• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,352 Views, 213 Comments

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic - Toa Coy

On the Island of mane nui, six heroes shall raise to face a long evil long forgotten.

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*insert name*

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic
Toa Coy
(To be)Edited

Five more parts and five chapters

~Toa Coy~

Chapter 11: *insert name here*

Takua lifted the final ice block in to the slot in the wall. The Ta-pony then collapsed to the ground for a breather.

“Whoever made this is a cruel, cruel pony.” Takua said looking at the wall.

In the center was the symbol for light, from that clock wise was fire, stone, earth, ice, water, air, plant-life, sonic, psonic, iron, magnetism, gravity, lighting, and plasma. Slowly the blocks sunk into the wall and opened a panel in the wall to the next room. Takua want to get this over with as soon as possible, he got up and moved towards the panel. Once there he saw a sign.

“The name of the fallen, the one that betrayed his brother, and the one of shadow.”

“That makes no sense, how could I know that?” Takua said rereading this.

Then he stepped into the next room he heard a cracking and made him look down. On the floor was letters of the matoran alphabet one of his front hooves was on 'j' while the other was on 't'. Takua wondered why the t was fine while the j cracked, then the j fell down a pit that he could not see the bottom. Takua slowly lifted his other hoof and walked back to the solid ground.

“Alright that is just too dangerous to set hoof on that thing again.” Takua thought to himself. “ Maybe I could use a detection spell to find the path?”

Takua called upon the red aura that formed around his horn, he slowly walked back to the t and put a hoof on it. For a second nothing happened, then several beams of red light shot up from the ground. With a sigh and a gulp he placed a hoof on the next letter, then to the next, and then the next, until he was on the other side of the letter latent path.

“The next time I see Turaga Nuju I'm going to have a word about this whole challenge thing for a stone.” Takua said to himself as he left the room.

Finally he had reached the room with the Toa stone of ice, just wanting to get out of there. Then the giant snowball appeared.

“This is by far the worst stone out of them.” Takua said running away from the snowball.


Luna was having good time, given she normally would be in the throne room waiting for the next pony to complain about something trivial like a brace over a line between properties. That point Luna thought nothing could cause this to go wrong. Then there was a knocked on the Apple family's door.

“Alright who thought the two phases that no pony should say or think.” Pinkie said leaving Mata Nui with a delighted grin on his face.

There was another knock on the door, Applejack went to the door and opened it.

“Howdy stranger.” AJ said tipping her hat to the bundled stallion.

“I was told that both the princesses were here.” The night guard said with a scroll in hoof.

As Luna approached the guard, he bowed to her.

“Rise good sir.” Luna said as the others began to move to the front door.

The guard rose and presented the lunar princess with the scroll that he had carried from the frozen north. Once Luna took it with her magic the guard began to explain what has happened in the past few hours.

“About three hours ago, one of the unicorn guards at the outpost detected a magical surge from in the middle of the frozen north. From her report it was dark magic and an unknown magic, when another pegasus and me check the area that she said it originated from we saw black crystals jetting up from the icy ground. Some looked like something either sliced it or blew it up. Thanks to Captain Armor report on the transpiring during his first time at the empire, we believe that the cause of was King Sombra. Although this could be incorrect.”

The room seemed to go quiet at the name of the evil unicorn king. Mata Nui noticed this and wanted to speak but a look from Artemis told him that it would be explained from the others.

“The other pegasus took a sample of one of the crystal chips back to the base.” the guard said continuing his report.

“Hmm...haven't I seen this before?” Pinkie said to herself. Then she reached into her mane and pulled out a book titled “The Comic Relief Guide to the Fourth Wall and What may come from it. By Wade Wilson a.k.a Deadpool.” and began to search the index. “Place: Attic...base...People...”

While Pinkie read the book, the guard went on to say that a freak storm was going on in the north and strange creatures that no pony not even the crystal ponies have seen. With a groan Pinkie began to restart her search in the book again. While the group ignored her but Mata Nui, who remembered what she said earlier about knowing some of the stuff that is going on, so he looked over her shoulder to see what she was reading.

“We have requested that Captain Armor come to the outpost since his rotation is due at the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight was confused by what the guard meant by rotation. “Princess Celestia what does he mean about Shining's rotation shouldn't he stay in the Crystal Empire since the wedding he is a prince and Cadence was given the Empire to watch over.”

“That is true Twilight but he offered to stay as a captain of the royal guard while he is training members of the Crystal Empire as guards with several royal and night guards monitoring in case something of this nature were to come.” Celestia said thinking of if indeed Sombra did return. “What truly concerns me is the unknown magic that was detected along with the dark magic.”

Artemis was under her mother's wing doing her best to stay out of sight, and doing a pretty good job at that, but there was something that caused her move a way from her mother. It was a twinge of magic that seemed out of place but not unfamiliar to her. She followed the feeling and magic outside of the Apple Family home and out into the orchard, past them to the everfree forest. She kept following the strength of the feeling, until she heard a voice.

“Stop right there young colt, for what you have done I shall not let you bolt. That is not a toy chest, but something that must be laid to rest.”

Artemis saw a pony that was white with black stripes or was it a black with white stripes with a crescent shaped mane and tail chasing a crimson coated unicorn colt with a black mane and tail that was somewhere between the high of Twilight and Applebloom. Above him was a chest that looked like a normal chest so why was that white and black chasing the crimson one? It was at this point that the crimson colt fell down and dropped the chest.

The black and white pony stopped at the chest and picked it up much to the crimson colt's chring.

“You are a foal, for you have a very bad goal. You know not the magic, because of this your end will not be tragic. Now leave this place, lest you want my hoof in your face.”

Artemis wanted to go to the defense of the crimson colt but then he did something that only she and Icarax could do. He used shadows to move not only him but the chest. Artemis had a feeling and turned to see him emerge from the shadow with a sly grin on his face and the chest in hoof.

“I guess the rouge is off, I hate having to do that weak and parenthetic act. Why Icarax sent me to this place is just for this thing seems to easy. Now time to do it to what I like to do.” the colt said as wholes and chunks began to appear on his body and hints of black on his face.

“It seems that even power is not enough, but are you sure that your tricks are up to snuff.” The black and white pony said still not missing a beat on her rhythm.

Meanwhile Artemis's presents did not go unnoticed. When the guard finished his report he was dismissed and went to a table to get a drink. Luna noticed Artemis move away from her while the guard was talking but didn't say anything about it.

“Artemis?” Luna called to the young alicorn but got no reply.

Luna looked in every room connected to the living room, but saw not a trace of her. Luna was a more than a bit on edge given the events of the past twenty-four hours, short of using the royal canterlot voice she was going to call to everypony's attention that Artemis was missing. Then she noticed the open door, and using logic she left through the door and followed the hoof prints leading to the Everfree forest. It was easy to follow given the forest floor was rather cluttered, she was a few feet from her daughter when she saw the crimson colt use the shadow travel. Luna noticed the strange magic that came from the colt, once he was detained she would ask him were he got that ability. Then she heard the rhythm and knew that Zecora, Twilight's zebra friend, was here as well. The crimson colt called upon shadow energy and formed a blade. That was all Luna need to put a spell on the colt to keep him from moving.

“Alright zebra, how did you stop me from moving?” The colt said with mock impression.

“Try to blame me with all your might, but it is not me who you shall fight. For the princess of the moon, shall face you soon.” Zecora said drawing attention to Luna.

“Thank Zecora,” Luna said nodding to the zebra, then she turned to the colt. “Now who are you? You seem similar to the demons that tried to take my Artemis.”

“So you're the princess that was able to transport Master Icarax, I thought you would be more pink and weak.” The colt said with a grin.

“You must have confused me with my niece, or you thought all princess were just that.” Luna said a bit mad.

“Mom,” Artemis said coming into view of Luna, the colt, and Zecora. “How come he hasn't tried to use his shadows to get away from you?”

“Because I've used a spell at freezes him in place no magic, but mine can free him.” Luna said in a rather calm voice, but the look on her face was one that said 'we're going to talk about this later.' Artemis said nothing so she stayed silent.

“Princess Luna I did not know that you had a child, sorry to bring this up in front of somepony so vial.” Zecora said walking over to the colt and gripped the chest with her mouth.

“It is fine Zecora,” Luna said raising an eyebrow thinking about the chest in the zebra's mouth. “Not many ponies know that I do have a daughter. I must ask though what is in that chest that would entice ponies into stealing it?”

“Seal inside of this chest is what once oppress Ponyville. An amulet that gives anypony the power of an alicorn, with or without a horn.” Zecora said after setting the chest on her back.

“The Alicorn amulet if I am correct in what you're phase is referring to. I am not unfamiliar with it, if I remember correctly the gem was once a storage gem that once belonged to King Sombra before he and the Crystal Empire disappeared. As Nightmare Moon I had the gem set in a necklace shaped like an alicorn as a vain attempted at pride and how much better I was.”

“um hum...” Zecora said with a nod.

Just then manic laughter was heard from the colt. All three mares were confused by why this colt was laughing, then they saw him flicker. This confused them, even Luna, on what is going on with the unicorn.

“I can't believe you all are just talking instead of see if the amulet is still in the chest or if that is even the real chest.” He said holding off the laughter as the chest disappeared. “The shadows are no longer under your control princess of the night, then again when were they ever were.”

With that the colt dissolved into the shadow leaving the mares blank face.

“That was strange even for a pony that derange.” Zecora said getting a nod from both Luna and Artemis.


Sombra was laughing his flank off from the shadow window showing the deadpan looks of Luna and Artemis.

“I must say that shadow pony was amazing, the way he acted so calm and while they were talking him just laughing out of nowhere.”

Icarax just rolled his eyes at this, and remained somewhat stone faced but he did find Vultraz's use of the shadow clone power amusing.

“With his success in getting that amulet it should cause Artemis to come here.” Icarax said causing Sombra to stop laughing.

“Why do we want her anyways, she is the daughter of Luna and that is all good for ransom but other then that why do we want her?” Sombra said confused.

“She is Nightmare Moon the one pony that brought not only the sun princess but Equestria to it's knees. If not for that power that the sun princess used to banish her to the moon, Me and my fellow order members would have been in charge of this country by now.” Icarax said explaining his reason.

“Nightmare Moon, sounds like somepony I could get to know.” Sombra said with a wink.

“Get in line Sombra, besides I like to torment my prisoner before the fun begins especially the females.” Icarax said with a creepy grin.

“Should we be worried that we will have an army or two are coming to attack us.” Sombra said bring up a good point.

“So what I have creatures that this land has never seen before.” Icarax said summoning a shadow portal.

From the portal a giant pincer with what looked like a the carapace of a spider above it and cover the forearm, it began to move as if searching for something. Sombra was confused as to what it is but wanted to see what it could do so he summoned a four foot thick crystal about nine foot high. Once a tip of the pincher touch it, the pincher struck quickly and snapped it like a twig. Sombra was flabbergasted at what he just saw. With that Icarax's eyes glowed crimson and the pincher was pushed back into the portal, which closed after the pincher.

“That is just one of the few that I can summon, granted without another order member I must wait to summon and control more.” Icarax said with a slight pant.


Takua found Matoro just drawing in the snow. Takua look rather tired, which was understandable given that he could have died, he was cold, wet, and just wanted to go home. Matoro felt pity for the traveling pony. Takua may have a place to hang his hat but his sprite called to him to adventure, which Matoro envied and pitied . With that the ice pony lent a hoof to the weary traveler.


Antroz had just been told that somepony opened a portal to the field of shadows and the only unaccounted member was Icarax so that was who he would chew out. Summoning a shadow mirror to talk to the rogue order member. When Icarax came into sight, Antroz had a slight smile to see that he was panting from opening a portal to the field of shadow.

“Well Icarax you seem to have overestimated your abilities again.” Antroz said flatly.

“Shut it ya overgrown Kraata.” Icarax said in a sharp tone.

While Antroz would love to continue this contest of who is better at what he just went to the heart of the matter.

“Icarax what are you even doing?” Antroz said in a very annoyed tone.

“Doing what the order failed to do, get that brat of our master's.” Icarax said arrogantly. “With Vultraz getting a charm that will not only corrupt her and shall make her more powerful.”

“How do you know she would obey you when and If you get her to be under your control.” Antroz bringing up a good point.

“Trust me when have one of my plans gone wrong?” Icarax realized t too late what he said.

“Do ya want the list of when it was with us or by yourself?” Antroz said pulling out a pair of glasses and a scroll.


By the time Zecora lead both Luna and Artemis to the Apple's Farm it seemed like dawn was coming. Luna knew her duty and bid both her daughter and the zebra a good bye. At the same time the two saw a white with pastel blur off in the distance. Zecora turned to bid the young alicorn farewell, but then she saw a look in Artemis's eye that made Zecora think of something.

“Artemis is something a missed. Was it that shadow that has brought your spirits low?” Zecora said putting a hoof on the alicorn's shoulder.

“Miss Zecora, what if...what if you were born only to herald an age of darkness to the world, could you ever be able to walk in the light?” Artemis replied watching the moon slowly sink into the horizon.

“The brightest light may cast the darkest shadows, but do not let that be what is your point of view. Let it be that even in your darkest hour there is a spark that will see you threw.” Zecora said as the mane six came over to the two.

Author's Note:

This was a quick write given that it takes three weeks to write a chapter