• Published 1st May 2014
  • 11,101 Views, 1,531 Comments

The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

A you decide story about well a changeling. More info inside.

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[FIXED] Episode 57: ANGRY BUGZE VS. THE DIAMOND DOGS...And singing?

You glare at the diamond dog with enough hate that it could burn the damn thing alive.
You are suddenly surrounded by a dark aura and very menacingly you ask "....What.....Are.....You......Stupid......Dogs.....Doing....With....MY.....DAUGHTER!?!?!?!?"
As you yell this your eyes turn orange and smoke comes out of your nose.
"D-daddy?" Nightshade asks fearfully and shocked.
"Close your eyes Nightshade, your ears too" You say not removing your eyes from the diamond dog.
"NOW nightshade"
Nightshade listens to you and you stomp forward towards the dog.


You start to glare at the dog-like beings, your orange eyes glowing with enough hate that it could burn the dog thing alive and behind you a scary looking mask begins to form, which causes both Nightshade and the dog-like beings to flinch in fear. You would have questioned it and wondered what it is or how it's there, but you're too angry at the moment to care. You then ask in a menacing tone,

"...What are you STUPID mutts doing... With... MY... DAUGHTER!?!?!?!?"

As you yell out the last bit in the RCV, knocking over the dog-like beings, the "Nightmare Cloak" begins to cover you. Your anger continues to grow bigger and bigger as you continue to glare at the dog-like beings, but you can't help but feel that you are losing control.

This is the Ursa Minor incident all over again You think, I can't maintain control much longer...

With the last of your control you teleport Nightshade out of the dog-like beings grip and put her near The Inventory. Nightshade looks at you in fear and asks in both fear and shock,


Keeping your glare on the dogs you say,

"Nightshade, sweetie, daddy's about to do something very mean to these nasty creatures, and daddy doesn't think he'll have much control when he does. So please sweetie, go into The Inventory and close your eyes and your ears too... somehow."

Nightshade looks at you in fear and says,

"But, daddy-"

"NOW NIGHTSHADE!" You interrupt in the RCV as you feel the last of your control slipping.

Nightshade looks at you in shock and terror, before nodding her little head as she ducks into The Inventory. You then look over to the dog like beings and...

As you stare at them your anger finally breaking you fail to notice your eye twitch, and a necromancer walk up to you, using him magic he raise the dead around you. The undead seem to have instruments and they began to play (Activate ass kicking music) the music starts slow and you began to walk torus the dogs. They look at you with a mix of confusion and fear. The music begins to pick up and a wicked smile forms on your face,

Start to advance on them as your eye twitches. Suddenly, a pony in a brown cloak walks up to you and his horn glows a eerily black aura and soon a bunch of skeleton ponies come out of the dead. The skeleton ponies seem to have instruments and they begin to play. The music starts slow but it begins to pick up faster and faster the closer you get to the dog like beings. You don't notice any of this randomness as your anger begins to reach it's peek and the "Nightmare Cloak" is almost done forming, your fox tail beginning to form as well. Suddenly the music stops and the dog-like beings begin to sigh in relief cause you stopped coming towards them, but the dark voice returns,

"Are you just gonna let these filthy mongrels defy you?"

The dogs start to worry again when a wicked grin begins to form on your nightmare-cloaked face and you finally...

The thought of the Dimond dog using your daughter for forced labor breaks something in your mind. Your facial expression changes to something sinister while your body begins to shake violently. You grin showing your sharp, changeling teeth and begin a psychotic laugh. Confuse and disturbed, the Dimond dogs begin to inch away from the disturbed changeling. Forgetting about Nightshade's existence, she slips out of the Dimond dogs grip and enters THE INVENTORY. The largest of the dogs questions Bugze, "What bug pony find funny !?" The larger d dog snarls. Bugze slowly walks towards them ( you remember a quote from one of your favorite psycho's from borderlands and your grin widens further). Before you starts the beat down, you screams, "Ill open your veins WITH MY TEEETH!"


You suddenly begin to laugh like a psychopath...


The dog-like beings begin to inch away from you with looks of disturbed confusion and the largest one asks you in a scared tone,

"Wha.. what bug pony find funny!?"

You continue your walk towards them, still laughing like a maniac, when you remember a quote from one one of your favorite psychos from "Borderlands". Right as your about to reach them, you scream out in a psychotic voice...


And with that... you attack!

Go ape shit on them, aka, falcon punch, no shadow kick, and shoryuken to each of the diamond dogs in that order (after teleporting nightshade out of his grip)

Attack! Always attack! (Napoleon Bonaparte) Go on the offensive, before they get a chance to use their numbers.

In a rage, use No Shadow Kick on Rover (middle-sized leader holding Nightshade) which makes him drop Nightshade before you land and quickly hit Fido (the biggest one) with Falcon Punch which sends him smashing through a tree and into a nearby mountain wall. You turn your glowing-orange glare on Spot (smallest one) who calls in reinforcements on a whistle.
5 Armored Guard dogs with spears burst out of the ground, but you use Fus Ro Dah to send all of them (and Spot) slamming into the wall where Fido was knocked into.

This starts to play in the back ground, but you don't care. You leap at the frozen-in-fear dogs and cry out,


Before hitting the middle-sized leader with a rapid flurry of kicks at his chest before the final kick connects with his face and sends him flying into a nearby cliff wall. You land and teleport in front of the biggest dog before charging up a punch (which instead of being fiery color, it's now a midnight blue color) and crying out,


The punch hits the big dog-like creature in the stomach and sends him smashing though several trees before smashing right into the middle-sized one (who was still stuck to the wall).

You turn and cry out,


And throw a rising uppercut at the small one, but he quickly dodges the attack with a roll and blows into a whistle. Suddenly, five armored dog-like beings carrying spears pop out of the ground next to the small dog. He looks at you smugly, but that smile soon fades when you give out another psychotic laugh. You then charge up your lungs and yell...


The yell of power uproots several trees and sends all the dogs flying into the cliff wall. You stride menacingly towards the dog pancakes on the cliff wall when you hear the dark voice whisper,

"Hahahahaha! That's what those pathetic inferior mongrels deserve for thinking they can take me... FINISH THEM!!!"

However, as your distracted by the dark whisper, the dog-like beings recover and start digging. You run faster, but they disappear into the ground just as you arrive. You look around in a feral rage, waiting for them to come back up...

After Bugzy gives the Diamond Dogs a few solid, and well deserved smacks, they burrow underground to avoid getting hit more while also popping up to taunt him, as we know they like to do. Then after a solid hour (or several) of playing whack-a-dog, Bugzy gets exhausted and the dogs come back to the surface to rub it in his face.

You suddenly feel a whack on your back and you turn to see an armored-dog retreating back into the ground. Another dog pops up and the same thing happens. In your current state of mind you don't think rationally, which causes you to swing your tail down on the holes they make, missing them by a inch each time. They would taunt you each time you missed as they continued their "hit-and-burrow" tactics, making you angrier and angrier. This failed game of "whack-a-dog" goes on for a hour or two before you finally collapse from exhaustion. The dog-like beings come out of their hole and they begin to walk over to your heavily-breathing form. The big one sinkers and says in a victorious tone,

"Hahaah looks like the protector is all bark and no bite, it seems."

The small one nods his head and adds,

"Yah, what happen to 'yous gonna open ours veins with yours teeth'." and begins to laugh as well.

The middle-sized one then says,

"Dig dogs, get bag with small pony. We need our miner!"

Your eyes shoot wide open...

Your increasing rage causes the "Nightmare Cloak" comes back on and you launch yourself into the air before slamming back down in a shockwave that launches the Diamond Dogs into the air where you grab them with your tail and start repeatedly slamming them around you before throwing them into a wall. You slowly advance on the whimpering mutts as the voice comes back urging you to "Put these mongrels down" before Nightshade calms you down.

The thought of those filthy creatures enslaving your daughter breaks something in your mind. You let out a monstrous scream as your body shakes violently, changeling teeth growing sharper, horns sprouting out of your head, the aura gets larger and more unstable, causing the dogs to stumble back in panic.

"What's happening Rover!"

"Me don't know!".

You then give out a monstrous roar that causes any living thing nearby to start running....


You then glare at the downed dog like creatures as they cower in fear and the dark voice in your head says,

"Yesss...yessss feed your rage. Use your rage and kill them. KILL THEM ALL! Ahahahhahah!

You decide to listen to the dark voice as you raise your tail into the air before slamming straight down into the ground with earth-shaking force, knocking down the dog-like beings around you and launching you high into the air. On a dark instinct, you cover yourself in a midnight-colored forcefield before launching yourself at the ground at high-speed and crying out before impact,


You slam into the ground causing a large shockwave that levels the nearby landscape and launches all the dog-like beings into the air. Next, you lash out with your tail and grab all the dog-like beings in mid-air before you then start wildly and repeatedly slamming them around you in a flailing frenzy. This frenzy causes more rock formations to sprout out of the ground with each hit, which causes your surroundings to look like a rocky mountain area. You then throw the dog-like beings, sending them slamming into the cliff wall behind you. You slowly turn around and begin to menacingly walk towards the dog-like beings as they whimper in terror and the dark tiny voice in your head whispers with sadistic glee,

"Yesssss! Put those unsavory filthy mongrels down! Show them the power of the Nightmare!"

You decide to give in to the dark voice in your head, and you are about to give the finishing blow, when you hear a voice cry out,

"Daddy, stop!!"

Nightshade darts in front of you and begins to hug you. She then whispers to you,

"It's okay daddy. You taught them their lesson. You don't need to hurt them anymore. Besides, I bet they will never try to do this ever again... right doggies?"

She says that last part when she looks over to the down dog like things. They shake their heads yes in fear and say,

"Yes! Yes! We's promise never to try and make a small pony a forced miner ever again! We swear!"

You breath a deep sigh and your Nightmare Cloak shrinks, returning you to your normal Buggy self and you hear the dark voice scream in anger at it failing to make you kill the dog like creatures. You can't help but think in a worried and fearful tone What was that, I felt so munch...rage and hatred. If Nightshade didn't stop me *shiver* I don't even want to think about it. For now on I need to control my anger. No one will be safe if I don't You nod your head in determination before you follow Nightshade back to the Inventory where you both start to pick up and put away your stuff when...

A wounded Rover stumbles across your coat and (after a LONG time of thinking) realizes you're The Hooded Offender. He and the other dogs immediately begs to be your minions (Nightshade explains in a book she read while in Appleloosa, dog-like creatures operate on "pack mentality" and by dominating them, you've become their "alpha")

"What that?" you hear the bruised middle-sized dog say,

You turn your head towards him and notice he's pointing at your hooded coat which you're currently putting into the inventory. You reply,

"Oh, it's just my awesome coat."

The middle-sized dog-like creature keeps shifting his look between your coat and you before you hear a *ding* and he approaches you with the other Diamond Dogs cautiously following/limping after him. You quickly shove Nightshade into the Inventory, push the Inventory behind you and take a defensive stance, your eyes glowing orange. The lead dog-like creature stops a few feet in front of you and...

Rolls on his back, paws drawn in, and belly up? The other dog-like creatures immediately follow suit. You stand there confused before saying,

"...What the hay is happenin-"

"I know!" Nightshade interrupts. You look down and see her head poking out of The Inventory as she continues,

"I remember this book back in Appleloosa said that dogs live in packs led by an 'alpha' and they choose the 'alpha' by fighting for dominance. By beating them up, you've become the alpha and rolling on their back is how they show submission."

You give a confused look to the lead dog and ask,

"Is this true?"

"Small pony is right, Mr. Cloaked Ebony Storm sir."

You nod slowly and respond,

"Uhhhh huh- Wait, what'd you call me?"

"Everydog hear of Obsidian Meany-Mean Pants." He answers while still on his back "Most wanted, most powerful, most evil bad guy in Equestria."

"Okaaaaaay... One, it's 'The Hooded Offender' and Two, who are you?"

"Oh, me Rover, (*points to big one*) he Fido, (*points to small one*) he Spot, (*points to armored ones*) others Dig Dogs. We Diamond Dogs"

"Isn't that a nearby kingdom?"

Wait...how do I even know that?!

"Kingdom of Dimondia, but we banished for being 'too rough'. Now we want gems. Need pony to find gems."

"Well, I'm flattered, but- Hold up, did you say gems?"

"Yes. Diamond Dogs love gems."


You accept them as your minions, reasoning that under your control, they won't cause as much trouble as being on their own.

Well... those gems could help pay off my debt to the Doctor and I AM kinda unemployed at the moment. Maybe under my command, they'll cause a LOT less trouble than if left on their own. Besides... I always wanted to have minions. You think to yourself with a smirk. You then put on your "villain voice" and declare,

"Arise, my minions."

The Diamond Dogs all get back on their feet. Spot (the little one) then says,

"I swear I's always has your back..."

He then mutters, "In my sights... Wait, did me say that out loud?"

The other diamond dogs roll their eyes at Spot, but fortunately for the little diamond dog, you were too busy putting on your awesome coat while thinking,

First things first, I need to make my minions a bit smarter and possibly a bit more good. I need to think of a REALLY stupid, insane evil plan that not even the dumbest dog will agree to...*ding*

Hoping to scare them onto the path of good you decide to try to drive the Diamond Dogs away by acting like cliched mean boss supervillain and think up of the craziest, dumbest plan you can: Foalnapping Princess Celestia

Suddenly, this song starts playing as you walk between the rock formations with your coat on and start singing,

"I know that your powers of retention
Are as dull as a statue's boredom
But dumb as you are,"

You spot Fido digging at a glint in the ground so you go over to him and bark,

"Pay attention!
My words are a matter of wisdom
It's clear from your vacant expressions
The lights are not all on upstairs
But we're talking princesses and ransoms"

You spot 2 armored Dig Dogs ignoring your number in favor of playing "rock-paper-scissors" (a game you always sucked at due to your lack of luck... and fingers... and ability to remember what beats what...) and you teleport in front of them, catching them offguard as you say,

"Even YOU can't be caught unawares!
So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
Shining new gemstones
Are tiptoeing nearer"

Spot speaks up,

"And where do we's feature?"

You pinch his cheek with your magic as you continue,

"Just listen to teacher
I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last I am given my dues!"

You teleport to the top of a rock pillar and continue,

"An injustice deliciously squared..."

Spot suddenly leaps at you from behind with a spear(*smack*), but you accidentally hit him with your arm when you throw your limbs back at the last part sending the treacherous Diamond Dog landing in a pile of rubble. Oblivious to this attempted coup, you continue,

"Be prepared!"

Rover then excitedly says,

"Yeah! Be prepared. We be prepared... For what?"

"For the disappearance of the princess!"

"She on vacation?"

"No fool, We're going to snatch her and her little bird too."

"Great idea! Who needs a princess?"

Then all of the Diamond Dogs start hopping around while singing,

"No princess, no princess! La la la la la la!"

"Boneheads! There's still princesses!" Nightshade yells, popping her head out of the Inventory.

Rover then says,

"But Hooded Offender said..."

"I am still alpha! Stick with me and you'll never go gem-less again!"

Fido excitedly says,

"Yay! Long live alpha!"

The 5 Dig Dogs then all say,

"Long live alpha!
Long live alpha"

Before they start marching around your pillar in a triangle formation singing,

"It's great we soon be connected
With alpha who be all-time adored!"

You smile wickedly at their praise, and you continue to sing,

"Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected
To take certain duties on board
The future is littered with gemstones
And though I'm the main addressee
The point that I must emphasize is..."

You leap down from your rock pillar before declaring in the RCV at the Diamond Dogs,

"You won't get a pebble without me!"

Your yell causes the ground to shake, releasing gases that start shifting the rock formations, but you just leap from rock to rock as you continue singing, with the Diamond dogs singing in the background,

"So prepare for the scheme of the century
Be prepared for the murkiest scam
Meticulous planning (We get gems!)
Tenacity spanning (Lots of rubies!)
Decades of denial (Sapphires!)
Is simply why I'll (Endless jewels!)"

The pillar you land on starts rising as you continue,

"Be alpha undisputed
Respected, saluted
And seen for the wonder I am!
Yes, my hood and ambitions are bared
Be prepared!"

The Diamond Dogs all sing,

Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared-
Be prepaaaaaaared!

When the song's over, you jump from your tall rock pillar and use your coat to slowly descend to in front of the Diamond Dogs and say,

"So, are you all still on-board my scheme to foalnap a centuries-old alicorn surrounded by platoons of armored guards who can control the stinkin sun or should we just do something else?"

This is perfect... You think to yourself, There's no way these Diamond Dogs could possibly be dumb enough to-

"YES!" the diamond dogs all yell at once "Imagine big shiny gems she find!"

Your jaw drops to the ground as you think to yourself...

Luna, what have I started...

What do you do?

Author's Note:

Hey Hive Mind, DWC here. Looks like Bugze has some trouble coming his way. wish him the best of luck.

*Looks to see half his stomach is bones* Kersey hurry up, grab the package and get back here. Forever and Magus give him suppressing fire, My scanners are saying something really big is heading your way, so watch out.

Yesterdays question answer is...

"Best film was Transformers 4. Optimus, for once, wasn't incapacitated for half an hour or just completely useless during the battle. He actually did something."

Congrats to The Batmane of equestria for the answer. Now I hate Michael Bay with a passion, but I will admit that this is not as bad as the other Transformers movies. I also have to agree with you on the fact that Optimus actually does something this time. Also the fact that Rainbow Dash was cameo in it does help a little bit (I wonder if Michael added that himself or that Hasbro made him do it.)

Today's episode question is...

What should Bugze's 'minions' be called?

Come on Hive Mind, you can't have a villain group without a name, be on the creativity...BYE!

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