• Published 25th Aug 2014
  • 4,042 Views, 458 Comments

A New World, A New Conflict - Evowizard25

Generally, being stranded in a new world would effect most creatures. Not, General Sev. For him, it's a new staging ground for his army...Now if only he could find them and figure out what to do.

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Influential Dreams (Day 3)

The realm of dreams is said to be one of the strangest and most outlandish places one can go. Sev could agree with that, though he thought his dreams were rather simple. The world around him would disagree wholeheartedly, but that didn’t matter right now.

What mattered was…nothing. That was what Sev was seeing right now. In every direction there was literally nothing to see. It was just a white area…That’s it. He hissed in agitation.

“What is the meaning of this?” He asked no one in particular. “I am the Commander Sev, greatest of all pokemon. If this is to be my dream, it must inspire the same. Why does it not? Why does it show nothing? My head is filled to the brim with brilliant ideas.”

“Because, my son,” a low, threatening voice spoke up. “YOU FAILED!”

Sev’s irises shrunk into the size of pinpricks. ‘No…It can’t be.’ Sev gulped before turning around. His vision was blocked by a serpent’s body. He had to actually tilt his head up to view his father.

Commander Viper, his father and the commander of the original PLA, was abnormally huge. He was easily twice the size of a regular Seviper. Few knew how he achieved that size, but Viper claimed that it was Arceus’s gift. His right eye was foggy and carried a slashing scar over it.

“Father,” Sev croaked out. “I can explain. Arceus….”

“Is free,” Viper hissed in agitation. “And you had nothing to do with it.”

Sev shook his head. “Of course I did. Surely my greatness inspired one of my soldiers to free our lord. It is thanks to me that….” Sev’s speech was cut off when Viper slammed his tail into him. Sev cried out in pain as he went down.

“All that time,” Viper loomed over him. “I trained you to be the better pokemon. I trained you to be the one to free our god. It was your destiny and what do I see before me? I see a failure.”

“I am not a failure, father.” Sev hissed, standing up. “I am a great commander. The Pokemon Liberation Army has flourished.”

Viper laughed. “Flourished? Then what have you accomplished? Tell me, how much closer were we to be free of the humans with you in command?”

“Well…” Sev was silent, trying to think up an answer to please his father. He didn’t get to answer as he was slashed with a poison tail.

“I’ll answer for you,” Viper snarled. “Like I always had to. You never got close to that dream. To that destiny I paved for you. I built you into the snake I wanted you to be and this is what I get? A snake who can barely lead an army? Who struggles with even a Pegasus?”

“She is feisty,” Sev wondered why he could feel all this pain in a dream. “I’ll give her that, but no matter. Arceus is free and the humans dealt with. We have won.” ‘And I can so lead an army.’

“Won?” Viper chuckled. “Won? Who told you that? Did you not hear our lord? He brought humans with him. HUMANS WHO HAVE TAKEN OUR FORMS! Do you not see the heresy I have seen? Do you not feel disgust?”


“Then why aren’t you thinking of plans? Why don’t you ever use your head?”

“I’ll find the humans, father. I’ll….I’ll….” Sev had no idea what to do once he found them. He was literally pulling a blank and that was a new thought.

“I’ll, I’ll, I’ll,” his father mocked, hitting his son with ‘Night Slash’. Sev screamed in pain, but Viper paid no attention to his son’s distress. “You kill them. That’s the answer. It’s right in front of your face and you can’t see it. My son is BLIND! My son is WORTHLESS!”

“I AM NOT WORTHLESS!” Sev screamed back at him. “I survived all these years, building an army worthy of our lord. I have succeeded.”

“Those generals of yours couldn’t fight a single tank group, let alone an army.”

“You do not know them father,” Sev snapped back. “I will deal with the humans my way, not yours. I am not a murderer.”

“MURDERER?!!” Viper slashed his son across his face with another ‘Night Slash’. Blood splattered the white grounds. “I am no murderer. I am an exterminator. I cleansed that island of human taint. The world should have followed MY example. Humans are an infestation. A blight that should never have come to pass. It is the folly of the legendaries that they survived. It is our duty to right their wrong.”

“I know….” Sev started and meant to continue. He never felt that ‘death’ should be the answer. Yes humans were evil, terrible beings, but they should be driven away not exterminated. He never got to voice his opinion as his father performed ‘Wring Out’ by coiling around his body. Sev’s body felt like it was being crushed.

“As I said before,” Viper hissed into his ear. “You don’t know. You are my greatest failure. If I had known what you would have become, I would have killed you all those years ago. I could find any female I wanted to bear another prodigy. I should have.” His grip tightened. “But I thought I could change you. I thought I could make you great.”

“I am great,” Sev wheezed out. His vision was getting blurred by both asphyxiation and the blood that clouded his vision from his head wounds. “The greatest being who ever lived.”

“I AM THE GREATEST!” Viper screamed into his face. “I AM ARCEUS’S CHOSEN WARRIOR! You merely took that title because of my death. You should have died there. You should have joined me in martyrdom.”

“I….was afraid.”

“Fear is weakness. A chosen warrior has none. You are no chosen warrior. You are a mistake.” His grip hardened. “I should have seen that all those years ago when you refused to kill that human child.”

“I WAS A CHILD TOO!” Sev cried. “You told me to kill her. Why? She was a human, yes, but she had done us no wrong. She didn’t have to die. I didn’t want her to die.”

“Humans deserve no compassion,” Viper tightened even further. Sev could hear his bones breaking. “Did I not teach you? Yes, but you did not listen. Now I….” Viper was picked up in a blue aura and cast aside.

“You will do no more to him, fiend.” Sev recognized the form of Princess Luna.

“Oh, but I will.” Viper scowled. “He is my son. I can do whatever I want to him.”

“He is no son of yours,” Luna returned his scowl. “No child deserves having a father such yourself. If anyone is a failure, it’s you.”

Viper hissed, coiling himself ready to spring at her. “You legendaries are nothing but weak cowards. I am stronger. I am mightier. I AM COMMANDER VIPER!” With that, Viper lunged. With a single bolt of magic, he dissipated into nothing.

Luna snorted. “The dreams of pokemon can be quite violent. Whatever world you hailed from must have been one worthy of Tartarus.”

Sev said nothing. He was trying to catch his breath. Astonishingly, all of his wounds and pains had faded. “I’m…alright?”

Luna smiled and walked over to him. “Yes, this is just a dream and he an apparition. You were never in any real danger.”

“But I felt it,” Commander Sev looked himself over. “It was so real.”

Luna frowned. “Phantom pains. You remembered what that….beast did to you.”

Sev shivered. “My father is no beast,” he said more to himself. “He was a great mon.”

“Was he?”

Sev snarled. “Yes, he made me what I am. He built me into the commander the pokemon needed.”

“Did he love you?” Luna laid down beside the snake.

Sev was silent. He tried to think of one instance where his father had shown him love. Commander Viper had shown, what he considered, compassion whenever Sev accomplished something. Yet, looking back, not once had his father said he loved him. Not once had he been held or read a bedtime story.


Luna sighed. “That’s what I thought. Do you dream of him often?”

“Only when I have failed,” Sev sniffled. “That…happens more than I like and….He is always there. Always judging.” He smashed his tail against his head. “EVERY! SINGLE! TIME!”

“Commander Sev,” Luna scolded. “Stop hitting yourself. That accomplishes nothing.”

“Right,” Sev sighed, ceasing his own personal attack. “My mother told me the same thing…She always knows best.”

“Oh?” Luna asked, softly nudging the snake. “Tell me about her. Is she nice?”

Sev’s smile came back to his face when he recalled his mother. “The nicest being ever. None can match her niceness. Again, that is understandable. She is my mother. She is the greatest of all to be so. She shows kindness to all she greets and is the mightiest healer of all time.”

“She sounds like a wonderful person,” Luna smiled. “I would love to meet her.”

“And she would you,” Sev said. “She loves meeting new faces. Makes me wish I could be half the parent she is…” He stuck his snout up in the air. “But I shall! When the time comes, my daughter shall be treated like a queen.”


“Look,” Sev pointed out. “The only male in my family is my father and…Let’s just say I think I’d prefer a daughter. Not that I wouldn’t love a son if I had one.” He waved his tail to dismiss the thought. “But no matter. They will be great commanders anyways.”

“I’m sure they will,” Luna giggled. “Now Commander Sev, I wish to ask you something.”

“Fire away, legendary.”

“What do you plan to do with the humans?” Luna asked. “I mean, they are no longer ‘human’ presently. They are your kind now.”

Sev hissed in anger. “They wear our bodies in mockery. They will be dealt with. I shall….I shall…Do something mean! Like...Um….PAINT THEM PINK!” He declared happily.

“You wish to make the humans pay,” Luna thought it over. “By painting them pink?”

Sev nodded. “Yes, they will bow down to me if they do not wish to be pink…Unless they’re already pink….Then I’m at a loss….” He scratched his head. “Even I think this plan is stupid.” He sighed and laid himself down on the ground. “My father is right. I am useless.”

Luna nuzzled him. “No, you’re just misguided.”

“My guide is never missed,” Sev declared. “I know where I am going and I’m going to beat the humans. I shall throw them in camps and make then play ping-pong.”


“I am a master of ping-pong,” Sev smirked. “They will see my awesome talents and be ashamed of themselves. They will spend the rest of their days wallowing in their envy.”

Luna groaned and massaged her temple. “Commander Sev, you are not to throw them in camps.”

“Why not?” Sev glared at her.

“Because they have rights,” Luna declared. “Did you not listen to your god?”

“Arceus has been tricked. That is the only explanation for this….heresy.”

“What he did was stupid,” Luna said. “Incredibly stupid and poorly thought out, but I assure you, he chose those humans for a reason. They were given your forms so they would have a new chance at life.”

“Mockery,” Sev spat. “It is all a shameful mockery. They were not born pokemon, so they shall not be treated as pokemon. I am in the right in thinking this, Princess Luna. They must pay for making our lives a living hell.”

“You want to make them pay?” Luna’s tone was neautral.

Sev nodded. “Yes. They must never know peace. They must suffer.”

Luna was silent for a moment. “Very well then,” she waved one of her wings and in a dark blur formed. Quickly, it took on the form of a small of an Eevee came into place.

“Huh?” The little Eevee said. Her voice was small and petite, giving her about a few years of age. “Where am I? Where’s mommy and daddy?”

Sev looked at her and then at Luna. “What is the meaning of this?”

“She is a former human,” Luna explained. “You were so sure that the humans must pay, that I thought to treat you to one early.”

“Do you know where my mommy and daddy are, mister?” The little Eevee looked up at him with wide eyes.

Sev’s mouth hung open. “I….I don’t know….Luna stop this.”

“But you wanted to make them pay,” Luna looked at him curiously. “Make her pay for being human. Make her pay for making your life a living hell.”

“She has done nothing,” Sev hissed. “She’s a child.”

“Is it her form?” Luna’s horn lit up and the Eevee’s form shifted into a human girl of around five years old.

“What’s happening?” The little girl was obviously scared. She was shaking like a leaf. “Why are you doing this?”

“Stop this,” Sev snarled.

“Make her pay, Commander Sev.” Luna said patiently. “End this blight. Fulfill your destiny.”

“I want to go home,” the little girl cried.

“SHE’S A CHILD!” Sev shouted, glaring daggers at Luna. “She has done nothing to deserve this. Stop this madness. Do you not see her fear?”

“I see nothing but a monster,” Luna calmly said. “That is what they are, correct?”


“Then smite her,” Luna snarled. “Destroy this ‘monster’.”

“Please don’t hurt me,” the little girl said. She was crying her little eyes out. “I promise I won’t tell daddy. I promise. Daddy! Please daddy help me.”

“Do monster’s cry, Commander Sev?” Luna asked. “Do they cry out for their daddy’s?”

Sev’s body twitched in agitation. “Stop this. Stop this at once. Take her away from this place. Give her peace.”

“But you didn’t want them to know peace,” Luna pointed out. “You wanted them to suffer. Go ahead, make her suffer.”

“No,” Sev frantically shook his head.

“Daddy!” The little girl whimpered.

“Make her suffer, Commander Sev.” Luna ordered.

“NO!” Sev shouted, tears fought their way to his eyes.



“FATHER, NO!” Sev’s bladed tail slashed through Luna’s head like it was nothing but a projection. “She is a child. She is innocent. I will never, EVER, harm an innocent.”

Luna was smiling at him. At that instant, the little girl vanished. “Well done, Commander. It seems our training is going in the right direction.”

“What training?” Sev snarled. “Is this supposed to be a joke? You scared that child.”

“She was never here,” Luna said. “She was a figment I created to prove a point.”

“Sick,” Sev spat out. “A sick and twisted point.”

Luna frowned and nodded. “Yes, I may have gone too far, but so could you have. Do you want to become your father?”

“Arceus, no.”

“Then take heed,” Luna said. “Remember that the humans are just as innocent as pokemon. They both can do great things, but also such terrible deeds.”

Sev scoffed, but said nothing.

Luna sighed and stood up. “I still have my work cut out for me. No matter. We shall continue these meetings. Your heart is filled with good, Commander. Whether you know it or not, that is true. Do not lose that. Do not stray down the path I led and never take your family for granted.”

“I would never do that,” Sev hissed. “Family means everything to me.”

Luna smiled. “I know.”
*Cairo, real world*

Lightning lounged in one of the padded chairs. She was softly drinking a fruit smoothie thinking about what was going to happen now. She really didn’t need to hang out with these guys. Honestly, no one would blame her if she just hightailed it out of there and made a beeline for Equestria. Surely they were having better luck than here.

‘I mean, dinosuars, dogs, assassins,’ Lightning thought to herself. ‘What the hay is wrong with this country?’
But she didn’t and she didn’t know why. Was it Commander Sev? She blushed a little bit. She assured herself it wasn’t him. ‘He’s an idiot. A stupid, stupid idiot.’

Yet, Lightning couldn’t remember a time when any male had shown any real interest in her. Yeah some, but it always just so they could roll in the hay. Sev had shown signs of that, but she wasn’t stupid. She didn’t think he was the ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em’ type. So when he fell unconscious and didn’t wake up for the rest of the day, she got a little worried. ‘Not that worried. He’s tough.’

When Lia walked into the room, Lightning sped over to her. “Is he alright?...Not that I care anyways. I’m just wondering.”

Lia smirked, but didn’t make a comment on her behavior. “He’s fine. Just a little...shocked is all. He’ll pull through.”

“Thank goodness,” Lightning sighed, but then caught herself. “Again, totally not worried about him. He’s too stupid to get hurt or anything.”

“Baka,” Lia muttered.

“What?” Lightning quirked an eyebrow.

“Oh nothing,” Lia giggled and walked over to the window. “Tsun tsun, dere, dere.”

“What the hay are you on about?” Lightning snarled. “Are you making up words?”


Before Lightning could say anything, Sev slithered into the room.

“Rejoice,” he proclaimed. “For I have graced this day with my awakening.”

“BIG BROTHER!” Lia ran over and hugged him. Sev returned the gesture.

“SEV!” Lightning said with excitement and then bit it down. “I knew you’d make it, idiot.”

“Your concern is noted,” Sev rolled his eyes. The two siblings ended their hug. “Now, what is happening with my army.”

“General Gard’s been able to gather some of our forces,” Lia explained. “Apparently, most of us were scattered over Zebrica. Maybe a few in some other parts, but he can’t sense them. He said something about getting used to the magical interference.”

“Then tell him to try harder,” Sev ordered. “We must locate all of our brethren, wherever they might be. The PLA leaves no mon behind.”

Lia nodded. “Currently, General Char is rounding up the humans in Cairo.”

Sev frowned. “What?”

“Yeah,” Lia walked over to the window. “Look.”

Sev slithered over and Lightning followed. Several pokemon in PLA uniforms were leading other pokemon in filed lines. Zebra soldiers and civilians watched the whole thing in confusion.

Genera Char was holding a microphone in one hand, speaking to them. “....And we are Arceus’s right hand, given his blessing. His glory washes over none of your as it does us for we are true pokemon. Holy is our father up on high, in the earth and all around us. He is everything and we his mere tools, but we are tools of justice. Know this, humans. We will bring justice upon you and your blasphemous heads.”

“GENERAL CHAR!” Sev shouted.

General Char lowered his microphone, turned and stood at attention, giving Sev a salute. All the while, his magnificent cape was twirled, stunning some pokemon, and zebras, with his amazing pose. “Yes, Commander?”

“Cease this at once,” Commander Sev ordered. “Let them free.”

Char frowned. “But they are blasphemers. They must be punished. Arecus’s holy will…”

“Is spoken by me,” Sev finished. “I am his chosen warrior, so every command I give is sanctioned by him. So I say again, release the humans.”

“Yes, Commander,” Char said with reluctance. “Release the humans.”

The PLA did as ordered and a cheer ran through the collected humans as they ran free.

“I’m surprised at you, big brother,” Lia said confused. “I thought you hated humans.”

“I am no tyrant,” Sev hissed. “I will prove these humans wrong. We are there betters, so we shall act like it. A better does not imprison, they teach. They may be blasphemers. They may never reach our glory, but we shall help them achieve...middle ground.”

“Honestly,” Lightning spoke up. “I’m glad you made that call. I was about to kick that Char guy’s butt in a moment.”

“General Char is enthusiastic,” Sev explained. “He only wished to help me. Noble, but wrong. I will talk to him later. For now….” He smirked. “How about a little time to ourselves? I’m sure there are some lovely spots in this city.”

Lightning blushed. “Ummmm….I got to go stretch my wings.” With a flurry of action, she took off out the window.

Author's Note:

New chapter and this day isn't going to be that long. I have, what, one or two more chapters in day three planned. Yeah, I'm still trying to catch up. (But I don't want to skim over character development.)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment.

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