• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 11,851 Views, 419 Comments

Starting Over - Twilight Nightmare

After feeling unwanted and abandoned during the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight leaves to try and make a new start for her only to fall prey to a gang. Now Twilight tries to rebuild a life with no memories of her past until circumstances guide her home.

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Sister's Arrive

“Twilight?” Princess Celestia asked softly as she pushed into the room to find the purple unicorn lying on a bed with a young filly pegasus. She was shocked when she arrived in Ponyville to hear the excited chatter of the populace rejoicing that Twilight had come home to them. It was easy enough to piece together what had happened after speaking with a few ponies which had the princess both excited and worried. Apparently the poor unicorn had amnesia and was using strange spells which helped not only a young filly who couldn’t fly, but defend herself when Rainbow Dash had attacked her. Well, some ponies claimed Rainbow Dash attacked her believing that she was a changeling since the flier was this village’s Sentinel while others thought it was just an argument that got too heated.

Then there were the other rumors…rumors that it wasn’t Rainbow Dash who Twilight had attacked. Rather it was Princess Cadence…apparently Twilight had freaked out upon seeing her. It didn’t make sense, Twilight loved Cadence deeply and even with amnesia she just couldn’t see it happening. Yet she used what Celestia believed to have been the blood magic that they sensed to mount the attack. She was praying that it was just a spell Twilight learned for protection and she wasn’t about to go out and slaughter a whole village just to gain some power.

Who was she kidding, this was Twilight. Even with amnesia Celestia doubted that the unicorn would turn dark like that. Sure she would be excited about learning some new spells, but Celestia would make sure that the unicorn stopped using the blood magic. It was just as dangerous for the unicorn as it was for those around her.

She was a little annoyed though when the nurse tried to tell her that she couldn’t go in and see Twilight, but in the end relented seeing who Celestia was. No pony was around though except the two sleeping on the bed. She couldn’t help smiling at how cute the pair was while wondering just who the little pegasus filly was.

“H-Hello.” The filly squeaked out as she looked up to see Celestia, her eyes going wide upon seeing the white alicorn. “Get away from my mommy!”

Celestia was taken aback by the exclamation from the little filly that jumped to her hooves defensively between Twilight and Celestia, her wings spreading out.. While she was floored by the claim that the still sleeping unicorn was the filly’s mother, she wasn’t too shocked by the reaction of a strange pony waking the pegasus.

“I’m not going to hurt anyone, I am Princess Celestia. I’m…an old friend of your mother’s.” Celestia said, waking the unicorn up who reached up and pulled the filly back down next to her.

“Its okay, Summer. She may be a big meanie…but I don’t think she would hurt us.” Twilight whispered, soothing the filly while once again shocking Celestia.

“I…heard you have amnesia.” Celestia said slowly, trying to decide what to say to the unicorn she had spent so long searching for. She missed Twilight so much and regretted her actions which had helped drive the poor mare away. She had beaten herself up every day thinking back to that day and how she treated the mare who she thought of as a daughter. The stress from the wedding and possible invasion had her stressed out to the fullest and she messed up because of it. The wedding should never have even been a priority at the time, but who she believed to be Cadence had insisted on it and she relented. If she wasn’t so preoccupied over the invasion she would never have let the changeling fool her like it did.

“I…had amnesia.” Twilight said, her eyes narrowing up at Celestia making the alicorn. Did she mean she remembered everything?

“Twilight…” Celestia got out before being interrupted.

“Don’t even start with me! I don’t want to hear anymore of your lies. I’m through with it, I have a life with my sister and daughter and I want nothing more to do with any of you so called nobles!” Twilight snapped out, tears filling her eyes. She was angry at Celestia, but she had to admit that she had nothing against Luna or Cadence…oh Faust! What had she done? Had she really attacked Cadence???

“Tw-Twilight!” Celestia gasped in surprise. Hanging her head, she took a deep breath coming to a decision. She just wanted to say her piece to the unicorn, and if she didn’t want anything to do with her afterwards…then Celestia would leave her be. Of course she would keep tabs on the unicorn and help her out any way she could from the shadows. “Just…please let me say something. If…if you still don’t want anything to do with me then I will leave you be.”

“Okay…I’ll listen.” Twilight said taking comfort from her daughter’s warmth next to her.

“Thank you. Twilight, what happened at the wedding should never have happened. I was highly stressed from the invasion and when who I believed to be Cadence came to me saying she changed her mind and didn’t want to wait for the wedding, I was foolish enough to relent to her. Between frantically running back and forth doing what I could to prepare for the wedding, taking care of my normal duties and the stress of dealing with the invasion…things just became too much. I was going to snap from something…I just wish it wasn’t at you. I…I love you Twilight. I spent years with you, raising you the best that I could and always thought of you as a daughter. I messed up Twilight…I can try and reason it away all I want…but I messed up. I love you and I’ll do anything if it would fix things. I’d give up my crown and move here to Ponyville if you wanted.” Celestia said, watching the expression on Twilight’s face as the unicorn snuggled with her daughter.

“I don’t want you giving up your crown.” Twilight said as Celestia’s tears started and slowly turned to leave. “I do want you to promise me something though. If you ever take another student, I don’t want you keeping them away from their parents so much.”

“I promise.” Celestia sobbed out as she spun back around, “Does that mean?”

“Come here.” Twilight said sitting up and opening her hooves waiting for a hug that Celestia quickly accepted.

“Momma, what’s going on?” Summer asked as the two pulled back.

“This is Princess Celestia…she was like a mother to me growing up.” Twilight explained slowly.

“So I have another grandma?” Summer asked excited, though she still glared a little at Celestia as her wings twitched. “But didn’t you hurt momma?”

“It…was a misunderstanding honey.” Twilight said hugging Summer to her.

“If you’re sure…but if you hurt momma again I won’t forgive you!” Summer exclaimed, making both Twilight and Celestia giggle a little at the serious, yet cute looking expression on Summer’s face.


“Auntie? What’s going on?” Cadence asked as the group left the room after hearing what happened to Twilight. As hurt as she was that Twilight had attacked her in the way she had, it didn’t compare to the pain she was feeling for her little Ladybug. She had been through so much and it wasn’t fair for any pony to suffer through it. Unlike some of the others, she did look at the silver lining in it all as Trixie suggested. She wanted to make up with Twilight and get to know little Summer.

“We felt a pony using blood magic and we were worried about you. Imagine the shock we felt when we arrived to hear rumors of what was going on here from the ponies. And the reports from the guards when I asked them when we got here…is it true that Twilight used blood magic?” Luna asked, no longer really worried after eavesdropping on the room. She still wanted to hear it from someone she knew was right there.

“Yeah…I thought she hated me at first when I woke up. She used it to defend herself though because she didn’t realize that it wasn’t me at the wedding, but the changeling.” Cadence said, feeling relief when she learned that it was all a mistake and she wasn’t mad at Twilight for defending herself. She was worried though for the unicorn and her mental state. “I don’t think she’s a blood mage if that’s what you are worried about. I think she…used blood magic to create a defense to protect herself though.”

“It is still blood magic and we will have to make sure that she understands that it is too dangerous to both herself and those around her to keep using.” Luna explained, “But I’m sure when she hears why it is forbidden, she won’t use it.”

“And what about her using chaos magic?” Discord asked from his pony form next to Pinkie Pie.

“We are no longer trying to keep you imprisoned, so it no longer matters if a pony uses rune casting so long as it is nothing dangerous. I’m sure Twilight knows what is safe to use, and it doesn’t matter if you get a little stronger by having a pony under your domain.” Luna sighed. She didn’t particularly trust the chaos god, but she knew love was a powerful force and a strong motivator. She was sure Pinkie would keep the god in his place…especially after what he did to her. Unlike the other elements, Pinkie Pie was now immortal much like Discord and the sisters. She had been given a piece of Discord’s power so that she could be by his side forever.

“Well that’s good to know! We can have a party for Twilight and Summer when they are feeling better then!” Pinkie Pie said happily, happier than Luna had seen the pony in a long time.

Author's Note:

Okay, after talking to my GF getting her thoughts on the whole thing, I decided to do what she suggested. I'm going to finish the story with no possession, yet when I finish it I will add a few more chapters that will be an alternate ending that deals with the possesion. That way those of you who don't want the possesion will have that ending and those who do want to se eit will have that ending as well.