• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 11,815 Views, 419 Comments

Starting Over - Twilight Nightmare

After feeling unwanted and abandoned during the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight leaves to try and make a new start for her only to fall prey to a gang. Now Twilight tries to rebuild a life with no memories of her past until circumstances guide her home.

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Trixie wasn’t sure how she got roped into doing this, not really wanting to face a room full of ponies to explain what happened to Twilight while she was missing. Especially not to ponies who she didn’t believe cared what happened to Trixie herself…and would probably blame a lot of it on her. They already blamed her for the Ursa incident when it was those two foolish colts that lured the creature into town.

“Are you sure you don’t want to be there?” Trixie asked, looking over to the bed to see Summer curled up next to her mother asleep. Rose…Twilight…whatever she would decide to call herself after this.

“I…I can’t face her. All I can see is…is her mocking me…leaving me to die after turning everyone I loved against me.” Twilight said, her voice a little shaky. Their father had come in and explained about the changeling invasion and how the Cadence of Twilight’s…Rose’s memories was actually one of them impersonating the princess. It was supposedly the purple unicorn who saved the real Cadence. “I don’t really want to face any of them…just please…answer their questions and ask them to leave me alone.”

“If you’re sure, sis. You owe me though.” Trixie said in a teasing manner, though it didn’t hide her worry. She was very worried about her sister, this was supposed to help Summer learn to fly and maybe help her sister.

“I’m sure…and thanks.” Twilight said smiling softly, Trixie returning it before turning to leave. Cadence wasn’t hurt and was already released. She was just knocked out and in shock, but got a room for all of them to gather after Trixie promised that she would come tell them about Twilight.

Walking down the hallway, her hoof steps seeming to become slower the farther she traveled. She was dreading this meeting very much, dreading how they were going to react…and what they may do to her. Cadence, despite assurances from her parents, could easily separate them by throwing Trixie into a dungeon somewhere.

“So…Trix…I…I’m sorry.” A voice said startling her out of her fears. Looking up she saw Rainbow Dash standing nervously outside the room she was going to.

“Wh-what?” Trixie asked in surprise as the nervous, yet sincere sounding apology from the pegasus.

“I’m sorry for the way I treated both of you since you came here. I promised myself to never act like that again…and yet I did. I saw so much of the past coming back when I saw you…and all the trouble Snips and Snails caused…and I knew better…but a part of me blamed both of you for it.” Rainbow Dash said slowly, rubbing one foreleg with the other.

“Look…I wanted my sister to come back here…for her own good. I know that deep down she was missing something…I’ve always known…and as much as I’m loathe to admit…I think somewhere she remembered all of you…and missed you.” Trixie said, finding it hard to get the right words for what she was trying to say out. She didn’t particularly care for this egotistical pegasus, after all she had the nerve to treat Trixie bad because of her stage persona while the pegasus acted worse in her every day life. Well, at least that’s what Trixie could see from what little she had saw of the flying pony.

“Why…you could have kept her from here…from all of us…” Rainbow Dash sighed, hanging her head knowing how much she had messed up. If only she dealt with the whole situation better.

“Because Summer needed flying lessons…and Rose…Twilight…she needed her friends and family. Even if I’m not so sure you deserve her.” Trixie said, waiting for the heated comeback from the pegasus. A comeback that never came.

“We don’t deserve her…but…I want to earn her friendship back. Even…if I have to start all over again. I love her, she…she brought us all together as real friends. Yeah we knew each other before Twi, but…we were never that close until she came here.” Rainbow Dash said, “If she’ll let me…I’ll make her daughter one of the best fliers in all of Equestria.”

“One of the best? Why not the best?” Trixie asked, arching an eyebrow at the claim.

“Well…I can’t ignore Scoots either…but…I will make them both the best two fliers of all time!” Rainbow Dash said a little louder as she pumped a hoof high into the air making Trixie smile a little. Maybe these ponies were going to be better than she first thought. Well, she had to admit she liked a few of them more since coming back. Rarity being the first pony…

“Let’s just head inside and I’ll answer all of your questions.” Trixie sighed.

Trixie sat in front of the door, backed up almost against it as she looked around the room at all of the faces. Princess Cadence, Twilight’s old friends and her brother…Shining armor formed a semi circle all watching her expecting answers to their questions. If it wasn’t for her parents on either side of her, she had a feeling she would have fled as soon as she realized how much pressure this was going to be on her to explain everything.

“So sugarcube…want to explain why you are pretending to be Twilight’s sister and hiding her from us?” Applejack asked, her expression a little cross. She wasn’t attacking Trixie which she suspected was due to the princess holding a wing out in front of her.

“Please…let her talk before we decide on anything.” Cadence said, narrowing her eyes at the earth pony before giving an encouraging smile to Trixie.

“She isn’t pretending.” A male voice came from Pinkie Pie shocking a few of them, but Twilight’s old friends seemed used to it. Looking closer Trixie could see a miniature Discord sitting in her mane. “Even with all that delicious chaos surrounding our no longer missing unicorn, I can smell connection between them.”

“So…how long did you know?” Rarity asked, looking a little shocked at the revelation.

“Five years almost…the pony who I thought was our father lied to me…to us. Convinced me that with Rose there our mother would come back home. Neither was our parents though and the mare I believed was my mother dropped off a journal while telling us that…she wanted nothing to do with us.” Trixie explained, leaning into her real mother’s side. It felt so good to actually have a mother there to support her…to love her. It gave her the strength to do this.

“Then why haven’t you come back before?” Shining Armor asked angrily, glaring at the pony he was being told was his sister. A part of him wanted to go up and hug her, welcome her to the family yet something was keeping him from doing so. He was angry that Trixie knew where Twilight was while letting them all suffer her missing for so long.

“Oh boo hoo, she was missing from your life for five years. For your information both Twilight and Trixie had things a thousand times worse.” Discord said solemnly as he glared at the white unicorn. He never really liked him all that much, the stallion usually meant well, but Discord just didn’t really like him a lot. It was just one of those things that couldn’t be explained.

“And how do you know that?” Shining Armor asked, returning a glare to the so called god of chaos.

“Because my silly little pony…I can read all the surface thoughts being screamed out of our friend her. Oh boy I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes.” Discord said, “And even if I couldn’t, the tears streaking down the poor mare’s face should be an indication.”

“Is it true?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“Rose…Twilight ran away after what happened at the wedding. I don’t know the specifics…she can’t remember them…but she was beaten nearly to death and raped. She looked like frankenpony when she stumbled into my d…into the pony I thought was my father.” Trixie explained, seeing Cadence collapse into sobs against Shining Armor while Rainbow Dash pulled Fluttershy close. She shouldn’t have been shocked by it, but she was when Discord took on the form of a brown earth pony and comforted Pinkie Pie. Applejack looked angry, but pulled Rarity close for support and to support the crying unicorn. She was thankful when her parents comforted her.

“Is Summer really her filly?” Fluttershy asked softly, wiping at the tears that just wouldn’t stop.

“Yes.” Trixie simply answered, trying to get herself composed. She already knew all of this and kept reminding herself that it all had a silver lining. “As much as it hurts her…I know she wouldn’t change it if she could.”

“But why?’ Cadence asked, her voice wavering.

“Because she loves Summer with every single bit of her heart. Summer is her life…our life…and we would do anything for her.” Trixie explained. “When she learned how to regulate the magic to help Summer, we knew she would need some pony to help teach her how to fly. I thought it would be good to get her to return home since…I know somewhere deep inside her she misses every pony…even if I’m not so sure all of you deserve it.”

Author's Note:

This was going to actually be part of the last chapter, but I wanted to get it out to wish everybody/every pony a happy holiday. :twilightsmile: