• Published 1st May 2014
  • 11,116 Views, 1,531 Comments

The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

A you decide story about well a changeling. More info inside.

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Episode 14: Keep Calm and..RUN FOR IT!!!

"...I don't think so?"
Just play it cool. Remember this the pony you turned into to cheer up Candace, so she can't be all that bad.

Play it cool. Don't lose it. Hope springs eternal.
While I don't approve of lying, maybe some other tactic might work, like misdirection, i.e. asking "Why would you know me?" or "What of it?"

Everypony act cool.

You take a deep breath, you remember that she is the same pony you transformed into to cheer up Cadence, hopefully she isn't too bad. I mean sure she shot that cannon right at your head several times, sure you still can't get that ringing sound out of your head or that.. haunting… giggling… sadistic… laughing.... AHHHHHHHH! *slap* "Focus #%^$, that's all in the past, for now worry about the pink pony now," you say to yourself. You look into the pink pony's eyes with determination and say...



"... I don't think so?" That was the weakest kind of determination ever. You think to yourself in utter disappointment. She looks at you with a face that screams ‘I Don't Believe You’ for a few seconds… then she immediately smiles a huge smile and jumps around you like she's Peppy le Pew. Then, she starts talking a mile an hour, and you couldn't understand a word she said. But, you think this is what she said, "Oh that's good, because lately my Pinkie Sense has been all wonky. Like this one time, a week ago actually, my newest, bestest friend Twilight, oh have you met her yet? She came to town and my usual 'new pony in town I don't know yet' Pinkie Sense didn't go off. So I was all "AHHH!" and she was all like "Ahh!" and blah, blah, blah."

Dear Luna does this mare ever stop talking! You don't mean to be rude, but you can't get one word in without her saying five other words. You don't want to be mean to her by asking her to be quiet, so you just sit there and listen.


FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA, IT'S BEEN FOUR HOURS NOW, HOW MUCH CAN THIS MARE TALK! You don't even think she has taken a single breath since she started talking. "Oh, hi Applejack, hey why do you look so mad?" Oh thank Luna she finally stopped tal...WAIT WHAT!!! You turn around to see that Applejack is behind you, and she looks mad as heck. "Hello again… varmint."
"Oh...uh hi stranger, uh... who's this varmint you're talking about?" You slowly start to inch towards the opposite way of Applejack.
"You know who I'm talking about… changeling." Okay, she knows what you are.



*ding*This has worked for you in the past, so hopefully it will work for you now. You start to channel magic into your voice to power up your RCV (Royal Canterlot Voice) and scream...

Perhaps it's time for the tried and true...
"Look! A distraction!" *peppy le pew chase scene ensues*


Pinkie seems to be unfazed by your RCV, but Applejack seems to be distracted. You quickly start to run away from them, all the way out of town. You've been running for a few hours now, and you’re pretty sure that they've stopped chasing you. You look behind you to see… Pinkie keeping up with you while bouncing like Peppy Le Pew. And Applejack is also right behind you as well. You decide to distract them by throwing a bit on the ground. Pinkie stops immediately stops and stares at it, and Applejack runs… right into Pinkies tail? You decide to question it later, right now you need to focus on running for your life. You see a apple tree field and you decide to make a beeline for it.


You managed to climb up one of the apple trees an hour later. It is now dark outside, and you decide to sleep on the tree’s branches. You also ate some of the apples on said tree. You’ll pay whoever owns this field later, for now your going to sleep. Luna knows its been ages since you've last slept.

What do you do tomorrow?

Author's Note:

Hey guy's/girl's/bugs/ and ponies, DWC here. Tomorrows episode is going to be this fics first "episode" chapter. If you've read my blog explaining about my story, you should know what this means, if not go check it out...please. Tomorrows going to take place in the "Applebuck Season" and you guys are going to decide what our favorite changeling (you) gets to do during the episode.

Yesterdays episode question still stands, only because I want to see more then just two answers, so please respond. Also notice anything different about this episode, like how it looks better then usual. Well that's because my new editor,Jeray2000, edited this episode, so please go and thank him and check out his profile. See you people/bug/pony tomorrow, bye!

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