• Published 1st May 2014
  • 11,116 Views, 1,531 Comments

The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

A you decide story about well a changeling. More info inside.

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[FIXED] Episode 68: Brawl At The Gala! Wrath Of The Hooded Offender! (Season Finale Part 5)

The world is full of darns. Life is essentially the darns taken. And the Mind is made of darns to give. Darrns are magic. Darns are emotion. Darns means life. That's the principle of the reality that you live in, Bugze. Changlings wouldn't exist without this condition, they wouldn't have any emotions to eat otherwise. How else would bad luck such as yours exist? How else would there be so many screw-ups in your life?
By the relevance of this principle, you know that you have half a mind to mess up this Royal Pain-in-the-arse, Blueblood. And by Lords you plan on having a serious/careful talk with your daughter about this law of life now that she knows some curse words, well, accidently.

As you glare at Blueblood with your orange glowing eyes in pure anger, you can't help but think,

You know, I realized something today. The world is full of darns. Life is essentially the darns taken. And the Mind is made of darns to give. Darns are magic. Darns are emotion. Darns means life. That's the principle of the reality that I live in. Us changelings wouldn't even exist without this condition, we wouldn't have any emotions to eat otherwise. How else would bad luck such as mine exist? How else would there be so many screw-ups in my life? By the relevance of this principle, I know that I have half a mind to mess up this Royal Pain-in-the-flank, Blueblood. And by the Lords I plan on having a serious/careful talk with my daughter about this law of life now that she knows some curse words, well, accidentally...

As you're done thinking, you can't help but blink in confusion and think,

Where... Where did THAT come from? Nevermind, Blueblood. Flank. Kick.

You shake off the confusion and say in a threatening voice,

"I won't say it again Blueblood, drop the filly or I'll drop you... Straight to Tartarus!"

Blueblood looks scared for a second, before he starts to...

Blueblood laughs. "I am a prince of Equestria. And there are four of us to match the one of you. You can do nothing to me, mongrel."
You laugh a laugh from the horrors of the abyss. "You must suck at math worse than me." Faster than he can blink, you dash forward and punch Blueblood in the face, launching him backwards. Nightshade falls, and you catch her with a tendril from your tail. "There's only three of you."
Rarity cowers away from your evil form. She remembers the forest. Shining Armor steps in front of Cadance, and they both back away.
"I must be having an off day. Seems there's only one." You stalk forward, and Blueblood tries to scramble away, but you catch him with your tail and hold him upside down in front of your face. "Why don't we make it zero?"
Pain. Blood. Death. Destuction. Kill. KILL. KILL!
"Daddy," Nightshade whispers in you ear. "You're being scary again. Don't kill him."
"What if I just banish him to the gap between dimensions? Can I do that?"
Nightshade blinks. "Can you do that?"
"Maybe? I guess I could just punch him really hard again." You turn to look over your shoulder. "Can I punch him really hard again?"
Shining Armor is looking at Nightshade oddly. "Did she just tell you not to...? Huh? Oh, yeah. Go for it. The guy's a dick."
Blueblood gasps. "I beg your-" the rest of his sentence is cut off by your punch. His body flies back and smashes down a set of doors at the end of the hall. You follow him into the main hall, where everypony is enjoying the rest of the Gala. A pony rushed to Blueblood's side to help him up.
You can't believe your eyes when the pony looks at you. Likewise, Braeburn's jaw hits the floor. "YOU! Chief, it's him!"
"It's who?" The buffalo chief looks over, and his eyes narrow when he spots you. "YOU!" He throws his glass to the floor, shattering it and taking a charging stance. "Let's do this!"
"Get in line, rockhead!" You know that voice... You turn around and see the last mare you expected to see transform her gown into a pointed hat and wizard cape. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has been waiting for this!"
Barking laughter fills the room as the doors across the room open to let the Diamond Dogs in. "If old master is going to get tail kicked, Diamond Dogs be here to see it done!"
Shining Armor enters behind you. "You're all wrong! He belongs to the Royal Guard!"
"Shove it, soldier boy!" The insane mare from the train steps out from the crowd. "He's MINE!"
"Ah've been chasing the varmint since the set-up chapter! If anyone's taking him down, it's me!" Applejack pushes her way through the crowd followed by Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Flash Sentry.
Suddenly, you hear the magical sound. You sigh in relief as the Doctor exits the TARDIS. "Oh, I'm so glad you're here! Remember me? Think you can give me a lift?"
He shakes his head. "Sorry, my boy, but everything you've done has led to this. Fixed point in time and such. I'm just here for the hors d'oeuvres." He grabs a tray of food and leaves.
A voice clears it's throat in a maniacal way in your head. So. Want my help yet?

Laugh? He continues to laugh for awhile, causing your rage to build even more as Rarity, Cadance, and Shining look at him in confusion. When he's done laughing he looks at with a look that says 'your kidding right' and says in his snobbish voice

"I am prince Blueblood of Equestria. There are four of us and only one of you. You have no chance of beating me!"

You chuckle and say,

"You must suck worse at math than I do..."

Faster then anyling in the room could blink, you teleport in front of Blueblood and yell,


As you punch him in the jaw with a rising uppercut that launches him into the air. Nightshade falls out of his magical grasp, and you catch her and put her down before you say,

"Because I only see three of you."

You turn your glowing orange eyes on Rarity who starts to back away in fear (while she was willing to fight you back in Appleloosa, that time she had her friends, the Appleloosans and the Buffalo with her. This time you're in your "glowing eyes" mode and she remembers what happened last time in the forest when you were like this). You then turn your glowing eyes on the royal couple which causes Cadance's husband to protectively stand in front of Cadance as they both start to back away. Blueblood then lands on his face in front of you and you begin to chuckle at this and say,

"And then there was one."

You begin to stalk forward, and as you do Blueblood tries to scramble away, but you catch him with your magic and hold him upside down in front of your face. You look at him with pure rage and ask,

"Why don't we make it zero?" And while we're at it, let's see if your blood really is blue."

As Blueblood whimpers, you hear thousands of voices in your mind, all shouting out for Blueblood's painful death...

Pain. Blood. Death. Destuction. End. He was a jerk to Rarity so he sucks. Kill. Kill. KILL. KILL! KILL!

You are about to start laughing insanely, when you feel a tug on your cloak. You look down to see Nightshade giving you a sad look and she says,

"Daddy, you're being scary again. Please don't kill him."

You calm down a little bit at Nightshade's voice, but you still want to hurt Blueblood. You then ask Nightshade,

"What if I just banish him to the gap between dimensions?"

Nightshade blinks and she asks you in confusion,

"Can you even do that?"

You shrug your shoulders and say,

"I don't know. Maybe if I hit him really hard something is bound to happen."

You turn to look over your shoulder at Cadance's husband and nonchalantly ask,

"Anyling mind if I hit him really hard?"

Shining Armor is just looking at Nightshade oddly before he says,

"Did she just tell you not to...? Huh? Oh, yeah. Go for it. The guy's a jerk."

"That's an understatement." Rarity and Cadance say at the same time.

Blueblood gasps in shock before saying,

"I beg your-*whack*"

The rest of his sentence is cut off when you turn around and send him flying with a buck to the chest. His body flies back and smashes down a set of doors at the end of the hall. You follow him into the main hall (with Nightshade right behind you), where everypony is "enjoying" the rest of the Gala. All the Gala goers gasp in shock as Blueblood smashes though the door. The music in the gala stops and everything is quiet. As you walk though the smashed doors and ponies start to gasp in fear when they see you (along with the inevitable whispering arguments over your official name), a pony suddenly rushed to Blueblood's side to help him up. You can't believe your eyes when the pony looks at you. Likewise, Braeburn's jaw hits the floor.

"YOU! Chief! It's him again!"

"It's who?"

The buffalo chief looks over from his conversation with a Griffin cook, and his eyes narrow when he spots you.


He throws his glass to the floor, shattering it as takes a charging stance.

"Let's do this!"

You chuckle slightly at their display and say,

"HA! I beat you fools once before when you had your armies. I can certainly do it again when you're by yourselves!"

Before the buffalo chief and Braeburn get a chance to respond, another voice shouts out,

"Get in line you western colts!"

I know that voice... You think angrily. You turn around and see the last mare you ever wanted to see again transform her gown into a pointed hat and wizard cape. She smirks smugly and says,

"The Great and Powerful Trixie has been waiting for this!"

You growl angrily and loud enough to make her lose her confident stance slightly and you say in a low threatening tone,

"If I were you, Trixie, I... Would... Run."

Before she gets a chance to respond, part of the floor gives way and the Diamond Dogs pop out of it and Spot says,

"Yes! We finally escaped from pony dungeon. Now we... free?"

They look around to see everyling looking at them in confusion and shock before Spot notices you and says,

"Look like ex-master going to get tail kicked. And we got front seats! Dig Dogs! Get popcorn!"

Your rage fills even more at the sight of them and you say,

"Well, if it isn't my 'loyal' minions-"

Before they can do anything, you hear Spitfire say,

"If you want a show, then you're in luck as the Wonderbolts will capture this fiend!"

You look to see the Wonderbolts hovering in battle formation and you swear you heard Rainbow Dash squeal like a fanfilly at this as you follow suit,

Oh Luna, it's the bucking Wonderbolts! And they acknowledge my existence!!!

But you all get interrupted as Cadance's husband shouts from behind you,

"You're all wrong! He belongs to the Royal Guard!"

You look behind you and shout,

"Disregard the constabulary!"

Before he can respond, another interruption happens. This time it's Lightning Chaser! You look at her in shock as she says

"Shove it, soldier boy!"

The TARDIS-colored pegasus mare walks out of the crowd while eyeing you with the stink eye before shouting,

"He's MINE!"

You gulp a little in fear as almost everyling that you've made mad are here to kick your butt. You can't help but think,

How can Lady Luck possibly make this any wor-

"We've been chasing that varmint since the invasion! If anyone's taking him down, it's us!"

Applejack pushes her way through the crowd followed by Twilight, Pinkie, and Flash Sentry as Rainbow Dash flies over to join them. You stare blankly at them, before thinking

IDIOT! You just had to think that didn't you!

Before you can continue your mental rambling, you hear that magical sound. You sigh in relief as the Doctor exits the TARDIS.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here! Remember me? Think you can give me a lift? I've kinda have all my enemies surrounding me."

Everyling continues to look at the Doctor as he shakes his head and looks at you sadly before saying,

"Sorry, fixed point in time and such. I'm just here to get some hors d'oeuvres for my companions."

As he grabs a tray of food and gets back in the TARDIS, Derpy sticks her head out and waves,

"Hello again Bugze! Good luck!"

"Hi Derpy." you wave back before she gets back in the TARDIS and it fades away.

As everyling blinks in confusion, a dark whisper in your head voice clears it's throat (how does a whisper have a throat?) before saying.

So... Want my help eviscerating these foals yet?

You shake your head and whisper,

"No! I don't need you! Go away!"

Nightshade looks at you worried and whispers,


Suddenly, the room explodes in arguing, everyling shouting that'll they will stop you, or that you're there's (you can barely hear Cadance trying to calm everyling down). Your annoyance reaches it's highest point and you scream in the RCV,


Everyling stops arguing as soon as you shout, and they all begin to glare at you. Some of the gala goers back away from your glowing orange eyes. You then clear your throat and say,

"Well, here we all are. Every single one of you, all at the gala, and all ready to attack. Now before you do, let me remind you. Who has beaten you all at one point or another? Who has survived your best attacks and attempts to end me? Oh, that's right... ME! Now I want you to all remember how you felt after I left or defeated you. Sad, angry, disappointed, ashamed. Now imagine that feeling, and times it by ten. That is what's gonna happen to you lot if you don't let me have what I want. Because, if you have forgotten... I! AM! THE HOODED OFFENDER! AND I WILL GET WHAT I WANT! And what I want..."

"Outta the way, everyling, not unless you want to get hurt along with this SNOB!" you yelled pointing at Blueblood. You would add curse words along with his name, but you only save those curses to Lady Luck herself. This stuck-up waste of space isn't worth the verbal energy, yet. Everypony backed away as you stomped towards the pony who's holding your daughter captive, the silhouette of your emotions giving physical form on your back.
"It's everyPONY!" You recognized the voice of the offending grammar nazi: Purple Sparklebutt... You'd feel fucked upon realizing that, but you don't care though. What matters is your daughter.
"I don't car— You know what? EveryONE! I'm not stooping down your level you angel-pretending bigots!" You swore, somewhere, in the far background, a fellow griffon cook uttered a low "thank you!" upon hearing that.

You point at Prince Blueblood as you continue,

"Is to kick that 'prince's' flank, so unless everyling feels like tasting pain today, I'd move away from that SNOB!"

You would have added curse words along with his name, but you only save those curses to Lady Luck herself. This stuck-up waste of space isn't worth the verbal energy... yet. Everyling backed away as you stomped towards the pony who's now starting to see why you don't make a changeling mad as you say,

"I have half a mind to beat you senseless... and the other half agrees!"

Suddenly you hear someling scream,

"It's everyPONY!"

You recognized the voice of the offending grammar fascist: Purple Sparklebutt..
Of course, she has to correct me. You think in a deadpanned tone. You'd feel bucked upon realizing that she's probably gonna try to stop you, but you don't care though. What matters is your daughter and painfully neutralizing any threats to her, so you yell at her in anger and annoyance,

"I don't car— You know what? EveryONE! I'm not stooping down your level you self-righteous bigots!"

You swore, somewhere, in the far background, a griffon cook uttered a low "Thank you!" upon hearing that.

However, a certain nightly Princess landed in front of you and shouted, "Halt, hooded scum! Thou shall not pas—" There's not enough fear in you to hesitate rearing back your hoof when you saw who it was. You didn't see her as Princess Luna, mistress of the Night. You saw her as an obstacle. Energy built up in your hoof, and you yelled, "FALCON PUNCH!" and as your hoof and her face made contact. You didn't retract you hoof, but pushed THROUGH which in turn flung her away.
The Princess Luna skid across the floor and crashed through the doorway that led to the Animal Sanctuary.

Right, then I shall replace her with either Celestia or Sparkles.

However before you can get to Blueblood, a certain sun Princess lands in front of Prince Blueblood and declares,

"Halt, hooded scum! You shall not-"

There's not enough fear in you to hesitate when you saw who it was. You didn't see her as Princess Celestia: killer of cakes. You saw her as an obstacle and a threat to your daughter. Before she could finish, you teleport right in front of her point-blank and yelled,


Your hoof slams into Celestia's face with so much force that solar-flank is sent skidding across the floor and crashed through the doorway that led to the Animal Sanctuary as you hear everyling gasp in horror and shock (you could have swore you heard someling yell "Ma ma mia!"). You continue your way towards Blueblood. As you're about to reach him, you get...

Shining Armor conjured a shield around you, trapping you inside. "That's as far as you'll—" A super powered punch later, you broke— no, shatterred the barrier around you. "...go?"
"You think that'll stop me?! Us changlings popped your biggest bubble back in your wedding!"

Trapped in a shield-like bubble. As Blueblood smirks in relief, Cadance's husband says,

"That's as far as you'll-*shatter* go?..."

All the smiles of victory go away as you Falcon Punch right though the shield, breaking- no- shattering the barrier. Cadance's husband (and everyling else) looks at you in shock. You smile smugly and say mockingly,

"You think that will stop me?! Even the changelings popped your biggest bubble back at your wedding!"

Cadance's husband looks like hes about to say something, when suddenly...

A ring of fire formed right when you said that. You quickly grabbed Nightshade and jumped out before the space you were in exploded in flames! In mid air, you saw Celestia's horn glow from up above fired a Devastation Beam right at you! You pulled up a shield but blew up on impact. Luckily, the resulting recoil blew the both of you out of the way, and the floor the beam hit melted, which you're pretty sure shouldn't be easy. After making sure your filly was okay, you looked up and saw the furious look in Celestia's eyes. Right, punched her sister. Things are about to get serious.
"Nightshade, sweetheart, go into your room," you said assuringly.
"O-okay, daddy."

A ring of fire forms around you. You quickly grabbed Nightshade (who ran towards you when you got caught in the shield) and jumped out before the space you were in exploded in flames! You look over in shock to see Celestia back in the gala and ready for action with only a tiny bruise on her face where you punched her. Celestia's horn starts to glow from she fires up a Devastation Beam right at you! You throw up a forcefield around yourself and Nightshade, but it blew upon contact with Celesta's attack. Luckily, the resulting recoil blew the both of you out of the way and the floor the beam hit melted, which you're pretty sure shouldn't be easy. After making sure your daughter was okay, you looked up and saw the furious look in Celestia's eyes.

Right... punched her in the face and I am trying to maim her nephew...

Things are about to get serious.

You look at Nightshade worried and say in your best calm voice,

"Nightshade, sweetheart, go into your room,"

Nightshade nods her head as she gets into The Inventory as she says,

"O-okay, daddy."

As you make sure that she is safely inside The Inventory, you suddenly...

Suddenly you felt compelled to duck— Woah! And a sharp point pierced the air where your head was! Your eyes followed the trajectory and saw whose holding it. Oh, what a surprise: you see Blueblood is back with, in telekinetic grasp, a fencing sword with malicious intent and blind rage in his eyes. His offensive stance seemingly in a practiced manner. Guess he's not all that of a pansy. But that doesn't mean he knew pain, at least, not yet.
"You're mine!" He chanced a few hits, but you easily dodged them. "You scandelas brute! Look what you did to my beautiful face!" You did, you saw how you didn't hit his bruised face hard enough. Another few failed swings, and you began to taunt him.
"You call that fighting? Hah! My grandpuggy is faster than you!"
"Hmmph! Unlike you barbarians, I learned how to fight better than your barbaric ways!" In an instant, he's right in front of you.
Caught by surprised, you barely evaded a few surprising fast lunges, and you found yourself backing up. Manning up, you ducked forward in mid-lunge and batted the fence with a hoof, and knocked him on his back. You were about to come in with a curbstomp, but a sudden weight pushed you to your sides, caused a few rolls, and into your backside. Skittles had joined the fight.

Felt compelled to duck- "Woah!" And a sharp point pierced the air where your head was! Your eyes followed the trajectory and saw whose holding it. Oh, what a surprise: you see Blueblood is back with a sword in his telekinetic grasp with malicious intent and blind rage in his eyes. His offensive stance seemingly in a practiced manner.

Guess he's not all that of a pansy. But that doesn't mean he knew pain. At least... not yet. You think angrily.

"You're mine!"

He chanced a few hits, but you easily dodged them.

"You ruffian brute! Look what you did to my beautiful face!"

You chance a quick look and you saw how you didn't hit his bruised face hard enough. Another few failed swings, and you began to taunt him.

"You call that fighting? Hah! My grandbuggy is faster than you!"

"Hmmph! Unlike you barbarians, I learned how to fight better than your barbaric ways!"

He quickly backs up that boast as in an instant, he's right in front of you! Caught by surprised, you barely evaded a few surprising fast lunges, and you found yourself backing up. Stallioning up, you ducked forward in mid-lunge and caught the sword between your hooves before lifting yourself off the ground with your grip on the sword and delivering a dropkick to his face, knocking him on his back. You toss the sword away and are about to come in with a curbstomp, but a sudden weight knocks you to your side with enough force to cause a few rolls and you stop on your back as you feel your front hooves pinned to the ground by another pair of hooves. Skittles had joined the fight. She looks at you smugly from on top of you and asks,

"Did you forget about me?"

You shake your head and taunt,

"Nah, I thought you were looking for a mare to cheat on your hick of a marefriend with."

She's about to give your face a new one, but since you had advantage of weight, you pulled and ended with you being on top of her. But before you could pry her off of you, Applejack held you in a choke hold, then several royal guards came in and dog piled into you.
"Yer a lot stronger than ya look, fer a varmint!"
"Bring me his head!" bellowed Blueblood.
You felt your body being shuffled around until everything but your head was held by the many hooves of strong ponies, and Blueblood reared his fence for the decisive strike.
You heard some ponies shout "Wait!", but it was too late, the blade came down anyways. Your tentacle appendages lashed out in an explosive manner to let loose the dog-piling ponies' grip just before jerking your head away from nearly being stabbed by Blueblood, and again with more force to shake all the ponies and into the air. Finally, you "Fos Ro Dah!"ed, and everyone was blown back even further!

Rainbow gives a rage filled scream as she's about to give your face a new one, but you kick your rear legs into her stomach which makes her flip forward onto her back as you rush on top of her. But before you could knock her out, Applejack grabs you in a chokehold, followed by several royal guards (along with Braeburn, the buffalo chief, and Rainbow Dash when she got back up) coming in and dogpiling onto you. Applejack gives you a smug smile and says

"Yer a lot stronger than ya look, fer a varmint!"

"Bring me his head!" bellowed Blueblood.

You felt your body being shuffled around until everything but your head was held by the many hooves of strong ponies (and buffalo), and Blueblood reared his sword for the decisive strike.

You heard some ponies shout "Wait!", but it was too late as the blade came down anyways. But before it could even come close to your head,


Everyling is violently blown away from you in a burst of energy. What was once the Hooded Offender under the pony pile, now stands a creature covered in a midnight-colored smoky cloak with menacing glowing orange eyes and a smoky fox tail. Ponies and creatures who haven't seen this already reel back in fear, while the Diamond dogs (after throwing away their popcorn in shock), Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Trixie, and Applejack get prepared to fight, Blueblood grabs Rarity and holds her in front like a shield while shouting.


And Celestia herself is looking at you in worry. Laughing insanely, you yell out in the RCV...


And with that, you and your enemies charge at each other, with this song playing in the background,

- The buffalo chief stampedes through the diamond dogs like a bowling ball.

You teleport behind the buffalo chief and buck him with enough force to send him slamming into the Diamond Dogs like a bowling ball (which causes the Diamond Dogs to react like pins).


You get blasted from behind by a magical blast from Twilight that sends you flying into Braeburn, who then kicks you into the air. Trixie fires a magical blast at you, but you regain your senses and throw up a forcefield in midair just in time which deflects the blast into Rainbow Dash, causing her to fall and crash into Pinkie. You catch yourself on your tail and use it to start spinning while wildly rapid-firing stun-spells in every direction, forcing most ponies to back off and run for cover as Cadance and Celestia try to evacuate the noncombatant guests.

Fanbug over the Wonderbolts while getting beaten up by them.

Suddenly you feel a trio of blue blurs slam into you and knock you into the ground. As you get back up, you see the Wonderbolts coming at you. Even though you're in the middle of a massive fight, you can't help but fanbug like a fanfilly even while they repeatedly knock you around with hit-and-run tactics,

"Oh Luna you're the Wonderbolts! (*whack*) I'm a big fan of your shows! (*wham*)Can I get (*crack*) your autographs later? (*wham wham*)Especially yours Spitfire! (*PUNCH*) I have a mini-shrine of you (*whack*) right next to my Sapphire Shores closet shrine!!! (*wham wham wham*)"

"Oh great, the most wanted fugitive in Equestria is a crazy stalker fan..." Soarin comments.

"Wait... Is that a good or bad thing?" Fleetfoot asks.

"Focus! Wonderbolts, Tri-Tackle formation!" Spitfire commands.

After another triple-hit from Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot (you swear you can hear Rainbow Dash cheering) you think,

Priorities bug! Beatdown now, fanbug later. Once everyling is unconscious, I can cut off snippets of their uniforms to add to my shrine... Squee!

With that thought in mind, you teleport to dodge another attack and say,

"Sorry Wonderbolts, but your flight's been canceled!"

With that you use your tail to launch yourself into the air opposite the Wonderbolts as you charge up your voice and roar,


The roar of power scatters the Wonderbolts and send them tumbling and slamming into the walls behind them.

- Braeburn and Applejack try to buck each other, but their hooves hit and send a shockwave through the hall.

"*gasp* I'll avenge you Wonderbolts!" Rainbow Dash yells as she flies at and headbutts you in midair causing you to land head-first onto the ground between Braeburn and Applejack. The two try to buck you as you get back up, but you managed to duck in time and they end up hitting each other, causing a shockwave that knocks them both on their faces and sends you flying and you land between Fido, Spot, and Rover. As you get back up, you get an idea to divide and conquer and say to them,

"You are aware that if everyling is focused on me, they're not paying any attention to the gems they're carrying for this fancy gala, rig-*wham*?"

Lightning Chaser suddenly tackles you as the Diamond Dogs process what you just say. *ding* When they finally get it they say,

"Dig Dogs! Steal gems from ponies!"

The Diamond Dogs then scatter and start grabbing/mugging jewlery from the ponies at the gala (who are either hiding, panicking, or being evacuated by Celestia and Cadance) which in turn forces most of the Royal Guard to turn their attention from you to them. You would be happy at the successful thinning of their numbers *punch punch punch*, but you have a crazy mare on top of you using your head as a punching bag,

"This is for the train! Ruining the gala! And- AH!"

You use your nightmare cloak tail to tightly and painfully grab the crazy pegasus mare from behind before saying,

"I have a thing for mares like you... IT'S CALLED PAIN!!"

Before violently throwing Lightning Chaser into a pillar which causes the pillar to start to fall onto some of the Gala guests who are frozen in fear, but before it does, Trixie shouts,

"Do not panic! The Great and Powerful Trixie will save you!"

She tries to cast a spell at the pillar, but ends up using the wrong one, which causes the pillar to get bigger and fall faster.

"Oh no..."

Thankfully, Twilight uses her magic to to stop the pillar from crushing the guests. *CRUSH* Unfortunately for you, she hurls the pillar at you which crushes you against a wall and buries you under it. Twilight smirks in victory,

- Trixie manages to knock-out Twilight Sparkle, but she does it right in front of Shining Armor, who blasts her into next week.

But soon loses that smirk when she gets blasted into a few gala guests.

"That will teach you to steal the Great and Powerful Trixie's glo-" *ZAP*

Her rant ends when she gets blasted into the wall by Cadance's husband, who yells in anger,


Spot surrenders to the fandom whispers and tries to Starscream Flash Sentry.

Meanwhile, Spot managed to grab a spear and is trying to kill Flash with it as he yells,

"Voices in head demand your blood, waifu-stealer!"

Flash parries the blows with the handle of his broken guitar as he responds,

"Waifu-steal... I don't even have a marefriend yet!!!" (cue sneezing from Sunset Shimmer and Twilight)

As this is going on you scream in rage and smash the pillar off of you with your tail (the fact that you were about to hit Blueblood with your "No Shadow Kick" before being interrupted by that pillar is one of the reasons why). You look around angrily before getting blasted into the wall again by the party cannon. Pinkie giggles and says,

"Never let your guard down, mister Offender!"

You growl in anger before you shout,

Have him shout somewhere during the fight "I put the fun in FUNERAL, LAUGHTER IN SLAUGHTER!"

"You may put the fun in party. But I put the fun in funeral and the LAUGHTER IN SLAUGHTER!"

You scream the last part in the RCV before you teleport to dodge another party cannon blast, appear behind Pinkie, and use your fox tail to stuff her into the cannon head-first before saying a bit deranged,

"Bye Pinkie, you were a BLAST!"

And with that you fire the cannon, sending Pinkie slamming into an incoming Rainbow Dash and they both land on a charging Applejack. You smirk cruelly and start to laugh like a maniac. At this as the Nightmare Cloak begins to become more unstable and you begin to grow a second tail. The only one who notices this is Celestia, and she thinks

What is happening to him? It looks like that cloak is becoming more unstable, and is that a second tail!? I need to stop him, but Luna's not here and there're too many ponies here for me to use my full power!

Use the"You shall not pass!" staff.

While she's thinking this, everyling (and by that you mean Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Braeburn, Shining, Lightning Chaser, Flash, Fleetfoot, and Spitfire) charges at you. You take out the staff (the crystal at the top began to darken when you grab it) and jump into the air, twirling it over your head before screaming in the RCV,


Before slamming the bottom of the staff into the ground releasing a shockwave that sends ponies and creatures flying back all over the gala.

When the dust caused by the shockwave goes away, you clutch the staff embedded into the ground with an insane look in your glowing eyes as you starts to laugh manically,


The ponies and creatures that are still conscious begin to back away in fear at your laughter, and the Diamond dogs stop what they're doing (stealing gems, fighting off Royal Guard, or trying to kill Flash) and say in fear.

"No... Nots again... DOGS! FLEE!!!"

The Diamond Dogs immediately dive back into the hole they came from while yelping in fear and running as fast as they possibly could. Trixie quickly decides to make her exit as well as she manages to dislodge herself from the wall and says,

"Uh... Trixie remembers that she has... Ursas... to... iron... But I assure you all that the Hooded Offender will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

With that she disappears in a smoke bomb... that only lasts for a few seconds so everling clearly sees her running away like a coward.

The dark whisper appears again and says,

"Look at how these pompus fools cower before you. Doesn't it feel great? Their fear and cowardice. Go, kill them all, show them that they are right to fear you!"

You nod your head in agreement as you put your staff away and slowly begin to form two horns on your head that also begin to poke though your hood as you're two fox tails start waving around in anticipation. You quickly lash out your two tails and grab Applejack and Rainbow Dash with them before flailing them around and smacking away ponies in a frenzy while screaming.


You then hurl the mares into a window, forcing Celestia to catch them as you use your tails to launch yourself at Blueblood (who's still using Rarity as a shield the whole time), barrel through Flash, Pinkie, and the fashionista, and tackle the prince to the ground before proceeding to wail on his face. The chief buffalo charges at you from behind, but you grab him with one of your tails while you continue to pound Blueblood's face in. As you lift the buffalo in front of you, you pause your rearrangement of the prince's face as you spot a familiar-looking pony outside the gala from the corner of your eye...

"Well, well, well... It's that gardener that refused to lift a hoof in your hour of need... MAKE HIM PAY FOR HIS COWARDICE!!!"

As you agree with your voice, the gardener notices that your glowing angry gaze is off of Blueblood and looking straight at him so he bolts for it *WHAM CRACK*, but you hurl the Chief Buffalo at the pony causing the buffalo to slam into the gardener and crush him against a tree which cracks and falls over.

"And I was only one day from retirement..." the gardener whines weakly from under the unconscious buffalo chief (*)

You are about to continue your rampage, when Celestia shouts,

"I will end your destruction, monster! I will protect my little ponies!"

With what sanity you have left, you look at Celestia and say

"Nothing could keep you safe from me solar-fat-flank! Not even I could keep you safe from me!"

And with that you charge her. but she suddenly jumps into a nearby cake. You look at the cake confused,


When she suddenly pops out with her entire body covered in hoofbuzzers! She then charges at you, but you lash out to grab her with your tails. Dumb idea, because as soon as you grab her, you get shocked with a million volts of electricity! As you're weak from this electric counterattack, Celestia suddenly shouts,


Suddenly, Cadance, Twilight, and Cadance's husband jump out and blast Bugze with their magic. But it's not blast magic, it's the capture kind. Soon they have you pinned on the ground with their combined magic. Ponies and creatures begin to come out of hiding and start to cheer in victory, thinking they won and you're beginning to think they're right until he hears a certain snob say,

"I"ll go grab the bag, then we can drag out the runt!"

Twilight, Cadance, Shining, and Celestia manage to restrain you with their combined magic, but a comment by Blueblood causes you to let out a piercing monstrous scream (which causes everypony at the gala except Celestia (who's wincing) to grab their ears in pain) which breaks their concentration and you take on that dangerous form from the climax of the fight with the Diamond Dogs.

Suddenly the room gets overwhelmed with KI as Bugze lets out a horrible piercing scream. The scream is at such a frequency that it echoes throughout the castle cracking and shattering glass as it forces everyling to grab their ears while crying out in audio pain while Celestia struggles to resist as she winces. The break in their concentration allows you to break out of the holding spell as smoke fills the room. When it dies down, a true monster is where you used to be. The monster has two devil like horns pointing out of your hood, three fox tails swing crazily behind the beast and the Nightmare Cloak looks completely unstable. Coming from under the hood are two sharp fangs and menacing glowing orange eyes. Everyling who has managed to more-or-less regain their senses backs away in fear when suddenly, the creature starts to laugh insanely. When it's done, it talks in a distorted, cold-hearted, legion-like voice that sounds like a mix of your voice and the dark whisper...

"You honestly believed that would end ME! YOU CAN NEVER STOP A NIGHTMARE!!!"

What do you do?

Author's Note:

Ohhhh boy, looks like the Nightmare cloak is still full of surprises. This is part one of the fight, part to is next and you guys get to decide again how it goes down. Now remember that Bugze is....less then stable right now. So can go a little overboard, but still no killing, scaring (not physically at least), and no crippling. Have fun, and let the Madness consume you MWAHAHAHAH! (Soul Eater reference for does who don't know)

(*) Don't worry, the gardener's alive, but needless to say, he was eating out of a straw for quite a while...

Sorry for late posting, epicness takes time to write and edit.

Hey Hive Mind, DWC here!

*The bright light dies down, and we now see that we are in a forest, and we appear to be outside my head* Kersey, Forever...We made it! WE DID IT! WERE OUT OF MY HEAD! YAHOOO!...Wait a second...wheres Magus?

Yesterdays question answers are...

The Appleoosa fight was a success, the battle with Trixie was a good idea for him, so I have to say the kidnapping of a greater deity and sun goddess.


As for 'evil,' well now... I'd have to say either the fake attempt to takeover Appleoosa (the attempt to stop the war) or the claim (false) that he'd attached some kind of torture/kill collars on the captured Guards.

Congrats to Dream Seeker and Fireheart 1945 respectfully. I have to agree with them. Sure, trying to take over Appleoosa was pretty bad, and sure the Trixie scam was pretty illegal. But, the attempt to kidnap a princess and the fake torture/kill collars is down right mean! If Bugze wasn't good, and he actually captured the princess, then it would be alot more worse then if he succeed the other two.

Today's question is....

Who do you think Bugzes nemesis is?

Bugze has made enemies with alot of ponies/creatures. But who do you think is the one who hate him the most, and will stop at nothing to end him or capture him. You decide! BYE!

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