• Published 25th Aug 2014
  • 4,042 Views, 458 Comments

A New World, A New Conflict - Evowizard25

Generally, being stranded in a new world would effect most creatures. Not, General Sev. For him, it's a new staging ground for his army...Now if only he could find them and figure out what to do.

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Touring Thieves (Day 1)

After the group had finished their drinks, the young king had decided to give a tour of the town. Lightning had complained a little, since she was tired, but she didn’t press it. Sev, on the other tail, loved the idea. He had no idea about anything in the area and he hated not knowing anything. He liked to be informed about everything.

The young king was useful, more so than he knew. Sev had happily accepted the offer and the others followed suit. ‘Foolish fool, little does he know that he is giving me an excellent opportunity to get a feel of this place. How else am I to conquer, in Arceus’s name of course, a land if I do not know it?’

So far, the town was small but greatly functional. A perfect outpost for his army, Sev thought to himself. He could easily focus all these goods to the fight against the humans. All he had to do was play nice with the young king and he would be a nice position to lead his army.

‘And if the king gives me trouble,’ Sev thought, as he flicked his tail in a small slice.

“Which you won’t,” Lia spoke in his mind.

“Obstacles must be cast aside, my sister.”

“And he isn’t an obstacle. Besides, would you really kill him? He hasn’t done anything but be nice to us. I think you’re just being paranoid.”


“As I was saying, you’re paranoid with a capital P.”

Sev just grumbled. He told himself that he wasn’t paranoid, just overly cautious. He had a right to be. Humans were everywhere and had everything at their disposal. Right down to corrupting Pokémon and turning them into spies. Of course, he had some pokemon in his army who used to work for humans, but not many. That was for some strange reason he couldn’t comprehend. They defended humans, stuck up for them, even calling them good. Saying that pokemon and humans can work together.


Commander Sev didn’t want to keep thinking about such heresy for long. Instead, he wanted to focus on what really mattered. For the king was taking them to an armory. Sev couldn’t help but squeal a little. He had needed new suits of armor for his soldiers. Some of them were weak in body, so extra protection would be nice. Especially once the fighting start. ‘Armor piercing rounds are still going to be a problem.’

As Commander Sev pondered how to get around the human weapons, he noticed a small rose cart. He stole a glance at the lovely Pegasus, before grinning to himself. He wasn’t exactly the romantic type, but this mare had proven of interest. Her fighting was so filled with passion that he wondered if she exhibited that same energy…elsewhere.

Falling behind, he quickly plucked one in his mouth. The owner of the stand, a zebra stallion, glowered at him.

“Spit that out, you beast.”

Commander Sev Glare’d at him, causing the zebra to recoil. He wouldn’t put up with anyone telling him what to do. He was THE COMMANDER for a reason. He told others to do things, not the other way around. Hissing a little to add to the effect, the stallion made a break for it, running as fast as his hooves could take him.

Chuckling to himself, Commander Sev slithered back over to the group. Making his way over, he gently placed the rose behind Lightning’s ear. Lightning quickly looked up at him and then put a hoof to the rose. Taking it into her own hoof, she looked at it for a few seconds. Sev was pleased with himself.

‘No doubt she will be pleased by my astounding gift of selflessness. She will assuredly jump into my coils and….’
Lightning ate the rose. “Thanks. I needed a snack.”

Sev just stared at her. ‘My fool proof plan was turned into a snack?....Why is this not the first time that’s happened? Is there some force out there undoing my clever schemes?’

“I’m sorry for taking a detour,” the king spoke up. “But I simply must fetch my newest gauntlets. Crusty must have finished them by now.”

Crusty, as the king had explained, was the local blacksmith. He was a diamond dog, much to Lightning’s chargrin, but Trotankhamun had assured her that he was nothing like the hyena dogs. He was an old friend who made some of the best armor in the country.

“It’s alright,” Lightning grumbled, still not pleased with the idea of a diamond dog being near her. Yes, it was prejudice, and he wasn’t even the same type, but she just escaped a dog tunnel. She wasn’t keen on making friends with one.

King Trotankhamun continued on with his tour. “I know there’s not much to Bridleton, but it is a prime jewel in my mind.” He gestured wildly to the place around him. “There are so many good memories and feelings here. It’s almost like stepping upon a little bit of Equestria.”

Lightning noticed the old general, Ahmos, glaring darkly at the back of the king’s head. The young king had gone on and on about how much he loved this town and Equestria. He seemed to want his whole country to be like her own nation. All the while the old general was muttering things about the old ways and what not.

Personally, Lightning didn’t care. She just wanted the boring tour over so she could hang out somewhere or something. Honestly, she didn’t have a game plan, but at least something exciting was sure to follow soon. ‘Hey, maybe he’ll take me to the capital. Been meaning to visit it.’

Still, the whole of Bridleton was nice. It had a calming, peaceful town like vibe. Something Lightning had been missing, but that wasn’t the only thing. Several new and strange creatures flittered about the skies and streets. Most everyone, be it zebra, pony, or whatever, kept their distance. The new creatures seemed fine with that and kept to themselves. Though, occasionally some of them mingled. Like a little lion like creature. Its front half was blue, while its back half was black. It had yellow band around its front ankles and a star shaped symbol on the end of its tail. It was currently playing with a bunch of zebra fillies and colts, with a little unicorn filly to boot.

“Why,” King Trotankhamun remarked happily. “I remember the last time I was here. I was escorting the lovely Chrysalis about.”

Ahmos face hooved. “My King, please don’t go on about that witch…again.”

Trotankhamun gasped. “General Ahmos, do not call her a witch. She’s just misunderstood.”

Lightning Dust couldn’t help but stare incredulously at the king. “Misunderstood? She invaded my homeland and beat Celestia. She was going to use us like living haybales.”

Trotankhamun scoffed. “I’m sure that is all an exaggeration. I mean, seriously. A race that feeds on love and praises its secrecy would not be so bold and foolish to try an open assault in the daylight. What fool do you take me for?”

“A large one, Your Majesty.” Ahmos growled.

“Who is this Chrysalis?” Commander Sev spoke up.

Ahmos looked at him like he just said the worst thing possible. Lightning couldn’t help but lift an eyebrow in a silent question.

‘What’s wrong with….’

Before she could finish it in her head, she spied the king. He had almost literal hearts in his eyes and a hoof over his real heart.

“Oh Chrysalis~” He actually started to sing.

Ahmos quickly pulled the king back by his tail, causing him to yelp in both pain and surprise. “No singing.”

Trotankhamun glowered at him. “You’re no fun.” He cleared his throat. “She’s a changeling monarch. The most beautiful creature you’ll ever meet.”

Ahmos rolled his eyes. “Don’t listen to him. He’s not right in the head.”

“I am too,” the young king stomped his hoof on the ground like a little child would during a tantrum. “I just like seeing the beauty in things.” He grumbled and marched further ahead. “I’ll just go get Crusty ready for some visitors. I don’t want you to…surprise him.”

“Just be careful, my king,” Ahmos called after him.The king didn't answer. Ahmos sighed when the young was out of earshot. “Chrysalis and he are childhood ‘friends’, if you can call it that. They played together and whanot. Personally, I think she was just feeding off his feelings. It’s not like she ever returned any of his affections.”

Lightning couldn’t help but feel sorry for the young king. “So, he’s bitten off more than he can chew.”

“Sounds familiar,” Lia smirked, glancing at her older brother.

Sev noticed her glance. “What? Do I have something on my face? My uniform? It should be dirt resistant. If it’s damaged, I will skin that Vaporeon alive for lying to me.”

Lia sighed and rubbed her head. “No, I….Never mind.” Rio just chuckled to himself.

Before anything else could be said, two brown blurs barreled their way into Sev. The snake cried out in surprise as he fell to the ground.

Pulling his head up, he glare at the two furballs on his chest. “What are you two doing here?”

The two furballs kind of looked like raccoons with the mask and all, but their fur was too spiky. It was a mix of brown and really light brown stripes. That is, what wasn’t covered by little blue uniforms a small hat. All in all, Lightning suppressed a great squeal on how cute they were.

‘Awesome ponies don’t squeal.’

The two had a string of sausages around their necks. “We’re running away from the weird dog, Commander Sev!” The two pups, male by the way, answered in unison.

“Weird dog?” Sev asked.

His answer came speeding towards them. He was a large pug-like diamond dog with brown fur. He looked old, with some of his fur turning gray. He was a tall muscular being and seemed to hold a much better posture as he ran then the dogs that attacked her before. He wore your typical blacksmith clothes: thick black overalls and leather garments to protect him from the heat. He was waving a large hammer in his hand as he ran towards them.


When the Diamond Dog got to them, Lightning stood in his way. “Hey, why’re scaring the little guys?”

“Little guys?” The diamond dog glared at her. “Those are thieves. They stole my lunch. Do you know how hard it is to get meat here? Well I’ll tell you. It’s hard.”

“We were just hungry.” The twin pups said.

The diamond dog stared at them incredulously. “Did they just talk?”

“Yes,” Lightning nodded. “Yes they did.”

“And talk is something they do far too much of,” Sev hissed, shaking the duo off of him. “Listen up, dog. I am Commander Sev,” he slithered in front of the diamond dog. “And these are my messengers, Zig and Zag.”

“Hi!” They chimed together.

“Hello,” the diamond dog inclined his head in greeting.

“And you say they stole your meat,” Sev said.

The old diamond dog glared at him. “Yes and they need to be punished for it.”

“I want to make this clear to you,” Commander Sev said with a loud hiss. “They are my soldiers. I do not care if they steal from you, or anyone else. They belong to me, so I shall deal with them.”

“Good,” the old dog said. “But first, give me back my sausages.”

“They are not your sausages,” Sev put his nose up in the air. “They belong to the PLA now.”

“The what?” The dog barked angrily.

“The PLA, partner,” Rio crossed his arms over his chest. “Ya got a problem with that?”

“Of course I do,” the dog growled. His grip on his hammer tightened. “I don’t take kindly to thieves. Snakes, dogs, or whatever they may be.”

“THIEVES!” Sev snarled. “You dare call the great and awe inspiring Sev a thief? I should have your head for this.”

“Try it,” the dog barked.

Ahmos just stood on the sidelines, content with letting the non-zebras duke it out. Lightning prepared herself to launch at the dog at the first sign of trouble. Sighing, Lia quickly snatched up the sausages and tossed them to and tossed them at the old dog.

Grabbing them with his free hand, he smiled at her. “At least one of you aren’t so thick headed. The name’s Crusty, by the way.” He pocketed his hammer and sausages in his giant pockets. “Best blacksmith in Bridleton.”

“You’re the blacksmith?” Sev seemed as though something caught in his throat.

“Yeah,” Crusty eyed him warily.

“Umm….” Sev seemed at a loss for words, which shocked Lightning. “Well, we’ve gotten off on the wrong tail here….Rio, apologize.”

Rio looked at his commander in confusion. “Why me?”

“You instigated this whole thing,” Sev snarled.

“No he didn’t,” Lia spoke up. “You and the twins did.”

“LIES!” Sev hollered. “I did nothing wrong.”

“You threatened me,” Crusty grumbled. “And you sided with those little thieves.”

“Whomever I side with automatically are without guilt,” Sev proclaimed. “For they were on my side, which is the best. Meaning, they shall not be punished.”

“But I was on your side,” Rio spoke up.

“And that is why you fail,” Sev explained. “Sides change.”

“So the twins are in trouble?” Rio asked.

“No,” Sev said. “Now apologize.”

“You’re just siding with them, because they’re cute.” Rio grumbled.

“That has nothing to do with it,” Sev rolled his eyes. “They just tried to bring me lunch, is all.”

“So wait,” Lightning spoke up. “Rio’s in trouble?”

“Yes,” Sev nodded.

“Because he’s on your side?”


“And the twins aren’t in trouble?”

“Of course.”

“So…” Crusty scratched his head. “Let me get this straight. Those little pups stole my food, you threatened me, and so the jackal’s in trouble.”

“That’s the logical conclusion,” Sev said.

“But shouldn’t the pups own up to their mistake?” Crusty asked.

“Yes,” Sev nodded.

“Like this,” Crusty pointed out.

“Look,” Sev held up his bladed tail to silence him. “I came to a decision and that is final. Do not question the decision of Arceus’s chosen savior. I have been blessed by the god himself to lead our kind into the future. BOW TO MY BLESSING!”

Lia sighed. “Just do it, Rio. You know how my brother can get sometimes.”

Rio sighed himself. “I’m sorry.”

“There,” Sev said. “Problem solved.”

Crusty huffed in annoyance. “At least I got my sausages back. No harm done in the end.” He turned to the young pups. “I’ll accept their apology, if they work out what they nearly stole.”

Ziga and Zag gasped in horror. “Commander Sev…” They whined.

Sev scratched his chin. “I do need armor and tools...And more workers get it done faster...Deal.”

The Zig Zag duo groaned in defeat. LIghtning felt bad for them, but they did steal. Something was going to happen to them in consequence. ‘Karma. Short and sweet.’

“You’re going to love it,” Crusty said, leading them back to his shop. “Smithing is like nothing else, I tell you.”

Author's Note:

New chapter!

I hope you all enjoyed it and please leave a comment.

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