• Published 1st May 2014
  • 11,117 Views, 1,531 Comments

The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

A you decide story about well a changeling. More info inside.

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you remember why that statue gives you the creeps ITS A WEEPING PEGASUS FROM DOCTOR WHOOVES

for the love of luna do not look away from the statue pegasus and trust your instincts,

You suddenly remember why that statue gives you the creeps...ITS A WEEPING PEGASUS FROM DOCTOR WHOOVES!! You know this because Doctor Whooves is one of your all time favorite show. It was on of the few shows you were able to watch at the hive, in secret of course because your ex-queen banned TV's. You never did get to find out why... OH SHOOT IT MOVED. The weeping pegasus is now closer to you then it was before. It must have moved closer to you when you looking at he armor.

"Oh shoot, oh shoot, what was the way to stop these guys from moving again?" You ask yourself in a panicked tone, "What was it, what was it, ohhhh if I don't remember it soon I'm dead meat!" You really don't want to get sent back in time. You don't think you go two minutes in the past before you somehow mess up the future.

At this moment, a brown stallion with an hourglass cutie-mark runs up to you.
That statue behind you; don't look away from it! he yells "Whatever you do, don't look away. Don't even blink!

You suddenly hear this sound coming from your left. You look away from the weeping statue, not noticing it moving closer to you when you looked away, and see...holy mother of Luna...IT"S THE TARDIS!!! You have no idea how it is even possible that it even real. The doors open and a brown stallion with an hourglass cutie-mark runs out of the tardis and looks directly at the weeping pegasus. He yells at you, still not looking away from the statue,"Whatever you do, don't look away. Don't even blink!" You follow the Doctor's advice, (*fanboy/girl giggling*) so you look back at the statue.

It's been hours now and you still haven't blinked. Your pretty sure the Doctor left a while ago. You feel your eyes growing heavier each second. You don't know how much longer you have, but you start to fell your eyes closing. "No" you say to yourself tiredly, " I'm to young to di..."

"Iiiiiieeee??" You open your eyes to see that you aren't in the past, but you are on the floor. You get off the floor quickly and look around, trying to see if the weeping pegasus is still here. When you realize that its not here you breath a sigh of relief. "Huh, must have been a dream all along." You say to yourself, then you chuckle at the thought of your dream being real. You probably fell asleep when you got into the hallway from exhaustion. You look over to the corner and see that the armor is still there. Your curiosity getting the better of you, you decide to walk over to it. When you walk over there, you don't notice a brown stallion walking into a blue box with a strange statue on his back.

Put on the armor

Your shapeshifting already failed once, so you can't trust it to keep you hidden forever. Try putting the armor on to disguise yourself.

When you get to the armor you decide to put it on, but before you even get a chance to put the armor on, a thought enters your mind..

dont trust the armour, dont trust the armour!!!!!!!!:flutterrage:

You don't really know why this armor is here, and it might be cursed or something like that. You don't want to take any chances with this armor, but you also want to keep it just in case you need protection or something like that. But you don't have anything to carry it*smack*owwwww. Something just smacked you in the head. You look over at the thing that hit you...and its just a saddle bag. Wait, how that hit you. You begin to wonder this but then you notice a note sticking on it. It says

Dear #^%$@$#,
I know that you are trying to change your ways.
So here is a gift to help you do that.
The saddle bag I have given you is bottomless.
It can hold anything, no matter how big or small the object is.
When you want to take something out of it.
All you have to do is think of the item you want.
I hope this gift will help you in the future.
A Friend

Well this is highly convenient. You wonder who this "Friend" is, but decide to worry about it later, for now you have a saddle bag to test out. You pick up the armor with your magic and try to put in into the saddle bag. *Pop* it worked... oh my Luna, it actually worked!! You dance around like a drunken idiot who just won the lottery. After you finally stop dancing, you pick up your new saddle bag and begin to look for...what exactly?

Leave and explore the castle, looking for anything that may improve your standing among the ponies (or at the very least, make them less likely to banish you to the sun or (*gasp*) strap you down and force you to watch "The Last Spellbender", "Freddy Got Hooved", "Garbage Pail Foals", and "My Little Human" in an endless loop)

You decide to look around the castle for anything that may improve your standing among the ponies, or at the very least, make them less likely to banish you to the sun or*gasp*strap you down and force you to watch "The Last Spellbender", "Freddy Got Hooved", "Garbage Pail Foals", and "My Little Human" in an endless loop. *Shiver*you shudder at just the thought of it. You are just about to give up looking, seeing as its been hours since you started looking, you finally come across something useful. A library, a sweet sweet library (one of your favorite pastimes is reading mystery novels.) Now...what to look up?

What do you do?

Author's Note:

Well this is awesome...20 likes, yay!!!! Anyway I'm generally surprised that I haven't gotten any dislikes yet, I mean the bad grammar on its own should at least give me 8 of them. "Darling, please don't jinx yourself, its not good for your health." Huh? Oh yeah, everypony/ling/one please welcome our first guest...RARITY!!!!
"Oh, thank you for your grateful introduction DWC, now the answer to last episode's, actually there were two answers that Changeling and DWC thought, how do you say it?" Awesome"Awesome." "Oh all right, "awesome" is...

"A) build a portal to equestria. i know it sounds really selfish but come on! a chance to hug my favourite pony? im there."
"A. this world is full of greed (even tho my answer is greedy:unsuresweetie:..........or is it?:raritywink:) the air is poluted and many are suffering.:ajsleepy:
if i could build a portal, not only would i go and bring(Kidnap :raritywink:) my friends but i would also take those who have suffered. (i.e. Asthmatics, Orphans, ect.) those who disserve another chance. :fluttercry:"

"Oh dear, that last one was quit depressinAHHHHHHH!!!" Who hit the ejection switch?! *cricket* Fine don't tell me. Anyway thank you chapter_traveler and RainbowDashRules for your answers. Now heres a question that will probably start a fan war in the comments, but oh well. The question is

Who's your favorite character in MLP?

Well I got to run from the oncoming war, so see you guys/girls later. Bye!

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