• Published 1st May 2014
  • 11,116 Views, 1,531 Comments

The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

A you decide story about well a changeling. More info inside.

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you suddently remeber you have magic and that AJs an earth pony and one of the most basic speels you learned in your stupid magic class was levitation, now you where never good with spells but hey if you can telaport from ponyvill to canterlot and feel no form of exaustion then mabey, just mabey you can restrain this mare and have a nice, calm,chat afterall she is the elament of honesty and her sis can back you up..... hopfully....

Applejack starts to charge at you, but then you remembered that you have magic. Thinking quickly, you use your force field spell and surround yourself and Applebloom in a green magical field. Both Applebloom and Applejack looked surprised, and sadly for Applejack she crashes right into it. You would have laughed at the look if her face being smooshed against the force field, if it weren't for the fact the the force field broke after Applejack ran into it. Before you got a chance to power up another spell to hopefully teleport both you and Applebloom to safety, she manages to jump you and hold you down.

"I've got you now varmint, and now you're gonna get what’s coming to ya!" She pulls back her front hoof, prepared to knock the day lights outta you. You close your eyes, prepared to meet your end. This is it, this is how I die...or at the very least go to the dungeon. You think to yourself in sadness. Goodbye Cadance, thanks for being my first friend. Goodbye grey pegasus whose name I should have gotten. Goodbye Applebloom, thanks for spending my final moments with me. And to my ex-queen...I'll see ya in Tartarus. You wait for your end… and you wait… and you wait… how long does it take for this mare to punch? You open your eyes to see something surprising, you see…

You have an ally now. Apple Bloom will stick up for you. Trust in the Magic of Friendship.

Apple bloom! Save bugze!

Applebloom holding Applejack’s hoof just before it hit you. Applejack looks surprised and betrayed, clearly not expecting her younger sister to do that. Applebloom looks down at you with a smile, and you smile right back at her. She then puts on a determined face and she looks back at her sister and says "Sorry sis, but I can't allow you to hurt Bugze." Applejack looks confused and asks, "Now Applebloom, I don't know why yall are doing this, but I ain't gonna hurt this 'Bugze' character, I'm gonna hurt this changeling here." You whimper at that.

Applebloom then says to her sister, "This changeling is Bugze, Applejack, and I'm not gonna let you hurt him." You smile at that. She really does care for me, even though we just met, that's just...awesome, you think to yourself in a heartfelt tone.

The two sisters begin to bicker back and forth with each other about you, and you start to get uncomfortable, you being stuck under Applejack. You then remember that you have magic… again! You mentally face-palm at your own stupidity and then you begin to charge up your teleportation spell. Applejack notices what you’re doing and tries to stop you, but Applebloom stops her just in time. You then teleport out from under Applejack....only to teleport right on top of her! Applejack gives out a "oof" and try's to get back up, but Applebloom sit right on top of her (next to you) which causes her to fall back down.

"Oooo when I get my hooves on you changeling, you'll be more black and blue then a penguin, and Applebloom I don't know what spell this changeling has on you, but Ah swear on the apple orchard that I will save you!" Applejack yells threateningly at you. You give a snort in response and then say to Applejack…

Put Applejack on the defensive by accusing her of being a "species-ist" (bonus points if you sarcastically offer to go get a noose and a pointed hood for her). It works at first, but then Applejack remembers and points out that you threw dirt in Twilight's eyes*, used Rarity as a shield and even THREW her at Applejack**

"You know you are a real species-ist you know that."

Applejack looks surprised and offended and then says, "Why I never! I'll have you know that I like and treat all species equally."

You snort again and then say sarcastically, "Oh yes, because chasing around a changeling for the past two days and yelling death threats to him and his kind are really acts of equality and likeness."

Applejack stutters for a little bit, but then gets a crossed look on her face and then she says, "Say's the changeling who threw dirt into Twilight's eyes, used Rarity as a pony shield and you even threw her at me!"

Your confidence shrinks at that statement and you quickly mutter out, "Hey the dirt thing was a accident and I was going to apologizes for it as soon as I find her, and the whole Rarity shield thing happened because you threatened to do me bodily harm!"

Applejack then begins to go on and on about all the bad things you've done, and she doesn't say any of the good things either. You don't know if she doesn't know about them or not, but you don't care. Your anger about all this is starting to get dangerously high. So you decide to unleash it. You turn to look at Applebloom and tell her in a hushed whisper "Applebloom can you be a dear and cover your ears please?" She nods her head and covers her ears. You then focus your magic to your lungs and power up your RCV, You finish it and then you scream…


Applejack stops talking and looks at you surprised. This is it, no turning back now. You think to yourself. Now you look at Applejack and are about to say this, "I'm sor*crash*off!" Only to be knocked back by a rainbow blur.

What do you do?

Author's Note:

Hey Hive Mind, DWC here. Now I think the title of this episode makes sense, but if it doesn't...oh well. This episode was a pretty tough to think of, but I think I did a pretty good job if I do say so for myself. Now the answer to yesterday question is...

'I can't decide between a Pegasus or a Draconequus! (What Discord is) See, if I was a pegasus I would be able to fly and stuff...wait...
Screw it, draconequus! Than I could literally do whatever I wanted.....
Which would be to create an army of living bananas.
Fear me.'

You, madam, have a great sense of chaotic animals. I totally agree with you. Now if only a certain doctor would answer my calls about species change and then oh nelly would I have fun. Image all the beautiful chaos I could cause, that and I can mess with soooo many people. Oh, and I could threaten Hasbro to put 'Dan Vs.' back on the air for season 4. Okay, enough of my ranting, today's question is for all you Hive Mind's out there who like Disney films, and the question is...

Whats your favorite Disney villain song?

See you all tomorrow. And for all you people who live in the U.S.A (like me) Happy Memorial Day! :pinkiehappy:

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