• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,352 Views, 213 Comments

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic - Toa Coy

On the Island of mane nui, six heroes shall raise to face a long evil long forgotten.

  • ...

Twist and Turns

So many ideas with these and first chapter that I posted I got some good feed back.
“THANK YOU SO MUCH for throwing out certain retcons from later in the Bionicle....The retcons I was talking about are the ones about Makuta (DON'T say the T-word) and Mata-Nui. Going by the intro you've thrown out that garbage and kept with what was supposed to be.” - ZeldaTheSwordsman.
“Well this seems interesting; a few minor mistakes, but nothing really serious.
I have to admit, I was not expecting there to be more than the six basic elements.
good luck! I'll be tracking this story like an "energy hound".
Also do the sea-ponies have a unicorn horn? Seems like between the shape-shifting and magic, that they'd be a bit too over powered.”- tardislego

Okay we have some back story for Mata Nui and Teridax and seeds of deception and jealousy were sewn. Note: I will have a time skip, now this time skip will be six months after Twilight and Luna have visited the past. In that time all the alicorns, exceptions being Mata Nui and Teridax, have disappeared but no pony can remember any other alicorn but the brothers. Now this will come up again later on so don't forget it. Also Luna will be the main pony who will be going into the dream world since she seems to have connections to Teridax. Well that is all for now onto the story.

~Toa Coy~


Well here we go for our second Toa stone and a vision of the past. Also Twi and Takua see each other, not meet but share a vision. After that we shall have a plot twist; involving Luna, Nightmare Moon, and Teridax.


~Toa Coy~

Chapter 3: twist and turns

Takua and Hahli were a few minutes out of Ga-koro when Hahli stopped in front of a rahi trail. Takua noticed this and was confused.

“Why did she stop there?” Takua thought to himself. “Hey Hahli, why did you stop?” he asked aloud.

“Takua, why did you come to Ga-koro and what did you need my help with?” Hahli replied.

Takua scratched his head, “should I tell?” He thought. “Well...” Takua started when they both heard the snap of a tree branch then Hahli jump onto Takua causing both of them to roll off the path. The two looked at where they were. They saw a large yellow and black tiger that was a good two or three heads taller than them, on its shoulders were two armor plates shaped like kanohi Hau, and its eyes were crimson instead of their normal yellow.

That caused the two of them to shudder, for both of them remembered the old saying that if you can see the rahi's eyes then you’re dead. For each of them their lives flashed before them, Takua remembered all his friends and the adventures that he has been on while Hahli dreamed of the future that she and Jaller could have had. The tiger turned and charged them and they waited for the end to come. But it never came, the tiger hit a wall or some type of barrier.

They then noticed that they were surrounded by a golden aura, as was Takua's horn.

“How are you...” Hahli started ask but was interrupted by Takua.

“To quote Turaga Matau, 'Run now. Talk later.'” Takua said as he ran forward with Hahli following suit.

The two ran the Muaka tiger over and off to Ga-koro.

Meanwhile in Ga-koro

Turaga Vakama, Jaller, and Kapura had just made it to Ga-koro after walking from Ta-koro. Vakama silently thanked Mata Nui for a safe trek to the village. Ever since Takua started to have visions of others that he had never met, Vakama hoped that this was all just a mistake, but old memories keep telling him to prepare for the worst.

Just as the three were about to enter Nokama's hut they saw a large ball of gold roll and then disappear leaving two ponies sailing through the air and landing hard on the sandy beach. Jaller was the first one to get to them.

“Are you alright?” Jaller said running to Takua.

“I'm fine, you don't...” Takua started to say then Jaller just ran past him.

“Are you alright, Hahli?” Jaller asked nudging her affectionately.

“I'm fine Jaller, but I think Takua is a little heartbroken over this.” Hahli replied seeing the chronicler slack jawed.

“Nah he’s fine. He’s tougher than he looks.” Jaller said not taking his eyes off the Ga-pony.

“Well come on boys. We have some Turaga to talk to.” Hahli said while walking off to the village with Jaller following behind her and Takua still slacked jawed.

“Why is he so concerned about her when he has known me longer?” Takua thought to himself as he followed the two. And he could swear that he saw some tiny hearts floating around them.

By the time the three of them got to Nokama's hut, where two Turaga wore looks of fear and concern, a Ta-pony who seemed to be thinking about something, and a village of confused ponies. The Turaga nodded and motion for Takua and Hahli to follow them into Nokama's hut. The two nodded and entered Nokama's hut with Ta-ponies in tow.

“Takua what happened on your way to get the stone?” Vakama said with his eyebrows forming a V and gave an upset look.

“Well, I didn't go for the Toa stone.” Takua replied with a sweat drop.

The Ta-ponies wondered what they were talking about, While Hahli realized why Takua need her help.

“Then why were you outside the village if you were not going for the Ga-koro Toa stone?” Vakama asked his gaze was getting more intense and Takua was starting to kneel.

“Turaga Vakama,” Turaga Nokama aggressively yelled and cause Vakama to look at his fellow Turaga. “I understand that you sent Takua to retrieve the Toa stone but you have no right to treat him this way in my house and my village.”

Everypony in the hut was stunned that Nokama yelled since she is the most level headed of the Turaga. Vakama wanted to say something but he knew that Nokama was right. Takua was saying a silent thanks to Nokama for stepping in. Hahli felt bad that this was happening because she knew where the stone was.

“Excuse me turaga but I have to get some thing.” Hahli said then ran out of the hut.

Jaller was going to follow her but Vakama stopped him.

“Let her go Jaller, for we have other matters to attend to.” The Turaga said to the captain then he turned towards Takua with a softer expression. “Takua, I am sorry for being disrespectful toward you earlier but in light of recent events I have become a bit on edge. These stones are needed to help defend us from the dark shadows that are coming our way.”

“I understand Turaga.” Takua replied smiling at his Turaga and began to recount what happened after he left the village.

Meanwhile with Hahli

She was running to her hut when she passed the East Garden and stopped. She looked to her left and right before she ran into the hut. Once in there she jumped into the hole and changed into her sea-pony form. She swam down to the sea floor and scanned for a stone that she left down here when she noticed more tracks near the stone that Nokama said not to let any rahi get. It took a while, and a lot of swimming, find the navy blue stone.

“Finally.” She said grabbing the stone with her mouth and jetted for the East Garden.

She flew out of the hole and changed back to her earth pony form. She then ran back to Nokama's hut. When she got to the door she heard Takua talking.

“...so we thought that we were Muaka chow when a golden sphere appear around us and my horn. We ran and you all know the rest.” Takua said taking a deep breath at the end.

Hahli took this as her cue to enter with the Toa stone in her mouth.

The others were surprised that she had the stone but she explained what was going on and why she had the stone. The others were glad she had got it when she did. By now it was evening and Nokama offered for the Ta-ponies to stay for the night and dinner.

Meanwhile in Equestria

Twilight sat at her telescope monitoring the six stars seeing if they moved or were stationary. So far the stars were stationary but she was not taking any chances.

“It seems that it’s going to be a long night.” Twilight said to herself as a teapot and cup float behind her.

“Good evening Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Luna said from behind her.

Twilight jumped up and turned around surprised to see Princess Luna there, also spelling the tea.

“Princess Luna, what...what are you doing here?” Twilight asked with a bow.

“We...I want to try a dream spell on you. This will allow you to see what I saw and it might shed some light onto this mystery.” Luna replied.

“Are you sure of that Princess? Because dreams can be unpredictable and not logical.” Twilight asked remembering her studies of sleep magic.

“Fear not for I shall be there.” Luna said.

“Alright if you say so.” Twilight replied as she levitated a pillow in front of her. “Ready!”

“Very well. See you soon.” Luna said as a magical blue aura surrounded Twilight and then Twilight's world went black.

(Dream world)

(Twilight awoke to a black world, but she could see the area around her.)

(“Hello is anypony there? Princess Luna where are you?” Twilight called as she started to move around.)

(“Twilight Sparkle, over here!” Princess Luna's voice called out from the blackness but Twilight couldn't see where Luna's voice came from.)

(“Princess I can hear you but I can't see you.” Twilight yelled back and ran in the direction that she believed Luna's voice came from.)

(“Twilight Sparkle!” Luna yelled as Twilight passed her by.)

(Twilight stopped and looked at Princess Luna and was confused at when she saw the top of Luna's head.)

(“Um...Princess why are you upside down?” Twilight said scratching her head.)

(“I'm not upside down Twilight Sparkle.” Luna replied causing Twilight to go, 'uh-oh', and fall off the ceiling. Twilight rubbed her head and looked at the princess of the night.)

(“Ow what was that about? Why did I fall when I was standing just fine?” Twilight groaned rubbing her head with her hoof,)

(“Twilight Sparkle, remember we are in the dream world. Normal logic does not apply here, for the past, present, and future come here all at once.” Luna replied which cleared up a few thing for Twilight but she was still a bit dazed. “Come Twilight Sparkle we have much to do and little time to do it in.” Luna then walked away with Twilight getting up and following her into a large white portal.)

(Meanwhile in another part of the Dream world)

(Takua was getting used to the weird dreams, but they still surprised him in the sheer strangeness of them. This one he found himself in the ruins of a castle and seven ponies stood in it, six against a taller one. From what he could tell, all of these ponies were mares, which confused him since mares only had blue as their main color and their types seemed wrong to him. Then he heard a female voice as small shards of crystals wrapped around five of the six.)

(“You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!” it said as storm clouds swirled around the taller pony.)

(Then Takua heard another voice, “But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all -- are my friends. You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the...the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of...magic.”)

(And with that a flash of light blinded him and he felt like something drew him out of his dream and into another world or dream, Takua didn't know which.)

(The past before Mata Nui fought Teridax)

(The scene out in front of Twilight and Luna reminded them of the castle in Canterlot. To add to this effect, two Alicorns were seated in chairs with several ponies in front of them. One of them had a gold coat with a black mane, sky blue eyes, and a strange mask on its flank, while the other was black with a blood red mane, crimson eyes, and another strange mask.)

(Luna and Twilight noticed that the golden alicorn was speaking but neither of them heard him. Then they both heard a deep voice speak.)

(“We shall have the Ta, Fe, and Plas-ponies work on new defenses for your village, but it will take time.” the voice said, it seemed to be the black alicorn that spoke from what Luna and Twilight saw.)

(The two saw another pony talk and saw the black alicorn's face go a little upset but change back to an indifferent scrawl. After that, the group of ponies left the chamber. The two alicorns seemed to discuss the matter. Meanwhile Luna and Twilight started to think of where they were and who the Alicorns were.)

(“Princess do these alicorns remind you of any family of yours?” Twilight asked knowing of only three alicorns all of which were mares while these two were colts.)

(“No Twilight Sparkle neither of them are related to me or my sister.” Luna replied, then she looked on the black one's flank and gasped. “Twilight Sparkle that cutie mark it is the same as the Makuta's!”)

(“Makuta? Who is that? Are you talking about the other Nightmare Moon?” Twilight replied with a blank stare.)

(Luna faced hoofed, “I knew I should have proofread that letter.” She thought to herself then spoke. “That is correct, in the vision that I had one of the ponies called the look a like Makuta. But this pony seems different from that one. He lacks the armor and the evil voice that Makuta had.”)

(Just then the door to the chamber opened to reveal a white coated and golden maned alicorn about Twilight's height with green eyes and a blank flank. The alicorn was male and looked he felt bad for interrupting the other two's discussion, but the golden alicorn motioned for him to come in and the black one walked out of the chamber. As the two passed Twilight and Luna they seemed to see them but kept walking.)

(“Princess are you sure that no pony can see us?” Twilight asked watching the two alicorns talk.)

(“This is the past and in the dream world so it seems unlikely to have somepony see us.” Luna replied then they heard a voice, a voice that seem warm and strong like a father giving wisdom to a child.)

(“Takua I fear my brother is in danger of turning himself into a monster.” It said and then another voice was heard.)

(“What do you mean Lord Mata Nui?” the other voice replied.)

(Luna and Twilight realized that it was the two alicorns in front of them that were talking and now knew what their names were.)

(“Takua, I understand that you and all the other call my brother and I Lord out of respect but that may have caused my brother to grow jealous of me and all who follow us.” Mata Nui explained. “Just before you came in a few ponies were concerned about raids from the hunters, but when Teradix explained what we could do to help, they looked to me for a better idea and I agreed with my brother.”)

(“That seems mean of those ponies to do that.” Takua commented.)

(“It is.” Mata Nui said with a sigh.)


(The scene in front of Luna and Twilight started to blur and fade.)

(“Princess what is going on?” Twilight said as Luna started to fade.)

(“It seems our time is up, see you in the waking world Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said as she faded away.)

(The world around Twilight went dark.)

In the real world of Equestria

“Twilight!” Spike said again shaking Twilight.

Twilight began to wake and open her eyes. She looked around when she remembered what caused her to be on the lower level of her bedroom instead of her bed. She also saw the concerned look on Spike's face.

“What is the matter Spike?”

Spike's concerned changed to joy.

“I glad that you’re awake.” Spike said hugging Twilight.

“What do you mean?” Twilight said hugging back.

“When I woke up this morning you weren't there and I was concerned that something happened to you. I started to run for the door when I saw you sleeping by your telescope. I was relieved that you were here but it was seven o'clock and you are normally up by then.” Spike said with a tear in his eyes.

Twilight just hugged it out and said, “It is alright Princess Luna came here last night to talk about her vision. We stayed up all night discussing it and theorizing how this is related to the stars.”

Meanwhile in Ga-koro

“Mata Nui” Takua said as he woke. “What a weird dream.”

"Takua!" He heard Jaller yelled from outside of the hut.

"What is it Jaller?" Takua said as a blanket slide off of him.

"The Turaga want to see you." Jaller replied as he entered the hut.

"Alright I'll be there in a moment." Takua said as he slipped his backpack on.

Takua stretched as he exited a Ga-koro hut that Turaga Nokama gave him for the night. He then stretched like a Muaka cub, getting several pops from his back. He groan as he raised back to his normal stance.

"I have to say, even if the beds are softer than the ones in Ta-koro, I still prefer my own bed." Takua said to himself.

He was headed to Turaga Nokama's hut after Jaller summoned him. Why did she and Vakama agree to put him so far away from her hut when they were only going to summon him? He just shook his head. While he respected the Turaga for both wisdom and knowledge, they can slip on the small things. He just shrugged and kept walking, passing Ga-ponies that sat outside eating their breakfast of local hairka and seaweed as well as fruits grown by the plant-ponies and flown out here by a Le-pony courrier. This did make his stomach growl, but it also made him focus on his journey ahead of him.

"I wonder what Koro will be my next stop in this journey." He thought to himself as neared the causeway to the Turaga's hut.

Meanwhile in Nokama's hut

Vakama was seated at a small wooden table sitting across from his sister in arms and fellow Turaga enjoying a meal that they rarely share.

"Nokama, on behalf of myself and the other Ta-ponies I would like to thank you for allowing us to stay the night here." Vakama said with a small bow.

Nokama both rolled her eyes and giggled at how Vakama acted. "He is worse than Matau at times." Nokama thought to herself then replied, "Vakama you know that any pony can stay here whenever they want to. Wouldn't you do the same if some pony need shelter for a night?"

Vakama nodded just as Nokama's front door opened to reveal Takua standing there waiting until the two finished talking.

"You wanted to see me Turaga?" Takua asked looking between the two wise ponies.

"Yes. We wanted to inform you that you will be heading to Po-koro where you shall talk with Turaga Onewa about the Po-koro Toa stone. But for now, would you like to join Nokama and myself for a good breakfast?" Vakama said with a kind smile.

Takua cheered and sat in to the right of Vakama and left of Nokama.

Across from Takua, if some pony were to take a photo it would look like a family sitting down to breakfast before heading out to their daily lives.

Meanwhile in Canterlot

Princess Luna was hunched over her writing desk, which was five feet tall and three feet wide and it was made with ancient oak with brass trim, recording her recounts of her vision and her visit to the dream world with Twilight Sparkle.

"...That was when a voice called to Twilight Sparkle causing her to fade back into the waking world. Once she left I started to walk back into that part of the Dream world but my sister stopped me. She said that I should not be in the Dream world alone. I would have to agree with her on that fact after seeing Makuta and Teradix has reminded me of my own dark shadow." Luna wrote as her room began to darken.

Luna noticed this and just sighed as she looked in a mirror on her dresser.

"Why are you here Nightmare?" Luna asked her doppelganger as the black alicorn with blue armor appeared in the mirror.

"What can't I just pop in to see my favorite pony in the world?" the reflection replied with a sly grin.

Luna just rolled her eyes at that statement. While the elements of harmony did free her from Nightmare Moon, they did not destroy her but caused her to become a part of Luna, hence why Luna always referred to herself in plurals. Nightmare saw this and huffed.

"Well if you are going to be that way then I won't tell you more about the Makuta." Nightmare said as she began to fade.

Against her better judgment, Luna turned to the mirror and said with a sigh, "Fine Nightmare I'm listening."

The dark alicorn was just beaming with delight at that phrase."Do you remember the vision that you had after reading that letter?" Nightmare asked with a gleam in her eyes.

"The one involving you or the one involving Makuta?" Luna asked for clearly.

"The latter," Nightmare replied. "Do you remember seeing that shadow break off from Makuta?"

"I do." Luna replied stone faced, knowing that this might just be a trick on her darker half's part.

"Well how did you act before you became me?" Nightmare continued.

"You know how I acted since you are me." Luna said narrowing her eyes.

"Now how long did you act like that?" Nightmare was acting like a filly with a secret that only they know but want to share.

"You know that as well, what are you getting at Nightmare?" Luna asked with an eyebrow raise.

"It is best if I show you what I mean." Nightmare said as the whole room became pitch black leaving the mirror as the only thing in Luna's line of sight.

Luna looked around and saw nothing and she looked at Nightmare like this was a trap.

"What is the meaning of this Nightmare? Why have you cause our room to be as it is now?" Luna all but yelled.

"You'll see." Nightmare replied with her sly grin.

"What..." Luna started then she saw the room lighten a little, but it was still dark. Luna could see her bedroom around her but it seemed different. It seemed, as Luna's eyes dilated a little, newer. It was like it was before she became Nightmare Moon, a tear started to think that this was a sign for her to redo and keep Nightmare from coming to be. Unfortunately Nightmare was still in the mirror and she looked like she was about to burst out into laughter. Luna was confused by the look on Nightmare's face then she heard a groan. She looked at her bed and saw herself.

"What have you done Nightmare?!?!" Luna said huff with clouds of hot air coming out of her nose.

"Relax this is just your dream world." Nightmare stated. "Now watch yourself closely."

Luna was about to argue with her but Luna saw a shadow move near her bed. The shadow just stopped and seemed to look the sleeping Luna, Luna thought she saw the shadow smile, then the shadow floated over the sleeping Luna. Once it covered the sleeping Luna fully it seemed to sink into her, which cause the sleeping Luna to moan.

Luna blushed at what she just saw, she knew that moan all to well.

Nightmare then cause the scene to shift back to Luna's present room. Once that was done the black alicorn fell down on the floor and started to have a laughing fit. Luna still had her blush, but she started to put all the things that Nightmare had said. Changes in mood, a long time for development, quick maturing, and finally...that moan. Luna's eyes grew as big as saucers when it all came together.

"No that is impossible, I never invited a colt to my bed chamber." Luna said running through all the time before she became Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare was just getting a kick out of this but also some relief. There are some things that not even Luna knew about what happened when the elements hit her.

While Luna was thinking back to the past, Nightmare's horn started to glow along with her body. Her body began to shrink down to about Applebloom's height, her armor fell off, and her cutie mark changed from Luna's to a full moon with clouds covering the top of it. She then walked out of the mirror.

Luna had still not noticed that Nightmare was now in front of her, so Nightmare did what any foal would do.

"Mama." Nightmare said nudging Luna to get her attention.

Luna snapped out of her train of thought by that one word. She look towards the mirror and saw her own reflection then she felt something nudging her. When she looked down she was very surprised to see the filly version of Nightmare Moon, but without the armor. Luna could see features of her and of the makuta. Luna did feel a slight sense of joy from learning this but also a large amount of anger towards Nightmare.

"Nightmare I can accept that you are my child but I must ask why were we so destructive? And I know of our jealousy towards our sister, but how did we make that jump from jealous to wanting eternal night?" Luna asked looking down at the filly.

Nightmare took a deep breath as she started to lay out the Makuta's plan, he would take over a large city or country to conquest the ponies that turn their backs on him. By masquerading as an elder of a city in his continent he nearly succeeded, but one lone pony was able to assemble a team that was able to beat him and seal him in a block of crystal. Nightmare stopped knowing that Luna could piece it together from there.

"So you were the combination of me and Makuta with his plan to then take over another place but the elements stopped you from creating another part so his plan stopped there until we returned." Luna stated looking down at Nightmare.

Nightmare just shook her head. "He had other plans as well. Now I'm just a wasted plan that failed."

Luna was surprised by this, normally Nightmare would at least act arrogant about things like this. This was different and it confused Luna.

"Nightmare I must ask what is with this sudden change in your attitude and behavior?" Luna asked.

"Well," Nightmare started looking at the ground and pawed at it. "I didn't want to cause you to hate me or disown me, because of how I was created. I was changed by the elements as you were. I only stayed that way because I never acted any other way. During Nightmare Night I saw how others acted toward you and how our past caused you trouble. I was fearful that you would do the same thing to me, so I kept the persona that you were used to for Nightmare Moon." By the end of that statement Nightmare was beginning to tear up over this just as anypony would if they were doing something similar to this.

Luna truly felt sorry for Nightmare since she herself was feared for what she had done, but to be created for something that was meant to cause the possible demise of a whole country if not the world is just cruel. Luna felt something that she had not felt since she was Nightmare Moon: pure hatred. How could could somepony be like that? Luna just could not help but hug the young filly, for she could not imagine what it must be like to face the fact that you were only born to be a monster.

Just then Celestia entered the room with a map in front of her.

"Luna I hate to disturb you but I may have found the country that you and Twilight visited in your vision. It seems that it is across the sea of Faust and down the river of Farshtey. But it says here in this old expeditionary report that all they found there was ruins. Strangely enough, it was after they returned here that Discord first appeared." Celestia finish with the map rolling shut and floated behind her.

She then noticed that Luna was with a filly and from what she could see the filly was on the verge of tears.

"Luna." Celestia called to her sister but got no response. So she did the next best thing, she summoned a bucket of water and dumped it onto Luna. Then she heard two yelps of surprise as the water fell over the two. This just made Celestia laugh for she knew that Luna would get her back for this.

Luna and Nightmare were soaking wet and mad.

"Mom can I hurt auntie Celes for dumping water on us?" Nightmare asked Luna with magic floating around her horn.

"No my child we shall deal with her later. For now do you remember where my bathroom is?" Luna replied noticing how Celestia looked at the filly and at her.

"I do." Nightmare said calming down a little.

"Then go and get a few towels so we can clean up this mess." Luna said with a smile and a wink.

Nightmare nodded and trotted off leaving the sisters alone in the room. After the door closed Celestia turned to her sister.

"Luna what is going on?"

"Sister you might want to sit down for this and also after this I'm going to need some Caramel Tea." Luna replied as she watched the door.

Meanwhile on the Island of Mane Nui

A bronze coated pony was running a hoof through his chocolate mane looking at a sundial.

"There are times like this I wonder why I chose this job." He said looking at his flank which had a brown kualsi on it. "Why did I have to do this?"

Just then a scream broke the calm of the late morning. The pony turned his gaze towards the sea. He could barely make it out but he saw a boat. And not just any boat but a Ga-pony boat.

"Hmm...That's strange. The Ga-pony shipment is supposed to be next week. Wonder what they're doing?" He said as he went into his hut to check his checklist for shipments.

By the time he got back to his stand the boat had just pulled up to the dock.

"What is with you and driving that boat like a madpony!" Takua yelled that the top of his lungs.

Macku just shrugged it off and walked over to the stand.

"Hey Rocky sorry for coming early but I had to make a run for my Turaga." Macku said to the stand owner and tossed him a few widgets.

"Not a problem Macku but don't let it happen again." Rocky replied.

Macku walked away from Rocky and then back to her boat to get a pack fill with cloth, rigging, nets, bamboo, rope, and strings. She lifted it onto her back and started on a stone path into the desert with Takua in tow.

Rocky just shrugged and went back to taking inventory.
I got an editor as mention above, so it should get better from here on out. Again thanks Blazikenking.