• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,352 Views, 213 Comments

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic - Toa Coy

On the Island of mane nui, six heroes shall raise to face a long evil long forgotten.

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Po-koro and Discoveries




So we had a bombshell dropped last time. Now onto the story.

~Toa Coy~

Panting, sweating, and two steps from collapsing, Takua was kicking himself for agreeing to carry Macku's packs the rest of the way after they took a wrong turn and ended up at the Onu-koro outpost.

“You can read the stars and can tell which currents go faster, BUT YOU CAN'T READ A MAP?!” Takua snapped as they pass the same sign again.

“Hey you try reading this and walk at the same time without your magic!” Macku snapped back at him.

Takua just rolled his eyes and pressed on mumbling under his breath. Macku didn't hear him.
Several minutes and a lot of breaks later, the pair made it to the famed sculpture gardens of Po-koro. The road went in between two rows of blank pony heads each identical to the other. Macku had seen this before, as well as Takua, but it simply amazing that an earth pony could do this all by themself.

“This is one of the two reasons I love coming here.” Macku said walking towards the opening to the village.

“What is the other one?” Takua said trying to catch up to the sea-pony.

Macku either didn't hear him or she just chose not to reply. Just then the sound of falling rocks came to their ears, both looked up on a few sculptures. There were scorpion like creatures three times the pair's size.

“Why are the Nui-Jaga here?” Takua said with his eyes darting from each one and a hint of fear in his voice. “They normally stay away from Po-koro.”

“I don't know but the doors are closing in front of us.” Macku noted as she started to run for it.

The Nui-Jaga are practically blind in the bright light of the day, but they had excellent hearing and the sand crunching under Macku's hooves was like a bright neon sign in the middle of a dark night. They began to rush to cut her off.

Takua was panicking, Macku was in trouble and he couldn't do anything to help her and he would be next. Then he said and did something he never had the guts to do.

“Hey Nui-Jaga look over here full course meal.” He said hopping up and down. Due to the packs on his back the Nui-Jaga thought he was more than just one pony. Macku was able to get into the village before the doors closed on her.

Takua was glad that he was able to save her, but he was sad and scared that the last thing that he would see was a pack of Nui-Jaga running at him. He closed his eyes, for what he thought was the last time, and waited for his end to come. He heard the sound of Nui-Jaga grow closer, then an image came to his mind. The pony was blacked out but it had a purplish-red aura around it and then it disappeared. Takua wondered why he would see this but he soon lost all consciousness.

Back in Canterlot

Celestia was flabbergasted by what her little sister just said to her. No matter how many times she asked Luna if it was true, she would always nod.

“Luna how do you know that this is not just a trick to get to you and complete the Makuta's plan?”Celestia said still not believing that what Luna told her was true.

“Sister you know that the dream world can not lie for it is the purest place known to anypony, and you know this.” Luna said holding her point firm.

“I still don't trust her, but I will drop this for now for I have a meeting with a pony about some kind of automaton they have been working on.” With that Celestia left.

Just as she approached the door, it opened, on the other side was Nightmare carrying two towels and had her mane wrapped up in a towel. Celestia and Nightmare looked at one another for a moment and then moved on. Luna sighed and just shook her head.

"Nightmare, as you can tell my sister is not thrilled that you are here." Luna said as she levitated a towel over to her.

"I don't hold it against her after what I have done." Nightmare replied as Luna dried herself off. "Still she could soften her stare a little."

"Nightmare, Celestia can act that way if she wants to. But you are my child and you have my love no matter what happens." Luna said as she wrapped her mane in a towel.

Luna then walked over to her bed and motioned for Nightmare to follow her. Luna then hopped up on the bed and levitated a brush over to her. Nightmare cocked her head in confusion.

"What are you doing mom?" Nightmare asked as she sat at the foot of the bed.

"I want to try and get the tangles out of your mane before it dries too much." Luna said levitating Nightmare onto the bed. She unwrapped the towel around Nightmare's mane and began to brush her. "Also I have been thinking of another name for you, since Nightmare Moon has too many bad memories connected to it."

Nightmare knew this was going to happen seeing how the other ponies reacted to Luna during Nightmare Night. Although the night turned out good, it still had its rough patches and she felt the same loneliness her mother did. She was happy that she would get a new start and a new name, but that also meant that Nightmare Moon would no longer exist. She, and probably every other pony, would be happy that one less monster would be in the world, but it still felt as if she was losing a big part of herself.

"What did you have in mind, mother?" Nightmare asked.

It took a few minutes of thinking but Luna finally thought of one, "How does Artemis De Luna sound?"
Nightmare turned around quickly, thankfully Luna had stopped brushing her mane.

"It sounds cool," Nightmare said with a smile. "But what does De Luna mean?"

"Of the moon." Luna replied earning her a confused look from Nightmare. "Is that too long or in poor taste?"

"It is just...kinda redundant to go from moon to 'of the moon'." Nightmare said rubbing the back of her head.

"How about just Artemis?" Luna asked.

"That is fine." Nightmare, now Artemis, said hugging her mother.

Meanwhile in Ponyville

Twilight and her friends had spent most of the day trying to find some information about the place that Luna and Twilight had seen. A few hours had resulted in finding where it was but not much else. Now Twilight was trying to look into old pony tales to see if any of this was mentioned in the past. As best she could guess, every famous and infamous event was written down and retold until nopony could remember the full tale, much like the mare in the moon. Her friends were on the fence about this but it was a lead, and there only one at that. Each pony and Spike took one old tale a piece and checked the locations to the map. Twilight had chosen a tale of Artemis and Apollo, the story of two ponies that began off as enemies and ended up becoming husband and wife. Twilight had read this tale once before when she was younger, but this version must have been closer to the original then the one she read.

As she scanned the pages, something strange began to appear to her. As she read, things began to connect to what Princess Celestia had said before she and the others went to face Discord. It seems that one day Discord just appeared after a group of explorers came back from...

Twilight was rereading the page she was on again to check and then at the map. They were the same, although the book never described who or what came with them but the chaos and damage had Discord's name written all over it. This tale also ended differently than the other one. Instead of a happy ending, it told that it was unknown if either survived. Only their children were found crying but would not say what happen.

"Everypony stop what you're doing and get over here!" Twilight yelled causing the others to look up from their tales.

"What is it Twilight, you just interrupted an awesome battle section." Rainbow Dash said with a huff.

"I found what we were looking for." Twilight replied as she levitated the book in front of the others.

Back in Po-koro

Takua felt tired like he had just ran around Mane Nui ten times in one day. Wait felt, Takua opened his eyes and tried to sit up but his body said no. A groan left his mouth and he heard the sound of hooves rushing over to him. Again he tried to move but a hoof was on his shoulder. When he looked up he saw a graying earth pony with a brown coat, tan mane, and a tan noble Komau on his flank.

"Rest now Chronicler that feat was far too advance for your body." the pony said as he lifted his hoof off of Takua's shoulder.

Takua did as he was told and fell into a deep sleep. The earth pony smile and walked out of the stone hut Takua was in. When he stepped out of the hut several other earth ponies, which were different shades of brown, were standing there with looks of concern. Among all the brown there was a blue earth pony crying into the shoulder of a Po-pony that looked like her plushy.

"The Chronicler is fine. He is just tried. Please go back to your business." He said and then walked off.

Upon hearing this, Macku looked at the colt next to her, who nodded, and ran into the hut. The colt sighed a little but wore a smile as he followed his marefriend into the hut.

“Macku, you heard Turaga Onewa he needs rest and after what we saw he needs it.” The colt said as he entered the hut and saw Macku crying over Takua.

“But it is my fault that he is like this, Hewkii.” Macku said with tears in her eyes.

“Macku,” Hewkii walked over to her and hugged her, all the while Macku cried. “if it weren't for him then I would have lost the only thing that I love more than Kolhii.” Hewkii said with a look that said ‘my life would sink without you’.

“He would have died if that flash he did.” Macku said looking into Hewkii’s rose colored eyes.

“Mac, stop thinking of what could have happened and be grateful that this is the best that could have happen.” Macku nodded but still had tears. “Come on it is getting late you can have my bed tonight.”

“But where are you going to sleep, It is your house after all.” Macku asked as they started to walk out of the hut.

“It is my house and I make the rules and you are to be the one in the bed while I sleep on the floor.” Hewkii said in a tough voice that caused Macku to giggle.

“Alright if you insist.” Macku said in between her giggles.

Hewkii just smiled, “Finally got her to be happy.” he thought to himself.

Just as the two left a small spark of gold came off of Takua’s horn.

In Cantarlot, Celestia had just closed court for the day...and what a day it was. While it would not seem so bad to anypony else but learning that somehow your sister had a child because of an evil pony’s plan to take over the world back fired on them and that child then took over its mother to achieve a plan that it’s ‘father’ made so he could rise again which cause her to lose her sister for a thousand years. She had put it off of her mind during that pony, Technia if she recalled correctly, came to show her the automation she had built, but as the day went on Celestia was feeling more and more uneased by the fact that Nightmare Moon was free again and Luna was fine with it. Just then a letter appeared in front of her, a rather thick letter at that. As she began to read the letter she realized that her day had just gotten just a little worse.

The more she read the more memories began to resurface; of her past, of what she had, and what she lost. She stopped after the second paragraph, not because of what was written on the page but what she remembered and the tears that came with them.

Meanwhile with Luna and Artemis

Artemis watched as her mother move the sun down and raised the moon, which she had seen as Nightmare but now she could show the awe that she alway hide because of her previous persona.

As Luna turned around she wear a look of concern on her face, Artemis knew it was the fact that Luna having to lower the sun mean one of two things; Celestia was tired, not common but it happens, or she got some bad news, something like a town was destroyed or something of that magnitude. The later being the, hopefully, less likely but Luna was still determined to find out why.

“Artemis, I’m going to see my sister but you don’t need to come if you don’t want to.” Luna said as she walked past her daughter.

Artemis nod and followed behind her mother to her aunt's room. Along the way many of the passing ponies from the court stopped and stared at Luna and Artemis as they walked by. Artemis moved closer to her mother trying to escape the stares of the other ponies. Luna saw this and put her wing over her child.

Once they had passed the last of the of the court ponies Luna lifted her wing off of Artemis, and looked at her with a joking face. “If I didn’t know better I would say you were raised by Fluttershy.”

Artemis cocked her head to the side and said, “What is so funny?”

Luna just chuckled and shook her head. “Nothing my child.”

With that they were at Celestia’s door, it was well detailed with the sun motif and the fixtures of brass that shined like the sun. Artemis was a little bit intimidated by the look of the door and her own past with her aunt, but she was still willing to see what is wrong.

When Luna when to open the door but it was locked. Luna then pressed an ear to the door and listened to see if anything was amiss but it was quite. Artemis knew her mother was wondering how best to approach this. After a few minutes of silence Luna finally spoke, “Celly, Celly are you okay?”

Artemis was caught off guard by that name, because for as long as she knew her mother would always say either ‘sister’ or ‘Celestia’ never ‘Celly’. She nearly fell down with laughter from what she heard next.

“I’m fine Lulu, just dealing with some hard decisions that I’ve made in the past.”

“Alright, sister if you need anything you know where to find me.” Luna replied with a relieved look on her face. “Come Artemis we have research to do.”

“Right behind you mother.” Artemis replied as her mother walked by her.

Once the two were out of the hallway the door open behind them to reveal a very angry sun princess.

“How dare Luna rename her the same as our mother!” Celestia thought as stood there. “I have half a mind to banish both of them to the moon for this.” That thought made her smile but then she frowned and looked at the ground. “No that is just cruel and evil that is not me, I’ll talk to her later after I got myself together.”