• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,343 Views, 213 Comments

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic - Toa Coy

On the Island of mane nui, six heroes shall raise to face a long evil long forgotten.

  • ...

The Attack of the Robots

(to be)Edited

Looking for a co-author for when I start writing the quest for the Masks storyline any takers?

~Toa Coy~

n/a: check out the side story Technia and Blue to see their backstory Technia is owned by Blazikenking, Goldarx is owned by Bioaj1998

Chapter 12: The attack of the robots

Twilight was reading up on some more old tales to see if anypony mentioned seeing ponies with strange cutie marks like the one that Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo saw from the pony that attacked them. As far as she could tell none appeared in any old stories about them existed, but then again Equestria was much smaller so she started looking for settlements that other ponies found. While looking for such places she found a book that said five hundred years ago there was a group of ponies that found a metal structure in the San Palomino desert that nopony could do without either magic or machines that had yet to be made at that point. It was rather clean given both location and time that they believed it to be abandoned. Up until about two hundred years ago there was active examination of the building and reverse engineering broken machines that was still in the structure. From the deserted area around it some scholars believed that it was extraterrestrial life that had came here and helped the locals construct this as a place of worship.

“I should talk to the Princess about this since she was there and given what the girls said about that pony about being here more than five years ago. It is not out of the question that there could be more of these bases like this but why did they spend all this time in places that they would just leave them as if they were never there.” Twilight thought to herself after she read the book.

Just then Twilight heard a yawn, she knew that Spike was up so there had to be the only other pony that was in the library, she turn her head to see Artemis walking from the spare bedroom. Twilight could never see her mentor or Luna having bed mane but Artemis did help her transports the image onto the co-rulers. With a small giggle Twilight closed the book and walked over to to the former Nightmare levitating a brush and comb behind her.

“I think you might need these Artemis.” Twilight said bringing the brush and comb in front of her.

With a slight blush Artemis took them in her dark blue magic and headed to the bathroom. With that Twilight walked back to the book she was reading earlier then just as she was about to continued read Pinkie jumped out of said book. After all this time you would think that Twilight would be use to Pinkie popping out of things *crash* guess not.

“Hey Twilight, is today reshelving day?” Pinkie said to her unicorn friend, who was currently under the first fifty “The Magic School Carriage” books.

Shaking her head Twilight had a miffed look on her face, but this is Pinkie and to ask how she did that would just make more questions.

“Afternoon Pinkie, so what brings you here?” Twilight asked getting up and carefully moved out of pile.

“My pinkie sense told me that a Monster was going to attack the town by sunset. Who or what is up in the air but thanks to my pen pal I have a book that has helped me predict the it will either be an shapeless alien that can shape shift and infect others or it will just be a giant monster that will take one of us for some reason.” Pinkie said pulling out “The Comic Relief Guide to the Fourth Wall and What may come from it” from her mane.

Twilight looked at the book with both wonder and confusion, wonder in the strange book's title and confused by the picture on the cover. The book had red cover with black eyes and white pupils and a blank yellow speech bubble under the title.

“Pinkie, where did you get this?” Twilight said looking away from the book.

“From my pen pal, the author.” Pinkie replied.

Twilight was about to ask if it was the same author Pinkie mentioned at the party, then she saw the blank yellow space now had text in it, “Pinkie do you mean me or the other one?”

“You of course Deadpool, because I freeze time if I want to talk to him.” Pinkie seemed to reply to the book.

Twilight looked again and saw it said cool.

“Pinkie did that book just talk to you?” Twilight asked noting that this was strange, even for Pinkie.

“Silly a book can't talk but it can still read it's reply.” Pinkie said in her normal bubbly tone.

You were just sunburned, was the text in the speech bubble.

No longer giving a buck Twilight went to see if anything else was going on while Pinkie laughed at what the book said.


In the crystal fortress of Icarax and Sombra, several shadow ponies were in an armory preparing for a battle. Many of the ponies had the mask of accuracy as their cutie marks, those ponies were in charge of the metal work while others were moving the completed arms and armor to another room. One of them looked a bit different, while the others were usually a dark base color with black and silver patches that faded into their coats this one had a rather bright gold on his hooves, mane, tail, and cutie mark with a dull gray stripe going through his mane and tail. The kanohi calix on his flank did make his job easier since most shadow ponies have some of their mask’s power. Just then a crack was heard and the pony saw that a chunk of burning wood was heading for another pony, now a normal shadow pony would have ignored this but this calix pony used his mask power to hop over several ponies, avoiding the hammers and the disgruntled ponies, he kicked the chunked back into the furnaces. He had inadvertently knocked over the very pony that he wanted to save.

“Goldarx get to your flank back to work!” the unicorn said picking up it’s protodermis hammer and began to work on the protosteel sword that it was working on before Goldarx saved it.

With a sigh Goldarx went back to his job of moving arms and armor to the fitting room. As soon as he left the room Sombra came out of the shadows.

“Hmm...that one seemed like it had some good in him.” Sombra with amusement.

Just then Sombra notice a group of what Icarax called Rahkshi, they walked upright with long skinny legs, short arms that held staffs that looked like they were just for show, their backs were hunched and had spines run along them, and the head of the rahkshi looked like a serpent and the crimson eyes did add to it. As they passed the shadow ponies they seem to hiss and their faces split with some sort of worm wriggling, this caused the ponies to skidded back and hide from the Rahkshi. Sombra couldn’t tell if it was from how the rahkshi opened their faces or the fact that they seemed so alien even to these ponies. Sombra left the room, because he too wanted to stay away from these creatures, going back to the center chamber were Icarax was listening to the current leader of the order.

“...Then just recently you failed to capture Nightmare Moon and got transport to the frozen north. Now you are using our resources to build an army. While I do agree that it is a good idea to attack Equestria, I still think we should wait until our master is released.” Antroz said to an Icarax who had his face frozen in mid eyeroll. Seeing this Antroz just shook his head. “Fine, you can try this but the moment you fail I am going to send Gorast there.”

“Whatever you say Antroz.” Icarax said still stuck mid roll.

With a sigh Antroz disappeared from the shadow, Icarax shook his head and his eyes went back to normal.

“He is such a blowhard. So what do you want Sombra?” Icarax said turning to the unicorn.

“I wish to ask you about these rahkshi, they seem to be different from the creatures that you brought. Even your shadow ponies avoid them.” Sombra said noticing the golden rahkshi coming into the room.

The rahkshi walked to Icarax and hissed in the order member’s ear, Sombra could have sworn that Icarax made a similar sound to the rahkshi but he could be wrong. With a nod from Icarax the rahkshi left the room. From the look on Icarax’s face both made Sombra delighted and scared him a little.

“What was that about Icarax?”

“Something that is making me say some thing that I rarely say,” The pegasus said with both glee and disgust. “Thank the makuta.”


“Come on Blue, you know it is not polite to keep Vinyl and Octavia waiting.” A gunmetal gray unicorn mare with red streaks in her mane and tail and red Phi on her flank.

“I do not see any reason for me to go with you to a restaurant when I only require electrical power to operate normally.” Blue replied wearing a tux. Blue is what is known as a vahki a human like robot that has a large sphere head and hands. “Also why am I in this when I can move better without it?”

“One because I ordered you to, and two we haven’t been out of the house for fun since we went to the market and that was two weeks ago.” the unicorn said walking from her house towards ponyville with the vahki following behind her.

“Not two days ago a giant stone come there here and before that at least a dozen other things happen that made me question how this town is even standing.” Blue replied looking at his clock.

5:54 p.m. cts

“When did you have to be there again Technia?”

“About six why.” the unicorn replied.

Blue sighed and a speech option came to his processor, Then why did we leave so late, but he kept quiet on the matter. He walked up to her and in one quick movement he picked up Technia bridal style and ran to the restaurant.

5:56 p.m. cts

Blue had made it in two minutes that would have taken ten minutes. Technia felt awkward moment pass rather slowly, Blue still held her bridal style and some ponies were starting to stare at them.

“Umm...Blue can you please set me down gently.” Technia said looking at how the other ponies looked at her and the strange robot.

“As you wish.” Blue said lowering his arms so that the unicorn could stand up properly.

With a slight blush it was just then the mare noticed the white pony with electric blue mane and sunglasses next to a light gray pony with a white choker with a pink bow-tie. Technia waved to the two and got a wave back, but before she went to her friends she turned to Blue.

“Remind me to program you with common courtesies before we do any thing like this again.” Technia said staring the robot in the optics.

“Request filed and understood.” Blue replied monotone.

“Good.” Technia said satisfied then she turned to her friends.”Vinyl, Octavia how have you two been.”

“Good Technia,” Octavia replied looking to Vinyl. “Vinyl and I were just talking about Wubsy and how she is acting liked both of us.”

“Ya like she was our kid or something. Tavi here said that she gets her rowdy side form me but she forgets that her cousin Fiddlesticks invites us to hoedowns and once Tavi downs a few hard ciders she passes out.” Vinyl said with a cheeky grin.

“Vinyl that is a lie and you know it.” Octavia said with a flushed look.

Before this to go from a lover's quarrel to a lover's boxing match Technia intervened.

“Where is Wubsy anyways? I know she doesn't eat but shouldn't she still be here.” Technia said trying to change the topic.

“She's at home asleep after she and got home from partying with Pinkie earlier today.” Octavia said giving Vinyl a displeased look.

“Well I have Blue with me, I think that he might feel left out.” Technia said once again trying to keep everypony calm.

“I don't...” Vinyl was about to say when two lite orange lights caught her eye. “Hey what's up with Blue?”

Technia wanted to know what she, then she saw the vahki's normally black optics had turned lite orange and she also heard Blue speaking too fast to make out. Then there was a thud of some kind. Somepony was having a drink of water and from the movement of the water, whatever it was it was big. Then somepony screamed, which caused everypony to look where that one pointed. Technia could not believe at what she seeing.

Meanwhile at the Library

“I'm telling you that book is talking to her.” Twilight said seeing Pinkie laughing at the book.

“Twi, I think you might be makin’ another mountain out of molehill.” Applejack said concerned about her friend.

“Besides I think you’re jealous of Pinkie’s ability to talk to books and you can’t.” Rainbow said turning a page in the latest her Daring Doo book.

“Rainbow don’t be silly.” Rarity said giving the pegasus a stern look. “Twilight does not want to talk to books, she is merely wants to understand how a cover can change what is printed on it.”

While the four were have a discussion about the fifth, Fluttershy was talking with Artemis and Spike about the Everfree Forest.

“...um...I think the forest is fine as long as we just stay on the outside of it .” Fluttershy said remember several of the scary creatures in the forest.

Just then the three heard a loud thud, but nopony else seemed to noticed the thud. Fluttershy reacted rather well, she hide behind the filly and dragon.

“W-w-what was t-t-that?” Fluttershy said trying not to look out the window.

Then there was a scream and a loud crunch, which caused most of the ponies to go outside to see what caused that sound. Everypony, but Fluttershy, was outside staring at a giant robot. Now this wasn’t a gundam or megazord type of giant robot, but something that was even with the buildings of Ponyville. It had an angular face that was crimson red on a bulky black torso with a red arm on the right side and a green one on its left side the legs were a mix of red, green, black, and gray. The ponies, Spike included, were gobsmacked by the size of the robot, or even a robot in general.

“What in the wide world of Equestria is that thing?” Applejack exclaimed. “It’s bigger than that big o’ timber wolf that tried to harm me.”

“I’ve never read anything about it in any of my books.” Twilight said thinking about all of her creature books.

Just then Rainbow noticed the thing swing something towards her friends. Instead of yelling a warning Rainbow flew quick enough to push everypony out of the way. The robot notice this and tried to eliminate Rainbow with what looked to be staff with a V cut in top part of it. The site could be like someone trying to swat a fly with a flyswatter.

Target faster then recorded signaling backup

A Monotone voice said causing everypony to look for this ‘backup’ and caused RD to change tactics. Instead of flying around the robot she landed behind the head and started bucking it. The robot tried to locate the pounding that it felt but it couldn’t rotate it’s head, then it did something that made the ponies scared. The robot turned into sand.

“What in the hay just happen to that thing?” RD said scanning for the robot/sand/whatever.

While looking for the robot, a rumbling sound was echoing throughout the town. Twilight, having read her fair share of horror stories, had everypony stand in a circle flank to flank to keep an eye out for whatever was out there.

“Careful everypony we don’t know what is out there.” Twilight said shifting her eyes for any sign of movement.

“Come on it can’t be worst than what we went through in the Changeling Kingdom, right?” Rarity said with concerned look.

Just then a gray fog began to drift towards the library. At first it just seemed to be normal fog, then the weather pony remembered something.

“There wasn’t any fog scheduled for this evening.” RD said flying up into the air to flap the fog away but that something knocked Rainbow into the fog. Immediately Rainbow began balance and kept falling down then she seemed to go limb.

“What just happen to Rainbow?” Spike asked as he hide behind Twilight.
“I don’t know,” Twilight replied. “But I can try and figure it out when we’re safe.”

With that Twilight’s horn glowed magenta and a magenta dome formed around the rest of the group. Everypony was calmer but they were still on edge. The fog began to form around the dome and blocked out any sight of the outside. There was several thuds from the shield with blade like things bumping into it.

“Rarity, why did you have to say one of the two thing that you never say in times of danger.” Pinkie said with a pained look. “You’ve doomed us all.”

“Not to sound out of line but did Pinkie just act dramatic?” Spike said still hiding behind Twilight.

Everypony looked at the pink party pony with questioning looks, while she just put her ear to the ground. Suddenly a blade pierced the dome scaring everypony, Twilight reacted quickly by using her magic to push the blade back but this was not quick enough to stop the fog from getting in. Slowly each pony, and Spike, started to slump to the ground. The last to fall was Twilight and she held out long enough to see a sexaipede with six blades as legs and a large head with mandibles walking over Artimes.

Target captured returning to base.

With that Twilight’s world went dark.


Takua awoke with jolt wondering for a moment what happen, the last thing he remembered was falling asleep on his hooves and yet here he was in a cosy bed of leaves.

“How did I get here?” Takua asked to himself rubbing his head.

Around him was a bamboo hut with a weaved leaf roof, the walls had two windows on the west side, and a door to the north. Just then the sounds of music filled his ears, it was a song that he heard before and that brought a smile to his face. With a little hop in his step he got up and walked to the door.


“Mata Nui are you sure this is a good idea?” Luna asked going over the plan that the fallen rule had laid out before the sun and moon princess.

“I am.” Mata Nui replied. “The followers of my brother are planning to make their own shadow toa to fight the toa on their way to defend my people. With all thirteen members, six possible shadow toa, and much unknown to even me. Given what reports your arctic commander have sent you, Icarax has used his collective power and resources of the order to bring an army to your land. It sounds like rahi and rahkshi are his primary solders.”

“One question that I would like to know the answer to is why has he yet to attack us? He has all these soldiers and could have attacked before we knew that he even had this army, but he is still in one spot and attacking him would cause us to even be more under ponied.” Celestia said looking over the reports.

Just then Shining Armor ran through the doors of the war room with his jaw clenched and trying to stay calm, the unicorn princess saluted the three as a soldier would but his eyes had fire in them like any Ta-pony Mata Nui had ever seen.

“What is it nephew?” Luna asked seeing that even the captain could not hold his tongue for long.

“Ponyville has been attack.” Shining Armor said trying to keep his anger under control.

The room went silent as the phase took it’s toll on the princesses and the prince, Mata Nui observed how each of the three. Celestia wear a face that seemed to not be trouble by this, Shining Armor was trying to keep calm but his face betrayed that and spoke of anger and concern, and Luna was no longer in the room.

“Captain send word to Princess Cadance, We are at war.” Celestia said with an angered tone.


Twilight felt light headed as she began to come around. She could feel a bed under her and hear noises that was unfamiliar to her. When she opened her eyes she saw that she was in a hospital. The door to her room and a strange being came into the room.

“Greetings Miss Sparkle I trust that you have recovery went well.” It said in a monotone voice.

The voice triggered Twilight’s memory of the machines that took Artemis and looking closer to the being she saw that it reflected light and looked shiny. With a swift movement of her horn she pinned the machine to the wall.

“Where are my friends and Artemis?” Twilight said with an angry tone.

“I think I could help with that.” Technia said walking into the room.

Author's Note:

I try to do more action in this one hope I did good