• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,352 Views, 213 Comments

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic - Toa Coy

On the Island of mane nui, six heroes shall raise to face a long evil long forgotten.

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Shadow Versus the Night

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic
Toa Coy
(To be)Edited

Alright I have to retype this again so I have a little note for my editor, BlazikenKing, thank you for your help in making this story better and legible. Now for those who are reading this on DA it is the raw form. Google docs is the place for the edited story.

So last time; we have Artemis in school, Takua was going to hike up a mountain, and a dark presents is in Mata Nui's chamber yeah that covers that. Enjoy.

~Toa Coy~

Chapter 9: Shadow vs the Night

Mata Nui prepared to defend himself from the crimson eyes, but the eyes slowly faded. The ex-ruler still had the rich golden aura around his horn, his eyes darted from left to right. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that his mirror was glowing. Still unsure on what the eyes were or why his mirror was glowing, he slowly began to approach the mirror. As he came to the mirror he saw a sight that made him feel something that has evaded him for a thousand years: dread.

In the mirror was the last remaining members of the Order of the Makuta; all thirteen of them and they were standing in front of their master and his brother. The Makuta was encased in what the Nuians called Protodermis. The crystalline shell covered the master of shadow that served as his prison for a thousand years. In a circle around him was six stones; Maroon, Oxford blue, Cal Poly, Gunmetal, Charcoal, and Bistre.

“Then as soon as they call the Toa they will unleash our master and then the world is going to bow to the shadow.” Antroz said finishing the tale end of the plan.

Most of the other members nodded in agreement, except Icarax who just rolled his eyes.

“Good luck with that.” Icarax said as he spread his wings and started to lift off.

“Where are you going Icarax?” a black and silver unicorn stallion said.

“To do something productive, Chirox.” the pegasus replied flatly.

None of the others spoke up until Icarax was no longer in sight. Then Gorast spoke.

“Do we go after him or do we just let him go?”

Antroz wore an indifferent look on his face and turned away from where Icarax flew off.

“I don't care, as long as he doesn’t screw up the plan.” He said as he turned back to the master of shadows. His horn glowed a dark crimson and from a black bag the ooze that they had extracted from Artemis came floating out in a dark crimson cloud. Slowly the ooze began to split into six parts and seep into the stones.

For a moment Makuta's eyes glowed crimson then they faded again. That was all any of the viewers needed to convince them of the Makuta's return. While the Followers rejoiced, Mata Nui was stuck in a Nui-Jaga nest and no way out of it.

Mata Nui's mirror faded to it's reflective self, in it he saw himself in it. Gone was the once the regal rule and in front of him was a being chained to his self made prison and powerless to stop the darkness that was approaching fast. Unlike before when it was just him and his brother, there were others that could defeat or to delay the shadow from getting stronger.


Artemis was taking notes on the history lesson focusing on recent history. Cheerilee went into how since the summer sun celebration two years ago, Ponyville has been the sight of numural events that have drawn several ponies to see sights where Discord was beaten, were Nightmare Moon first appeared after a thousand years, and the homes of the bearers of the element of harmony. Artemis cringed at the mention of her past self, but she still listened to more of the lesson. At this point Cheerilee changed to math much to the groan of the class. While Cheerilee wrote the problem on the chalkboard several students began to talk to their neighbor. Artemis was quiet, as she was at least one pony away from Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom, until somepony threw a paper ball at her hitting her on the back of the head. She was on confused on why a paper ball, if somepony wanted her then why didn't they just say her name? Then another one hit her, still confused she looked behind her and saw that is was that filly that was calling her friends blank flanks, a term that eluded her knowledge, smiling. Confused but unconcern Artemis turned her attention back to the chalkboard.

“Alright class today we are going to be working on a new method to solve a math problem called system of equations.” Cheerilee said calling everypony's attention to her and the board. On the board was was to equations, 4y+2x=32 and 2y-x=0. “This is known as a two variable system, since we have two unknown variables known as X and Y.”

“'cuse me Miss Cheerilee, but why do we need to know this?” Applebloom asked.

“Very good question Applebloom.” Cheerilee answered with a smile. “We can use this to find the slope of two different lines and find the point at which they meet.”

Turning to the board and writing under 2y-x=0, 2y=x.

“Now can anypony tell me how we went from 2y-x=0 to 2y=x.”

Sweetie Belle took a guess, “By adding the X.”

“Correct Sweetie Belle, the positive X cancels out the neagitive X and since in math what you do on one side you do the same for the other side. So the zero becomes an X, now you know X.”

“Excuse me Miss Cheerilee,” Artemis said raising her front left leg. “but we still don't know Y.”

“Good point Artemis,” Cheerilee said turning back to the board. “Since we know that x=2y we can replace the X in 4y+2x=32 to get 4y+2(2y)=32.”

When Cheerilee looked at her class to see a bunch of blank faces staring back at her, which made her sigh on the inside.

“Any questions so far?” Cheerilee asked as the class raised their hooves. “Goodbye the rest of the week.” Cheerilee thought to herself.


It had been a good four hours since Takua and Matoro left Ko-Koro. On their backs were backpacks stuffed with supplies for the trip. Light stones, heat stones, food, bedding, and flags were the items that each pony had on them. The Ta and Ko-pony had a rope tied between the two of them to keep them from getting lost in the ever persistent storm. Even with both of their magic it was near white out condition and if not for the flags being their trail back to Ko-Koro they would be lost.

Takua was beginning to feel the cold air and snow against his coat which added to his already discomfort of being in a very cold place instead of his extremely hot home. Using what navigational knowledge he had told him that the sun was about to fall for the day.

“MATORO!” Takua yelled over the howling winds of the storm. “I THINK WE NEED TO SET CAMP FOR THE NIGHT!”

Takua didn't hear a response but they started to head to a wall of the valley. He could see Matoro tapping on the wall for some thing when the sound of a large pile of snow falling made he shield him and Matoro from a possible avalanche. The red dome of energy added some much needed light for both of them to see a cave that they could stay in for the night. Once in the cave, Matoro used his magic to seal the entrance of the cave. Takua lit his horn to give the cave some light, from the red glow of his magic aura he could tell that this cave was not natural due to the smooth sides of the wall and the lack of stalagmites in the cave ceiling. Matoro dug into his pack and pulled out a metal bowel and his heat stone. Moving to the center of the cave he put the bowel down and opened the heat stone. As soon as he did the temperature near it changed from freezing cold to cool spring day. While still cold, Takua was happy to have some thing besides his heavy coat to keep him warm. For the next hour Takua and Matoro took innovatory of what supplies they had and rating of the food for the next few days. During this Takua noticed that Matoro seemed to have his head in another place. Takua noticed this and waited until they both sat down to eat to bring it up.

“Matoro you seem to be off on your own little island. Is something wrong?” Takua asked after munching on a loaf of banana and apple bread.

“No Takua it is just an event that made me question some of the prediction and prophecies.” Matoro said with a defeated sigh.

“Like what?” Takua said with a quizzical look.

“During the past week Turaga Nuju has been sending me away when he writes down new star formations which he had forbid me from looking at.” Matoro said with a glum look.

“But this hasn't stopped you from looking looking for them, hmm.” Takua said with a sly look.

“Takua you know that Turaga Nuju is only trying to keep it safe in the dark times ahead.” Matoro said looking at the ground. “Besides even if I want to know what it is, which I don't, I'm forbidden from looking at them or for them.”

Takua didn't buy the hay Matoro was saying and he had a guess. “Kopeke.”

With a shamed look Matoro nodding and turned his back to the other unicorn. In his mind he had betrayed his leader and mentor, while Matoro never said anything about it he felt like Nuju was preparing him for some thing a much larger role beyond their island. If these new constellations are related to this then what happens next.

Takua started to feel that he must have said some thing that was out of place.

“Matoro, I'm sorry if I said something out of turn.” Takua said walking over to him.

Matoro said nothing but got up and went to lay his bedding out for the night. Takua decide to let it be and went to getting his own bedding down.


Once school had ended the CMC took Artemis on a tour of their town. Aside from this being a friendly gesture it also gave the trio a change to get their cutie marks. Artemis understood why they were so obsessed with getting their cutie marks, but screaming “CUTIE MARK CURSADERS TOUR GIDES” made her want to rethink of agreeing to it. By the time that thought crossed her mind she was already in the CMC's wagon with Scootaloo pulling them along. During the next three hours Artemis was taken to each of the three other fillies' homes. While Sweetie and Applebloom were with their families Scootaloo was living with Rainbow Dash.

This made Artemis wonder wonder what connection Scootaloo had to Rainbow Dash and she voiced her question.

“Scootaloo,” Artemis asked as they had just pulled up to the CMC's clubhouse. “Not to be rude but why are you living with Rainbow Dash? Did something happen to your parents?”

Scootaloo was silence and the other CMC members felt awkward because they didn't talk about it too much. All four didn't say a thing until they were in the clubhouse. Scootaloo was the first to speak.

With a sigh she began, “About three years ago I was out playing in a field near my old home, I was a pegasus born to a family of earth ponies. So I was the odd pony out, which is one of the reasons I haven't been able to fly yet because neither of my parents knew how to fly. It was getting late and I was heading home when I hear the cracking of a fire. At fist I thought it was just my imagination then I came to my house and was shocked to see it was fire. I didn't hear my mom or dad and I felt helpless to do anything. To this day nopony knows who started it, I blame myself for not being able to help them.”

Artemis could see that Scootaloo wanted to cry but she just wear a look that Artemis has only seen one other time, but she could not help but feel sorry that somepony had to deal with that.

“On that day I met Sweetie Belle and we became friends.” Scootaloo said with a grateful glance at Sweetie. “Until we met Applebloom I was living in Sweetie's attic. Once this club house was built I have moved in here until one night Rainbow Dash saw where I lived. It was a stormy night that changed my life for the better.”

It answered Artemis's question, so she did just wanting to have some fun.

Just then a dark storm cloud appeared over the club house, which none of them noticed it, then a crimson thunder bolt struck the ground just outside of the window. In the scorch mark stood Icarax, who at this point said buck the sneaking around and has gone straight for the target, he saw Artemis and went for it.


Pinkie was just about to put the finishing touches on the party that she planned for Artemis, then her pinkie sense went off. With a sigh she jumped over a line and then grabbed a string. When she pulled it the scene in front of her rolled up into a tube and Surgarcubecorner went from being decorated to back to it's normal appearance.

“That's two time Toa, next one is going to happen.” Pinkie said to no one.

With that she put the tube in her room and ran to Twilight's house.


Luna was preparing for the party that the element of laughter had planned to welcome her daughter into the community as one of their own. This made Luna happy, but that was short lived when said element came through Twilight's door.

With a bow Pinkie started to speak, “Warning, warning, danger detected near Artemis at the CMC treehouse!” During this Pinkie was in a robot outfit.

Luna would have normally questioned this but the instinct her and she flew out of the library with a gale of wind that it slammed the front door which caused all of the books to fall to the ground. In that moment it began a series of events that would change two nations fate.


Icarax wore a manic smile as Artemis struggled from the shadow bonds. To her left the CMC were tied to a tree and gagged.

“I must say that was a pitiful attempt to hind from me.” Icarax said as he lowered his head to Artemis and licked her cheek. “The stink of the master is hard to hide and your own sins still goes deep into your magic.” He then walked to the club house and still wore the grin that would make Discord do a double take.

Artemis was still fighting the bonds that held her. She could see her friends holding scared looks that sparked a memory from her past self. Her killing and burning a village and not giving them a passing glance all this was for her and her father to rule, then she remembered one moment that her mother took over and they moved to another place a ghost town were her aunt stood and the battle began. This memory froze her in place. She was once a monster like Icarax and was a slave to her father...no master to call him father would have pride in it which he never deserved. Artemis didn't noticed it but her shadow bonds seemed to bend to her will.

“Well since you all are indispose at the moment I'll have my pleasure before I enjoy your pain.” Icarax as he used his shadows to become flames and moved it towards the club house. “I forgot how much I love setting things on fire the last time was with those two about three years ago nothing like the screams of victims to warm my heart.”

Scootaloo's eyes flared with anger, this was the one that caused her to loss her family and all she could do is screamed that was muffled by the shadow gag. She began to try and tear her bonds and attack Icarax.

Just as the flame was about to hit the club house a heavy wind came in and knocked Icarax to the ground, with him no longer concentration on the flame it died. Icarax wore an angry look as his eyes laid on Luna, whose eyes were pure white and angry.

“DEMON YOU DARE TO COME NEAR OUR DAUGHTER AGAING!” Luna said in her royal canterlot voice.

“Please you are not even a match for me.” Icarax said nonchalantly.

Luna didn't reply she just shot lighting from the dark clouds above at Icarax. He yawned and a wall of shadow blocked the lighting. He countered it with a wipe of shadow headed with for the moon princess. Luna flew up and the shadow followed her, much to her horror. As she was trying to dodge the shadow, Artemis noticed that her bonds were loose and noticed that the inky black arches seem to bend to her will. With a test, she was able to make them move away from her. This knowledge gave her an idea, She used the shadows in her control and used them to act as a shield for her mother. Right before the shadows hit Luna the shadows controlled by Artemis blocked them. Both Luna and Icarax were surprised that another set of shadows.

“So it seems you still hold a piece of your father still in you.” Icarax said with and annoyed tone. “Let's see if I can't rip it out of you.”

“Leave her alone demon your fight is with me.” Luna said flying top speed at Icarax and rammed into him.

Icarax felt his wing snap as the two rolled, but he just smiled and his mask of scavenging and his bones began to heal while three screams sang to him. Luna nor Artemis knew what he was doing but they had to stop him. Luna landed and focus a teleporting spell on Icarax and sent him to the frozen north. With that threat done for now Artemis and Luna went to check on the CMC.

“Young ones, are you alright?” Luna asked as she cast a detection spell on the three.

“Aside from the pain in my back I'm good.” Sweetie Belle said laying on her belly.

“Mah head is a hurting from that.” Applebloom said rubbing her head.

“Did either of you hear that noise?” Scootaloo asked as she had to bite her upper lip holding her anger in. The other CMC members nodded their heads.

At that moment Twilight and her friends came running to see what was going on and what all the lighting was about. Luna was about to tell what happen when Celestia appear with a look like a mother who found her lost child.


Icarax was impressed, “Maybe she wasn't so weak after all.”