• Published 25th Aug 2014
  • 4,044 Views, 458 Comments

A New World, A New Conflict - Evowizard25

Generally, being stranded in a new world would effect most creatures. Not, General Sev. For him, it's a new staging ground for his army...Now if only he could find them and figure out what to do.

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Talking at the Table (Day 4)

Sev had never felt more awkward in his entire life. That was saying something, seeing as he had done many a thing that would no doubt embarrass most other life forms. He never cared though. He did what he wanted and had no regrets…for the most part. He always had some plan or scheme in mind for every possible scenario. Yet, now….

“I say, dear chap,” a british sounding male voice spoke up. “You haven’t touched your tea. Dreadful business that is. You shouldn’t let good tea go to waste, Sev.”

Sev sighed and looked up. His companion was Milo, a rather uptight, but still friendly Milotic. As always, he wore a set of monocles on over his right eye and a top hat adorned his head. The two of them were sitting around a small table on the outskirts of Trotankhamun’s castle.

“He is troubled,” Gard muttered, sipping daintily from his little cup of tea. “He has a lot on his mind, Milo. Let us not badger him now.”

“Quite right,” Milo nodded. While he was still a little unnerved by Gard, he’d grown used to it. “I’m just a bit concerned for the tea is all. Finding ingredients for it here was a tad bit tricky. I might not be able to have as much teas as I once did. At least, for some time.”

Sev chuckled. Milo and Gard were his oldest and dearest friends. Gard may have known Sev for longer, but Milo was still quite close. The Milotic was his first general, having both been trained by Master Tica. “I will make sure you have your tea, Milo. Once my presence is known to all of Zebrica, we members of the PLA shall have all that we desire. They will yield to my demands as I am Commander Sev, the Holy Blade of Arceus.”

“All the tea I could ever want,” Milo sighed blissfully. “That certainly is living the dream. Perhaps I could have some crumpets or scones as well to go along with it.”

“That would be nice,” Gard put in. “But please, let us not talk about food at a time like this. I believe Sev has something troubling him. It’s better to deal with it now.”

Sev sighed deeply. “I am…conflicted. Last night I was visited by the legendary, Luna. She told me something, something I’ve been fooling myself into believing wasn’t possible.”

“That your mother is human?” Gard asked. “Took you long enough.”

Sev’s mouth fell open. “You knew?”

Milo laughed. “We bloody well did. You may have fooled most of the PLA, but not all of us….Though that still doesn’t explain how they are so identical.”

“They are obviously part Pokémon,” Sev hissed in agitation. While Luna’s speech and show last night had swayed him, it hadn’t swayed him all the way yet. “That is the only explanation.”

Gard hummed in thought. “Perhaps, perhaps not. It’s also possible this is one of Mew’s little jokes that she shares with no one. I wouldn’t put it past her to make a Pokémon friendly human variant.” He shook his head. “But that isn’t important. What is important is what are you going to do now that you know?”

‘Good question,’ Sev thought to himself. He was at a loss…if only for a moment. “Nothing,” he said with conviction. “She is my mother. Whether she be human, pokemon, or a rock, I will always see her as such. Let nothing dissuade you from that line of thinking, my friends.”

“Good to hear, ol’ bean.” Milo smiled, sipping from his tea cup. “I honestly wouldn’t know what to do without Joy around. Why, she makes for some quite pleasant company.”

Gard nodded. “Quite.”

Sev took a sip of the tea. It had a rich, soothing flavor that put his frayed nerves to rest. He sighed in bliss. “Is there anything else you needed to know? I think it better to get them all out of the way now rather than later.”

“What are we going to do now?” Milo asked. “The humans are either gone or pokemon. We’re on a completely different planet and our forces are scattered. We’re in a mighty fine pickle.”

“We are never in a pickle,” Sev scoffed. “For I would never allow us to be within a vegetable. No, we are exactly where we need to be. We shall help the king bring order to this land and in doing so, make a home for our people. The rest of our soldiers will follow soon enough. They will be pulled towards me by my sheer greatness.”

Gard rolled his eyes. “I’m sure they will…It doesn’t hurt that I’ve been sending mental signals outwards. Any of our soldiers still within this country’s borders shall surely of heard it.”

“Don’t you think that could be a bit dangerous?” Milo asked. “What if some unscrupulous individuals catch wind of it?”

“Simple really,” Gard explained. “I just engineered the signals to only target our own soldiers and nothing more. You remember how I had regular scans done for the troops?” The others nodded. “Well, I implanted a little sort of psychic chip of sorts, to keep tabs on everyone.”

“Hmmm,” Sev sipped from his tea. “Resourceful. Why didn’t I think of that? No matter, our future is looking bright and we shall shine like the heavens above. Of course, I shall shine the brightest, for I am the ever glowing sun of our organization.”

“Of course you are,” the other two chimed, chuckling at their friend.

Flannery felt awkward. Not just about being a pokemon. Okay, that was still weird and she doubted she’d ever really get used to it. No, what was awkward was sitting around a small table with three other pokemon that she, not just a week ago, would have gladly battled into submission…Well, except for Lia. She was just too adorable and sweet to hurt. It would be a crime to do so. Really, there should be a law against being so cute.

“So Flannery,” the Audino formerly known as Joy spoke up. “How’s being a pokemon treating you?”

“Fine, I guess,” Flannery said. “Being so fluffy isn’t so bad, but all this sand is just so irritating. I mean, do you know how hard it is to clean all this fur? Really hard.”
Joy giggled. “I can imagine.”

Flannery lapped up her tea from the cup. She wasn’t going to try and pick it up with paws. Her eyes shot out wide. “Wow, this is some great tea. Who made this?”

“My grandson,” the elderly Milotic, Tica, spoke up. “He’s quite good with tea. He even amazes me sometimes and I was his teacher.”

“Oh I definitely have to get this recipe,” Flannery swooned. ‘Best tea ever!’

“He won’t share them,” Tica sipped her tea. “He’s quite protective of their secrets. Perhaps you might persuade him. Perhaps not. More likely not, seeing as you’ve met before.”

“Oh?” Flannery raised an eyebrow.

“He’s General Milo,” Tica said.

Flannery frowned. She had met Milo a few times when she went out for walks and such. He was incredibly skilled and gave her such a hard time, since he had the type advantage to boot. Oh yeah, when she was a kid he would beat her easy. No doubt about that, but over the years, she had been getting better. She hadn’t been able to beat him yet, but she had gotten close a few times.

‘I so had a pokeball with his name on it.’

Yeah, she specialized in fire types, but he certainly was a pokemon that caught her eye. ‘Not in the pokephilia sense. Gross.’

“Yeah…him…” Flannery kept up her lapping. “I think I can live without the recipe, thank you very much.”

“I know you two have a bad history,” Tica started. “But that is in the past. This is a whole new world and we shall not be burdened by the old.”

“Yeah…” Flannery said.

"Dear," Joy started. "You simply must give him a chance. He is such a sweet heart....Actually, maybe you two could...."

"I know where you're going with this," Flannery glared at her the older woman, cutting her off. "And the answer is no."

“Hmph," Joy pouted, before glancing around. “Where is that Lightning Dust I’ve been hearing so much about? I thought we invited her.”

“We did mommy,” Lia started. “But she said ‘tea parties were for little fillies’ and flew off.”

Flannery chuckled. “I know the type.”

Joy sighed. “Oh poo. I so much wanted to talk with her. I mean, I love my son very much so. I don’t want someone to lead him on.”

“She’s nice, mommy.” Lia spoke up. “Miss Lightning wouldn’t hurt Sev like that….but she’s kind of reluctant to share whatever feelings she has. In other words, she’s a total tsundere.”

Joy laughed. “Oh heavens above, really? Oh this is going to be fun…but still, this is a bit soon don’t you think? I don’t want him to break his heart again.”

“Again?” Flannery found it a little hard to believe that Commander Sev ever had a girlfriend. ‘Who would go for that creep?’

Joy nodded. “You see, many years ago, my son fell for an Umbreon. Oh, he fell for her hard. It was something out of a fairy tale…” Joy sighed. “But she left one day. I never knew why, but Sev was heartbroken. Ever since, he’s thrown himself at one female or another in some vain attempt at finding love…or someone like her.”

“Wow,” Flannery frowned. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but poor guy.”

Before they could continue, a little voiced yelled, “Look out below!”

Lia squealed in fright as something landed on top of her. Joy jumped to her feet, ready to tear whatever ‘attacked’ her daughter to ribbons….But started laughing when she saw it was just a little RIolu around Lia’s own age.

“Lu,” Joy said through her giggles. “What are you doing?”

“Lookin’ fer pa,” Lu said. The little Riolu blushed when he realized he was on top of Lia. He quickly jumped off and helped her to stand. “Sorry Lia. Ah wasn’t lookin’ where ah was goin’.”

“That’s alright,” Lia smiled and brushed herself off. “Accidents happen, Lu. I’m just glad you aren’t hurt…You aren’t hurt, are you?”

Lu just shook his head. His blush getting redder. “N-no.”

‘Sweet Arceus, they are just so cute.’ Flannery had to fight the urge to cuddle with the two young pokemon.

“If you are looking for your father,” Tica spoke up, breaking the cute moment. “He is at the local tavern….I wonder why you didn’t check their first, young one.”

Lu rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Ah got a little sidetracked, ma’am.”

“Your brothers and sisters?” Tica asked and sighed when Lu nodded. “I shall deal with them. I apologize, I need to take my leave before a band of Lucarios tear this whole city down, or worse.”

“Good luck,” Joy said as Tica slithered off. “You’ll need it.”

“Luck is something one should rely on,” Tica called back. “But I appreciate the gesture.”
*in a nearby tavern*

“What’s got ye down in the dumps, ol’ buddy o’ mine?” Maw asked, strumming a little on his fiddle.

He and Rio were both hanging around a small tavern, the first one they had found they might add. It had been a little too long since they’d had a drink. Maw had to say the ale was alright, but not the best thing he had ever drunk. ‘Alcohol is alcohol.’

His best friend was slouched, drinking heavily this morning. Yeah, Rio and him drank quite often, but Rio rarely got into a bad mood. Now, he looked miserable.

“My family,” Rio sniffled and guzzled down another pint. “It’s been four days, Maw. Four days! Ah haven’t hear a lick about where they are. That aint right, Maw. Ya know my kin.”

“Aye,” Maw nodded, stopping his music. “I do. Oh bury me six feet under, I do. Ye couldn’t find a bunch o’ troublemakers worse than them.” He sighed. “Don’t ye worry now. Ye’ll find ‘em.”

“RIO!” An angry, feminine voice roared as someone burst through the doors. The doors practically flew off their hinges, with one of them cutting right through the table to two drunkards were sitting at.

“Or they’ll find ye,” Maw gulped and looked over to the owner of the voice.

At the entrance of the tavern stood an incredibly irate Lucario. She was wearing a yellow bonnet and dress that one wouldn’t think would normally fit a season fighter…or someone so angry. She stomped her way over to the pair, leaving indents in the ground. “RIO, YA GOOD FER NOTHIN’, YELLOW LIVERED, SON OF A BITCH! AH’VE BEEN SEARCHIN’ ALL OVER FOR YA AND THIS IS WHERE AH FIND YA? IN A TAVERN?!!!”

“Cari!” Rio jumped up and hugged his mate. He span her around, laughing. “Ah thought Ah was so worried. Ah thought….”

“Ya thought nothin’,” Cari pushed him away and smacked him on the head with ‘Bone Rush’. The aura bone made a loud ‘crack’ as it hit Rio.

“Ow.” Rio rubbed his head. “What was that for?”

“Ya were drinkin’ instead of lookin’ for me and the rest of our kin,” Cari scolded. “No, ya just had to have yer drinks, now didn’t ya?”

“’Course ah was lookin’,” Rio shot back. “Ah just needed a break is all.”

“Ah’ll show ya a break,” Cari’s hand glowed white. “Break break!” She punched her mate in the stomach, throwing him across the tavern and over several tables and other customers.

Rio quickly rose to his feet. “Aura sphere.” With speed, he shot out three small blue balls of aura. Then he used ‘Extreme Speed’.

Cari dodged all three shots with her quick reflexes and aura senses. What she didn’t dodge was Rio smacking into her. Falling to the ground, she quickly moved her head to avoid Rio smashing his ‘Brick Break’ attack into her face. She could use really any attack right then, but only one came to her mind.

She kneed his crotch.

Rio’s eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets, before Cari threw him off. “What the hell, Cari? Ah need these.”

“Ya’ve used ‘em enough,” Cari growled. “Fifteen pups are fine with me.”

Rio growled and used ‘Extreme Speed’ again. Cari span around and blocked the first few hits, before Rio smacked a ‘Bone Rush’ into her side. The blow was strong enough to throw her into the air, but she quickly regained her stance in mid-air.

As she did, she noticed the Shadow Ball formed in Rio’s hands. It was quite big and was certain to pack a punch. Her eyes widened as she touched down. She made a move to run out of its path and she nearly did so. Unfortunately, she was barely a couple of feet from the explosion. The attack knocked her off her feet and onto the ground. Rio quickly pounced on her, this time making sure to keep her legs pinned.

Maw, throughout the fight, just watched in mild humor. Rio and Cari did really love each other. They just liked to spar every now and again…and boy did they spar. “Boy, ye got ‘er good.”

Rio laughed. “Ah did, didn’t ah?”

“Ya sure did,” Cari sent her mate a flirtatious look, batting her eyelashes. “And ah think he earned a little reward.”

Rio grinned and leaned down further. “And what could that….”

Cari head-butted Rio, causing him to lose his balance. With a flurry of motion, she rolled them over so now she was straddling him, keeping his arms and legs pinned. “This.” She threw herself into a passionate kiss with him. Pulling up, she punched him in the gut with a ‘Power Up Punch’. “And that.”

Rio growled and without a second thought, used his free arm to shoot an aura sphere right into her face. Cari was sent flying…right into Rio’s arms. He kissed her cheek. “Missed ya.”

Cari purred and nuzzled him. He returned the gesture. “Missed ya too….”

“Don’t ye start that now,” Maw called over. “Fifteen is enough fer me tastes…and I kind of like this tavern. Aint no reason to mess it up, right bartender?”

The zebra behind the bar nodded shakingly.

“Fine,” Rio and Cari both groaned in protest as they took a seat in one of the few undamaged tables. “Bartender, beer!”
*elsewhere…again….The author ponders whether he needs to make better segways*

Madu never liked to rush anything. He was a thinker, through and through. Never had he ever made a rash decision and he was proud of that. As such, chess was his favorite game. He loved making and breaking every single strategy that came to mind several turns before it was possible. It was a taste of one’s character. While he was a patient zebra, he was ruthless just the same.

“And I do believe that is checkmate,” Madu moved his last piece to finish the game.
Caballeron snorted. “I do wonder why I ever accept your challenges.”

“Boredom,” Madu stated.

The two of them were sitting in a small bar on the outskirts of Cairo. Caballeron had arrived via….dark portal provided by the lovely Thrist. ‘Lovely is one way of putting it.’

“If I were to inquire,” Madu asked openly. There wasn’t anybody around and the area had a few enchantments to prevent eavesdropping. “Perhaps you could inform me of our allies.”

“The Hyena Dogs are moving as planned,” Caballeron said.

“Really? I had thought they would be a thorn in our side. I am pleasantly proved wrong in this regard, but you know as well as I do that they will turn on us.”

Caballeron nodded. “But by then, you will have enough power to topple whatever attack they throw at you.”

Madu nodded. “True and what of the Thirst?”

“Thrist is performing the ceremonies. Your weapons are at the ready and,” Caballeron smiled. “She has something that could tip the zebras to your favor.”

“You have my ears.”

“She is developing collars to actually control these….what do you call them? Pokemon?”

“Pokemon slaves?” Madu tapped his chin. “Now there is an idea, but it may not go so well. The populace would resent them being with us, even as slaves. However….” An idea struck him. “Perhaps we could make use of this. Relations with the pokemon are already strained. What do you think would happen if our poor citizens were struck down by these merciless creatures?”

“They would be up in arms,” Caballeron’s smile turned wicked. “And they would be demanding action. Action I will gladly support, Madu.”

Madu smiled, but quickly turned it upside down. “That however, leaves me with another problem. The retched PLA. I can tell they will be a thorn in my side.”

“Then get rid of them, or show them you mean business.”

“Yes….I do believe I heard of the Commander having a little sister. It would be dreadful if something were to happen to her….Another game?”

Caballeron shook his head. “Another time. I have an old bird to call up, a little wretch to capture and enslave, an uprising to aid. I’m booked.”

“So am I and I took the time to see you this day,” Madu sent him a small glare. While he and Madu weren’t friends, they were at least civil enough. Caballeron did supply him with his best products. “But you may be right. We shall conclude this….but I want results. I want the pokemon dealt with now.”

“I can arrange something,” Caballeron got up to go. “We have been capturing pokemon in the last few days. Not enough for anyone to notice mind you, but there are a couple fierce candidates that could easily fulfill this goals.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

Author's Note:

Looks like our villains are finally going to make a move.

Tune in next time to see what happens. I

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They help inspire me for more chapters to come.

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