• Published 25th Aug 2014
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A New World, A New Conflict - Evowizard25

Generally, being stranded in a new world would effect most creatures. Not, General Sev. For him, it's a new staging ground for his army...Now if only he could find them and figure out what to do.

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Meeting Each Other (Day 1)

“Git back ‘ere ponee!” A voice screamed out from behind her.

Lightning Dust paid it no mind. She just kept running. The course sand under her hooves felt strange. Before now, she had never been in a desert. She was used to running on fresh grass or clouds. Sand just didn’t feel the same. ‘How can anyone live with this stuff?’

As she ran for her life, with a light blue pegasus colt on her back no less and her wings tied against her body, she briefly pondered how she got into this mess in the first place. Oddly enough, those same events started playing in her head. ‘Guess the saying is true. Your life really does flash before your eyes before you die.’

She had always been a prime flier. Ever since she was a little filly, she wanted to be a Wonderbolt. She spent every living moment training and making herself better. Finally, she applied for Wonderbolt boot camp. She was so ecstatic. It took everything she had not to gush over everything in the academy.

Then, she met this awesome flier: Rainbow Dash. She couldn’t believe it. She had met a national hero and what was better, she was paired up with her. ‘I know I’m awesome, but that awesome? Spitfire must have had a lot of confidence in me.’

That’s what she thought, until the ‘accident’. Lightning, back then, hadn’t even considered anypony else worth her time. She was there to become a Wonderbolt. Nothing else mattered. That was her problem and let to her greatest mistake. She was kicked out of the academy posthaste. Utterly humiliated and heartbroken, she travelled. That’s what Lightning did for a year. Just travelling here and there, trying to pull herself back together so she could try again.

Unfortunately, in her travels, she stumbled across some slavers. Now, slavery wasn’t present at all in Equestria. It was one of the few crimes punishable by death. Nope, she stumbled upon it on a griffin cruiser when she so ‘brilliantly’ decided to go looking around. One smack to her head and she found herself in a diamond dog den. Thankfully, dogs weren’t that smart, so she planned her escape. Even took one of kids with her too.

‘Hopefully some of the others escaped too.’

So now Lightning Dust and the kid on her back were running for their lives. The dogs behind them were armed with nothing but clubs and nets. Usually, dogs had makeshift armor and crude weapons that they affection-ally called ‘choppas’, but the escape had caught them unprepared. That and they didn’t want to harm their ‘workers’. So, the nearest bunch just sped after her. The only one with any real armor, was the largest dog. He was a scruffy, hyena breed with mismatch armor. He was one third larger than the other dogs, making him the leader of the bunch. A crude axe lay within his right paw.

Given the terrain and Lightning tiring out, she knew it was only a matter of time till the dogs caught up to her.

‘If only I could fly. These chumps would never catch me then.’

The sand in front of her burst, spraying the stuff everywhere. Lightning stopped in her tracks and covered her face with a foreleg. Lowering it, she came face to face with a really ugly hyena dog. It grinned.

“We’z gotya now, ponee,” he chuckled harshly. His hands outstretched and ready to grab her.

“Wanna bet?” Lightning snarled. If she was going down, she was going to take these chumps down with her. ‘Maybe they’ll forget about the kid during the fight.’ She nudged the colt off of her. “Run.” She told him.

“But…” the little colt seemed hesitant to leave her.

“Run,” Lightning pointed to the distance. “I’ll be right behind you.”

The colt nodded and bolted.

“Grab the poneez,” the largest hyena dog shouted in rage. “The boss aint gonna like you’z boyz losin’ ‘em.”

“I’m a girl, ya git,” one of the dogs shouted.

“Shut yer yap and get ta fightin’,” the large dog said back to her.

The dog that had surprised her was the closest, so he tried to lunge. Thankfully, Lightning Dust was rather adept at fighting. She ducked, letting the dog fly over her. When the dog landed and tried to make a swipe, she bucked him right on the muzzle. The dog screamed in pain as he fell on his butt. A dogs’ nose and snout were rather sensitive.

Lightning smirked, before the largest dog swatted aside the howling dog and took a predatory stance. The rest of the others lined up, even the one she bucked. Though, he was still whimpering and holding a paw to his muzzle.

“You wanna dance?” Lightning got up on her hind legs and made a come hither motion. “Let’s dance.”

The dogs howled a battle cry as they charged.

Not far from where Lightning’s struggle took place, a certain Seviper was groggily waking up.

“Ugh,” he lifted up his head and rubbed it softly with his tail. “What was I drinking last night?” Suddenly he perked up. “Wait! I wasn’t drinking? The war room…my generals…”

He took a look around his surroundings. ‘Sand? Sand? MORE SAND?!!!’ He hissed in anger. He didn’t know how this could happen. There was no way he could be just randomly sent into the desert.

Unless....’Why didn’t I think of this in the first place.’

“Humans did this,” he scowled. Everything bad that happened was the fault of humans. That much he had reasoned long ago. “They’ve made some sort of ‘scattering’ machine to confuse us. It is the only explanation.” He grinned deviously. “But no matter. I can’t be that far from my base. Let the humans have their stupid victory. Tomorrow they shall pay.” He chuckled darkly.

“ATTENTION!” He hollered, hoping somemon to hear him. “Get your hides out of the sand or whatever you’re hearing. This is Commander Sev speaking, leader of our glorious freedom.” Nothing answered. “I said come out.”

“Big brother?” A soft spoken voice came to his earholes.

Sev’s eyes widened. “Lia?” He turned his head to gaze at his little sister. She was shaking in obvious fear. Without a second thought, he rushed over to her. “Are you alright? Did the humans do anything to you? If they did, SO HELP ME…”

Lia, the Kirlia, shook her head. “No. I’m alright…But humans didn’t do this.”

“But who then?” Sev asked. He wasn’t the type to question his sister. She was eerily always right. He had asked other gardevoirs and other psychic Pokémon. They all said she was beyond gifted and they hadn’t seen anything like her.

“I don’t know,” Lia sighed.

Before the duo could keep the chain of conversation going, a strange Ponyta smashed into Sev. He was light blue, with a white mane.

“Watch it,” he hissed.

The Ponyta screamed and scrambled back. He was only a young thing, barely out of his egg if Sev had to guess. “Please don’t hurt me.”

“Why would I…” He was stopped when Lia held up a hand.

“He can’t understand us,” she said.


“He’s not a Pokemon.”


“Is it?”

Sev hissed in agitation. “Let me at least finish my questions before you just read my mind.”

“I didn’t have to,” Lia smirked. Turning herself to face the not-Pokemon, she spoke. “Can you understand us now?”

The creature gasped. “Yeah…how’d you do that?”

“Magic,” Lia giggled, causing Sev to roll his eyes.

“Okay,” the little guy smiled.

“Wait,” Sev held up his tail and pointed it at the child. “Just a minute ago, you were screaming your head off and now you’re fine.”

“Well, you are scary,” the child pointed at Lia. “But she seems like a nice pretty lady.”

Lia blushed. “Why thank you.”

Sev opened his mouth.

“He’s a pony,” Lia answered. “A Pegasus pony to be precise.”

Sev glared at her, to which she just giggled. Any other Pokémon and he would have had their heads. ‘She’s lucky I love her.’

“What’s his name?” Sev asked.

“I’m Blue Skies,” the colt answered happily. He then gasped and sent them a pleading expression. “You have to help me. This pretty lady saved me from these big meany dogs and now they’re going to get her.”

“Hmm,” Sev scratched his bladed tail under his chin in thought. “I would, but you aren’t a Pokémon.”

“Neither is he human,” Lia folded her arms and glared at him.

“True,” Sev nodded and gave the child a reassuring grin…That kind of creeped the colt out. Ponies aren’t used to giant, threatening snakes ‘smiling’ at them. “We shall aid you.”

“YAY!” Blue Skies hugged Sev, causing him to frown.

“Err…” Sev looked at the colt awkwardly. He wasn’t used to kids hugging him. “Yay?”

Blue Skies let go and ran off. “Follow me.”

It didn’t take them long to find what they were looking for. Hearing the sounds of battle, something stirred within Commander Sev. It was no secret Pokémon loved to fight, for the most part. Hearing punches and kicks sent a quiver along his spines.

But what really got him was when he actually saw the combatants. Most of them looked like strange dog pokemon. Their fighting styles were clumsy and their uniforms were horrendous. ‘If you can call them that.’

The pony, however, had style. She was graceful, combative, and showed incredible skill. When a dog made a swipe for her, she easily dodged it. Jumping backwards, she landed squarely on one of their backs, forcing him to the ground. Another dog swung a club at her, but she just twirled over it, causing the club to hit the dog she pinned in the back. The dog screamed, but Sev didn’t hear any broken bones. So, the dog had escaped spine fracture this day.

Seeing her move was something else. Even though he had just met this race, he knew she was a ‘she’. Her body was…and her fighting…and that experience…

“Big brother,” Lia spoke up. “You’re drooling.”

“Right,” Sev wiped his drool from his chin. He wasn’t usually the type to go ‘gaga’ over some un-snake creatures, but her fighting skills were something to behold. He liked that in a female. Besides, pokemon weren’t exactly known for really caring about what species you were. ‘Unless you’re human, then you’re scum.’

With a loud hiss, he lunged into the fray. All the combatants stopped what they were doing and stared at the newcomer.

One of the dogs, a larger one with crude armor and axe, pointed at him. “Wat’z ya doin’ ‘ere, snakey thing?”

“Saving a damsel in distress,” Sev grinned.

“I’m not a damsel in distress,” the mare yelled in rage. “I’ve got this covered.”

“I can see that,” Sev rolled his eyes. Assessing the force before him, he counted five dogs. They wouldn’t be that much of hassle, even if he didn’t have the mare and his sister for back up. “But how about we just part ways? Hmm? I think that would be the best solution.”

The dogs laughed.

“Ya funny, snakey thing,” the large dog said. “But these poneez belong ta da boss. Ya can’t ‘ave ‘em.”

“I don’t think I made myself clear,” Sev sent them a fierce ‘Glare’, causing the dogs to flinch. “I want you to leave them alone.”

“Nah,” the large dog recovered quickly. “Aint gonna ‘appen, snakey thing.” He hefted his axe, ready to charge.

Without a word, the dogs were lifted into the air with an aura Sev knew. His sister had used ‘Confusion’.

Smirking, he said: “Now, are you ready to leave?”

The lead dog growled. “Ya can’t….” His arm moved on its own and the butt of his axe smacked into his head. “’Kay.”

Chuckling, Sev looked over to where his sister was focusing. “Let them go.”

With that, the dogs fell to the ground and scampered off. The lead dog glared at them. “Da boss willz ‘ear of dis, snakey thing!”

“Noted,” Sev scoffed. He did not fear this ‘boss’. He was not a Pokémon, so he held no power. Turning to the beauteous fighter, he grinned. “It seems I just save your life.”

She just snorted and rolled her eyes. “I could have taken them,” she then held out a foreleg. “Lightning Dust.”

Sev put his tail on her hoof and shook it. “Commander Sev,” he motioned Lia. “And this is my little sister, Lia.”

“Sister?” Lightning raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Not by blood, I assure you,” Sev chuckled. He’d met Pokémon, half siblings that were two different sorts. That sort of thing happened a lot when breeding Pokémon. The child would always be the mother’s race. “So, by any chance do you know any cities nearby? We’re kind of lost.”

Lightning chuckled. “Lost is an understatement. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of…whatever the hay you two are.”

“Pokemon, I’m a Seviper,” he gestured to Lia. “She is a Kirlia.”

“That’s cool, I guess,” Lightning said. “And yeah, there’s a city nearby. The diamond dogs were kind of loudly boasting about it, like they were going to raid it or something.”

“It isn’t a human city, by any chance?” Sev asked, hoping it wasn’t.

“Zebra, actually. I have no idea what a human is,” Lightning admitted, causing Sev to let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had held in. “Though, it’s more of a pony port since Celestia was the one who had it built. The zebras thought it’d be a good way to show friendly relations…Or something like that. I’m not a history nerd.”

“Then let us be off,” Sev slithered into the sand. He needed to get his bearings so he could get back to Hoenn. Yeah, he found it a little odd that ‘Lightning’ didn’t know what a human was, but it was possible that this was a lost island of some sort.

“Uh pal,” Lightning spoke up, causing Sev to turn his head. “You’re going the wrong way.”

“And how would you know?” Sev asked. Lightning held up a map. “Oh…Lead the way then.”

Lightning did so, with the others close behind. Blue Skies had climbed back on Lightning’s back, getting a free ride. Lia had done the same thing to Sev.

Sev just kept his eyes on Lightning. ‘Interesting creature,’ his gaze went lower, to her rump. ‘Very interesting.’

With a light smack to the back of his head, Sev looked back at Lia. “No staring,” she glared at him.

“Fine,” Sev grumbled.

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