• Published 1st May 2014
  • 11,101 Views, 1,531 Comments

The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

A you decide story about well a changeling. More info inside.

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Episode 12: Another New Friend and Grabbing My Citizenship.

While you try to decide on what to do first, a grey pegasus sees you in the alley and walks up. :derpyderp1:
"HELLO!" she yells, jarring you out of your thoughts :derpytongue2:

You begin to think of things to do now that you are in Ponyville, when you see a grey pegasus walk by the opening of the ally. The grey pegasus looks like she is about to walk by you, but she (you think that she is a she) stops right in front of the entrance of the ally. She looks shocked about something and she then immediately turns her head in your direction. You start to panic, so you jump into the empty garbage bin that was near you.

You hear her hoofsteps come closer to your hiding spot, but then they suddenly stop. You look out of the garbage bin to see that she is gone. You begin to think that she flew off when you hear something above you. You look up to see...A GIANT PILE OF GARBAGE HEADING RIGHT FOR YOU!!! Before you even get a chance to escape the stinky death-trap, you are all ready covered head to hoof with it.

You are about to barf up what little food you have in your stomach, when you hear someling scream "HELLO" right next to you. You look over to were you heard the scream, as well as rubbing your ear in pain, to see the grey pegasus floating right next to you. You look at her, and she looks at you (at least you think she is, her eyes are kinda strange, in a adorable way though). It takes your mind awhile to process what is going on.









"AHHHHhhhhh" You finally start to stop screaming after you realized that the mare in front of you is screaming as well. She appers to still be screaming as well.

"AHHHHhhhhh" The mare stops screaming as well. She stares at you, again you think she is at least, then she finally says "Sooooo...what were we screaming about?'" You face plant as soon as she said that. She stops flying as well and lands on the ground next to where you face planted.

"You mean to tell me that you were screaming that whole time, without even having the slightest clue as to why!?" You ask her with a annoyed tone. She looks like she is about to cry and she says "well...I thought we were playing a game*sniff*." Good going me, you made another mare cry today. Curse you bad social skills! You look at the crying mare and you quickly decide to cheer her up.

"Hey, don't cry, we were playing a game." You tell her gently. "We*sniff*were?" she asks with tears in her eyes. "Yeah, its called the 'Loudest Screamer" game, in fact you were winning." You really need to stop lying to ponies, but you gonna call this one a "good" lie because you are trying to cheer up this sad pony, which you caused to happen.

She looks down for a little bit, but then she suddenly jumps up and hugs you!. "Oh that is so great, I've never won anything before, this is so awesome!" She starts to jump up and down, still holding you in a hug, when you say "Great for you, now you can tell all your friends about you winning the best game ever, I'm I right!?!?" You congratulate and ask her.

She stops jumping and she looks up at you with a look in her eyes you know all to well. Its the look you used to have everyday back in the hive. The look that you had until you and Cadance became friends. The look of pure sadness. You can't help but fell bad for her.

"I don't have any friends..." The mare says in a sad tone. You know what it was like to have no friends. You wanted one, and now you have one. You remember that great felling you had when you became friends with Candace. You smile and look down at the mare and say "Well that's a lie, I mean you do have one friend."

The mare looks up at you, shocked that you said that and asks "You don't mean..." "Yup, were friends now." You tell her with a hopeful tone. You really hope this will work. The mare jumps off you suddenly and she starts to jump up and down like a little school filly and she is chanting "my first friend" over and over again. She then fly's off, hitting a few bystanders and buildings as well, before a very important thought enters your mind...YOU WERE IN YOUR NORMAL FROM THE WHOLE TIME!!! You begin to hyperventilate at that thought when you look in a puddle to see that you are covered in garbage the whole time. Which means she didn't know you were a changeling either. You give a victory "whoop" before a thought enters your mind...

Mental note for later: learn some kind of communication spell to stay in contact with Cadance.

You decide to make a mental note to learn some kind of communication spell to stay in contact with Cadance. Shes one of your only two friends at the moment, so you kinda don't what to lose your only friend due to distance issues. You also get another thought crosses your mind...

Go straight to the mayor and apply for citizenship.

Apply for citizenship.

Go and apply for citizenship.

You decide it would be a good idea to apply for citizenship in Ponyville. You first rub off all the gunk off of you, but sadly you still smell like dead cat. You then transform into a grey unicorn with a black mane/tail. You check the puddle to see that you have blue eyes and..no cutie mark? "That's strange...I could have sworn I imaged a cutie mark to form?" You wonder to yourself out loud. You decide to wonder about it later, for now you need to get your citizenship. "Now...where is the town hall?" You ask yourself sheepishly.


Well...that was uneventful. Besides being told that you need to take a bath by everyling you walked by. When you finally found the town hall, the mayor, appropriately named Mayor Mare, gave you citizenship right on the spot. It apparently had something to do with the fact that she wanted more positive feedback from ponies after the whole 'Nightmare Moon' fiasco.

Obtain Kung-fu for dummies book

You also found a book called 'Kung-Fu For Dummies' on the street. It looked like it would be an interesting read, so you decided to put it into The Inventory.

Kung-Fu For Dummies added to inventory.

Given the number of books in your inventory, perhaps you should find a quiet place to read.
... A library, perhaps?

You had tried to go to the local library, but it was barracked and when you went to knock on the door, someling yelled "I CAN'T DECIDE!" You had slowly backed away from the door and proceeded to gallop away from the hunted library. You have no idea as to what you should do or where you should go now.

What do you do?

Author's Note:

Hey guys/girls/ponies/bugs sorry for this episode coming out so late, got a little distracted with...things. Anyway I'm going to announce the answer for last episodes question is *drum role*

Anthropology-Lyra's Song

Thank you LordBucket for this great song. I'm sorry to those who songs didn't get pick, its just this one sounded awesome to me. Anyway if you could't tell this chapter is showing that 'The Ticket Master" has happened or is happening but its coming to a close. Also, I have started a new group called 'Comment Driven Stories' I made it so that authors, like me, who are writing a comment driven story can have an easier time finding comments. So please go to my profile and check it out.

This episodes question is..

How did you become a brony?

This question is for my own curiosity to get to know my viewers better, and as a little treat, I will tell you all in the next episode how I, the cool (not) DWC, became a brony. That's all the time for today, I need to go and stop any Derpy/This Changeling here ship pics from happening...bye!

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