• Published 1st May 2014
  • 11,101 Views, 1,531 Comments

The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

A you decide story about well a changeling. More info inside.

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Episode 9: Cover Blown! Running Away From The Royal Guard!!!

Just play it cool. Celestia wouldn't have referred to you as "[her] little pony" if she realized who you were. Just cool it and remain calm, use your wits to get you out of this.

You calm down form your almost panic-attack when you realize that Celestia called you "her little pony." You calm down enough to see that she is still waiting for you to answer her question. Thinking quickly you get up and salute to her. You tell her that you are fine and you were just in a rush. She smiles sweetly at you and asks "I'm glad that you are okay my little pony, but please tell me why you in shush a rush?"

Oh no reason, just running away from Princess Luna's room that just so happens to have a knocked out stallion that looks just like me in it. You think to yourself sarcastically, Oh, and did I mention that I'm a changeling too. You shake your head to clear your thoughts, you need to focus on making up a excuse as to why you are in shush a rush. You can't think of anything sadly, so you guess that this is your do*ding*.

Pull one of the Sherclop Holmes books out of the inventory. Tell Celestia you always wanted to give the series a try, and you would really like to get back to your quarters and read it if she doesn't mind. Don't forget to call her "Your Highness."

You just remembered that you have the entire Sherclop Holmes series, as well as all fifty-six short stories, inside The Inventory. You remember that you have to think of the object that you want in order to take it out of The Inventory, so you think about the first book of the series, "A Study in Scarlet," and you pull it out of the saddle bag.

You show Princess Celestia the book and tell her "I'm sorry your highness, but you see I just found this book in the library and I've always wanted to give it a try, so I was rushing to get to my room to read it." She similes again and says "Oh that's wonderful, its nice to see you interested in reading such a lovely tale." She then begins to walk away from you, but turns around and says "Well, I wont keep you any longer, enjoy the book."

Tell Princess Celestia that Princess Luna wants to meet her in Luna's quarters. Celestia "buys it" (remember, this is Princess Celestia and you're not exactly Loki when it comes to lies) and leaves.

Before she gets to far, you decide to make sure that she doesn't end up meeting Luna, you know, because Luna believes that Celestia wants to meet her in the throne room. Seeing as how you don't want Luna and Celestia to find out you lied, you quickly tell another lie to save your buggy butt. "Oh your highness, Princess Luna would like to meet with you in her quarters." You lie to the stinking sun princess. You now know that if the dungeons food doesn't kill you, two very angry princess will.

Celestia looks at you with suspicion, and your afraid that you have been caught buggy hoofed, when she smiles and says "All right, lets see what Lu Lu wants." With that she begins to walk towards Luna's room.

Run like all hell towards the guard barracks, because you have a plan.

When she is far away enough, you begin to gallop like there's no tomorrow towards the guard barracks because you have a plan. A plan so good that not even your clumsiness can stop it from working. All you need to do is find the barracks...hopefully your memory is a little better then it was a few days (it has been days right, you can't tell anymore).

You have been galloping for the past few minutes (hours? days? you really need to find a watch) since you began to look for the barracks. You could have sworn it was around here somewhere. "Aha" you say to yourself, "There it is." You walk up to the barracks to see that there are two guards, well, guarding the barracks. You walk up to them and salute, then you quickly walk into the barracks and shut the doors be hide you.

You begin to search for this old looking spell book that you saw in here during the invasion. You finally found it after a couple of minutes next to a desk with a photo of the bride and groom that your ex-queen invasion plan centered around. You look at the picture with guilt, the next chance you get, if ever, you are going to apologizes to them. You then look at the book to see that it is titled "Stun Spells and You." You don't want to take the chance of getting caught reading it from the real guards, so you put it into The Inventory.

"Stun Spells and You" added to inventory.

start to feel relived, but you feel like you're forgetting somet- OH BUCK! THE GUARD'S BODY IS STILL IN LUNA'S ROOM!!!

You start to feel relived, but you feel like you're forgetting somet- OH BUCK! THE GUARD'S BODY IS STILL IN LUNA'S ROOM!!! You are about to make a run for it when suddenly you are surrounded by guards. You start to panic, which causes your transformation to stop so your back to your buggy self, when you come up with a idea. It worked in the creepy forest, so it might work here. You activate your RCV and scream...

Also, if your disguise breaks, yell "LOOK, A DISTRACTION!" and run.


You are surprised that it worked, because you honestly thought it wouldn't work. All the guards look in the opposite direction of you. So you take this chance to...RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!! You run for a good few minutes when you get pulled into a dark room with a hoof covering your mouth, which you notice the the fur color is pink. You are terrified that you might have been caught, when you hear her, you can now confirm that the pony who grabbed you is a she, whispers to you.

"Be quiet if you ever want a chance of redemption."

You know that voice, but from where. Then, it suddenly hits you..that's the..oh no. Its the STINKING BRIDES VOICE. FROM THE WEDDING.

What the heck do you do?

Author's Note:

Okay before I begin with my usual after episode batter, I have to say that tomorrow there might not be a episode. Before you freak out no I'm not cancelling the fic, its jut that my school is having a field trip and I won't be back home until 10:00 pm that night so sorry for the inconveniences. Also last episodes question still stands unanswered

"What was your favorite episode of season 4 and why?"

See you guys on Wednesday, this has been DWC saying bye.

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