• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 11,850 Views, 419 Comments

Starting Over - Twilight Nightmare

After feeling unwanted and abandoned during the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight leaves to try and make a new start for her only to fall prey to a gang. Now Twilight tries to rebuild a life with no memories of her past until circumstances guide her home.

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Dinner was great, the group enjoying the meal and each other’s company, though a quiet had settled over them as both Twilight and Midnight…or Rose and Trixie…had asked to be given a little time to gather their thoughts before talking about much. It was obvious that while still wearing the cloak, Twilight seemed to fidget every couple moments and had to fight the urge to pull the hood back up, which Midnight thankfully prevented.

“So, you’re really my grandma and grandpa?” Summer asked again, making them all laugh a little.

“Yes, sweetheart, they are.” Twilight said nuzzling the filly making Velvet smile at the scene. She knew the two wanted to be called Rose and Trixie, but for the moment she was having trouble with that. They were her daughters and she couldn’t help biting her lip to make sure that it wasn’t a dream every few minutes. After years of praying, both of her little girls had come home.

She wanted so much to blurt out all of the questions that was on her mind, but knew better after the look both mares had given her. They had said they needed to talk alone, and the way they looked at the filly made Velvet clear on what they meant. The mares didn’t want the little filly to hear what was to be discussed, which was understandable. It was still hard waiting, but Ruby and Spike had said they would take her for a treat at Sugarcube Corner after dinner. Even though they had a nice cake on hoof.

“And we plan to spoil you rotten.” Night chuckled, winking at the filly who giggled at his antics.

“That we do, dear.” Velvet said as she got up, using her magic to clear the table of dishes.

“I’ll help you with that mom.” Twilight had said, getting up at well. Velvet was about to decline her offer, but thought better of it. If her daughter wanted to spend time with her, Velvet wouldn’t argue.

“Can I help to, momma?” Summer asked, but Midnight thankfully cut in.

“Why don’t you stay with your grandfather and me.” Midnight suggested, making the filly pout a little. It was so cute, but thankfully Velvet could have a minute alone with Twilight.

“Awwww, but I wanted to help.” Summer whined.

“Well, actually, I’m your uncle Spike and…I was hoping you would come help me and your aunt Ruby for awhile. We need help eating some ice cream at the best sweet shop in Ponyville. And well, we figured you would be the best filly for the job.” Spike said, sounding much more mature than he had a few years ago, despite his current form of a baby looking dragon.

“Really? Can I go eat…I mean help Uncle Spike momma?” Summer giggled as Twilight seemed to debate it, holding a hoof up to her chin as if in deep thought.

“Well…I suppose if you promise to be good.” Twilight giggled finally getting a loud cheer from the filly who rushed to hug her, almost knocking the dishes out of the unicorn’s magic grip. Thankfully Twilight recovered them as the filly ran off to join the two dragons.

“Are you okay?” Velvet asked softly as they made their way to the kitchen, loading the dish washer. She was a little worried about her daughter, there was things she could see in her that she knew should be there while a lot of other actions seemed to be vastly different from the little filly she raised.

“As okay as I can be.” Twilight sighed, shaking her head a little after a few moments. “I’m having a little trouble with all this I guess. I don’t want to hurt you…but…I don’t really know you.”

“So you really have amnesia?” Velvet sighed. She was sort of hoping that it was an act to protect herself while hiding under that cloak. Velvet was hoping that now that the hood was down, Twilight would reveal that having amnesia was just another way to hide.

“Yeah…I’m kind of glad about it in some ways.” Twilight admitted softly making Velvet want to cry. She knew that Twilight must have been through some hard times, especially after what happened at the wedding disaster. Poor Armor still hadn’t forgiven himself, and the couple still hadn’t married despite staying together. Cadence had kept true to her word refusing to marry until Twilight was standing next to her as Mare of Honor.

“Twilight, your father and I both love you very much. You..you have to know that…don’t you?” Velvet asked, the look in her daughter’s eyes saying a thousand words. Her little girl was in doubt about her feelings, about her parents’ feelings, and it was breaking poor Velvet’s heart.

“I want to say I do…but even if…some of the memories are coming back, they’re still blurry. But…I’m sorry, the only things I know about you two…I’m sorry, but I just don’t know. If it wasn’t for Trixie and Summer…if Discord hadn’t talked to me…I don’t know if I would even be here right now.” Twilight said, looking downcast. “I’m sorry if that hurts you, I really don’t want it to, but it’s the truth.”

“Why don’t you both come in here and we can sit and talk about all of it.” Midnight said, interrupting the two.

“Okay.” Twilight sighed, walking past her sister into the other room.

“Mom…she does love you…just give her time. She’s been through a lot. Just don’t judge her and everything will be okay.” Midnight whispered, the look in her eyes showing that she was also a little doubtful, but there was hope shinning in them.

Slowly the four gathered in the living room, Twilight and Midnight sitting on the couch while Night and Velvet herself took the love seat. For several minutes they just sat there, neither saying a word, but all of them trying to at one point or another. They just couldn’t decide who wanted to say what or who to go first.

“This is ridiculous.” Night Light finally chuckled, “We are a family, there’s no need to be uncomfortable around each other like this. So Twilly…Middy…you both know each other then before you even met up?”

“Middy?” Midnight asked, a little surprised.

“Of course dear, we named you Midnight Sparkle…Middy for short. “ Velvet said, noticing the narrowing of Twilight’s eyes. She guessed Twilight preferred being called Rose after five years, or because of her memory loss, but it was obvious that she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the names.

“Oh…I kind of like that, it feels nice.” Midnight giggled nervously, putting a hoof on Twilight’s in comfort. “Anyways…we kind of met under less than the best of circumstances. I was a traveling showmare, a magician and illusionist that relied on story telling to entertain the crowd. Anyways, I came here to Ponyville and it seemed every pony loved my show…until those hecklers. I admit I may have taken things a little too far, but who interrupts a show like that? It’s rude!”

“So you’re really good with illusion magic?” Night Light asked, his interest piqued at the thought. Velvet knew he would be interested as he was pretty good with magic, but he was better with illusions. Velvet herself was better at the more arcane side of things, just like Twilight.

“Does this answer your question?” Midnight asked, her horn glowing for a moment before the room turned into a forest with downed trees being their seats. It looked so real as a red bird with multi colored tail feathers flew overhead and there was noises coming from everywhere. Even the smell almost seemed to change, but Velvet wrote that off as the mind playing tricks after seeing the realistic scene. She was almost sad to see it go when it melted away after a few moments.

“That was beautiful honey.” Velvet said, praising her daughter who looked embarrassed but pleased.

“Thank you mom.” Midnight said, making a surge of warmth at being called mom by her again washing through Velvet. “Anyways, two young colts took one of my stories too seriously and led an Ursa Minor into the village and…I couldn’t stop it. Rose here…she stopped it as if it was no problem. I lost everything when the thing trampled over my home and I ran away.”

“You know…I really wish you didn’t. I wanted to be friends with you…but I was too afraid to approach you. You were so beautiful and confident…everything I wished I was.” Twilight sighed, getting Midnight to hug her before her eyes widened in surprise.

“Wait! You remember?” Midnight asked softly, but shocked none the less.

“I’m remembering things, mostly…bad memories though…memories I don’t really want to remember.” Twilight said shaking a little making Midnight hug her. “I’m okay…just don’t really want to remember her…I know the face…those cruel eyes taunting me. I was so afraid I was going to die in those caves. All I can remember though is her telling me that I will never escape.”

“Hey, you’re here now, okay?” Midnight soothed, “You are safe and we would never let anything bad happen to you.”

“I know…thanks, sis.” Twilight whispered making Velvet feel a little uncomfortable. She wanted so much to go over and hug her child, but the look Midnight gave her made Velvet settle back in place after starting to get up.

“So you ran away?” Night Light asked, though he didn’t sound like he was being judgmental. Velvet didn’t blame the poor mare, ponies heckling her show then having your home ruined by one of those beasts would be terrifying for anyone.

“Yeah…I tried getting work, but every pony blamed me for what happened. I couldn’t get work…I was forced to…go home. To my…to Nomad.” Midnight said shaking a little. “I didn’t want to, but I felt it was the only choice I had at the time. Now I’m glad I had to go home…even if I had to deal with all of his garbage.”

“At least we were reunited.” Twilight said, hugging Midnight.

“If it wasn’t for whoever kidnapped you, you girls never would have been separated in the first place.” Velvet said, anger at the ones responsible for depriving her of her baby al these years.

“Yeah, instead of them separating us, you would have when you pawned me off on the Princess.” Twilight mumbled, but every pony heard it clearly. Pain shot through Velvet’s heart at the accusation, the same thing she accused herself of many nights while wondering if she did the right thing. Twilight needed the Princess, she just could not control her immense power. Even after Twilight started getting control of her powers, Velvet listened to the Princess…she listened when she said that it would hinder Twilight’s potential if the filly returned home. Since then it was hard getting visiting hours with her little girl and her resentment had built to her Princess despite her loyalty.

“Twilly…honey…we did what we thought was best for you.” Night Light said, hugging his wife to him who was fighting back tears.

“You abandoned me…why? Why did you love Shinny so much…but not me?” Twilight sobbed as Midnight hugged her tight.

“We do love you!” Velvet cried as both Night and her surrounded the girls with hugs. “Your power was to much for you to control and the Princess was the only pony who could help you. After you started learning to control your powers…the Princess convinced us that we would hurt you and your potential if we took you away from her. I hated it…but I loved you, I wanted what was best for you!”

“Please don’t ever think we love any of you three any less than your siblings. We love you three so much…you are our hearts and world.” Night Light said.

“We’re back!” Came Summer’s sing~song voice from the door.

“We can talk more later.” Midnight said, as the other pulled back while Twilight wiped her tears away before her daughter could see her.

“Please…know that we love you both so much.” Velvet whispered, Twilight giving her a teary smile, though there was still doubt in her eyes. Thankfully, it wasn’t anywhere as intense as earlier. Even if this hurt Velvet so much, she wanted to count this as a good first step to making her family whole again.

Trixie sighed as she climbed from her bed, feeling as if something was wrong. She could feel it in the air, the feel of magic. It felt like Rose’s, but Trixie knew she left her sister asleep in bed. Slowly trotting out of her room and to her sister’s, she pushed the door open and gasped at what she saw. Rose had thin lines of blood all over her body as her magic held a knife.

“What the hay are you doing?” Trixie asked, her voice low so not to wake up Summer. The poor filly didn’t need to see her mother like this.

“Never again…I won’t ever be helpless again!” Rose sobbed, shaking as she made one last cut. The lines of blood glowed brightly for a minute shifting from red to black as if tattoos all over her body in the…form of arcane symbols used for runes. After a few moments those lines faded and Rose looked whole, no damage to herself despite just seconds ago being covered in blood.

“What have you done?” Trixie asked shakily as Rose wiped tears from her eyes.

“I made sure that from now on I’ll never be helpless again.” Rose sobbed, making Trixie brush off the shock of finding Rose like this so she could hold her sister and let the mare cry.

Author's Note:

Not a lot happening in this chapter, I remember pretty much what I want to do with this story, but I lost my notebook containing some key points that have changed as I wrote the story so I need to try and recreate the notes by rereading the whole story again carefully. I reread it quickly before finishing this chapter, but I really need to redo my notes so I know the most important points that have changed since I first started it. I wish I had a better memory then this would be easier.

Also, I want to thank HB_DS2013 for the suggestion for Trixie's nickname. :twilightsmile:

Also, I am sorry for taking so long with this update. I was away for the holidays and then I was finishing the rewrite of my Sunset fic making it 3rd pony instead of 1st.