• Published 25th Aug 2014
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A New World, A New Conflict - Evowizard25

Generally, being stranded in a new world would effect most creatures. Not, General Sev. For him, it's a new staging ground for his army...Now if only he could find them and figure out what to do.

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Sometimes, change will come when you least expect it (Day 0)

The world of Pokémon is a place of diversity. Every continent has its own share of humans, Pokémon, and cultures. Each one dances to its own rhythm and tune, influencing others. Peace and prosperity ranges throughout with Pokémon and humans living side by side. They lived, worked, and played together. The two races were as one in the hearts of many.

But not all. There were some who opposed the ideal way of life that was forced onto the world. Some Pokémon who were disgusted by the way their kind was treated. How they were forced to fight and die at the whim of a human.

These Pokémon were not going to sit idly by and let it continue. They weren’t just going to stay divided and work alone. No, they banded together to form something that the humans would fear. They would fight the tyrannical motions of their suppressors.
They were the Pokémon Liberation Army, or the PLA for short.

They weren’t stupid enough to meet in the open or anywhere above ground. No, the members of this group had come up with a better meeting spot.

They went underground.

Beneath the very earth that made up the Hoenn region, the PLA were holding a meeting that would determine the fate of their cause.

“So dudes,” a rather laid back Sceptile said, leaning back in his chair. “What’s for lunch?”

Off to the side, away from the head members of the organization who sat around a rather large table, was a lone Mightyena. He sighed in agitation, clutching a ceremonial spear they had stolen in his paws. He often questioned why these individuals were his commanders. Yes, they had potential, but…They were so annoying sometimes. Not to mention the havoc they cause.

The Sceptile was General Scep, commander of the reconnaissance teams. He was a laid back sort of fellow, caring little about pretty much anything. He was the kind of Pokémon that got on their nerves with his laziness, but they still needed him. He was an expert when it came to hiding and slipping out from underneath the human’s noses. Not to mention his ‘sticky fingers’.

He, along with everyone else, wore standard blue army dress wear. A small green flag with a white silhouette of Arceus in the middle of a golden halo was pinned to his chest; the flag of the PLA. While the organization may have hated humans, they wanted to show that they were a coordinated force. So, the General had decided to issue uniforms for everyone.

‘Easier said than done,’ the Mightyena thought.

“Ah say we get ourselves some pizza,” a Lucario with a country drawl spoke up. His uniform was like everyone else’s except for the blue cowboy hat he wore. He was named Rio, commander of a highly skilled band of Lucarios. Now, Lucario weren’t exactly the most common Pokémon, so it was a miracle that Commander Zev stumbled upon a gang of them. It didn’t take him long to recruit the rogues, given Zev’s silver tongue and their desire for adventure.

He was a doer and had a habit of disobeying orders if he saw a fight. The PLA was rather lax in the first place, so he got away with it. That didn’t stop the others from getting agitated. Some of their plans had fallen astray because Rio’s brash behavior.

General Pert, a bulky Swampert, pointed a finger at Rio in agreement. He couldn’t talk, because his neck wound. It wasn’t a pleasant sight, being a terribly large gash around his throat. It never healed right, leaving it unseemly.

He was the commander of their aquatic forces. He was a steadfast, dependable kind of Pokémon. He didn’t take up with the nonsensical attitude the rest of the PLA had, making him a valuable asset.

“Nah,” General Loom, a Breloom, spoke up. “I say tacos. Everymon knows they’re much better than pizzas.”

“HERESY!” A teenage charmelon, known as General Char, stood up and gestured wildly at Loom.

General Loom wore a pair of large goggles over his eyes. He was the chief engineer of the rebels. The Breloom was a master when it came to creating tech. No invention or idea was out of his grasp, even with his tiny arms and lack of thumbs.

He was skittish, however. Avoiding conflict and staying behind lines. More often than not, he would send troops to steal tech that was pretty much worthless to the cause, just so he could tinker with it. Quite a few Pokemon were healing wounds and battered pride because of his lust of knowledge. Thankfully, there had been no losses yet, so he was kept as a General. His brain was the only thing keeping him here.

General Char was a firm believer of the cause. His outfit was much more extravagant, salvaged from an old museum. It had been an inquisitor’s outfit of old, but been refitted to be more practical. That didn’t mean it wasn’t any less intimidating, especially on the body of a deadly charmeleon.

He was the head of the MC, or Moral Champions, of the PLA. He made sure that everyone was doing as they supposed to be doing and traitors were silenced…Thankfully, they didn’t have any traitors so no harm yet.

“I gotta go with Loom here,” a Ludicolo, General Ludi, piped up. He patted his belly. “Some tacos would do me some good right now.”

General Ludi was the head of the moral officers. Their job was to entertain and inspire the soldiers to keep fighting and generally have the time of their lives. He was well loved by the troops and loved to throw parties out of nowhere. Not to mention that he was a superb cook.

“Oh just choose already!” An upset Aggron, known as General Ag, shouted in anger and frustration. “I’m starving.”

The other generals cringed. General Ag wasn’t a girl you wanted to get on the bad side of. She was the leading commander of the PLA’s land forces for a reason. Not to mention the hardest drill instructor their army had ever known. Thanks to her, the PLA were at human standards when it came to fighting. Possibly more so.

“I don’t see why you guys don’t want any grubs and worms,” General Drill, a stuffy Excadrill, piped in. He was currently, to everyone else’s disgust, chowing down on a bag full of bugs. “Quite tasty.”

General Drill wasn’t native to Hoenn. No, he was rescued alongside several others from Team Rocket, thanks to the PLA. In gratitude, they had happily bolstered the ranks. The Leavanny even went out of their way to make uniforms for everyone. Drill was the mouth of the ‘outcasts’ and the leading excavator and tunneller of the PLA. He was rather naïve of most of the outside world, given how he preferred being underground.

Too busy stuffing his face, he made a passing remark. “Why don’t you ask the lass over there?” He pointed at the Gardevoir sitting next to General Ag.

The Gardevoir’s glare pierced Drill, leaving him unable to do anything.

“What did you call me?” His voice was both threatening and unnatural, sending shivers of fear down everyone’s backs.

He was General Gard, the leading commander of the psychic Pokémon. While Pokémon feared Ag due to her physical appearance, they feared Gard more. Everything about him screamed wrong and he could be very cruel if he wanted to be.

“Gard,” Ag put a hand on his shoulder. Gard looked up to her. “Calm down. You know Drill didn’t mean it.”

Drill, now spared Gard’s gaze, nodded fervently. “Yes, yes. Poor eyesight I have. Terribly sorry, miss….I MEAN MISTER! YOU’RE A GUY!” Drill threw himself on the ground in a pitiful attempt at hiding himself. “DON”T KILL ME!”

“Tempting,” Gard chuckled. “But no. I would never harm a friend.” Drill popped back up with a hopeful expression. “Or would I?” Gard grinned evilly, causing Drill to squeal in terror.

“That’s enough,” Ag growled.

Gard sighed and patted her hand. “Only for you, Ag. Only for you.”

Humming happily, Ag nuzzled his head. It was no secret the two were rather fond of each other, which just terrified everyone even more so. If you pissed off one, you probably pissed off the other.

“Dudes,” Scep spoke up. “Where’s the Commander?”

To answer his question, the group suddenly heard a voice from the other side.

“What do you mean you lost the song?....Okay, okay, I’m sorry for snapping, just pick randomly…Yes, just do it.”

Suddenly, the doors opened, smacking the Mightyena guard in the face. ‘Maybe I should have picked another position to guard.’
A song could be heard playing.

In slithered in the supreme commander of the whole PLA fighting force: Commander Sev, a Seviper. Needless to say, he was quite full of himself to a god like degree. His presence demanded your respect as well as his silver tongue. He could talk many a Pokémon into their cause, granted if he was in the mood for it.

Trailing on his side, holding a small recorder, was a young and beautiful Kirlia named Lia. Kirlias are known for the beauty and grace, but Lia was more beautiful than any Pokémon they’d seen. She was sweet, encouraging, and her aura calmed even Gard and Ag.

Hissing in agitation, Sev turned to Lia. “Now, okay, turn it off. Turn it off. It didn’t work. It did not work.”

Doing as she was told, Lia sighed as the music stopped. “Sorry, big brother. I didn’t mean to pick that one.” Her voice was a melody one could get lost in.

Sev patted her head with his bladed tail. “Do not fret, little sister. I shouldn’t have put that song in their in the first place.”

“Why did you?” Lia asked.

“….” Sev was silent for a moment. “Let’s get to the meeting.” Turning his gaze to his subordinates, he grinned. “Gentlemon, I’m glad you could make it.”

“Not like there’s anywhere else to go,” Ag grumbled.

Sev ignored the remark and went on. “So, have we decided on anything yet?”

“Pizza or tacos,” Drill spoke up.

“Tacos,” Sev said, causing some groans in the group. “Hey, we had pizza yesterday.” He snorted in agitation. “Now that that’s over with, let us get down to business. Is everything in place?” They all nodded. “Good, now we can begin operation ‘take-over’.”

“Do you really think this plan will work?” Loom spoke up.

“Of course it will work,” Char thumped a fist onto the table. “Our cause is righteous and Lord Arceus is with us. He would not let us down.”

“And he won’t,” Sev spoke up. “Nor shall we him. Listen up, mon. We don’t fight just for ourselves, but for every Pokemon in the world. We fight to show them what we’re truly capable of without humans. We fight in Arceus’s name. Do you think we can fail?”

“NO!” The group hollored.

“Good,” Sev smiled. “Then we shan’t. Thanks to General Scep’s efforts, we’ve acquired some weapons of the enemy.”

“Which most of us can’t use,” Gard pointed out.

Sev hissed in agitation. “Yes, but it was more a gesture. If we could use those weapons, then the humans would fear us.”

“Fear a few hundred Pokemon?” Drill spoke up.

“He has a point,” Ludi said. “We don’t have the numbers to sustain a conflict such as this.”

“What are ya’ll talkin’ about?” Rio spoke up. “We’re natural born fighters. Nothin’s gonna stop us now.”

“If we follow this plan,” Sev rolled out a map onto the table. “Then it won’t matter if we win or not this day. All that will matter is that humanity will be shaken. They will know we are not their pets to be traded about, to battle in their filthy tournaments.”

“Let’s not forget about the Contests,” Loom put in.

Everyone groaned.

“The less we think about them,” Sev muttered. “The better…That aside, you all can be rest assured that we will prevail. Tomorrow, the world shall never be the same.”

The others cheered, even Sev himself piped in…But then it stopped. They felt tired and uneasy, like a spell had been cast over them. Watching his subordinates pass out, General Sev tried to resist. “What is….” He passed out, not feeling as his body faded from existence.

“Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.”
*near Zebrica shores*

Dr. Caballeron checked his watch once more. The vessel he was standing on cut through the troubled waves like butter. “This ship is running late. We should have reached the port hours ago.” He glanced over to the griffin beside him, manning the wheel of the wooden vessel.

Said griffin was a tall, lanky fellow clad in an extravagant red frilly suit one would see at a fancy party. His large hat had a feather sticking out of it, which looked just silly. The major thing one would notice was that his left hand was replaced by a rather devilish hook.

“The waters have been restless,” the captain glanced at the gloomy skies. “Something’s amiss with the weather.”

“I don’t care about the weather,” Dr. Caballeron uttered. “I care about being on time. My client isn’t a patient sort.”

“You’ll be on time, land lubber,” the captain snorted. “It’s a strange thing, it is. I’m not used to helping ponies.”

“Neither am I,” Caballeron chuckled. “We’re both out for ourselves and that’s why I chose you to transport my cargo. I know you won’t talk.”

“Aye,” the captain nodded. “I’m not a griffin willing to spill my guts to the law. Bad for business, that be.” He eyed Caballeron. “Just don’t think about doing the same. Captain Hook is the terror of the seas for a reason.”

Caballeron rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes. You’re a threatening pirate. We all know.” Caballeron had heard many tales about Hook. He wasn’t the most competent pirate one could find, but that was why he chose him. ‘I’ve learned something over the years. A smart partner is a dangerous one.’

“What be the reason you’re traveling these waters?” Hook asked. “I know I shouldn’t be asking, but I’m dying of curiosity.”

“The future, captain,” Caballeron smiled, patting the wooden beneath him that harbored his pay load. “Change is coming and I want to be at the forefront of it.”

Author's Note:

Eyup! I'm doing a story set in zeusdemigod131's Pokemonverse.
Go check out 'A New World, a New Way'. You won't regret it.

I hope you enjoyed this and please leave a comment.

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