• Published 25th Aug 2014
  • 4,044 Views, 458 Comments

A New World, A New Conflict - Evowizard25

Generally, being stranded in a new world would effect most creatures. Not, General Sev. For him, it's a new staging ground for his army...Now if only he could find them and figure out what to do.

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Side Chapter: Bed Talk

“...And then Daring Do swooped in at the last moment,” Celestia read aloud. The large alicorn was sitting atop a king sized bed. Of course, given that an alicorn is much larger than a normal equine, it was a bit small for her still. She managed well enough. Beside her, laying under the protective spread of her wings, was a young zebra. He was staring intently at the book before him. “Stealing away the treasure from Ahuizotl’s own paws.”

“And then he screams ‘Curse you Daring Do’,” the little zebra colt piped up, smiling.

Celestia chuckled. “Aren’t you a clever one and yes. He does, but Daring just laughs him off as she flies off into the distance.”

“And she lived happily ever after,” the colt finished. “Is that right, momma?”

Celestia sighed. “Yes and what have i told you about calling me that?”

“Not to,” the colt frowned, his ears tilting downwards. “But why?”

Celestia honestly wished she didn’t need a reason. She wished she didn’t have to scold him from saying that word. Hearing that word from his own mouth was her heart’s desires brought forth. Yes, many of her students thought of her as a mother figure, but they had families of their own. Little Prince Trotankhamun was different. He felt like hers. “Because some people think I’m the bad guy and what happens to people who help the bad guy?”

“You’re not a bad guy,” little Trot said firmly, nuzzling her. “You’re my momma.”

“I’m...I’m not your mother, Trotankhamun.” Celestia sighed, but didn’t stop him from nuzzling her.

“You’re older than me.”


“You’re a girl.”

“I would believe so.”

“You love me, right?” When he asked that question, he looked up at her with such big, cute eyes. She wanted to take him in her forelegs and cuddle him so much.

“Of course I do,” she nuzzled him, causing him to giggle.

“Then you’re my momma,” Trot said. “So I says so, so it will be.”

Celestia sighed and rolled her eyes. No matter how many times she told him, he was firm in this decision. It wasn’t a good one, in her opinion. The zebra nobles were worse than her own and that was saying something. They were already whispering behind her back, talking about the ‘brainwashing’ she was forcing onto the prince. The more she stayed with him, the more dangerous the situation became, but she be cursed before she let those nobles pollute the little prince’s mind. ‘Nobody messes with my little Trot!’ “Very well, I won’t say anything more, but please, don’t say it in front of others. I don’t want them to get any ideas.”

The little prince wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but he nodded. “Promise, momma.”

Celestia nuzzled him. “Good boy.” She gently kissed his forehead.

“Momma,” the little prince asked. “Is it ‘cause they might get jealous my momma’s a god?”

“I am not a god,” Celestia said firmly.

“But you raise the sun and are really, really old.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Yes, I am old and I do raise the sun, but I am not a god. Do you know why?”

“Why, momma?” Little Prince Trot stared up at her intently. He always was such a well-behaved colt, listening to her on most account, except for the momma business.

“Because I choose to not be one,” Celestia said. “I can call myself a god. I can make everyone worship me as one, but what will that accomplish? A god cannot ‘bond’ well with their subjects, because they are always thought to be better than them. A god cannot be truly among their people. The term ‘god’ is a selfish entitlement. There are no gods and if someone claims to be one, they are either fools or mad. Even if they can control the sun, moon, or even create an entire universe with a single thought. They are beings just like you and me and they should be treated as such.”

“But I’m a prince,” Trot said. “Aren’t I supposed to be better than others?”

“Titles such as these are not the same,” Celestia clarified. “A prince is meant to rule and guide their people. Yes, they may seem ‘above’ the rest, but they are still people. They still live, breath, and do everything a ‘commoner’ can.” She lightly tapped his chest. “It’s your duty to help your nation as it is mine. That’s why I choose to stay a princess and denounce any godhood I could so easily acquire.”

Trot seemed to mull it over for a moment. “Okay, momma. I’ll remember and do my best. I’m gonna grow up to be just as good as you one day.”

“I know for a fact you will,” she nuzzled her nose against his in a little eskimo kiss. “But enough of this. I think it’s time for the little prince to go to sleep.”

“But I don’t wanna go to bed,” the prince pouted. “I wanna stay up and play with you.”

“I’ll be here tomorrow,” Celestia chuckled, using her magic to gently tuck him in. She laid down beside him, covering him with her large wing. “And we’ll have all tomorrow to play.”

“Really?” Trot asked.

“Really,” she kissed his forehead. “Good night, little prince.”

“Good night, momma.” Trot yawned before closing his eyes.

Celestia frowned as she watched him fall asleep. ‘It isn’t fair.’ None of this was fair. Not to the king. Not to the dead queen. Not to Trot and herself. She couldn’t stay with him for long. She had a nation to keep in order and already her own nobility were hounding her for staying in Zebrica too much. The zebra nobles were worse. They were hounding her for coming at all. The king was getting better, but he still had a long ways to go before he could be a good father. It was up to her and….she didn’t want to fail Trotankhamun. Her little zebra colt.

She laid her head down next to him, nuzzling him as she joined him in slumber. “Sleep well, my son.” She knew she shouldn’t have said that. She knew it and she did it anyways. She hated herself for it. She hated herself for the pain she was putting herself through. The nobility was going to tear him apart and if he survived she’d watch him die of old age.

‘It isn’t fair.’

Gently, the little prince yawned in his sleep, smiled, and nuzzled into her. It was almost like he sensed her turmoil and trying to cheer him up. She laughed quietly.

“Such a good heart,” she said before she fell into a slumber. Perhaps it would be worth it.

Author's Note:

Another little cute chapter between Trot and Celestia. I'm a big fan of 'Momlestia' and Celestia's one of my favorite characters. :trollestia: So I like making her happy. Hope you enjoyed her cuddling her little colt.

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