented as he looked at the bags he was carrying for her as well as the bags she was carrying as well.

“Hehe, I sure did! I got to spend a lot of money!” Pinkie chirped as she looked through her bags.

“We certainly did do a lot of shopping today.” Swift said with a small chuckle. “So...are their any other stores that you wanted to visit? Because I think we’ve almost went through the entire mall at this point.”

Pinkie put her finger to her chin as she thought for a moment. “Hmmmmmmm…..actually, I think there was one more store I wanted to go to before we end the date, if that’s ok with you Swift.”

“Sure! That’s alright with me Pinkie.” Swift assured Pinkie. “Let’s head over there now!”

“Alright! Well come on!” Pinkie said as she took Swift’s hand and ran off to a different part of the mall. Swift blushed as she continued to drag him on, happy to be spending more time with his crush. After a few more minutes, Pinkie brought him to the end of the mall and stopped in front of a store. “Alrighty! We’re here!”

“Aweso-......Oh...my.” Swift said as he looked up at the sign above the entryway to the store. The name of the store was Sassy Saddles’ Secret, and Swift gulped as he looked at the sign. “Isn’t….this the lingerie place?...”

“Sure is!! Come on! Let’s go!” Pinkie said before dragging Swift into the store with her. The inside of the store had ebony black walls and black flooring, and it was filled to the brim with sexually appealing clothing, swimsuits, and lingerie. Swift’s face changed immediately from cyan blue to a fierce shade of crimson as Pinkie brought him around the store to pick out stuff for her to wear. “Oooh! What do you think of the white lacey lingerie Swift? I think it looks awesome!”

Swift looked around nervously as he scratched the back of his head. “Umm….Pinkie….I know I said I wouldn’t really give you much advice until the end of the date….but umm….”


“ This...isn’t really alright for a first date, not at all actually.” Swift deadpanned. “Guys could get the wrong idea from going to a place like this with you on a first date, you know?...or at the very least make them uncomfortable.”

Pinkie’s smile quickly disappeared as her hair drooped down a bit. “O-Oh...really?...” She put down the lingerie she was holding dejectedly. “I-I didn’t really think it’d do that...I’m sorry Swift. We can leave then...I’ll just take all of my other clothes and go.”

Swift sighed. “I can wait outside the store if you want to still shop here.”

“No, I think we should just go…” Pinkie said as she took her bags and left the store. Swift felt guilt twang in his chest as he followed her out quickly.

“P-Pinkie...I’m sorry, I was just trying to help.”

Pinkie didn’t look at him. “No...it’s my fault. I’m sorry Swift...I messed up again, didn’t I?” she asked as she sighed. Seeing Pinkie in this state was disheartening to say the least, even worse is that he felt like he was the reason why he caused her sadness. “And I thought I was doing really well for a first date too…”

“Pinkie, hold on.” Swift said as he walked next to her. “Look, aside from that one moment,” And a few others… “I’ve been having a great time on the date with you! Honest!”

Pinkie glanced at Swift. “R-Really?...I felt like I may have screwed up a few times already...like the ripped pants thing.”

“That one was just an accident Pinkie, aside from that, you’ve been doing a good job so far, in fact, I think this first practice date was a huge success! Though...I have to ask something, if that’s alright with you.”

“S-Sure, what’s up?”

“Well...as we’ve been going through this date, I’ve kind of noticed that you’ve been buying clothes...lots of clothes, only clothes. Not that there’s anything wrong with that or anything, not at all, I was just curious as to why we have four arms full of bags.” Swift explained as he held up his arms. Pinkie looked at her own bags after he asked.

“Oh, umm...well the thing is, I figured that if I really wanted to get a guy to like me, I should try spicing up my wardrobe a bit, make myself a bit more appealing, you know?...I hear that the best way to get a guy’s attention is through sex appeal, so I thought it’d try that.”

Swift nodded. “I see what you mean Pinkie, but I don’t think sex appeal is the best way to get a guy’s attention. Yeah, sexual appeal is the easiest way to get a guy interested in a girl, but if you ask me, it's not the best. Some guys only like girls for their bodies, and after they've spent enough time with a certain body they may move onto another they like. You want a guy who likes you for who you are as a person and friend first, and likes your body second.” he said matter of factly.

“That does sound nice. I’d like being able to be with a guy who likes me for who I am, I like who I am! I think I’m fun!” Pinkie said as it sounded like some enthusiasm came back to her voice.

“Heh, well I know for a fact that you’ll be able to find someone who likes you for your personality Pinkie. You’re funny, perky, and can find cheer in almost anything. You’re the complete package for a lot of guys I’m sure.” Swift said with a smile.

‘Y-You think so Swift?”

“Absolutely! You’re amazing as you are Pinkie, you have a wonderful personality, and as for the sex appeal thing, I’d say you already have a ton.” Swift said, again not thinking about what he said except that it was complimenting Pinkie. His eyes widened as the realization struck him. “U-Uhh….what I mean is uh..y-you’re very pretty Pinkie!”

Pinkie chuckled. “Awwe, thanks Swift. I’m glad you said all that stuff, I can feel my confidence being boosted already!”

“Heh, no problem Pinkie, I’m really happy to help you out. Now, to close this first practice date out, how about we go out to get some ice cream? My treat.” Swift offered, to which Pinkie gasped.

“Ice cream!? Heck to the yeah!! Thanks Swift!” Pinkie said excitedly as she followed Swift to the mall’s exit. After they left, they grabbed some ice cream before walking back to Pinkie’s home in the city. They chatted about things they liked and their friends, and when they got close to Pinkie’s place, Pinkie spoke up again. “So Swift! What sort of feedback do you have on our first practice date!? Aside from the...you know.”

Swift lapped up some of his ice cream. “Aside from that, I think the practice date went pretty well! You talked about a lot of fun and interesting stuff, nothing really bad happened, I just really went along with where you were going for the date, but I think it’d be good if on this kind of date you also be sure to ask if the guy wants to do anything or go anywhere he wants to go in the mall, just to be polite, I’m sure they’d appreciate it. Overall, I think you did a great job Pinkie. Just remember what parts of the date went good and what parts went bad, and you’ll definitely improve your….dating prowess I suppose?”

‘Uh-huh, uh huh, uh huh, no….lingerie...on the first date…..ask what guy wants to do sometimes…..got it all!” Pinkie exclaimed as she finished writing down on a notepad before she stuck it into her hair and gave a toothy grin. “I really need to say this again, thank you so super duper much for helping me out on this practice date Swift! I already felt like it’ll make me improve my dating game a lot!”

“Heh, good! I’d say this practice date was a success then!” Swift nodded as he beamed at Pinkie.

“Totally! I had a blast!” Pinkie said as she jumped. “So what about the next practice date!? When do you think we’ll do that!? I’m really eager to learn more! Super eager!!” she proclaimed as she kept jumping until Swift grabbed her arms to make her stop.

“Heh, I really like the enthusiasm Pinkie, but for now, I still need to plan the second practice date. I’ll let you know when I’ve thought up what we can do, alright?”

“Alrighty! That sounds awesome! I can’t wait!” Pinkie said as she quickly huggd Swift, prompting a blush from him. She soon released him and smiled. “Spending more time with you will be really fun!”

‘Heh, yeah, it will be. Anyways, I’d better head off then, I’ve got….well, nothing really to do, but I think I should be getting back home. I’ll see you around, okay Pinkie?”

“Definitely! I’ll talk to you later Swift! Thanks again for the practice date!” Pinkie said as she took all of her bags and went down the sidewalk to stop in front of the door to her house. She opened the door before looking back at him and grinning. “You really know how to show a girl a good time!” she said before going inside and closing the door behind her.

Swift blushed harder as he couldn’t even try to hide his smile. He grabbed the one bag of stuff he bought for himself and began on his trek home with a skip in his step knowing that the date ended pretty well, and that Pinkie seemingly had a great time.

All that was left to do now was plan the next practice date and see where it took him and Pinkie, and to be honest, he couldn’t wait.

Whatever the future held, he was excited to see it.

Comments ( 20 )

Finally! Swifty Pie spotlight!! :raritystarry:

I can't help but get the feeling that eventually, there will be a 'notice me senpai' thing from either Twilight or Pinkie. Most likely Pinkie.

Well this was an interesting one for sure.

Hmmm... that guy in the clothing store was missing some pretty huge signs. What a loser. :trollestia:

7483224 I know, right? Some people just can't take a hint.

I love the interactions between these two, Pinkie and Swift are my second favorite couple.

What ever happened to him and twilight? Feels like a drag from here on

Aaw that was really an amazing chapter Azure! Loved the Anime references. :pinkiehappy:

Yeaaaahaaaahaaa Ragga be proud of Swift! If I was in the story right now I would pat the the guy on the back...

Then proceed to suplex him, lock in the crossface chicken wing, then finish him off for the 450 splash for no absolute reason whatsoever.



After waiting all this time I was expecting something amazing ...

And it was!:twilightsmile:

Keep up the good work!

*chuckles* Glad to see this went well. I wonder if I'd see them at a gaming store in the mall, or even at the Warp Zone.
Maybe, hon. Though you might have been at a gaming tournament.
*shrugs* Maybe.
Great chapter. Glad to see this doing so good.

Great chapter Azure. Loved the Anime references and how the chapter went on. Like always Characters we're well done and everything was in the right place.

Um i was wondering if i could use your oc for a PoME story im making?

7897825 sorry about that i was in a rush. But mainly i want my oc to meet scootaloo and well have them fall in love so i wanted to have swift be in it so my oc can talk to him since he's scoots brother

7898243 You may use Swift if you need, just be sure to read the story if you haven't already to understand his character.

7911433 alright thank you very much:twilightsmile:

Lol, I can't help but feel that joke is multi layered. :rainbowlaugh:

This story is just amazing. I hope you find the strength to continue it!))).
P.S. Sorry if there is something wrong with my English, I use a translator

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