• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 3,163 Views, 364 Comments

The Pie of my Eye - Azure_Shadow

Will Swift Justice be able to overcome his shyness and get the girl of his dreams without making a fool of himself? Probably not! Enter the Pie of my Eye!

  • ...

Just another Monday Pt.2

Swift was trudging his way through the suburbs of Canterlot after leaving school; the whole instance of his encounter with Pinkie Pie leaving him drained of any sort of enthusiasm he previously had. He kept moving along the sidewalk at a snail’s pace, moving along slowly as he checked his phone. His lock screen said it was about half past four, Swift sighed as he pocketed the phone and increased his walking speed. As far as he was concerned, this day sucked, and he just wanted to get home so he could end it as fast as possible. But before he could end this crummy excuse for a day, he still had one more job to do; and that job was right in sight. Walking forward he could see Twilight’s house in the distance, good thing too, because she had a LOT of homework, and it was weighing him down a bit. He went up to the house and climbed up to the porch before taking a deep breath. Twilight wasn’t feeling well, and he thought it wouldn’t do her any better if she saw him feeling down in the dumps. Standing in front of the front door for a few minutes, he took a deep breath and attempted to muster a smile for his friend before ringing the doorbell. He waited around for a few moments until he heard footsteps come by the door and open it.

“Hello? Oh! Hello Swift!” said the pink skinned woman known as Cadance with a smile. As she greeted him, a familiar puppy dog came into view and stood by Cadence as it looked at Swift.

“Hello again Mrs. Armor, Hello again Spike.” Swift said as he bent down and scratched behind the purple pup’s ear, which was met by a tail wagging excitedly and a stamp of a foot.

“Heh, oh please, just call me Cadance.” Cadance said. “Twilight told me you might be coming with her schoolwork, that’s very nice of you to do for her Swift.”

“Oh, of course, no problem. I’m always willing to help a friend.” Swift assured her as he stood up from petting Spike.

“That’s great to hear, want to go upstairs to see her? She sounded excited when you told her you’d bring her the work she needed.” Cadance explained with a smug grin on her face.

“O-Oh...really?” Swift asked, to which Cadance nodded. “Well...if seeing me will help brighten her day, than I guess I could pop in for a little bit.” he said out loud.

Cadance giggled. “Twilight’s room is upstairs, second door to your left.” she explained as she got out of the way. Swift nodded before entering the Armor household and going up the stairs. As he walked through the upstairs hallway, he quickly learned that he didn’t need Cadance’s instruction’s to find Twilight’s room, as he could hear the sounds of her sneezing coming up the stairs. He walked over to the second door to the left, which was cracked open. Gently, Swift knocked on the door a few times.

“C-*cough*-Come in. *sniff*” Twilight’s voice answered from the other side of the door. Swift slowly pushed the door open to peek inside Twilight’s room, the contents of which both surprised him, and at the same time didn’t surprise him in the slightest. Twilight’s room was a larger bedroom than his with white carpeting and lavender walls similar to their occupant’s skin color. Every wall Swift could see were crammed with bookshelves, all literally crammed to bursting with books, the only things that weren’t bookshelves in the room were a small desk with a lamp and papers, and writing utensils on it, a closet, a small bedside table, and of course, a bed with a single occupant; Twilight Sparkle herself. Twilight was sitting up in her bed while wearing a butterscotch yellow t-shirt, her lower body being covered by blankets. Her hair was frizzy and unkempt, her normally lavender nose was a little red, no doubt due to the cold she had, but something that quickly caught Swift’s eye was that Twilight had a pair of what appeared to be thick black rimmed glasses on her face. As he peeked his head further inside, Twilight looked over to him, her eyes quickly widening. “S-Swift?”

“Hey there Twilight.” Swift greeted softly. “Mind if I come in?”

“U-Umm...s-sure, come in, come in.” she said as Swift made his way into her bedroom, slowly removing his backpack as he set it down close to Twilight’s bed. He stood a few steps away from Twilight as the two stood in awkward silence for a few moments until Swift finally decided to speak up.

“So umm...how’ve you been today? Doing alright?” He asked quickly.

“Yes, I’ve been doing as well as anyone with a cold would be doing. I’ve been doing nothing but sitting in bed, blowing my nose, reading books, drinking fluids, and eating chicken noodle soup, the usual things one needs to do to get better quicker.” Twilight explained, to which Swift nodded.

“Oh cool, so you’ll be able to come to school tomorrow?” Swift asked, to which Twilight nodded.

“Mmhmm! Definitely, a silly little twenty four hour bug isn’t enough to keep Twilight Sparkle away from learning two days in a row.” Twilight proclaimed before sneezing into her arm. Swift grabbed a tissue from one of the few boxes on Twilight’s nightstand and handed it to her. “Thank you.” She said before blowing her nose hard.

“No problem.” Swift said as he bent down to unzip his bookbag and pull out all of the work Twilight needed. “Oh, and here’s the homework you wanted, got it from all of your classes.” he said as he brought up some books and packets of papers from his backpack, the sight of which made Twilight’s eyes widen.

“Ooooooh...Thank you thank you thank you!” Twilight said as she took the pile from Swift and set it on her lap. With a smile on her face he excitedly skimmed through her assignments one by one. “AP History, Calculus, this, that, hmhmhm..” she mumbled as she continued reading through all of the papers. “Yup! It’s all here! Thank you so much Swift! I’d hug you if I wasn’t sick!” she said with a smile on her face.

“You’re welcome Twilight, I’m happy to help!” Swift said as he looked around the room. “So, must’ve been pretty boring staying in here all day, eh?”

“Eh, it was alright. Once I stopped laying around in bed I was able to finish reading one of the books I started last week, it had a pretty somber ending. Other than that, I’ve just been resting. Oh, and I also was bored later in the day, so I decided to watch one of the Daring Do movies.” Twilight recounted to Swift.

“Ah, I see. Not as good as the book I assume?” Swift inquired.

“Of course! The movie version of anything is never the superior version.” Twilight said matter of factly. “The movie completely snubbed one of the sub-plots of the book, and some of the subplots that were in there had unsatisfying payoffs. but, that’s what happens when you try making a movie version of an A.K. Yearling masterpiece and cramming it into two hours.”

“Mmhmm, You must really like AK Yearling.” Swift said as he glanced at the bookshelf closest to Twilight’s bed, on which three of the shelves were lined with books written by A.K.Yearling.

“Well she’s only my favorite author of all time! *sniff* Her stories are so captivating, especially her Daring Do books, it’s my favorite book series!” Twilight explained excitedly. “They’re so action packed! They’re filled with such great characters, and wonderful morals! They’re some of the greatest books I’ve ever read!”

“Heh, well I wouldn’t know, I’ve never read any of her books before.” Swift said with a shrug as he continued looking at all of the Daring Do books. He stared at them for a few seconds before realizing that Twilight wasn’t saying anything anymore. He turned to the left to see that she was now out of her bed, standing a few steps away from him as she stared at him through her thick glasses.

“You’ve...never...read an A.K.Yearling book before?” Twilight asked in a disbelieving tone.

“N-No, can’t say that I have.” Swift admitted sheepishly. Twilight continued to look at him for a moment before reaching up with her hand and moving his jet black bangs aside before touching his forehead with her palm, and then the back of her hand. “Ummm….whatcha doing?”

“Just making sure I’m the only one who’s sick.” Twilight replied as she removed her hand from Swift’s head. “I can’t believe you’ve never read a single A.K. Yearling book! You poor deprived creature.”

Swift chuckled. “Heh, is it really that big a-”

“Yes, it’s that big a deal! You’re my friend, who enjoys books, who may I repeat has never read a Daring Do book before!” Twilight answered before he could even finish his question. She quickly turned her attention away from him to look back at her bookshelf. With a brief moment of hesitation, she grabbed the first book on the top shelf before turning back to Swift. “Here, this is the first book in the series, I literally believe that it is one of the greatest adventure stories of our generation, I cannot stress how highly I think of this book, and how much I want you to read it.” she said as she handed the book to Swift. Seeing no reason not to take it, he graciously accepted her book and put it in his backpack.

“Alright, I’ll read it when I can.” Swift promised.

“Good, I know you’re going to love it.” Twilight said with a smile on her face, which didn’t stay long as she began coughing up a storm again. “*cough* *cough* *cough* Egh...stupid cold.” she muttered as she sat down on her bed rather quickly, doing which caused her glasses to fall off her face, which she caught quickly. “Dangit.” she said as she began cleaning one of the lenses with a small cloth from her night stand.

“So...are those new?” Swift asked. Twilight looked back at him to see that he was looking at her glasses.

“What, *sniff* these? Oh no, I’ve had these for a while now.” Twilight answered as she put the glasses back on her face and readjusted them.

“Oh really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with them on before.” Swift said as he tilted his head slightly, trying to get a better view of how she looked with them on.

“Y-Yeah, that’s because I always wear contacts to school, mainly just so I can look better than usual.” Twilight claimed, to which Swift raised an eyebrow.

“Really? I think you look cuter with glasses on.” Swift said before widening his eyes at his statement.

W-Wait, did I just say that? he thought to himself without taking her eyes off of Twilight.

“O-Oh...thank you Swift, I really appreciate it.” Twilight said as there appeared to be more red on her cheeks, though whether it be by flattery or her being sick it was hard to tell.

“Y-Yeah...no problem.” Swift replied, trying his best to sound nonchalant about it, and doing a pretty alright job at it. After that, both teens looked in opposite directions silently, not quite sure of what to say next in the current situation. The two of them remained quiet, save for Twilight sniffling and Swift coughing every now and again before Twilight eventually broke the silence.

“S-So Swift, how was school today?” she asked as she glanced back at the young man standing across from her.

“Oh, school was same as usual, typical Monday. Had history, gym, trig, blegh, trig.” Swift said with disgust, prompting a small chuckle from Twilight.

“And how was Chemistry class today?” Twilight asked with a smirk.

“You know, I talked with you through a lot of it, it was fine.” Swift said rather quickly.

“And what about after I told you to pay attention to class?” Twilight asked as she raised an eyebrow to Swift.

“Oh, umm....well, that went well too, it was...a lecture.” Swift answered with a nervous chuckle.

“I see, what was the lecture about?”

“Well...it was...sort of a umm...continuation...err...I mean, it was talking about that whole thing with...gasses, and the like?” Swift attempted to recount as Twilight continued looking at him.

“You didn’t pay attention to the lecture at all, did you Swift?” Twilight deadpanned.

“I paid attention! I just...can’t really remember what a bunch of it was off the top of my head is all.” Swift said in an attempt to defend himself. “I paid attention! I even have the notes to prove it!”

“Oh? Let’s see them then.” Twilight said as she crossed her arms.

“Well...the thing is…” Swift said with a sheepish smile.


“Since we don’t have a test or a quiz coming up...I just left my Chemistry class stuff in my locker.” Swift admitted with a nervous chuckle, prompting a disapproving shake of the head from Twilight.

“You should still study your material even when you don’t have a test or quiz coming up, it can really make a difference in your grade Swift.” Twilight said as she readjusted her glasses.

“Easy for you to say, you’re awesome in chemistry! All of your grades are in the high nineties!” Swift reminded her.

‘Which is because I study! You could get high nineties too if you’d study more often.” Twilight said matter of factly.

“Eh, I don’t know about that Twilight, chemistry is hard as all hell, even with studying, I get really nervous and start second guessing myself on certain aspects of it.” Swift admitted.

“Swift, I know you’re a smart guy! You can definitely improve if you try hard enough. All it takes to succeed is some studying, some practice, and some faith, just remember that and you can do pretty much anything in life.” Twilight said confidently.

“Wow Twilight, that’s...actually a pretty good motivational quote, you read that in a book?” Swift asked curiously.

“Nope! I came up with that when I was in elementary school. It’s my personal motto, and I’ve been living by it ever since.” Twilight said as she puffed her chest out.

“Ah, I really like that motto Twilight. My family has a motto too, “Live to be happy, live to be free, live to be alive.”

“Oooh, that’s a really good one too! It sounds like something that should be embroidered on a throw pillow.” Twilight said, to which Swift chuckled and put his hand in his pocket.

“Heh, it’s funny that you say that..” Swift said as he took his phone out of his pocket and began scrolling through it before holding it up for Twilight to see. Looking at the photo, it was of an embroidered pillow that said the exact some thing on it. “My grandma just finished this a few days ago.”

“Hahaha, see? I knew it!” Twilight giggled as Swift looked at the time on his phone.

“Oh snap! It’s almost five thirty! I gotta head back home!” Swift said as he grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “Mom starts to get overbearing if I’m not home in time for dinner.”

“Heh..okay. Umm...hey Swift?” Twilight asked as Swift made sure he had everything he needed.

“Yeah Twilight?”

“I just wanted to say thanks again for bringing me me schoolwork, and...for visiting me today, I know we’ve only been friends for a few months but...umm...I just wanted to say, even with that...I think of you as one of my closest friends.” Twilight confessed with a smile on her face. Hearing said confession made Swift’s eyes widen in surprise a bit before he smiled back at her.

“Thanks Twilight, you’re one of my close friends too. Anyways, I’d better head out, got a bit of a ways to walk. I’ll see you tomorrow at school, right?”

‘Yes, absolutely.” Twilight promised. “Goodbye Swift, see you in class tomorrow.” she said with a wave, and with that, Swift bade farewell to his lavender skinned friend before leaving the room and exiting the house with a warm feeling of happiness inside of him. Heading on his way home, Swift thought that maybe the day wasn’t as supremely awful as he thought, finding out that Caramel was going on a date with Pinkie struck him hard, but...when he went to go see Twilight, spending time with her and seeing her smile, sort of put his mind at ease for some reason. Sure Pinkie was still going on a date with a different guy, but, now, Swift wasn’t as bothered by that as he was before. Unsure as to why he’d feel that way, he just chalked it up to time, or having a good friend like Twilight to get his mind off of it. For whatever reason, he was happy.