• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,352 Views, 213 Comments

My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic - Toa Coy

On the Island of mane nui, six heroes shall raise to face a long evil long forgotten.

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As the Sun Rises the Shadow Falls


Well, last chapter we met one of the evil groups in this story, yes that was just one. We still got the Dark Hunters to go, then the Piraka, the Barraki, and the rouge Bionicle villain.

~Toa Coy~

Chapter 8: As the sun rises the shadow falls

Luna didn't sleep last night, like so many nights before. She may be the princess of the night but even she needs to sleep; even if it was spending time in the dream world, it was still sleep. She was staring at the moon, her moon, her once prison was now her servant once again. Dawn was coming and time marched on, and Luna's mind was thinking several things at once; Who were the demons that dared to take my Artemis, is my daughter alright, did her mother think of this all those years ago, has sister calmed down since two days ago? She took her gaze off of the moon and looked at her child, who was sleeping softly and looked happy. While Artemis was just three days old, she had already made Luna feel like mother and it brought questions to Luna's mind that any mother would have, but that moment was cut short by a knock on her bedroom door.

"Give me a moment." Luna said loud enough for the knocker to hear but quiet enough not to wake Artemis.

When Luna got to the door, it opened to reveal Celestia standing there with both a relieved and ticked off look. Luna was going to ask what the matter was when Celestia levitated a newspaper in front of her.

The title of the paper was "The Canterlot Times" and on the front page was Luna with her wing wrapped around Artemis who was snuggled up right next to her. There was a caption in the bottom right corner of paper. It read. "After the Day Court adjourned, one of our reports noticed Princess Luna was walking with a young filly that made this writer do a double take. Who is this filly and why does she look like Princess Luna? turn to page 1A to get the full story."

Luna was flabbergasted and a little mad at herself for lack of foresight. She wanted to reveal Artemis to all of Equestria on her own time. Now it was more of a political thing rather than a personal matter. This also meant that Artemis would have to either stay in the castle or change her look to go out in public, and so would Luna when she went with her, but first she had to ask:

"How bad is it?"

"Not too bad yet. Some think she is just an orphan that you found while out on your nightly patrols others think you have a coltfriend in the castle." Celestia said with a frown on her face and looked at the sleeping form of her niece. "I still think she should be locked away because I'm still not keen on her out and about as is, but she is your responsibility so it is your call."

Luna was having another moment of motherhood that made her think of her daughter and what might happen to her. It was a no question situation.

"Sister, I'm going to need some bits."


Takua was sleeping soundly happy to just be in his own bed. Every thing in Ta-Koro was quiet and calm, but as the old saying goes 'everything isn't always what it seems'.

Turaga Vakama awoke early that morning. The sun had yet to even given a hint of rising. Now was the time that would be ideal for the meeting with his fellow turaga. Looking out of his window, he made sure that none of the Ta-ponies were about. Other than a few guards, nopony was there. Vakama sighed and focused on his magic. Much like his fire, it had grown weak over the years but he was still strong enough to do a few teleporting spells. A red glow covered him and in a flash of light he was in a Ga-Koro hut. In front of him was Nokama. She too checked for any movement from her village. With a nod from her, Vakama bathed the hut in the red glow of his magic. Once the light subsided they were in a temple-like area in the middle of a forest. The place was Kini-Nui the meeting place of the Turaga and a place filled with secrets. The earth pony and unicorn walked to the center of the circular temple with six pillars aligned with the turaga's villages. As the two climbed the stairs, they saw Whenua, Onewa, and Nuju approaching as well. When the five ponies made it to the center of the temple, they scanned the sky for the last pony for the meeting to start. Sure enough, the former test pilot came flying in with ease from all of the other times he had done it. The lime green pegasus stallion with a dark forest green mane came hovering in with an air of arrogance around him.

"Good night-day Fire-sprite, Ice-bat, Stone carver, Earth-digger, and Water-lady." The stallion said with a big grin on his face.

"Matau, charming as always." Nokama said with a sigh.

"Thank you sister. Now," Matau said, changing to a serious tone. "Has anypony else heard 'them' besides Vakama and me?"

The other four nodded with grim looks on their faces. Each of one seem to dread this thought, but seemed to be in an argument.

"They know something is coming, and we all know who it is." Vakama said, drawing the others’ attention. "Also, Takua had been having strange dreams a month before any of this happened. Maybe he is the key to this."

"I agree, brother, earlier today I was attacked by a rahi that I never seen before and Takua was able to beat it." Whenua said recalling yesterday's events.

"Not to mention the advanced magic that only a Toa or Turaga could pull off." Onewa add.

"Our young friend might be more than he seems." Nuju said breaking his long time use of the languages of fliers. "This also means that the hour of darkness is drawing near. The stars have changed my brothers and sister."

The other five elders gaps at this and were about to start bombarding the Ko-pony with questions when he continued.

"There are others that are coming, some follow him while some represent six elements that I have never heard of, one that made me send Matoro away and wrote them down. They were in hexagon shape with the points a part of six other constellations." Nuju then levitated the paper to the center of the circle.

The paper showed six shapes that seemed to be out of place; a balloon, a butterfly, an apple, a gem stone, a cloud with a lighting bolt, and a six pointed star. None of the Turaga knew what to say seeing this but the sun gave them little time to discuss this matter and so they departed and waited for another night.


Twilight woke up just as the first rays of the sun came through her window. With a yawn and a stretch, Twilight got out of bed and began to get the library ready for another day of business. She still wanted to read into the older tales, but she had been lacking in her studies and not to mention the returns and checkout, she couldn't remember when she checked them last time. Just then a flash of light blinded Twilight for a moment, when the light cleared Luna and Artemis stood in front of her.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you again Princess," Twilight said with a bow then going into an annoyed tone. "But why you are here and please tell me that it is not to watch Artemis because I'm behind on my studies and paper work for the library."

Twilight thought it was rude to say that to a princess but she was needing a break from this action and drama. Luna for her part could not blame Twilight for saying that, Twilight was the only one of the elements of harmony she went to for help and it was a good call, but she also added more pressure onto Twilight then she would normally handle.

"Twilight Sparkle I understand you are dealing with your life and I take no offense to it." Luna said. "Besides I'm here to follow up on my promise to younger siblings to the elements of honesty, generosity, and loyalty. I believe my daughter could benefit from both the educational and social school provide."

Twilight was confused on why Luna thought Scootaloo was related to Rainbow Dash, but that was besides the point. "Princess how are you planing to get Artemis into school and why here?"

"Well since most of Caterlot know about her I might have to use a disguise spell to let her have a normal time there, but in there lays another problem." Luna said thinking on how to execute this in a way that would keep Artemis happy and her safe but make so that she didn't have a target on her back.

Twilight was shocked that most of Canterlot would know about Artemis when she was only three days old.

Just then Pinkie popped out of the unlit fireplace with her grin as big as always. "Morning everypony."

Both mother and daughter wanted to ask how and why Pinkie came through the chimney instead of the front door, but Pinkie marched up to Luna with a look that was hurt and sad.

"Because of that big meanie of a stone I couldn't throw my welcome to Ponyville party, so can I throw it today? Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I..."

With Pinkie bouncing around the room saying "Can I", Twilight just sighed and pulled out a book out from one of the many shelves in the main part of the library. It was a gray book with a mask on it, the title read "Masks and Transformations: Advance spells and craft projects for Nightmare Night". Twilight showed it to the princess.

"Here is a spell that will allow you and Artemis to change how you look to others while also being your self." Twilight said turning to the page with a pony looking in a mirror and there was another pony looking back at them.

Luna was perplexed by this spell, it seemed simple yet hard to do, the wording for this also made it tricky it could only show who you were to family or to your enemies. The more she read it the more the wording came to her and the spell seemed more passable. But before she could focus on the spell she had one thing to take care of first.

"Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I..." Pinkie was still hopping around.

"Pinkamina Diana Pie you may but later today." Luna said which made Pinkie stop and hug both Luna and Artemis.

"Oh thank you," Pinkie said with the two in a death hug then her ear twitched, her tail went straight, and her left back leg shook. "uh-oh the twins are awake. To the chimney mobile!" with that she changed into a chimney swipe’s outfit and some how got a broom. As soon as she entered the chimney there was a tone in the air, think the 1960's batman theme song, and then Pinkie shot up the chimney.

Luna and Artemis were wondering what just happen. Twilight just shrugged and walked back to her room to get Spike up.


Takua woke up just after the sun rose over horizon. He just had the best night's sleep in a long time, no dreams and nothing to make him sit up in his bed. The lava pool around the village was still giving the red glow that lit it at night, in a way this made those with midnight strolls easy to take. Takua got up and looked at his home, it was a one room hut on the ground floor of the village with a window facing the village center.

"It is nice to be home, even if I get restless it is still nice to have a place to hang my pack." Takua said to himself as he looked around the room. "I guess this is going to be another few days until I see this place again." With a sigh he began his trek to the cable car to Ko-Wahi and from there to the Village.


Luna and Artemis were walking to the Ponyville school, while they were getting looks it was not because of them being alicorns. What everypony was seeing was a light blue unicorn mare with a teal mane and a pegasus filly with the mane and coat colors reversed walking to the school..

"Mother are you sure nopony will be able to tell that this is a spell." Artemis whispered.

"Fear not my child only friends and family will see us as the alicorns that we are." Luna replied nudging her child lovingly,

"Alright mom." Artemis said nudging her back.

Just as the two had made it to the building, the CMC came up on the scooter and wagon they are seen with. Luna and Artemis held there breath as the three fillies came up to them.

"Hi Artemis, Princess." Sweetie Belle said as Scootaloo slowed down.

"Mother the spell works." Artemis said jumping with joy.

"What do ya mean, Art?" Applebloom asked with a confused look.

"Hey there ya blank flanks!" A voice called out, much to the CMC displeasure and the confusion of Artemis.

From the right, two fillies came walking up to the group; it was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

The two fillies had a smug look on their faces as the two got closer to the group.

“You still don't have your cutie marks, what a shocker.” Diamond Tiara said with mock concern.

The CMC just rolled their eyes to the bully and turned to their friend. Who was confused by what the other filly said.

“What's her deal with you guys?” Artemis said in a whisper to her three friends.

“She just picks on us because we don't have our cutie marks while she does. Also we got her removed from head of the school paper to printer.” Scootaloo replied looking over at Diamond Tiara with a hateful glance.

“It doesn't matter why she treats us the way she does as all we're together we can weather any storm.” Applebloom said shooting Scootaloo a cautionary look.

“Ya three of us might be trying for our cutie marks, but we also have other friends that we hang out with at times. We just spend a lot of time with each other.” Sweetie Belle added.

Luna was surprise to see this maturity in fillies their age, but it did add pride to know they would have her daughter's back in a pinch.

“Thank you girls, but now we must see the teacher before school begins.” Luna said motioning for Artemis to follow.


Takua was hoof deep in snow and only half way to the village. He thanked Mata Nui that the Ta-ponies that were stationed here had insulated coats and boots in stock. To make matters worst it was snowing heavily sideways and was almost blinding. If it weren't for the flags he would be lost.

“Why must it be snowing when I come here?” Takua thought to himself.

It was another hour until he came to the gate of the Ko-koro. He was so relieved to have made it, then two ponies appeared from under two piles of snow. Both were white coated and gray maned with only the mask on their flanks to tell them apart, one had a noble huna while the other had great kakama.

“Halt.” one of them said as they crossed the ice pick-axes. “State your name and business.”

“Takua from Ta-Koro, I'm here to see Turaga Nuju.” Takua said trying to warm himself.

The picks uncrossed.

“You may pass.” the other one said as they returned to their static state.

Takua wanted to thank the Ko-pony but the cold made him shut his mouth and ran to the large building in the center of the village, also known as the sanctum. He went straight for the tall graying white stallion with a white colt with a dark icy blue mane and dark icy blue akaku on his flank. Nuju turned to the Ko-pony with a nod and the two faced the Ta-pony.

“Greetings Takua.” The colt said with a bow. “I see you picked the worst time of the season to come to the mountain, just like last year.”

“I'm starting to regret not going to Le-Koro, at least it is warm there, Matoro.” Takua said shivering a little.

The two younger ponies laughed at the joke. Matoro stopped when Nuju began to do clicks and whistles. Takua still could not understand the turaga's way of talking, even after spending a month in Ko-koro. Matoro nodded every so often, then he looked at Takua.

“Nuju said that the Toa stone that you seek is in the drifts and that I am to accompany you to it.” Matoro said getting a nod from the turaga.

With that Matoro walked off with Takua following him.


“Miss Diana I just need you to sign this so Artemis can begin as soon as possible.” Cheerilee said to “Diana”.

Luna felt bad that she was lying to the teacher about who she was but by now somepony probably though she had foalknapped Artemis and turned her in to another Luna or Nightmare Moon. Someponies still thought she was a monster and with Artemis being a reformed Nightmare Moon/ her daughter she was a target, but Artemis needed a chance to live her life as she wished and not as a monster. Using her magic she sign the paper.

Cheerilee smiled, took the paper and put it in her desk door.

“Thank you,” the teacher said to “Diana” then turned to Artemis. “Dear can you please wait outside the classroom when we get there?”

Artemis nodded and then turned to her mother and hugged her. Luna hugged her daughter back and wished her good luck.


The six large stones that had been trekking through Equestria, as well as causing property damage, had made it to the west coast. Slowly they began to move towards the water, then once in the water they began to float.


Mata Nui sat in his throne in his self made prison, in the dream world he was not a live nor was he dead. Only his window was the mirror that showed the waking world that showed him the six canisters floating to the island.

“The Toa are coming and that means that you are here...Brother.” Mata Nui said looking to the darkest part of the room.

The shadows grew darker and multiple crimson eyes shown in it. Mata Nui did a double take and was shocked at the eyes.

“No this is wrong how can this be!” Mata Nui said as the laughter that haunted the dreams of Mata Nui even if this is waking dreams.