• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 3,163 Views, 364 Comments

The Pie of my Eye - Azure_Shadow

Will Swift Justice be able to overcome his shyness and get the girl of his dreams without making a fool of himself? Probably not! Enter the Pie of my Eye!

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Party Cannon Mishaps

Swift looked back at the double doors to the room. He tried opening them, but it quickly became apparent that Flash and Thunderlane were holding the doors closed. After trying to open it a few more times, he failed due to the fact that both Thunderlane and Flash were much stronger than he was. After stopping, he angrily banged his fist against the door.

"I hate you both!" angrily said Swift.

"You'll do great dude, now get going!" said Thunderlane from behind the door.

'Yeah man, party plan it up!" encouraged Flash from behind the door.

Swift sighed and turned around to view the music room. It was a large room, maybe 100 people could fit in it setting up. On the walls, there were posters of scale charts, inspirational posters, and posters for musicals and concerts from previous years at the school. There were instrument cases of all sizes lining the white walls of the room, as well as many different percussion instruments like a bass drum, big chimes, xylophones, and regular drums against a corner at the end of the room. The room aside from that and a large counter with smaller pieces of equipment was barren. Swift walked to the center of the room, there was no one else in the room with him. Swift checked his wrist watch, 3:07 seven minutes after the committee meeting was supposed to start. Swift thought he had possibly gotten the room number wrong and turned around to see something completely unexpected! In the room behind him was a large cylinder like object with a gaping black hole at the end pointed right at him! Upon further examination, Swift saw that the object was connected to two pink wheels with flower designs on each side. Swift inspected it from all angles before asking an obvious question.

"What the hell is a cannon doing here!?" Swift questioned as he stared at the object in question. Swift was flustered he wasn't sure what to do! Weapons weren't allowed in school, and last he checked, a cannon was kind of a dangerous weapon. Although remembering its non threatening appearance, Swift wondered if it was some sort of prop for an upcoming play or musical by the drama club. Swift crouched down in front of the piece of heavy weaponry in order to look into the hole at the end of it to see if it was loaded. After focusing his gaze on the center of the hole, a sudden pile of what only could be described as pink fluff exploded out from the cannon, stopping just short of Swift's nose. Swift let out a sharp GAH! before tumbling backwards. Swift looked at the pile of fluff emanating from the mouth of the cannon to see that it wasn't moving. After a few seconds, Swift got back up in a crouching position and crept up to the fluff. After some consideration, Swift reached out to touch the pile of fluff, before the fluff quickly moved up to reveal a human face. The owner of the face's identity escaped Swift for a moment as he let out another GAH! before falling on his rear and backing up slowly. It took him only a few seconds to realize the face staring back at him belonged to none other than Pinkie Pie. She looked at Swift with a grin.

"Oh Hiya Swift! Are you here to join the party planning committee?"

"P-Pinkie!? Wha-why are you in a cannon!?" asked Swift, too shocked to become frozen in the presence of Pinkie.

"Oh, well you see, I just got this really cool party cannon! It's supposed to fire out party supplies with each fire! I went inside to clean it and make sure it works, but I guess it was fine, and before I knew it I got stuck." explained Pinkie as she let out a giggle.

Swift was trying to wrap his head around the idea of the existence of something like a party cannon. "Where do you get one of those?"

"I got it off the back of a comic book!" said Pinkie.

What kind of comic book sells heavy artillery? wondered Swift. He looked around the room once more before looking back to Pinkie. "Pinkie, where's the rest of the committee?"

"Oh, didn't you get the announcement? Our adviser had a family emergency, so we're rescheduling the meeting to next week. "

"Oh, ok.W-well anyways, y-your stuck right? Do you...need help?"

Pinkie tried wiggling out of the cannon, but to no avail. "Hmm....I think I might need some help. Can you try pulling me out Swift? asked Pinkie with puppy dog eyes.

"Um..y-yeah, sure. Hold on." said Swift as he looked around the cannon once again, not finding any sort of way to open it up before returning to Pinkie.

"Pinkie did you climb in through the hole?"

"Yeppers! I climbed in head first!"

"Wait, If you climbed in head first, then how are you-" Swift was about to finish until a voice coming from the right of him spoke up.

"Darling, I'm afraid trying to associate logic with our dear Pinkie is a lost cause."

Swift looked to his right to see a girl wearing a white blouse and a dark purple skirt, along with dress shoes and a diamond hair clip. Her hair was a moderate magenta, and was stylized into luxurious curls Swift recognized this girl as Rarity Bell, the older sister to Scootaloo's friend Sweetie Bell.

'Oh hey Rarity." said Swift.

"Hiya Rares!" cheerfully added Pinkie.

"Hello Swift and Pinkie.What seems to be going on here?" asked Rarity as she walked towards the two others and the party cannon.

"Pinkie ordered a party cannon from a comic book and tried to clean it, but she got stuck inside." explained Swift.

"Just another Wednesday for our dear Pinkie." said Rarity with a shrug. "Anyways, let's try getting Pinkie out of this cannon shall we? Swift, I'm gonna hold onto the cannon to make sure it doesn't move, you grab a hold of Pinkie and pull her out!" said Rarity as she knelt down to the cannon and put her arms around it.

'What do I grab?" asked Swift as he looked at Pinkie.

"Oh! Here you go Swift!" said Pinkie as she struggled to bring her arm out of the cannon.

"Wait, if you can pull out your arm-"

"Pinkie dear!" said Rarity.

"Right,Right," said Swift as he grabbed Pinkie's hand. "Alright, ready? on three! One....Two....THREE!!" Just then, Swift pulled Pinkie's arm as hard as he could, as Rarity held onto the cannon as hard as she could. They pulled for a few minutes, until Pinkie spoke up.

"Umm guys, can we stop? I think If you keep pulling me, I'll turn into taffy. OOHH! If I was taffy, I wonder what flavor I would be. Would I be grape, cherry, strawberry?"

"You'd defenitally be pink lemonade." thought Swift out loud.

"Yeah! Great thinking Swift! Aww, now I want taffy I wonder if I'll be able to get to Sugarcube Corner soon."

"Darling, I think we have a more pressing issue to resolve." said Rarity.

"Rarity's right, let's try again." said Swift as they tried to pull Pinkie out of the cannon again. They tried the same way as before, they had Rarity help Swift pull Pinkie's arm, they tried to lift the cannon, but it wouldn't budge. After a few more minutes, they took a break from trying to pull Pinkie out.

"Pant...Pinkie Darling....Sigh You're quite stuck there." said Rarity , trying to catch her breath.

"I know Rares, I guess trying to fit in the party cannon was a not so supertastic idea huh?" said Pinkie as she gave a weak smile.

"Pant probably....pant...not." added Swift, who was also out of breath and sitting in front of Pinkie and the cannon.

'Wow! You two are out of breath already!? You guys must be really out of shape."

"I've been busy!" said both Rarity and Swift in unison. Swift was in front of Pinkie and the cannon, looking for any new way to get her out as Rarity walked to the back of the cannon and looked at the string on the back.

"This cannon is just a prop of some sort correct?" asked Rarity as she grabbed the string.

"Wait, Rarity! Don't pull the-yoink" but it was too late, Rarity gave the string a light tug, and almost immediately, an earth shattering BOOM!! filled the room as Pinkie was launched out of the cannon. Swift was unfortunate enough to be standing in front of the cannon when Rarity pulled the string . In a flash of a second, Swift saw Pinkie jet out of the cannon, alongside a large amount of confetti, streamers, balloons, and other party supplies following suit. Swift acted quickly, and grabbed Pinkie and pulled her in close. Pinkie's momentum was enough to sent her and Swift flying to the back of the large room, when suddenly Swift hit a wooden cabinet in the back of the room which shook as they made contact. They stayed there for a few moments, enough for Rarity to gasp in horror.

"OH MY GOD! PINKIE! SWIFT! ARE YOU OK!?" she yelled frantically as she ran up to the two students lying up against the cabinet. Swift shifted a little as he opened his eyes to Rarity.

'Oww, aside from my spine possibly being broken, I'm ok." said Swift rubbed his head with his right hand.

"Oh dear, I'm so terribly sorry! I thought that cannon was a cheap prop! Neither of you are seriously injured are you!?" asked an extreamley concerned Rarity.

"I think I'm ok. Wait...Is Pinkie ok?" Swift asked as he looked down. He saw that he was embracing Pinkie Pie! His arms around her gently, holding her close to his chest, but not too tight. He could feel the warmth of her body close to his own. This only lasted for a moment though, as Pinkie's head shot up apon hearing her name.

"Oh I'm fine, but that was super duper fun!" said Pinkie with a huge grin on her face. "I'm even more fine because Swift saved me from crashing head first into that cabinet! Are you ok Swift?"

'Uh...umm y-yeah, I think I'm good." said Swift as he started blushing and ignoring the stinging in his back. He slowly stood up and helped Pinkie to her feet as well. She smiled at him and giggled. She then quickly draped her arms around Swift's shoulders and brought him in for a tight hug, much to Swift's surprise.

"Thanks for saving me from that cabinet Swift! You're my hero!" Pinkie giggled as she brought him in tighter than before

Swift was stunned, all he could focus on was the fact that Pinkie just called him her hero, and that she was hugging him tightly. He was as motionless as a statue in reality, but in his mind, he was flipping out. OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod!!!Pinkie Pie is hugging me really tight! I'd focus more on the fact that she was probably unintentionally further damaging my spinal column, but I'm too damn happy right now! Pinkie Pie holding me in a close, warm embrace! And she does smell like cotton candy! Flash owes me five bit-bucks! God, I wish this moment could last forever. But sadly it could not last forever, as nearly a split second later, all three of them could hear the door to the room quickly open, followed by the sound of heels pounding against the floor.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?" shouted a female voice. The three students all felt a shiver go down their spines as they turned around to see a woman wearing a purple pants look around the room in shock until her eyes rested on them and her brief look of shock was quickly replaced with a scowl, accompanied by sharp, piercing eyes. It was also at this point the students saw the aftermath of the party cannon's blast. There was confetti, streamers, and glitter all over the floor in front of the party cannon. The students looked at the woman in shock, fear, and silence.

"WELL?" asked the woman in an extreamley assertive voice.

"V-Vice Principal Luna! We...I can explain!" said Rarity, trying to find her words in the presence of one of the scariest members of Canterlot High's faculty.

"Alright then Ms.Rarity, explain what all this is!" exclaimed a very angry Luna. Rarity recounted everything that had happened in the past fifteen minutes to the vice principal. How Swift found Pinkie stuck in the party cannon, how the party cannon got there, how they had tried to get her out of the cannon, and how she had pulled the sting to the cannon. Luna just stood still and stared at her the whole time, only ever nodding occasionally. When Rarity's explanation ended Luna took a few seconds before speaking again.

"Ms. Pie, may I ask why you brought a CANNON TO SCHOOL!?" asked Luna, with no attempt to hide the anger and annoyance in her voice. Pinkie Pie looked at Luna with a frightened look on her face.

"Well, when I ordered the cannon first, I thought it'd be like a fun little toy! Like maybe a slightly bigger party popper or something. But when It came in the mail, It was an actual cannon! I didn't know what to do with it since the ad said no returns, so I thought we could use it in the Party Planning Committee and I brought it here for the meeting!" explained Pinkie.

"Ms Pie, you should know better than to bring any sort of weapon to school, even if that weapon's ammunition is party supplies! You weren't careful, and one of your fellow students got hurt because of it!" said Luna as she pointed toward Swift, who was slightly hunched over and rubbing his back. Pinkie took a quick look at Swift as her hair seemed to deflate a bit as she looked down to the ground. Rarity looked at Pinkie and then to Luna as she entered the conversation.

"Vice Principal Luna, It was my fault Swift got hurt. We were trying to get Pinkie out of the party cannon wen I pulled the firing string of the cannon, I didn't think it would fire!"

"Ms. Bell, I applaud you for standing up for your fellow student, that doesn't excuse Ms. Pie for bringing the cannon to school in the first place!"

Rarity pleaded "I realize that Ms. Luna, but please! Don't just punish Pinkie. For harming Swift and causing this ungodly mess, I'm just as at fault here! If you're going to punish Pinkie, than please punish me too!"

"Very well, you both can spend the next few days cleaning up this room, and then going to detention. Does that sound fair?" asked VP Luna.

"Yes ma'am." said Pinkie and Rarity in unison.

"Alright, now on to more pressing matters." said Luna as she turned her attention towards Swift as her former angry demeanor changed to a softer, more concerned one. "Mr. Justice, are you alright? You look like you took quite the blow."

"I think I'm fine, but I did hit that cabinet really har-WOAH!" said Swift as he shifted his gaze towards the cabinet he crashed into to see that one of the doors on the bottom part had a very large crack in it stretching from top to bottom. "That cabinet aside, I think I'm fieeeeeyyyyen!!" said Swift as he tried to stand up strait, only to go back into his former half-hunch and rubbing his back. "Ok....Ok....that hurt! That really hurt!" The two students gasped while Luna kept a cool head.

"Ms. Bell, can you please escort Mr.Justice to Nurse Redheart's office?"

"Oh, of course! Let's go Swift." said Rarity as she gently put her arm on his back and led him out of the room. When Swift and Rarity left the room, Luna turned her attention back to Pinkie.

"Ms.Pie, please follow me to my office, we need to further discuss the consequences of this incident."

"Yes Vice Principal Luna."
Justice Residence
Friday 4:15pm

Swift was lying down in his bed while reading the newest book of the 'Idiots and Exams' manga series. After that incident with the party cannon, Swift was sent to the nurse's office, and then the doctor's office. Swift was lucky that nothing was broken, but his back was seriously strained, and was told to rest for a while before he went back to school. It was getting later in the year, and the sun started setting earlier than it did in previous weeks. Swift was reading his book while it was being illuminated by the soft rays of light coming from the window to the right of his bed. He was so absorbed in his book, he didn't even hear someone knock on the front door to his house, or the muffled talking coming from below, or the sound of two pairs of feet climbing up the stairs, he finally became aware of his surroundings when he heard a knock at his door. He looked over to the door as it creaked open slowly to show his mother peeking in.

"Swift, you have a visitor." said his mother, who had a smile on her face.

"A visitor, who is it?"

Swift's mother turned her attention to whoever was with her. "He's in there. Don't worry, he's ok!" said his mother as she made way for whoever was next to her. Expecting to see Thunderlane, Flash, or one of his friends from the table tennis team, Swift was surprised to see the person entering the room was Pinkie Pie! She was wearing pink jeans with a white long sleeved shirt with pink sleeves, and three balloons on the chest area. Her hair was still somewhat fluffy, but it had the appearance of a half deflated pink balloon. She was carrying a white box in her hands.

"I'll leave you two alone for now." said Swift's mom as she quickly closed the door in front of her, leaving Swift and Pinkie to be the only two occupants of the room.

"Hiya Swift." said Pinkie as she offered a weak smile.

"H-Hi P-Pinkie" said Swift as he dropped the book he was reading to his lap.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah a little. The doctor said nothing was broken, and that I just needed to lie in bed for a few days until my back healed up."

"Oh, that's good." said Pinkie as she set the white box on Swift's nightstand. She stood for a few seconds in awkward silence until she spoke up. "Um..Do you mind if I sit down?"

"O-Oh No! N-Not at all!" said Swift as he felt his cheeks warm up a bit. He moved his legs that were under a cyan blanket so that Pinkie could sit on the side of the bed. The two of them sat in awkward silence for a few a few seconds, with Swift looking down at his lap and Pinkie staring at her feet. After about a minute in silence, Swift attempted something he thought was impossible; start a conversation with Pinkie Pie. He tried thinking of conversation starters, but decided to go with the first coherent phrase that came to mind. "S-So....uh....what brings you down to this neck of the woods?"

"Uh..well..I wanted to say sorry for what happened Wednesday with the party cannon." said Pinkie without looking at Swift.

" Oh that's ok Pinkie, it was an accident."

"Yeah, but you still got hurt."

"Yeah, but it got me out of a Trigonometry test, so it's all good." said Swift as he offered a smile. The comment seemed to work as Pinkie started to smile as well. "So..um, If you don't mind me asking, what happened with you and Rarity? VP Luna looked pretty mad."

"She was really super mad. She said it was against school policy to bring cannons to school, even if they're of the party variety. She yelled at me for a few minutes and at the end of it made me clean up all the party supplies from the music room, but it wasn't super bad because Rarity helped me with the clean up. Since it was an accident Rarity didn't have to help, but she decided to anyways! Isn't she super generous?"

"I thought she HAD to help because she pulled the string."

Did she? I don't remember. Anyways, after we cleaned up, some guys removed the party cannon from the room and Luna gave me detention, and then I felt super bad for you for getting hurt, so I got you a present and came here, talked to you, and now we're talking about me after the party cannon incident!" Pinkie continued to ramble on as Swift interrupted her.

"Wait, a present? For me?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" said Pinkie as she reached over to the white box on the night stand and set it on the bed in front of Swift."I hope you like it! I made it myself!" She motioned for Swift to open the box. Swift lifted the top flap on the box and looked in to see a small, circular cake! It had light purple frosting, and had a message written on it in red gel. The message read.

I'm sorry for flying out of a cannon and headbutting you across the music room, making you fly into a cabinet filled with music stuff that broke.

Looking at the message while wondering how long it took for Pinkie to write it, he didn't even notice her moving closer to him on the bed until she once again wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in for a gentle hug. It lasted for a few seconds until Pinkie broke it off and looked into Swift's eyes.

"Do you...like it?" Pinkie asked with a smile laced with worry.

"Y-yeah, it's awesome! I love cake!" Swift said as he gave Pinkie a beaming smile. Seeing this is apparently just what Pinkie needed, as she immediately had a large grin on her face, and her hair was now back to maximum fluffitude.

"I know right? I was thinking about what to get you to say I'm sorry, so I thought nothing said that better than an 'I'm sorry I headbutted you out of a cannon cake!' " At this sentence, both Swift and Pinkie heard what sounded like a soft giggle coming from the outside of the room. "Did you hear that Swift?"

"Yeah, unfortunately I did." Swift said with a sigh. He looked around the room for a brief moment before he saw the book he was previously reading. He picked it up and flung it at the door as hard as he could. The book made a loud noise as it hit the wooden door, and a louder yelp could be heard from beyond it.

"MOM! STOP EAVESDROPPING!" shouted Swift in anger.

"Sorry dear!" said Swift's mom from behind the door. Swift then heard his mother quickly running down the stairs and into the kitchen. He turned back to Pinkie, who was laughing. "Sorry about that." said Swift

"That's ok!" said Pinkie as she went into a rare serious mode. "So, um.. are you still gonna join the PPC after what happened? The meeting has been re-scheduled for next week Tuesday if you want to come, but I don't blame you if you don't want to."

"N-No! I still want to join the PPC! I really do!" said Swift in a desperate sounding manner.

'Really, you do!? YAY! You're gonna love the PPC, I have lots of friends who do it! There's Bon Bon, and Lyra, and Featherweight, Big Mac,Vinyl Scratch, and Flitter! You've already met Rarity and she just joined. Ooh! And just wait until you meet our club adviser, he's a hoot and a half!" cheerily said Pinkie.

"I can't wait." said Swift. "So...uhm do you wanna help me eat this cake? I couldn't finish this if I tried. As if on que, Pinkie reached behind her and pulled out two small paper plates and two plastic forks from who knows where and handed one of each to Swift. The two dug into the small cake, demolishing half in almost fifteen minutes. It was chocolate with strawberry filling, Swift's favorite. As the two continued eating, Swift stared at Pinkie as a thought occurred to him. Hold on, I'm having a conversation with Pinkie Pie and I'm not freaking out. This is great! Thunderlane was right. After just two days of talking to her, I already got two hugs, a delicious cake, and a free pass from a test! This is happening faster than I thought, I can't wait to tell Flash and Thunderlane about this!, but for now, Swift was focusing his attention on having cake with his high school crush of two years, savoring each moment as if it were a bite of the moist, succulent cake that was on his plate, spending this time wondering if this plan would go as smoothly as they were going now.

Author's Note:

* Spoilers, It won't!:rainbowlaugh: It was hard to write this chapter because my PC kept freaking out on me. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this latest chapter, and expect the next one sooner than later! As always, feel free to comment on how you think the chapter went!