• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,352 Views, 213 Comments

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic - Toa Coy

On the Island of mane nui, six heroes shall raise to face a long evil long forgotten.

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Mysteries and Ga-ponies


Alright this will have some back story for the island and how the ponies came to be on it. Also Celestia and Luna will be in this chapter.


~Toa Coy~

Chapter 2: Mysteries and Ga-ponies

Celestia had just finished her daily breakfast with Luna, who was about to sleep after staying up all night, and was headed to the throne room when a green light appeared above her. She knew that this light was one of Spike's messages reforming after the magic carried them here from wherever he was at.

"Hmm...That is strange normally Twilight sends me friendship reports later then this." Celestia said to herself as her magic unrolled the scroll.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Last night I saw a meteor shower that lead to a meteor exploding into six stars. One red, one blue, another green, a black one, brown and white one. I went to check my star charts to confirm if the meteor had made them or they were just dim until the explosion. To my surprise there were no stars in that area. I even checked older star charts to see if there had ever been stars like this before in that area. I have yet to see a map with any more than a star near that area. Because of this I wish to know if you or Princess Luna knew anything about this.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Celestia reread the letter three times before teleporting into her sister's room. When the light of her teleporting dimmed down a near pitch black room came into view with an annoyed Luna laying in her bed.

"What is the meaning of this sister? For we were about to retire to our bed chamber when you flashed in. As they say now a days 'why does thou not use the door?'" Luna said climbing out of bed. "What is so critical that thou could not wait until our beautiful night?"

"Luna I received a letter from Twilight Sparkle..." Celestia started when Luna interrupted.

"Sister we do not see the importance of Twilight Sparkle's reports on friendship."

Celestia gave her sister an angry look and continued. "As I was about to say, the letter was written concerning a meteor turning into six colorful stars and Twilight wanted to know if we had anything to do with it. Since you took over the night duties this is more of your department."

Luna looked at her sister and thought about this, then she replied.

"Sister, we did not scheduled any meteors to fall last night or stars to form."

This didn't surprise Celestia but it concern her on what could have done this. With Celestia deep in thought, Luna started to read the letter and noticed something. She remembered reading somewhere about similar stars but also a part of herself disliked the fact that these six stars were there. Luna then remembered that once during her time as Nightmare Moon seeing a vision of six different ponies in place of the element bearers; there was red and white unicorns, brown, black, and blue earth ponies, and a green pegasus. Each carried weapons; a launcher of some kind, anchor like axes, swords, spike like weapons, some weird shovel weapons, and grappling hooks that seemed to change length. Luna's head started to hurt as a memory came to her mind.


(Luna looked at the battlefield before her. It seemed as if an explosion spell had been casted. Then she noticed the scene below her. There she saw the same ponies as before but they seemed to have armor on similar to their coats and in front of them was....Luna did a double take but the image did not change.)

("Nightmare Moon!" Luna spat out like a piece of rotten fruit.)

(None of the ponies seemed to hear her and both sides just stared at the other. Luna could see their lips moving but she heard no sound, outside of herself. The Nightmare Moon look alike was covered in onyx black armor that seemed seamless. Another thing that Luna noticed was that all the ponies, even though they looked alike, had strange cutie marks on their flanks. Each were different from the others but they shared one thing: they looked like a mask.)

( Luna then noticed the six ponies start to glow but it was not from the elements of harmony like Twilight and her friends. It was elements of nature. The red one had a flame form around it, blue had water, green has a small tornado around it, white had ice form around it, and black and brown had rocks form around them only the black one's seem less solid.)

(Then Luna heard a male voice speak.)

("Makuta this ends now." It said)

(Then Luna heard a deep booming laughter and looked at the look a like, who was laughing at the other ponies. Then it spoke.)

("So you believe yourselves to be mighty Toa, when you are but foals to think that you can beat me alone." Makuta said as it charged up its magic.)

("You’re wrong," a female voice said as the six began to glow. "We are not alone.")

("You tell him sister." Another male voice said.")

(Then Luna heard six voices; five male and one female say, "Unity" and then a pure white beam of light shot towards the Makuta. This surprised him and tried to dodge it, but the beam was too fast and nailed him in the chest.)

(A glass like crystal started to form around the Makuta, but Luna noticed a small shadow dart away from the Makuta. She remembered seeing that before but she couldn't place it. She also noticed the crimson eyes of the Makuta dim down.)

(Luna was confused by what she had just seen, but did not say a word. She just watched as the six "Toa", if she remembered correctly, talk to one another, then she heard the first male voice again.)

("We did it, but at a high cost." He said with a glum look on his face.)

(The others nodded and Luna caught a glimpse of some of them looking at a blur image of an older pony then looked back at the others.)

("We can go back to rescue the others later. For now let us go and find a place for them to be safe in." The female voice said with nods from the others.)

(With that the six walked off and the memory ended.)

(End of memory)

Luna then blinked and she was on her bed with Celestia hovering over her with a scared look on her face. Luna was confused as to why her sister wear that look.

"What is the matter sister? Did something happen? And why are we on our bed when we were standing in front of thou?" Luna still trying to process the memory that had pass through her mind.

Celestia breath a sigh of relief as she heard Luna speak.

"Nothing it fine now, and yes something happened. I was brought out of my thinking when I heard a thud and I saw that you had fallen onto your bed with a glazed look in your eyes. I tried to wake you but you were like that for an hour. What happen to you?" Celestia said as she hugged her sister.

Luna hugged her sister back and told her what she saw.

Meanwhile on the island of Mane Nui

"Macku, stop this crazy thing!" Takua said as he held on for dear life.

"Hold your Rahi. We're almost there." The sailor said as they near a village of lily pads.

When Macku killed the motor, they drifted towards the shore.

"Welcome back to Ga-koro, Takua." Macku said as she hopped out of the boat followed by a dizzy Takua.

"Which one?" he said as his eyes spun different directions.

It took Takua a few minutes to see straight again.

"Remind me again, why are you always the one to pick me up?" Takua asked Macku as she jump into the water and changed into her sea pony form.

"Because I'm Turaga Nokama's assistant." She said with a sweet smile,

"Right," Takua said rolling his eyes, "and the fact that you won the last twenty..."

"Thirty." Macku interrupted as she dove into the water.

"Sorry lost a few, thirty boat races have nothing to do with it." Takua continued then he saw a wave of water washed over him.

He then saw a tail sink under the water. With a sigh, he just walked off towards the village knowing the Ga-ponies were more playful once in the water. He could see the village and the ponies from this part of the beach but the village was far offshore, mainly so that wild rahi would not try and destroy it. The green domes of the huts always amazed Takua. They were unlike the other ponies huts which were made of solid materials while these were plants held in place by some type of adhesive. Causeways were the only things connecting the village to the shore.

Just in front of him was the famous Ga-koro waterfall, it was in the shape of a Kaukau mask and had a mystery behind it. Nopony knew why this was carved here or who had done it. Nokama always changed the subject when it came up.

To his left Takua could see the path leading to the Ce-ponies village. While Takua had a friend, named Coué in that village, he rarely went there for the looks he got from the Ce-ponies.

"Come on Takua stop your daydreaming. We need to head to Nokama's hut." Macku yelled seeing how far she was from him.

Takua shook his head and trotted over to the causeway. It took a few minutes but Takua got to Nokama's hut, by this time Macku had changed from her sea pony form back to her earth pony form. The two entered the hut to find a pony that looked the same age as Vakama. Her coat and mane were graying but still had cyan and naval blue colors from her youth, and on her flank was a blue noble Rue. To her right was a naval blue trident, her badge of office, and in front of her was a book written in a different language from their normal matoran, through nopony knows why they called it that.

Macku ran up to the pony and spoke to her, but Takua couldn't hear what they were saying from where he was stilling. Then he heard a quiet and gentle voice call out to him.

"Nice to see you again, chronicler." The pony said to Takua.

"Good to see you to Turaga." Takua replied with a bow.

"There is no need to bow to me Takua. Vakama really needs to let up on that." Turaga Nokama said with a smile. Then she looked at Macku. "Macku can you leave us for a moment?" Nokama asked the Ga-pony.

Macku nodded and left the hut shutting the door behind her. Takua was confused by this as Vakama would only do this if it was important information or secrets that he felt he needed to share with him.

"Takua," Nokama said looking at him. "has Vakama told you anything about the stone that you got for him?"

Takua shook his head and replied, "No. All he said was something about dark times ahead of us."

Nokama put her hoof under her chin and thought of both the message that Vakama sent to her and her fellow Turaga and what Takua just confirmed for her.

"Vakama, you are too hard on yourself." Nokama thought to herself then she spoke to Takua. "Vakama sent you to get a Toa stone."

"Toa," Takua interrupted her. "Like the ones written on the wall of history."

"Yes, but these stones are used summon them to our island to help us in our time of need." Nokama finished.

"So how many of these Toa stones are there?" Takua asked.

"There are six, one for each Turaga." Nokama replied.

"So I have to go to the other Turaga to find out where the Toa stones are located?" Takua said with Nokama nodding as a response. "Where did you hide your Toa Stone?"

"Unlike Vakama I told one of my ponies where the stone is hidden, but she left to visit the Ce-ponies." Nokama replied.

"Well I guess I have to go and see the Ce-ponies then, thank you for your time Turaga." Takua said as he bowed.

"Remember Takua: not all of the other Turaga are as formal as Vakama." Nokama replied with a smile and then went back to her book.

Takua left the hut and saw that Macku was not outside. With a sigh as he went out into the village to look for his friend.

"It would be rude for me to leave and not tell her." Takua thought to himself as he approached two Ga-ponies.

Meanwhile in Equestria

"Ah come on Twilight you really need to calm down," Rainbow Dash said looking up from her Daring Do book. "So what if you discovered six new stars, that means that you can name them after us."

The four other ponies gave her the "not now Rainbow" look. Rainbow sweat dropped and went back to her book.

"Rainbow is right 'bout one thing Twi, ya need to settle down." Apple Jack said as Twilight walked in the groove that she wore into the floor.

"Sorry but I'm just concerned that this an omen of some kind." Twilight replied as Spike came running into the room with a scroll in hands. "Spike what does the letter say?"

"I don't know. I didn't read it yet." Spike replied.

"Oh it probably has to do with robots with magical masks that can do anything." Pinkie Pie said in her fast way.

Twilight levitated the scroll in front of her and start reading it then she gasped causing the others to ask. "What is it?"

"The stars that I found. There were six other stars similar to mine discovered over a THOUSAND years ago."

"Ya sure you’re reading that right that right Twi?" Applejack asked after Twilight calmed down.

"I'm sure," Twilight replied as she continued to read the letter. "It was also about this, Princess Celestia says, that Princess Luna has started to act strangely. The stars were seen for the next six months then they vanished and that’s when Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon."

The others were surprised at that these events.

"Twilight, did Princess Luna say anything related to the stars?"Rarity asked.

"Princess Celestia says that Princess Luna fainted for a hour and when she came to, she spoke of a vision that she saw of six ponies going against...." Twilight read then stopped at the last word.

"What is it sugarcube?" Apple Jack asked seeing a mix of horror and surprise on Twilight's face.

Twilight just stood there slack-jawed at what she had just read. Pinkie noticed this and hopped in front of her and read the last part but gasped before she said, "Nightmare Moon?!?!"

The others gasped and thought of how there could have been a Nightmare Moon before Luna became Nightmare Moon.

"But that doesn't make any sense how can there be two Nightmare Moons when Princess Luna was the only one known to be her?" Rarity said pointing out that they only knew of one Nightmare Moon.

"Oh I think it’s because it said that Nightmare Moon was a colt." Pinkie replied getting looks of confusion from the others, minus Twilight. "Why did I forget to say that after I read it?"

The others just facehoofed.

Meanwhile on the island

Takua walked into Macku's hut, which he learned where it was from a Ga-pony weaver. He looked around the hut and notice a plushy of a Po-pony with a tan coat and dark brown mane with a brown Kakama on its flank.

"Hm...this looks hoofed stitched and well made." Takua said aloud examining the the plushy as he levitated in front of him.

"Thanks, but what in the name of Mata Nui are you doing in my hut!?" a voice yelled out in anger.

Takua turned around and saw a very angry Macku, Takua swore that he saw flames in her eyes, trotting up to him.

"Well..." Macku started as she circled him like a Takea shark about to attack a limp Ruki fish.

Takua gulped and started to speak, "Well I just wanted to say good-bye since I have to leave for the Ce-ponies' village to find a Ga-pony." He and Macku never broke eye contact until Macku's face soften and she back away.

"Thanks for being so kind to do that," Macku said with a smile then got right up into Takua's face. "But never enter my hut again when I'm not here. Got that?"

Takua nodded.

"Good, you don't know how it would seem to the other mares." Macku said flipping her mane. "You know me alone with a colt in my hut."

Takua blushed as their muzzles touched. Macku then jumped back and laughed at the Ta-pony.

"What's so funny?" Takua asked trying his face.

"It is just that I did that to Hewkii and he was just as surprised." She replied with a sly grin.

Takua started to walk out and thought of what just happened, "Mares" he thought rolling his eyes.

"Have a good time." Macku yelled as Takua crossed the causeway to the shore.

Takua waved back to her as he entered the forest near the beach.

Ten minutes later

Takua came around the Ce-pony village, they had arranged it in a circle to line up with the summer and winter solstice to study how the seasons affected the other ponies and themselves. Each hut was colored blue and gold, like their coats and manes, with a large building in the center of the village acting as both a center point for the dial and research center.

"It looks so beautiful, but I can't stay the Ce-ponies swam me like they are trying to find something." Takua thought to himself as he saw the village.

Almost as soon as he was about to enter the village he saw a Ga-pony and Ce-pony heading his way. The Ga-pony had a dark blue coat and a light blue mane while the Ce-pony had a golden coat with a teal blue mane. Takua notice the Ce-pony and smiled.

"Coué!" Takua yelled as he ran to the two.

The two looked at him and smiled and ran over to him.

"Takua my friend how have you been?" Coué asked.

"Fine just on another adventure and I need the help of the Ga-pony beside you." Takua replied as he hugged his friend.

"Well then let me introduce Hahli, she is a flax gatherer and student of mine." Coué said stepping back to allow Hahli to shake hooves with Takua.

"Nice to meet you Hahli." Takua said with a smile.

"Jaller has told me a lot about you, Takua." Hahli replied.

Takua was confused by this.

"What do you mean?" Takua asked with a confusion.

"Remember the last time the Turaga met at Kini-nui and he was not seen until after sunset?" Hahli replied.

"Yeah, he said that he was out on patrols with a Ga-pony but that was on the way back to Ta-koro." Takua replied.

"He was and he wasn't." Hahli said as she started to walk back to Ga-koro. "Hey kolhii head you coming?"

Takua ran to catch up with the Ga-pony.

"Gee thanks Jaller for sharing that nickname." Takua mumbled to himself.


well that is the end of this part next time we go on the search for the Toa stone of water