• Published 1st May 2014
  • 11,101 Views, 1,531 Comments

The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

A you decide story about well a changeling. More info inside.

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[FIXED] Episode 55: I HATE Trains!!

Lightning Chaser groans but soon gets right back up. She gets right in your face and whispers in a menacing voice.
"I will burn the HEART out of you..." she hisses.

As you are grumbling about how lady luck has it out for you and that one of these days she's gonna end up killing you or worse (you have a very... vivid imagination), when you notice Lighting getting back up from her impact with the wall, and you swear you hear her mumbling something about a "Blue box" and "Drinking to munch ginger beer." You decide to question your insane acquaintance later and you quickly turn around to see if she is okay. What you don't notice is that when you turned, you accidentally bumped into the would-be bandit (who managed to get out of the luggage landslide when the train stopped) causing him to stuble and bump right into the blue minotaur from before. The blue minotaur puts down the book he's reading and glares at the bandit for interrupting his reading. The would-be bandit snaps,

"What you looking at, ya freak?!"

The minotaur stands up from his seat showing his full size as he towers over the "bandit". The bandit chuckles nervously and quickly takes out a pair of glasses from out of nowhere and he puts them on. He then says in a nervous tone,

"Uhhhh....you wouldn't hit a stallion with glasses would you?"

The minotaur only snorts before he takes the glasses off of the bandit and smacks him with them. The bandit rubs his sore cheek before looking up at the minotaur and gulping in fear.

"I'll take that as a no..."

The minotaur nods his head before he rears his fist back and says,

"When somepony interrupts your reading,
Commence with the bleeding!"

The sounds of pain are heard thoughout the world that day...

Of course you don't notice that at all as you are far more worried about Lighting's condition that you don't hear a thing.

"Hey...are you okay? Do you need any help?"

Lighting only glares at you and she hisses to you in a low menacing tone,

"I swear to Celestia's sun I will burn the HEART out of you....."

You only gulp in fear at her threat because you have a feeling that she isn't bluffing and that somehow she will burn your heart out. Heck, if looks could kill then you'd be dead by now. That and the insane smile she has is not helping you calm your nerves. But your inner bug (and what little pride you have (lets face it you pretty much have barely any pride left after what's been happening to you)) is telling you to stand up for yourself.

Let's see... follow my pride and stand up to my insane friend who can probably kill me in one second, or just run away like the coward I am and live to see another day...

You think about this for a few seconds before, you being you go with the first option.

I've lost too much of my buggy pride since I started my vow of righteousness, it's time I gain some of it back... even if that pride comes from standing up to my most crazy friend ever... Wait, she is my friend right?

You shrug off your question for later before you decide to go ahead and...

You look at lightning chase with your "brave face" and say the coolest, totally not-thrown-together-in-10-seconds -at-all Line in history: " yeah? well I'm going to punch your face...... in the face!"

You put on your "brave fave" and you say the coolest, totally-not-thrown-together-in-ten-seconds-at-all line in the history of lines...

"Yeah well... I'm gonna punch your face... Um, in the face!"



You lower your head in shame as Lighting continues to laugh at your horrible excuse of a come-back. This goes on for quite awhile, until finally she stops laughing and she looks at you with a bemused expression and says

"Is that the best you got?"

You sigh in defeat and nod your head "yes". Lighting laughs some more before saying ,

"Well... time to punch you!"

You nod your head in de-WAIT what!? The next thing you know your soaring out of a nearby window with a sore cheek and you hear


What you didn't know is that when you were punch out of the train, you knock into the beaten-up bandit, causing him to flip in the air before he landed painfully on his back with mini yous circling his head making a "coo coo" sound.

You are soaring though the air towards that blasted forest... again!

I swear if something doesn't stop me from going to that blasted forest again, then so help me-

Before you can finish your mental rant, you get caught in a magical aura and begin to be pulled back to the train, and you begin to wonder why and how when...

Get out of the train and try to sneak away, only to be caught by the train's staff who think you're another crew member trying to skip work and they drag you to the broken part of the rail (commence patching with vise-grips, WD-40, and duct tape)

You are hovered upside down in front of the unicorn conductor and he's giving you a mean glare.

"And just where do you think you're going?"

You looked at him confused and say,

"I was on my way to that blasted forest before you kindly stopped me, thank you for that very much by the way. Now if you could be so kind as to put me down. I have mares to hide fro- I mean a book that needs reading."

The conductor gives you a sly smile before he levitates you over to the broken rail that caused the train to be stopped. He then gently puts you down next to the rail (and by that you mean he roughly dropped you right on top of it head first). and tells you in a commanding tone,

"Lousy try lackey, I've been around trains long enough to recognize a work-dodging slacker! You can get to reading your book after you patch up this rail! And you can't come back on till it's fixed!" and slams the door before you can protest.

You would have shouted at him that this is a mistake, but you decide it would be better for your health if you just fixed the rail. With that thought in mind you think of your patching tools (vise-grips, WD-40, and duct tape) and you take them out of The Inventory and you get to work.


After alot of of hard work, determination, and a few bruises (still getting the hang of using vise-grips as a hammer) you manage to patch up the rails.

With that patching job, they'll probably last a week or two at most before it breaks. Hopefully someling will come by and fix it for good by then. You think to yourself as you get back on the train. The conductor announces that the train will continue moving again in a few moments and you think you should just get off now, but...

Don't tempt Lady Luck. As bad as the situation on the train might be, wandering off to Luna knows where is just asking for trouble. There's always a road worse than the one you're on. After thinking for a moment, you write that down. Nightshade might need to hear that one day, and what kind of father would you be if you don't have any advice for your daughter?

You really don't want to temp lady luck anymore so then you have so far. As bad as the situation is (an angry Lighting Chaser, the five mares who all want you dead) wandering off to Luna knows where (especially that stupid forest) is just asking for trouble.

There's always a road worse then the one you're on. You think to yourself with words of (actual) wisdom. You smile at what you just said and think

You know what, I should write that down. Who knows, Nightshade might need to hear that one day, and considering that I'm her father, I know that she will need plenty of advice in the future.

Just as you are about to think and grab your notebook and pencil from The Inventory, you can't help but think...

Comment on how the disguise spell is lasting alot longer than usual... Cue disguise spell failing and you cursing yourself for jinxing it.

I'm surprised my disguise spell has lasted this long. Usually by now it would have *poof* wore... off...

Just as you're thinking that, your disguise spell gives out and you turn back into your old buggy self. Just before you can hide or curse your jinxing, you hear the door in front of you opening and you turn to see... the six mares are standing there staring at you...

"I would just like to say that I now officially hate trains." You say to them in a deadpanned tone.

What do you do?

Author's Note:

Hey Hive Mind, DWC here.

Wait guy's (Forever, Magus, Kersey, and The Doctor) there might be a way to save myself. This is my mind right, so anything I say goes right? So, if I were to think up a way for the Vashta Nerada to leave me. *Starts to think intently* Hmmmmmmmmm got it! Quick there should be a care package coming by soon, get to it and bring back what's in it. *Looks down at feet to see that they have turn to bone* AND HURRY!

Yesterday's question answer is...

Well I can't really say since only two people have answered ( The Batmane of equestria and Lord Sergal). And since I like getting more then just two answer's the question will still stand...

What is the best reference I have made so far?


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