• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,343 Views, 213 Comments

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic - Toa Coy

On the Island of mane nui, six heroes shall raise to face a long evil long forgotten.

  • ...

First Contact

Okay now before you read this you might get confused by this one. Last week, of the time of this writing, I added a good 2000 words give or take to the last chapter so you might want to go and reread the last one.

~Toa Coy~

Twilight was looking over her tenth book about tales of the past, and still it was as vague as the past nine. While she was frustrated that she was running out of leads and she had yet to hear from the princess so she was concern that she might be overreacting, like that whole time travel thing. Still she was just concern about how the stars were similar to now.

During this she failed to noticed two small shadows appearing behind her, it wasn't until the sound of hooves clopping towards her. When Twilight turned around she saw Princess Luna and a small filly that was covered by a cloak. Twilight was about to ask who the filly but when she noticed how Luna peered over the books and notes that Twilight had been writing and, just for a moment, Twilight thought she saw tears in her eyes.

"Princess Luna, why are you crying?"

Luna looked up from the papers and saw the look that both her daughter and Twilight wear made her stop and wipe her eyes.

"It is nothing Twilight Sparkle, a past matter that is better left alone." Luna said but the look on both of their faces made her silently curse herself. "But this solved why sister was in her room." Luna thought as she walked over to Twilight.

"Come Twilight Sparkle we have more research on these stars to do." Luna said as her horn began to glow and a small blue and white portal began to form.

"Princess I don't want to be rude but you didn't do that the last time we did this." Twilight said remembering last night.
Luna looked over at Twilight and laughed at herself. "Sorry Twilight Sparkle I forgot that. This is my view of going to the dream world." With that she walked over to Twilight and with a quick flash of light Twilight was dead to the world, dead asleep not dead dead.

After Twilight shut her eyes, Artemis took off her cloak's hood and had a concern look on her face.

"Mom what's wrong?" Artemis asked but Luna didn't answer she just move toward the portal. Artemis sighed and followed her mother.

Once Artemis entered the portal it closed and the library looked the same as it did earlier just a sleeping Twilight instead of the overly studying one.

(Dream World)

(Twilight opened her eye and was greeted by the familiar black world from the last time she was here. Twilight stood up and shook her head.)

("That spell is strange but I want to find out more about the stars." Twilight thought as she looked around for signs of Luna and Artemis.)

(Twilight felt as if she was on the side of a wall and then she felt herself falling. Unlike her first visit Twilight caught herself and used her magic to float her down to the new ground.)

("Well done Twilight Sparkle, it would have taken a lesser pony longer to know when the world shifts on them." Luna said as she and Artemis appeared behind Twilight.)

(Twilight was just happy that she was able to keep from slamming into the 'ground' again. As Luna and Artemis pass her, she felt a rush of cold air from Artemis. Twilight looked at the filly and couldn't place where she felt this before but it felt familiar somehow. Then a thought came to her mind, "Why was this filly here?")

(Twilight wanted to raise this point with Luna but before she could a portal opened under them. Twilight and Artemis screamed in surprise from the sudden lack of ground under their hooves while Luna was shocked that the portal opened under them.)

(The trio was dropped in a sight that would be hard not to forget. Around them was six ponies that looked like they were mauled by some kind of monsters, most were stallions, one was a mare, in armor that seemed similar to the royal guard's but were similar to their coat colors and looked like they were made of a stronger metal then the guard's armor.)

(All three turned their heads away from the sight of this, Luna wrapped her wing around Artemis to keep her from seeing any more of this gruesome sight.)

(Just then from this bloody scene they heard crying when all the time since their arrival they only heard themselves. Twilight was the first to move toward the sound with Luna, and Artemis under her wing, following close behind her. They came to a lime green pegasus stallion, in the same armor that the other pony were in, rocking back and forth with a blue coated unicorn mare with white stripes in a lighter blue mane.)

("Nikila, can you hear me Nikila?" A voice said with hope but also fear, and not just any fear but that of lose and a pain that you would not know unless you have had it.)

(All three of the mares felt like they had just been thrown into the aftermath of a battle, but this was at that moment another portal opened up under them.)

(The three appeared in the throne room that Twilight and Luna seen the last time that they were there. Only this time the room looked like a F3 tornado went through it. There on a lone throne sat an alicorn stallion, Mata Nui if Twilight remembered correctly. He sat there in a set on golden armor that would rival Celestia's sun in the right light, but here in the darkened room of a once proud place now it is but a husk of the former glory.)

(Twilight felt unnerved by the way the sky blue eyes seemed to be staring into her soul.)

("Greetings travelers," Mata Nui said and this shocked not only Luna because this was the dreamworld, but because he started to move toward them. "It has been many years since anypony had come to this place, not since my brother and I defeated each other.")

(All three mares were confused as to how somepony from the past would be able to talk to them. Luna was the first one to speak, since she was one of the rulers of Equestria and there by her duty to talk to another leader of another nation.)

("My name is Princess Luna of Equestria, me and my fellow travelers are from the present when six colorful stars have appeared when they were not there to begin with." Luna said with a slight bow.)

(Mata Nui bowed back and then spoke, "It is an honor to meet you Princess Luna, my name is Mata Nui, the once proud ruler of a land that fell to shadow." Mata Nui then walked back to his throne and looked tired. "The stars that you spoke of were they in a hexagon shape?")

("They are." Luna replied.)

("Then my brother is coming back and he knows of your land as well as my island." Mata Nui said with a serious look on his face.)

("What do you mean? What island are you talking about?" Luna asked as a mirror on a wall next to her started to glow.)

(The mirror showed an island of enormous size that the equestrian ponies had never seen, but Mata Nui looked at with hope and sadness. The island had a clear division of environments, six in all, that caused the mares to wonder if the pegasi were on break since there was snow next to a green forest.)

("This is the island that my subjects now live since my brother's shadow tried to rule them the first time. Now he is going to try to rule them again and this time there will be no Toa to stop him, or so I thought." Mata Nui turned to the mares. "If those six stars have appeared then the heroes that saved them the first time planned for this.")

(Luna, Artemis, and Twilight were confused as to what Mata Nui was talking about. So Twilight voiced this confusion.)

("Mr. Nui not to sound rude, but what are you talking about? It seem like you are just rambling on about this place and some of your people's past but you are lacking a detailed description that is need for us to understand what it going on." Twilight said recalling what the alicorn had said.)

("Sorry but after a few hundred millennia I forget the small details of the past." Mata Nui said rubbing the back of his head. "Long story short, I had six of my Toa put in stasis so that if I failed to defeat my brother. The toa that lead my subjects to the safety of the hidden city carried this along with a mask that would save my people but the mask was lost and, to my knowledge, has yet to be found again.")

("What is this mask?" Luna asked.)

("The Mask of Light, the mask made to banish all the shadows from the world." Mata Nui said with a solemn look. "But from what I have seen some times the darkest shadow is casted by the brightest light.")

(Somewhere a bell tone, *dong**dong*, Mata Nui returns to his throne and looks at the group. He looks straight at Artemis.)

("Beware young one your connection to my brother may doom the world or save it." Mata Nui said before another portal opened under the mares again.)

(End of The Dream World)

Twilight woke up to the sound of bodies crashing to the ground. In front of her was Luna and Artemis and Twilight was shocked when she saw Artemis's face, since her hood fell off when she landed on top of her mother. To Twilight she was looking at a pony that she thought that she would never see again, even as a filly version of herself Nightmare Moon.

Elsewhere in Ponyvile

Pinkie woke up to her mane twitching.

"That's strange my mane only twitches when Twilight freaks out over something that is minor." Pinkie said to herself when a scream was heard from the library. "I wonder what it is about?" Just thing she felt a twitch that made her smile. "That means there is a new pony in town and that means a party. See ya in the next scene guys." Pinkie waves at us and hops off.

Back at the library

Spike was rubbing his eyes and stretched after he was woken up by Twilight's scream.

"Why does Twilight have to be so loud when I have my Rarity dreams." Spike said to himself as he headed towards the stairs.

"Because the writer has to move the plot forward and was thinking of 'About Time'." Pinkie replied appearing to Spike's left.
This caused Spike to jump back and clutch his chest. Pinkie looked at the young dragon with a wide grin.

"Pinkie why are you here?" Spike asked ignoring her previous statement.

"Well this morning I woke up to my pinkie sense going off saying that Twilight was going to scream, then I felt a twitch that caused me to smile then I talked to the reader as well as the writer but that was just because I wanted to interact with the writer and readers. Also..." Pinkie explaining what had just happened and why she was there.

Up until Pinkie started talking about a writer and readers, Spike sometimes wonder if Pinkie should lay off the candy.

"Okay, well I think we should go see Twilight and see what all the noise is for." Spike said stopping Pinkie in midstance.

"Okie-dokie-lokie." Pinkie said with a salute and then hopped down the stairs.

Spike just shrugged and walked down the stairs. When he and Pinkie got down to the next floor they saw Princess Luna, a filly, and Twilight. Twilight had a shocked and scared look and had yet to notice Spike and Pinkie.

"Princess do you even know who this is!" Twilight yelled pointed at the filly.

Luna looked appalled by what Twilight had said, also a little ticked off that Twilight would be so harsh to her daughter but she also remembered that she was Nightmare Moon once herself and to meet the pony that cause so much pain and suffering she could understand but still it did not set right with her at anypony should judge Artemis for her past that she was ashamed of.

"Artemis was once that pony as well as I but she has changed thanks to the elements." Luna said stomping the ground.

Artemis was in the middle of the two and looked like she was both ashamed and scared. The once powerful nightmare was now going through what everyone has in one moment or another: to be forsaken by everyone but your mother. Artemis may not have meet a lot of ponies but she was dealing with her own emotions when she was just some heartless creature. Now this heartless creature had a heart.
"Who the hay is Artemis? I just see you, me, and Nightmare Moon." Twilight said starting to gather magic around her horn.

Luna walked over to her daughter and wrapped her wing around her.

"This is and she is my daughter." Luna said nudging her daughter trying to help cheer her up.

All three other characters gasped.

Pinkie looks at the readers and says, "What a twist."