• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 11,848 Views, 419 Comments

Starting Over - Twilight Nightmare

After feeling unwanted and abandoned during the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight leaves to try and make a new start for her only to fall prey to a gang. Now Twilight tries to rebuild a life with no memories of her past until circumstances guide her home.

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Rose closed her eyes, a litter scared seeing the young pegasus run at her. She wasn't sure what was going to happen, but she wasn't expecting to be tackled in a tight hug as the filly cried against her.

"We were so worried about you! Wh-where have you been?" Scootaloo sobbed as Rose slowly hugged her back, nuzzling her gently. "Why haven't you told any pony who you are?"

"Because I don't want them knowing I'm here. I really want to have the best teach my daughter...but...I kind of want to see what my family is like...what the others are like." Rose said softly as Scootaloo pulled back a little looking up in her eyes.

"What do you mean what they're like? Shouldn't you knwo what they're like? They're your family and friends." Scootaloo asked, cocking her head a little in confusion as she stared up in Rose's face.

"Please...don't stare at me like that." Rose sighed as she turned her head away in shame. She hated when some pony actually got a good look at her without her hood or cloak.

"Huh?" Scootaloo asked, her confusion only growing. "Like what?"

"Please stop staring at my scars." Rose sighed, looking up to see Scootaloo looking in confusion, but no revulsion could be seen in the filly's eyes. "I...I don't like people staring at me like I'm frankenpony's monster."

"What they hay are you talking about?" Scootaloo asked as she nuzzled Rose, "I don't even see any scars."

"Here, here and here." Rose said pointing out to her what was her three worse scars on her face, Scootaloo squinting her eyes trying to make out what the unicorn was pointing at. "Don't tell me you don't see them, I scare little ponies when they see me."

"When was the last time a little pony seen you?" Scootaloo asked staring at what she figured was a scar long healed and if it wasn't pointed out the filly never would have seen it.

"It's been years...right after...my accident." Rose said softly not wanting to think about how she got the scars.

"Well, you can hardly see them now Twilight. Maybe some stuck up filly may have been scared if they saw you when you first got hurt...but you look like the same pretty Twilight Sparkle I knew." Scootaloo said giving Rose a bright smile making the mare blush in embarrasment. Sure Trixie and Summer both told Twilight she was beautiful, but they were family and had to...didn't they?

"I better get started, this is going to take some time. I have to use my magic to trace and charge the rune we need to do this." Rose said as she moved away from Scootaloo where there was a large enough clearing. The rune itself was a little big, but it was all the glyphs inside the rune that would take time to do this. If she messed up a rune, this spell simply would not work other than giving off a nice light show. Still, it took a lot of patience and effort to create and she didn't want to waste that my messing up because she was in a hurry...though in all honesty the sooner she got done the happier she would be. "If you see any pony coming, please make sure to give me plenty of warning."

"Twilight...why won't you let them know...they miss you so much." Scootaloo asked as she plit her attention between doing as she was asked and watching the unicorn channel magic into her horn making a glowing spark of magic at the tip where she bent her head down and started scorching unfamiliar markings into the ground.

"Because I don't trust them...I have...reports from ponies who were at the royal wedding disaster. They say how bad those...so called friends and family treated me." Rose sighed as she continued her work. She was trying not to get angry at this filly, she was just curious and Rose could tell the pegasus was only trying to help.

"Why do you need reports though? Don't you know what happened?" Scootaloo asked softly, her eyes growing wide as she figured something out. "You don't remember, do you?"

"No...I don't remember anything before my...accident..." Rose sighed.

"Wait...what about Trixie then? How is she your sister when...wait, is she manipulating you?" Scootaloo asked, lowering her head with a whimper at the angry look Rose shot her after whipping her head around to glare at the younger pony.

"Please...don't ever talk bad about my sister. She IS my sister, I checked the spell she first used to check and tried it myself. We ARE related by blood and she has been there for me when every pony else would have just abandoned me. Her and my daughter are my world and I'll do anything in my power to protect them." Rose said, her voice angry at first but calming down though the steel aspect was still in her voice speaking for her determination on the matter. Heaving a heavy sigh Rose went back to tracing the large rune before asking, "Please...tell me about my so called...friends and family."

"Well...they won't really tell us what exactly hapened, but I know it was bad. It had to be the way they acted when they first came back to Ponyville. They all hated themselves for awhile, even hated each other I think...but they forgave each other after some times...but I don't think they ever forgave themselves. Fluttershy was the worse, she tried to kill herself saying she didn't deserve to live for being so unkind to her best friends." Scootaloo explained slowly, wiping a tear away as she remembered the painful time. "If your parents didn't come to town to get away from the stuck up royalty of Canterlot...I don't know what would have happened to Fluttershy. Night Light is the only real counselor in town."

"He mentioned that he would be happy to talk about my problems." Rose said as she stod back and studied her work, satisfied with it so far. She started on the next step of the rune, the filter glyphs that would channel her unicorn magic and essentially make it seem like pegasus magic to Scootaloo's body.

"Well, he could help if you gave him a chance. He really helped not only Fluttershy, but the other girls. Every pony is different...but in a better way than before the wedding disaster." Scootaloo explained, "Rarity doesn't thrive to be recognized as much as she once did and puts ponies before herself. She uses the botique to supplement the grants for her oprphanage. Fluttershy is less scared, though still very shy and is together with Rainbow. Rainbow is less boastful, though I don't think she will ever be totally humble but she is a lot more responsible. Applejack was a bit of a mess for awhile refusing to lie...even little lies to spare someone. She has learned to balance the truth with sparing other pony's feelings though she almost lost every pony's respect doing so. And finally there's Pinkie Pie...she...was almost as bad as Fluttershy for awhile, but she went back to normal...but you can tell that there is something missing in her sualy antics. Every time she throws a party you can see her looking for some pony and always sets an extra setting."

"That's nice..." Rose sighed, unsure if she should care about that or not. They did sound like they were good ponies...didn't they? So what was keeping her from actually seeing her for her? Did she truly want to bury Twilight Sparkle for good and ignore her past life here? "What about my family?"

"Your mom...misses you a lot. She seems fine, but some nights you can see her sitting on the balcony of the library staring up at the sky crying. Your dad...he's sick...not like he was and I don't think his sickness has to do with the cancer. He gets so tired sometimes and seems...distant. Other times he seems better and he always helps any pony who needs it." Scootaloo said rubbing her hooves together nervously. She wasn't sure if she should be telling Twilight...Rose all of this as they were personal things to do with all of the ponies in town. At the same time, the unicorn deserved to know and if she did maybe she would forgive them. "Your brother...he lives in the Crystal Empire with Princess Cadence, but she refuses to marry him until you come home. She said as long as you weren't by her side for the wedding there won't be a wedding."

"Really?" Rose asked, a little hurt that she caused so much trouble for some pony...yet it felt nice that Princess cadence apparently cared so much to do something like that. "Eitehr way, the rune is ready...are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I have to do this." Scootaloo said excitedly, as she trotted over to the unicorn who beconed her over.

"Then stand here and don't move. The lines will grow very bright so close your eyes if you want, but if you want this to be successful you must not move, no matter how much it hurts." Rose said, questioning if this was the best idea. She had come too far now though and couldn't turn back.

"Thank you for doing this for me." Scootall said, hanging her head a little. Rose nuzzled her reassuringly before moving outside the rune and making sure everything was intact and ready to go.

"Please don't think me, this is the right thing to do...plus you shouldn't think be because of the pain this will likely cause you." Rose sighed as she lowered her head down, her horn touching the ignition glitch where she would feed her magic through and from there it would direct the magic through the filter glyphs throughout the run and finally to the infusion gyphs that would direct the energy into the filly basically flooding her system with what it would see as pegasus magic. From there the over charges of pegasus magic would overload the otehr type of magic in her body and get the magic flowing corectly for a pegasus. If this went according to plan it would basically 'teach' Scootaloo's magic the correct way to flow within her body and force open any blockages in the pegasus's mana lines.

"I don't care how much it hurts, just please do it." Scootaloo cried out bouncing from hoof to hoof in anxiousness.

"You asked for it." Rose sighed as she channeled her magic into the rune, after a few moments feeling it drawing magic from her on her own locking her in place as the rune started glowing brightly. Rose's eyes started growing white, her hair whipping back and forth as if in a wind storm that wasn't there.

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Scootaoo screamed in pain as light shot up around her, her eyes glowing white as well, light also shinning from her open mouth as she floated upwards. Streams of magic swirled around her, piercing through her body though leaving no physical evidence. As she thrashed from the strong surge of magic, a white streak washed through ehr mane and tell as her entire body began to glow.

"AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Rose screamed, her own pain mirroring the pegasus's. Though she didn't float, a white streak joined her other streak in her tail and mane as she found the spell taking on a life of it's own which didn't make sense. She did everything right and even if she messed something up, it shouldn't be doing this! Was it because Scootaloo was so old already? Was the spell demanding more magic than she anticipated because of that?


"So where is your sister this morning?" Velvet asked as she sat at the counter with Trixie, the two waiting for Rarity to show up and in Trixie's case, for Rose to get home. She didn't like the fact that Rose planned using a rune in Ponyville as it could raise a lot of questions. At the same time, she agreed that it kind of needed done to help the poor filly if she was having so much trouble.

"She's off doing an errand, but should be back soon." Trixie said, using her magic to pour te two mares a cup of tea from the set she had sitting waiting for Rarity to come. "I'm waiting for Rarity, she's going to be showing us what we need to do here."

"I know, I want to speak with her for a few minutes when she gets here. I was also hoping for a chance to talk with you alone." Velvet said shuffling nervously, her saddlebags sitting on the ground next to her. "I wanted to ask you about your family."

"Why would you want to know about my family?" Trixie asked cautiously, getting a little defensive after remembering what Rose had said this mare had acused her of.

"Well, I was kind of wondering...are Rose and you...blood related?" Velvet asked making Trixie panic a little, she wasn't ready for this? Did Velvet figure out who they were? Of course Trixie kind of wanted to get to know her family, but wanted to do it slowly and test the waters to see if they would accept Rose and Summer...and herself. Of course a part of her was scared, worried about being betrayed just like she was by Nomad and Dancer...Yet, now that she was here...she couldn't help wanting to get to know them at least...

"Well, yeah, we're sisters. What, do you want a blood test or something?" Trixie snorted, though inside she was panicking.

"NO...no...nothing like that...my husband thinks I should give this time as he doesn't want either of us to get our hopes up after so many promising leads fell flat." Velvet explained, "At first, I was to blinded by the anger of what...what the conclussion I forst jumped to. If not for this...I would wonder if maybe...you were one of my daughters."

"What do you mean?" Trixie asked, taking the paperwork tha Rose filled out for a library account.On the name was written Midnight Rose...she had trouble hiding the shaking in her hoof as she passed the paperwork back.

"You share the same colors of one of my daughters, she was foalnapped not long after she was born. I met so many ponies though with similar color schemes and...and I had my heart broken so many times when it turned out they weren't my daughter." Velvet explained, "But your name...it isn't even close to my daughter's name...yet...your sister...your sister is Midnight Rose, my daughter is Midnight Sparkle...I...I was hoping that since you are...I'm not trying to offend you or accuse you or anything...but are you from a gypsy family?"

"Yes...no...it's a long story." Trixie sighed, before what Velvet said started sinking in. Velvet thought...she thought Rose was her because of the name...Rose was using Trixie's own birth name! She tried not to, it wasn't really funny, but the irony...

"Do you think it's funny that I miss my daughters so much?" Velvet cried, slamming her hooves down on the table as Trixie waved her off.

"N-No! It's just...so ironic..." Trixie managed between the gales of laughter, tears falling as she looked at her mother and wanted so much to tell her how ironic the situation was. The two didn't get a chance though as the store was rocked, the windows rattling though thankfully not shattering from a powerful shockwave of magic washing over the botique.

"What was that!" Velvet gasped though Trixie was already rushing to the door.


High up in the mountains a small purple and green dragon was sitting on the edge of a cliff looking out at the dropoff that went straight down several miles. He gasped when he saw a light shooting into the sky miles away from the direction of ponyville. He could feel something very familiar about the power signature radiating off it. He couldn't be sure, it felt off too much to be hers...but he had to check it out himself.

Getting up he jumped off the cliff, angling his head down before taking a deep breath and breathing out a ring of green flame taking on the shape of a magic circle. As he passed through the circle his body enlarged and lengthened, where once he was a small pudgy green dragon was now a long, sleek dragon with large wings from his back that caught a thermal updraft that he used to gain altitude before a shadow came over him.

"Going somewhere Spikey~Wikey!" A familiar voice giggled in a sing song tone of voice.

"I asked you not to call me that!" Spike huffed as a large pinkish red dragon with fur joined him as they flew toward Ponyville.

"Ahhh, but your so cute when flustered!" Ruby called as she stuck her tongue out at her mate.

"Well stop it, we're going to Ponyville. I have to check something out." Spike growled out.

"You think it's your mom?" Ruby asked softly, knowing when to stop her teasing and this was one of those times.

"Maybe...it felt off, but at the same time I could almost taste her magic." Spike said lowly, unsure of what exactly he felt. Nall had taught him so many thing from how to control his form, his obssession and greed. He also taught the young dragon how to sense magic and how to devour it to use as his own making him immune to most offensive magical attacks that he was prepared for...though he was highly suspectible to magicly enhanced weapons. It seemed kind of unfair, but cool at the same time.

"Well then, I'm coming with you." Ruby said picking up speed.

"Thanks." Spike said as he matched her increase of speed.


"Sister, did you feel that!" Luna gasped as she ran into the audience hall as nobles was filing out thanks to the guards escorting them away from the frazzled looking Celestia.

"Of course I did, every magic sensitive in Equestria probably felt it. Where did it come from?" Celestia asked, a little scared. She didn't want her sister to face another threat so soon after Tirek. Even if they were facing him together along with so many others, they had almost lost and Luna had almost died during the battle. If it wasn't for Discord...

Who knew the embodiment of chaos could actually be reformed like he had just because he fell into a trap of his own making. He didn't want to lose the friends he had made when spying on the bearers of the elements of harmony. And he surely didn't want to lose the pony that he had come to actually love in Pinkie Pie, though Celestia was sure he had feelings for Fluttershy beyond that of friends. If Fluttershy wasn't with Rainbow Dash, she was sure the pegasus would have ended up with Discord.

"I do not know sister, I was sleeping when I was woken from such power. I teleported outside of the room and rushed in here. It didn't last long enough to trace it, but I'm having my guards look into it." Luna gasped out.

"Let us hope it isn't a threat sister, Equestria is still hurting from the last one." Celestia sighed, though she couldn't help feeling that the wave of magic felt almost familiar.


"Shiny, get packed, we're going to Canterlot." Cadence cried out rushing into their bedroom. They had gotten back together and ruled over the Crystal Empire after with Luna's help they barely managed to not only defeat Sombra this time, but actually kill him when they found the crystal heart and charged it with Cadence's own love magic. The power from it not only drove the old king away, but wiped out his very essence.

"Why, what happened?" Shinning asked, looking at the mare he loved so very much. He couldn't help wishing yet again that they were officially married, but Cadence had kept her promise and he didn't blame her as he really wanted Twilight by their side when they finally married.

"I felt a very powerful surge of magic come from that direction. I'm not sure what it is, but I have a few ideas. We need to report in with my aunts and see what they know about it." Cadence said as she used her magic to yank her own saddlebags out and start filling it.

Author's Note:

I really need help with a decision about the future of this story. Should the overload of magic make both Scootaloo and Twilight/Rose alicorns, or just knock them out or make them weakened from the rush of power?

I'll finally be back on my computer come Monday, but sadly that means once again this chapter is NOT spell or grammar checked yet until I get back on said computer.

Thank you so much to every pony who favorited, upvoted and/or commented on my story.

I thought maybe I would tell every pony about some of the major changes that had appeared in this story and if any pony would like to use any of the changes feel free too. Some of the changes were made due to friends while others were made on the spur of the moment as I ended up not liking how something would turn out once I got to it.

`One of the biggest first changes made to the story is the addition of Trixie being Twilight's sister and Nomad being the jerk that he is. Originally Nomad was going to be a kind stallion who was old and needed help running his used book store and took pity on Twilight. One path that could have taken was he was actually a descendant of Starswirl the Bearded and had a lot of his original works and study notes that had been passed down in his family. He could have taught Twilight to become even more powerful and maybe even provide the means for Twilight to become an alicorn if I decided to make her one.

~Twilight had one of 2 paths that would make her need the cloak. The first was that she would not have healed up so well and the scars would have been very bad. The second, she would use the cloak to hide her status as an alicorn.

~Twilight was always going to have a baby, but she would have been found out earlier if she didn't return to Ponyville. Cadence would have been the one who found her as well as discover how corrupted the Lord of Fillydelphia was. She would have seen how the doctors at the hospital was treated by the Lord's wife using the hospital to only care for ponies of status who can pay a lot while turning or forcing less fortunate ponies (such as Twilight) out on the streets. Cadence would have also learned that the Lord controlled all the media outlets and limited exposure to outside influences as much as possible.

~Spike was going to show up along with Ruby, Shining Armor and a few guards in time to stop corrupt guards and the Lord from killing Twilight and either killing or locking Cadence away where no one would find her.