• Published 25th Aug 2014
  • 4,044 Views, 458 Comments

A New World, A New Conflict - Evowizard25

Generally, being stranded in a new world would effect most creatures. Not, General Sev. For him, it's a new staging ground for his army...Now if only he could find them and figure out what to do.

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We're almost getting to the battle

As everyone in Zebrica would tell you, Hyena Dogs aren’t clever. In fact, they make other dog clans look like geniuses in comparison. Even so, they can still have a bright idea occasionally or see through a charade. The two Hyena Dogs might have been a bit smarter than the average dog, because they found the whole thing odd. So, for the first time in a while, they asked a simple question.


“Would you purchase a window, my good dogs?” The snakey thing asked again.

“Why?” The dogs asked. Truly, they were the most intelligent dogs to grace the planet.

“Why, you may ask.” The snakey thing laughed. “Oh, but have you heard of an underground base without windows?”

The dogs scratched their heads. “No.” One answered.

“Exactly,” the snakey thing declared. “For no dog worth his tunnels would ever think to have one without our patented windows. They are masterpieces. They are works of art. They will make your tunnels the envy of all others, not to mention they make for great weapons.”

The dogs were nodding along. More so to the weapon part.

“Well it seems I have found some dogs with some class,” the snakey thing remarked. He laughed. “Most glorious, for this would be so boring if my brethren were idiots.”

“Brotha?” One dog said. “You’z not a dog.”

“Of course I am,” the snakey thing twirled his moustache. “You see this?” The dogs nodded. “This is a moustache and all dogs have them.”

“We do?”

“The hair on your bodies equal that of a moustache,” the snakey thing said. “I am a dog, there is no question about that for I have this hair on my body as do you.”

The dogs touched their lips. “We do.”

“If you are still in doubt,” the snakey dog said. He pointed his tail at an oddly zebra shaped dog. “Take my Alpha, the king under the mountain.”

“The diamond dogs are so going to sue us for that,” the zebra dog grumbled. “Yes, I can affirm that we are dogs and that our windows are great.”

The dogs scratched their heads. These dogs were using a lot of big words and it was hurting their heads. The snakey dog had a point though. He had fur, they had fur, so they must both be dogs. If that Alpha was a king of a mountain, that must mean he’s the baddest of the bunch. “So…..wat now?”

“Take us to your leader,” the snakey dog said.


Unbeknownst to the hagglers and idiots, someone else had already beat them to their objective. It wasn’t another rival dog den, or villain. It was a regular Kecleon. Well, not so regular in the sense that he now worked for a hunter. This was so strange. He hadn’t even been caught with a pokeball but that bird-not mon had been nice to him. Showed him compassion. Odd. It wasn’t a pokemon. Why should he do that for him? Eh, whatever his reason, he needed to repay him.

So the Kecleon went about following his orders. It was the least he could do, especially once he heard about the young Kirlia. No one deserved to be a slave.

It wasn’t really that hard to sneak past these dogs. They were morons and being able to camouflage himself was paying off. Still, the dogs gave him some scares. The first being when he discovered their mining operation. It was so expansive and all sorts of creatures, mon and non-mon, were being forced to work to get the jewels from the rocks. He couldn’t do anything to stop it. He was just a Kecleon.

The second came about when one of the dogs smelled him. Whether they walked on two or four legs, dogs all around the world had incredibly good noses. Thankfully, brains weren’t universal. When the dog had leaned in to smell, he simply said “I’m not here”. The dog didn’t seem to care and went about eating gems.

Kecleon just wanted this job finished. Thankfully, he stumbled upon that which could do it: the cell holding the prisoners.

“No, no, no,” a rather posh, feminine voice said. Kecleon looked inside to see it was from a Seviper. The guards seemed to be trying to block out her voice, so they didn’t pay attention to his smells. “Like this.” She struck a pose. “Darling, my darling. You are here!” She shouted. “You must put your all into the act. Like how I put my all into pokemon battles and being the best Frontier Brain the world has ever known.”

“Okay, Miss Lucy.” The little Kirlia nodded and posed. The unicorn mare inside was chuckling.

“You find this amusing?” The Seviper scoffed. “I am a born actress and a trainer. One should never chuckle at the beauty of that.”

“Oh no,” the unicorn shook her head. “I just find Lia rather darling in that pose.”

“I am?” Lia asked.

Both of the others nodded. It was at that time, Kecleon couldn’t help but notice how cute the little Kirlia was. To the point that there should be a law against being that adorable. Shaking himself out of the cute stupor that was cast on him, he stepped through the bars. They were obviously made to keep something big inside. It was no trouble slipping past them.

Kecleon walked up to them and whispered, “Hey. I’m here to get you out of here.”

“GHOSTS!” The Seviper screamed and hid behind the mare. “Ghost pokemon. Gah, I hate those types. Always scaring me.”

“I’m not a ghost,” the Kecleon rolled his eyes and showed himself. “My master is coming to get you guys out of here. He wanted me to pass the word and see if I could speed up the process.”

“My, my, my,” the unicorn muttered. “Your master is a daring one. Tell me, how is he going to be able to do that with all of these Hyena Dogs about? They may be stupid, but they’re not that stupid as to let him waltz on in here and do that.”

Kecleon smirked. “He’s stronger than he looks.”

“And so am I,” a sinister female voice resounded. It dripped like a poison and shook one to the core. Turning back, they saw a crow like griffin in a robe walk up to the cell. The two dog warrior clutched their weapons, ready to attack. The griffin just raised her staff and fire two bolts of dark magic that ripped the dogs apart. “Typical. Two runts. A little challenge would’ve been nice.” Another bolt of magic disintegrated the bars.

The unicorn mare glared at the figure. “Who are you to barge into my tunnels and kill my dogs?!!”

“Your tunnels?” The griffin laughed. “You mean that big doggy of yours actually took you as a mate? I find it amusing in how disgusting it all is.” The unicorn growled in response. “As to why I am here, well, I am in need of something. Something powerful.”

“And what is that?” The unicorn asked.

The griffin pointed a talon at the Kirlia. “Her blood.”


Char prayed over his swords. This wasn’t anything new. He would slowly take his clothe over the blades and whisper words of encouragement. Asking Arceus to keep the blades sharp and to cut through the flesh of the unworthy. He usually spent hours doing so, but hadn’t found the time these days. For one, these weren’t his usual blades. They were a gift from the local king. Something to be treasured, but monitored. Zebras knew how to craft a sword, but he didn’t know how it would fare against other pokemon.

That and, well, given how Vapora and him were a thing…. He blushed as he remembered their time together. He honestly wished he could be more open with her, but that’s how it was. He was Arceus’ sword, Sev’s righteous blade. He would follow them to Hell. Still, he sometimes wondered what it would be like to settle down and raise a family. If not his ‘own’ kids, well, they could always adopt. It would be somewhere nice, out in the country. Far away from the big city life, but he would always heed the lord’s will and that of Commander Sev. A part of him often pondered which he followed more closely. Perhaps it was the Commander. He was family, but he would never turn his blade against Arceus.

Just then, the door was pushed open rather violently. “Laddie, yer missin’ out. There’s a party goin’ on back in the compartment.” Maw spoke with a drunken smile. He carried his fiddle with him as he always did.

Char never did much care for the drunkard. To him, alcohol was evil. It made you stupid and prone to sin. Maw was all of that and he seemed to revel in it. ‘Heretical ideologies.’ “I’ll celebrate ‘after’ we free Lia.”

“Pfft,” Maw waved his hand to dismiss Char’s reasonings. “Yer worried about that? These dogs are nothin’ like the stuff we fought back home. It’ll be a walk in the park and we’ll all be drunk in the capital by dark.”

“Maybe,” Char said. “But I don’t like to jump to conclusions.”

Maw shrugged. “Suit yerself.” The mon walked over to the window and gave Char some much needed quiet.

That is until he started to play his fiddle.

“Okay, I’ll bite.” Char stopped cleaning, but didn’t look over at Maw. “Is that ‘Oh Arceus, we’re surrounded’, or ‘Damn, I left my good whiskey at home’. I could never tell those two apart.”

“First,” Maw gulped. “Guess those dogs got bored with the Commander.”

“Doubt it,” Char muttered. He sheathed his swords and walked over to the window. There were only a few outside, but every now and again, a few more would dig themselves out of the sand. He had to give it to these creatures. They were expert diggers.

“HEY!” Rio ran into the compartment. “Has anyone seen Lu?”

“He’s probably hidin’,” Maw responded.

“Hidin’?” Rio asked. “From what?”

“From them,” Char gestured to the dogs.

Rio took a look outside and grinned. “Finally, a fight. Been itchin’ to smash somethin’ all day.”

“Looks like you’ll get your chance,” Char commented. Out from the sand burst more dogs and this time, they had something with them. Somehow, they had transported rather large cannons through the sands. They looked primitive, something from the musket age, but no less fearsome. They looked to have some strange runes on them. “Or not.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. Finals were a killer. Hopefully this will tied you over until the next chapter. Shouldn't be too long since I have the summer off.

I hope you all enjoy and please leave a comment.

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