• Published 25th Aug 2014
  • 4,042 Views, 458 Comments

A New World, A New Conflict - Evowizard25

Generally, being stranded in a new world would effect most creatures. Not, General Sev. For him, it's a new staging ground for his army...Now if only he could find them and figure out what to do.

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Arceus finally delivers his message (Day 2)


Crowland was usually at peace when he walked through any part of the world. He needn’t really wear much armor and whatnot because he knew each and every possible danger in any given area. He knew the dangers of the Everfree Forest inside and out. He knew about the warriors of the Griffon Empire and their fighting style. He knew about every possible opponent that the world could throw at him. He knew all of that and how to kill them. That’s what gave him confidence. He hated stupid youths who thought they were all that from just one victory. Overconfidence was a weakness the world would quickly erase.

He was never overconfident, even on easy kills. Something could go wrong. Something always went wrong because the universe was fickle. You just had to go with the flow and that’s what he did. He was the best of the best for a reason and that’s what made him confident.

These Pokemon…they were unknowns. He didn’t know their strengths, weaknesses, the best ways to kill them. He would, but that would take time. Time this old bird didn’t have, given how deep he was in Caballeron’s scheme. He sighed, once more cursing his luck ‘Maybe I’ll give retirement a second thought.’

That’s why Crowland was so agitated as he strolled through the streets of the small town. His head feathers twitched and lifted slightly before going down once more. He wore his hunter’s suit. It was a light thing with enchantments of several kinds, including ones that allowed him to store all sorts of gadgets and killing devices inside rather small pockets. His trusty crossbow was slung over his shoulder. Little Lady was perched on the opposite one.

He grumbled a silent curse of misfortune to whoever made this situation and reached into his pocket for a little bottle of rum. He quirked his eyebrow when he instead brought out a toy compass. “How did you get in there?” He chuckled. “Must have forgotten you. I’m getting too old for my own good.”

Little Lady squawked something that sounded like a question.

“Oh this?” Crowland said and the Spearow nodded. “Just a gift.”
*several years ago, Equestrian wilds*

Crowland fidgeted with his pith helmet for a second, grumbling as he did so. The wilderness felt more welcoming and homely than any city or town he had lived in. He loved the danger, the excitement and all that kind of stuff. He was a young griffin male. Of course he would, but there was a problem. Something he didn’t want to admit to himself.

He had lost his prey.

That irked him to no end. Never before had he lost…anything really. And now he was just strolling through some of the few wild forests in Equestria, completely and utterly lost at what to do. He was growling, clutching his crossbow tightly in frustration. ‘Damn it. Where the Tartarus did it go?’

His prey, a Hellhound, wasn’t something most creatures would chase after. It was said to cause certain death to whoever laid eyes upon it three times. Crowland knew that it was all popeye cock. He’d killed a few Hellhounds and he’d seen them multiple times. The legend just sprang up because Hellhounds rarely let someone get away with their life.

His hunt was interrupted by a loud scream. Crowland’s eyebrow perked up. ‘That sounds like a little girl.’

Being both a curious soul and a bit of a worrywart, he went to investigate. As quickly as he could, and he could go pretty quick given his cheetah form, he raced after the sound. Within seconds, he came to a stop, having neared a few voices. Not wanting to just randomly charge into an unknown situation, he crouched behind a thing bush.

Parting a small piece of it away, he took a peek. Right there, cowering with her back to a tree, was a small yellow pegasus filly with a black and grey streaked mane. Before her was a large, flightless terror bird, or more commonly referred to as a Gastornis. Its large beaked head eyed the filly hungrily.

Crowland was a little surprised to see such a beast in this part of the woods. Usually the predators of Equestria stayed deep within forest. The Hellhound was here only because those beasts tended to roam from place to place. They weren’t natural to this realm, seeing as they were Tartarus spawn.

The Gastornis, while a fearsome creature to a pony, wasn’t exactly the most dangerous beast he had faced. He could easily kill it right here and right now with his trusty crossbow. His talons twitched across the surface, eager to claim his prize. He stopped himself. The last thing he wanted a kid to see was some creature’s brains splattered around them. He’d have to take this one out without killing it.

He sighed. ‘Kids, they can be a real pain.’

So, making up his mind, he put his crossbow onto his back. With determination, he leaped out of the bush, hitting the Gastornis in the mid-section with a clean leap kick. The killer bird squawked in pain and surprise as it hit a tree.

Smirking, Crowland turned to eye the filly. She stared at him in awe and wonder, though he could still see a glint of fear in them. Knowing he was in for a little fight, Crowland took off his pith helmet. Honestly, he didn’t know why he had the thing. He never did care for them. ‘Maybe it’s because it was a gift from a friend.’

He handed the helmet to the little filly. “Keep an eye on this, will you?” The filly nodded in response. “Good girl.”

The Gastornis squawked its version of a roar. Charging, the beast intended to clasp its oversized beak onto any part of Crowland. The thing could easily smash bone with a simple bite. The griffin hunter wasn’t going to let that happen.

The hunter side stepped the killer bird. Gastrornis was a rather cumbersome and inelegant creature. It was rather easy to outmaneuver them. That’s why they preferred to ambush their prey and attack creatures weaker then themselves. Of course, that didn’t mean they wouldn’t try their feathers at taking on dangerous foes.

With a simple kick to the killer bird’s leg, Crowland succeeded in tripping it up. The Gastornis hit the ground, giving the hunter the perfect opportunity to take it down. However, he stopped in his tracks when a familiar growl came to his ears.

He chuckled. “You finally showed yourself, huh?” He turned around to face the Hellhound.

Like any Hellhound, its body was as black as night. Its red eyes shone like little blood moons, with nothing inside but the urge to kill. Its body was massive, easily looking more akin to a bear than a dog. The Hellhound’s mouth was pulled back into a snarl. The fangs looked like they could easily rip someone like him to shreds in seconds. Crowland had to hand it to the ponies. Since they were so close to Tartarus, they had to deal with these things all the time. ‘They are just little mysteries, them ponies.’

Unfortunately, before he could take a battle stance, the Gastornis had gotten back up and lunged for the filly. She screamed. Crowland scowled and pulled on the bird’s tail feathers. The killer bird squawked in pain and turned to face him.

‘Two against one?’ Crowland smirked. ‘I like these odds.’

With a quick punch to the face, Crowland disoriented the Gastornis. The griffin didn’t linger in that spot long. He twirled on his feet and kicked the hellhound under his snout. Crowland’s sub-species of griffin wasn’t known for being strong. They were agile and quick, but Crowland still had the strength to knock the beast away.

The Gastornis lunged, but Crowland caught its beak with his talon hands. The killer bird’s jaws were powerful and it took a lot of effort to keep them open and away from his throat. Time seemed to slow down at that moment. He spied out of the corner of his eye the hellhound preparing to lunge.

Thinking quickly, Crowland let the killer bird push forward and got onto its side. With a quick flap of his wings, he was up in the air the moment the hellhound’s attack made contact with the Gastornis. Both predators went tumbling on the ground and both quickly got up. They squared up against one another. The hellhound barked, while the Gastornis squawked with ruffled feathers.

Landing, Crowland took out a single dart. With practice eased, he threw it at the Gastornis’s neck. While he could easily have let the two duke it out, he knew the hellhound would make quick work of the Gastornis, given its magical nature. Not to mention that the hellhound would steal the other creature’s energy, making it a bit harder to kill. So, a little sleeping dart would take care of it. He hadn’t brought anything really lethal this time, since it wouldn’t work on a hellhound.

The Gastornis cried out in surprise when the dart made contact. The hellhound turned to look at Crowland and growled. He was the bigger threat at the moment.

“Come on,” Crowland smirked, taking up a fighting position. “Let’s see if you’re tougher than the last hellhound.”

Taking the challenge, the daemonic dog tried to rush him. Crowland stood his ground.

At the last second, Crowland grasped the dog’s head and used it to summersault over it. The dog turned quicker than he thought it would, but no matter. Pulling out his crossbow, he smacked it upside the head with the butt of the weapon. The dog yelped in pain.

Crowland flew back a few feet and pulled out an arrow from his pouch. It was different from most of them, as it was pure white and softly glowed. It was filled with holy magic, but unlike the others, this one wasn’t meant to kill. Only to stun. Again, he wasn’t going to kill anything in front of a little filly.

With a flurry of action, he cocked the crossbow and placed the bolt inside. The hellhound was pacing him. Given how Crowland couldn’t fly that high thanks to the canopy, the hellhound could easily jump and bite him. He wasn’t going to let that happen. He sighted the dog and the dog knew what was coming.

It made to lunge, but not before Crowland’s arrow impacted its shoulder. The hellhound cried out in pain as lances of holy magic flew around it. The magic quickly formed into that of pure white chains that bound the dog. Within in seconds, the dog was out of commission.

Crowland sighed with relief….before tackling the still moving Gastornis before it could get to the filly. He pulled a sack large enough to cover the Gastronis’s head out from a pocket. Given how much magic was in it, they also could store as much as he wanted. It was nifty.

The Gastornis struggled, but Crowland kept up with the pressure. He pulled the sack over its face. The Gastornis’s struggle soon ceased. Birds and bird like creatures could be calmed down if you cover their eyes. This was no exception. Again, Crowland sighed with relief when the Gastornis fell asleep. He gently patted the beast.

“You did good.”

“THAT! WAS! AWESOME!” The little filly cried out, rushing to his side.

“Awesome?” Crowland asked, standing up. “No one’s called me that before.”

“Well they should,” the little filly said. “The way you handled those creatures was amazing. Can you teach me? Can you? Can you?”

Crowland chuckled. “Calm down. Those beasts weren’t anything to talk about. I’ve faced worse.”

“Worse than that?” The little filly looked at him incredulously.

Crowland nodded.

“Who are you?”

Crowland smiled and put away his crossbow. “Crowland Tempo. You could say I’m a bit of an adventurer.”

“Can I be an adventurer?”

Crowland shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Anyone can do it.” He crouched down and touched the filly’s heart with a talon. “But only those with true courage can be great.”

“I have true courage,” the filly smiled. “I came out here all by myself. No parents or anything.”

Crowland frowned. “Why the hay would you do that? You want to get yourself killed?”

The filly frowned. “I wanted to be a big pony.”

Crowland tapped her head. “A big pony uses their noggin. You don’t just go blundering about and whatnot. You have to think things through, plan. If you just wing it, you’ll get yourself in trouble. Like with your parents for starters.”

The filly looked downcast. “I don’t want to be in trouble.”

“Then don’t run away from your parents,” Crowland snorted. “They’re probably worried sick right now.” He stood up. “Come on. I’ll take you to them…..” He looked around.

“Are you lost?” The filly asked.

Crowland chuckled. “You could say I am. That’s how I found you.”

The filly then reached onto the ground and picked something up. She held out her hoof which held a small, toy compass. “Here, have this. My daddy said that compasses help lost ponies. Maybe it’ll help big birds too.”

“That’s very nice of you,” Crowland took the compass. It was worthless to him, seeing as he already had a real one, but he felt obligated to take it. When the filly held out his pith helmet, he pushed it back to her. “Keep it. It’s yours now. I never liked thing.”

The filly gasped. “Really?”

Crowland nodded and placed the helmet on top of her head. It sunk over most of her face, so the little filly had to move it upwards to see. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll grow into it.” He patted her helmeted head. “By the way, I never did get your name little filly.”

“I’m Daring Do,” the filly chirped happily. “I’m going to be a great adventurer someday, like you.”

Crowland laughed. “Sure you are, Daring….”
*present day*

“Sure you are,” Crowland chuckled as he let a talon gloss over the item. He put the compass back and went into the café. To his surprise, he saw Ahuizotl sitting at one of the tables. He was wearing a khaki shirt and wearing a small pair of reading glasses. A little book sat in his hands. “Ahuiztol?”

Ahuizotl looked up from his book. “Crowland?”

Crowland chuckled and walked over to him. The duo clasped hands good naturally and shook. “How’ve you been doing?” He took a seat opposite of the evil doer.

“Alright,” Ahuizotl grumbled. “For the most part.”

“Daring foiled another one of your schemes?” Crowland asked and got a miserable growl in return. “Honestly, I don’t know how you can stand this line of work. It never does go in your favor.”

“I know,” Ahuizotl sighed. “That’s why I decided on taking a vacation.”

Crowland just stared at him for a moment, struck dumb by what he just said. “You? Vacation?”

Ahuizotl furrowed his brow. “Yes, is that so hard to believe?”

“No,” Crowland shook his head. “Just never thought…Never mind.” Seeing a villain like Ahuizotl on vacation had to be one of the strangest things he had ever seen. And he’s seen a lot.

Crowland spied the book and smirked. “A Daring Do novel? Really?”

Ahuizotl grumbled with a slight blush of embarrassment. “I find it an interesting read. It’s not often your get to see what makes your nemesis tick…though I don’t like the liberties she takes with her novels. I am not this hammy.”

“Sure you aren’t,” Crowland chuckled at the other’s scowl. The two of them weren’t exactly what you’d call friends, but Crowland did consider the other of potential.

“What are you doing here anyways?” Ahuizotl growled. “Planning another hunt?”

Crowland frowned. “No….it’s complicated.” When Ahuizotl raised an eyebrow, Crowland sighed. “Let’s just say, Caballeron has dragged me into this mess.”

“Ah,” Ahuizotl nodded. “He can be rather frustrating.”

“Not to mention….Her.”

Ahuizotl looked at him curiously. “Her?” Crowland made a few gestures with his hands, which cause Ahuizotl to nearly jump in fright. “Her? She’s here?” Crowland nodded, to which Ahuizotl sighed. “I can never catch a break.”

Crowland just laughed.

*Zebrican train*

The trip to Cairo was taken in peace and silence.

“Are we there yet?” Sev asked for what everyone thought was the millionth time.

“No,” everyone else grumpily muttered.

{Okay, I lied. I do that from time to time. Don’t judge me!}

For the last several minutes, Commander Sev had been expressing his impatience. Quite a few of the passengers had done their best to clog their ears with anything, be it pillows, or hooves/other holding limbs. Others just stared off into space, glaring at the cosmos and everything in a vain attempt at cursing whoever was the cause of Sev.

At that moment, Arceus felt a little nervous at that moment and thought to himself that he might have needed to think out his whole ‘creation’ idea a bit more carefully. You know, in the very case that hiccups could occur down the line.

Said hiccup kept at it.

“Are we there yet?” Sev lied back against a rather comfy, red fainting couch.

“No,” was the reply.

“Are we there yet?”


“Are we there yet?”



“For the love of Celestia,” Lightning cried out in agitation. She flew over and yelled in his face. “SHUT UP!”

“NEVER!” Sev shouted back.

“MAKE HIM STOP!” Trotankhamun hollered. “MAKE HIM STOP!”

“I shall never stop,” Sev proclaimed. “My asking is making time move faster, for it heads my commands.”

“The hay are you on about?” Lightning asked, then looked at the other pokemon. “The hay is he on about?”

“Don’t look at me,” Ag grumbled. “I barely am able to understand what half of what he says means.”

“Because you lack half of the wit to do so,” Commander Sev shot back.

Ag glared at him, but said nothing.

“Now….” Sev started.

“Oh don’t you bucking dare,” Lightning pushed her snout against his and glared at him.

Sev smirked. “Are we there yet?”

Lightning roared in frustration and tackled the snake. The two tussled for a couple seconds, with Lightning getting the upper hoof since Sev didn’t want to hurt her.

“Now arriving in Cairo,” the conductor called back.

“HA,” Sev shouted in glory, pushing Lightning away. “You see. I was right. I’m always….”

He was interrupted when Lightning tackled him again.

“Ah,” Rio sighed wistfully. “This reminds me of when ah found my own little lady. She beat me upside the head so often…still does.” He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head softly as if feeling a phantom pain.
*outside the train*

Flannery huffed as she sat in the train station. The last thing she wanted to do was meet the leader of the PLA, but Joy had been persistent. If anything, Flannery couldn’t help but catch somethings about ‘girlfriends’ and ‘grandchildren’, as Joy pushed her along. She didn’t know what she was going on about, but she didn’t want to know.

The only other thing that annoyed her, well more creeped her out, was General Gard. He was probably the first male Gardevoir she had seen. Yeah, she had heard about them, but kind of…dismissed them. ‘Come on, Gardevoir are so ladylike. How can they be guys?’

But there, a little ways off, was living proof. He just seemed…wrong, and that wasn’t because of his gender. He exuded an aura of twisted wrongness, if you could call it that. The guards and pokemon around him shivered in fear. They just wished his gaze wouldn’t fall on them.

The train had come to a complete stop.

“He is coming out,” Gard said. His very voice was both soothing and terrifying at the same time.

And no sooner had Gard finished, the leader of the PLA himself emerged. “My brethren, I am so….” He was cut off when a little Kirlia ran past him.

“MOMMY!” She cried tears of joy.

Joy cried herself, throwing her arms around her child. “I’m so glad to see you.”

Sev frowned and slithered over to her. “Mother….You’re an Audino.” He stated more as a fact than a question.

Joy nodded. “Yes, I am.”

“…..” Sev huffed. “Those humans have gone too far.”

Before he could continue, and before Flannery could burn his face off, a voice sounded inside the skull of everyone in the kingdom.

“Greetings citizens of Equus, both old and new. I am Lord Arceus, creator of the Pokémon realm. You have no reason to fear me, I come in peace.”

“HE COMES IN PEACE!” King Trotankhamun shot from out of the train. “PANIC!”

“What?” Flannery spoke up.

“Everyone knows aliens always say that before they attack,” the young king explained. “It’s reverse psychology. Celestia read me a couple books with that happening.”

“Cease your noise,” Gard harshly said. “Arceus is speaking to us.”

All the while, Sev was frozen in place.

“I have revealed myself to inform you that I am the one responsible for the Pokémon’s presence in this world, for the citizens of Equus, the Pokémon are the beings who have appeared over the past few days.”

Trotankhamun was inwardly raging. Raging about everything that had happened and was going to happen. He quickly summed it up in one word. “ARCEUS!” He raised a foreleg angrily up into the air, hoping to smack the god one day.

“I have my reasons for bringing them here, and to the leaders I will reveal them in time….’

“And I’m sure no one’s going to be wondering in all that time,” Trotankhamun muttered. “No one’s going to be beating themselves over the head with why a god would do this….Buck you, Arceus.”

but for now a warning, the Pokémon, while some may not seem it, are just as intelligent as any race who calls Equus home, and, seeing as how they are my subjects, I will not tolerate them being treated any differently than you would treat your fellow Pony, Griffin, Minotaur, Diamond Dog, Changeling, Deer, Hippocampi, Zebra, Horse, Buffalo, Cow, Donkey, or Dragon depending on whichever race you belong to.”

“Well, he could have shortened that,” Flannery spoke up. “Make it easier for everyone.”

“Yeah,” Lia yawned. “No offense, but god is kind of boring.”

“You’re lucky Char wasn’t here to hear that,” Drill shuttered. “He’d probably try to burn you.”

Lia smirked and her eyes glowed. “I’d like to see him try….But he wouldn’t anyways.”

“To my Pokémon, I say this, I brought you, all of you, here so that you could live in peace, do not seek to harm the natives of this world, for I am the one responsible for your displacement. And to the Pokémon who went through changes when I brought you here I say this. You are the ones who proved themselves worthy, those who were fair, kind and good in the old world, consider this your reward. And to all of you, as sapients the laws of Equus, and the varying countries, now apply to you, and only the laws of Equus.”

‘Worthy?!!’ Flannery screamed inside her own head. ‘I was worthy?!! Of this?!!! I ought to burn his face off…Can you burn gods face off?’

“Wait,” Trotankhamun held up a questioning hoof. “But what about laws pertaining to pokemon and how to deal with them? Are you going to explain that?....No? You’re just going to let us flounder about with no direction….Okay then…Jerk.”

“That is all for now, but just to be clear, the Pokémon are not to be harmed simply out of spite, if you have a problem with what I’ve done, feel free to contact me, I currently reside in an ancient temple deep in the Everfree Forest, or a pocket dimension outside of the space time continuum, so if any of you wish to face the sheer power of a god, feel free to come by.”

“Thank you,” Trotankhamun nodded. “That makes it so much easier to SEND MY HATE TO YOUR DOORSTEP, YOU BIG, SON OF A…..”

Gard used ‘Psychic’ to close the king’s mouth. “Do not talk about Arceus in such a manner. He did this for a reason.” Trotankhamun sent him a questioning look. “I have no idea, but I’m sure he did it with our best interests.”

“Goodbye for now, though I doubt this will be the last you hear of me, and peace to you all.”

Gard’s hold on the king fell. “Peace to us all? I haven’t had peace in the last twenty four hours. I have a dead Alpha Dog, strange new creatures running amuck, Sev…Just Sev.”

Lia opened her mouth to protect her brother, but then inclined her head to agree. At least, a little bit.

“Ugh,” Trotankhamun rubbed his forehead. “Being king is just so….I think it’s going to be the death of me.”

Flannery felt pity for the king…’Wait, king? I’m standing before royalty?’ She quickly bowed.

“Oh don’t,” Trotankhamun sighed. “I’m not in the mood for that stuff. Let’s just go and….Where did all those zebras come from?”

Everyone looked behind to see a large, disgruntled group of Zebricans glaring at them. Some of them were throwing jeers, both against the pokemon and the king.

“Sire,” an older zebra pushed his way through the crowd. He was balding and quite lean, with quite a few wrinkles upon his face. He wore a rather fancy suit, but it was tussled and worn. “Did you hear that message?”

“Everyone heard it,” Trotankhamun said. “Vizier Khaba, what’s going on?”

Viziers were the highest level officials of Zebrica. They answered to no one but the king himself.

“The people, sir.” Khaba gulped. “They’re not too happy about the current events.”

“No one’s happy,” Trotankhamun turned to Sev, who was still frozen. “Isn’t that right, Commander Sev?....Commander Sev….” He tapped the snake, who fell unconscious. “Oh dear.”

“It appears one of our new guests has fallen under,” Khaba chuckled, before a tomato smacked into the back of his head. He sighed. “I’m just glad they aren’t throwing stones this time.”

Suddenly, Rio stood before the king, catching an arrow meant for Trotankhamun’s skull. “But them varmints are throwing arrows too. Gard?”

Gard nodded and disappeared for a second, before reappearing again shortly. A zebra struggled in his psychic grasp, with a bow in his hooves. He flailed about in the air, panicking.

“Another one?” Trotankhamun grumbled. “Great. My day is just getting better and better.”
*Hyena Dog tunnels*

“Goodbye for now, though I doubt this will be the last you hear of me, and peace to you all.”

“GET OUTZ OF ME HEAD!” Zebby Skulltaka pounded his fists time and time again against his own skull. The strange new voice just wouldn’t shut up.

“Darling,” his unicorn musician spoke. “Stop hitting yourself. The voice is gone.”

Zebby stopped his temper tantrum and listened closely. He chuckled. “Yeah, dat git’s gone fer gud….but he sounded ‘retty powaful.”
His mare, known as Loving Note, nodded. “True, I believe it’s best we stay clear of him.” Loving Note flinched when the Alpha dog rounded on her.

“Nobody is clear of Zebby Skulltaka,” the alpha dog proclaimed. “I’z krump dis…Arceus gud and propa. Besides, it soundz like he ‘as a big skull. I’z wants to put it on one of me pointy sticks. ‘Aven’t killed anythin’ worth fightin’ in so long.”

“Can we go one day without fighting?”

Zebby stared at her for a few seconds, before bursting out into laughter. “You’z funny,” he licked her. “Datz why I likes ya.”

Loving sighed, trying to shake off the disgusting slobber of the alpha. “And I like you too…”

Before she could say anything more, Zebby sat down onto his throne and pulled her into her lap. She yelped in surprise, even though she should be used to this. Zebby had captured her oh so long ago, when he was a young alpha. The only reason she wasn’t down in the mines was because he loved music. No, he cherished that above all else, even fighting.

‘Though he’ll never admit that,’ she conceded.

Zebby held up a flute to her. While she preferred the harp, she had come to learn many instruments while under his….care. If you could call it that. “Play sumthin’ nice. I’z gotta come up wit a plan to krump dat Arceus god guy. His skull I’z mine.”

Loving sighed and started playing. Zebby gently ran his rough hands through her mane as she did. He made sure not to hurt her.
*Bridleton Harbor*

“Goodbye for now, though I doubt this will be the last you hear of me, and peace to you all.”

Terror was not something a Thirst should experience. Yes, they should be able to inflict that emotion, but to feel it…was alien.

Thrist felt it.

It ran through her bones, her blood, her magic. Everything about the pokemon god, that Arceus, exuded power, great power. She hated him. She loathed this Arceus. Yes, he gave her the tools to complete her rituals. To make herself stronger, but did he think himself the master of this world? The master of anything?

‘You do not know the powers you are up against, Arceus. Your people will be bled dry. This world will burn and so will the next. Ragnoros will tear you to shreds, for he is the end of all. You have NO chance to stop me from my path, my revenge.’

Thrist had never felt such an odd combination of anger and fear and that irked her even more. She needed something to take her mind off it. She needed to bleed dry….She spied her Rattatta. For some reason, she had gotten a bit attached to her first ‘experiment’. It was gently rubbing itself against her leg.

She leaned downwards and petted his head. “You are the first of your kind to see the new vision. You are the first of my army…..Why are you so cute?” She scratched underneath his chin and cooed. She would never let anyone see that moment.

“Uhhhh…..” she turned to see Caballeron standing in the doorway. “Am I interrupting something?”

Thrist’s rage boiled. “Bring me more sacrifices. My power wanes and we may not have as much time as we thought.”

Caballeron nodded. “Yes, this Arceus….This changes quite a few things.”

“IT CHANGES NOTHING!” She banged her staff on the ground, scarring her pokemon and causing sparks of dark magic to sprout from it. “Arceus can be killed like everything else. Nothing is untouchable. You will see. All the world will see when his blood fills the oceans. Ragnoros will feast on his flesh, do not doubt that.”

Caballeron nodded, sweating nervously. “I’ll….I’ll go get you those sacrifices.” With that said, he rushed off.

Author's Note:

Finally, day 2 is over.
On to day 3.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment below. They help me get pumped up for the next chapter.

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