• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 11,815 Views, 419 Comments

Starting Over - Twilight Nightmare

After feeling unwanted and abandoned during the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight leaves to try and make a new start for her only to fall prey to a gang. Now Twilight tries to rebuild a life with no memories of her past until circumstances guide her home.

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“I know the others are here…and really want to see you.” Celestia said softly, hearing the low talking coming in through the room. Twilight heard it as well, though muffled by the wood, many voices could be heard going back and forth.

“I don’t know…after what I did I don’t think I can face any of them. I attacked Cadence…I can’t believe I did that!” Twilight groaned, her memories of what really happened at the wedding still warring with the things she thought she remembered were true. And despite the little bit of fear that remained of cadence, she knew the alicorn hadn’t really tried to kill her…but something in her mind was whispering the opposite. She was worried about how Cadence was doing though.

“She’s okay, but we will have to have a serious talk about your use of blood magic. You do realize that it is forbidden to use it, do you not?” Celestia asked, a little sternly making Twilight lower her head a bit.

“What’s blood magic?” Summer asked, nuzzling her mother.

“Nothing to worry about dear, I was just reminding her that it is a type of magic that shouldn’t really be used.” Celestia said, deciding it would be better discussed privately later. Not that she was going to punish Twilight for it as long as the unicorn promised not to use it again. It was part of the reason she was in the hospital still while the others have already been dismissed. Twilight had apparently been low on blood and her stress over using magic only weakened her more. “Cadence loves you Twilight, and she really wants to see you.”

“I’m not sure if I can face her…she still scares me a little…I think. And after what I did…” Twilight said softly.

“You didn’t do anything wrong…not really…but I think it would be best if you spoke with her and reassure both of you that everything is ok.” Celestia suggested, smiling when she saw the familiar sigh of defeat.

“Fine…but only her, I don’t want to see my brother or the others yet. Please send Trixie in though with her though.” Twilight said softly, smiling a little as Celestia leaned down to kiss both Twilight and Summer before leaving the room. A few moments later Trixie returning with a slightly nervous looking pink alicorn.

“So…how did things go with the Princess?” Trixie asked softly, Cadence staring at the pegasus filly on the bed next to Twilight.

“Better than expected…I remember…most everything now.” Twilight said, having to forcefully push some memories out of her head as she just didn’t want to deal with them right now.

“So…you remember me?” Cadence asked, her eyes watery as she looked on in hope at Twilight. There were no accusations or anger there, only hope and love.

“Y-yeah…I’m so sorry I attacked you.” Twilight choked out before she found herself in a hug from the alicorn who was crying happily.

“I’m so happy that you are back, I’ve missed you so much.” Cadence cried out, “I’ve never given up looking, never gave up on you.”

“I’m so sorry…all I could see was…I couldn’t remember anything but the fear…” Twilight whimpered as Summer snuggled closer to her to offer support as cadence pulled away. Feeling Summer nuzzle her made Twilight realize something was missing. “No…no, no, no! Where is it? Trixie, where’s my cloak?”

“Twiley, what are you doing?” Cadence asked, confused as she watched Twilight try and pull a sheet up and around her head as if trying to hide her face.

“Please don’t look at me like this!” Twilight cried out, shaking a little as she pulled the sheet tighter around herself with her magic.

“Twilight…relax, I told you before you look good. You can’t see them.” Trixie said softly as she moved to Twilight’s side to nuzzle her.

“Yes you can…they called me a freak…Frankenpony…I don’t want ponies staring at my scars.” Twilight whimpered.

“Your beautiful, Twilight. I don’t see what you’re talking about, there isn’t any scars.” Cadence said softly, tilting her head as she studied the unicorn as she freaked out.

“Here…and here…and here…and the long one here…” Twilight frantically cried out pointing from one spot to another, Cadence seeing nothing except for a slightly darker line on the one she claimed was long, though it was barely noticeable.

“You’re beautiful mama, we keep telling you that.” Summer said nuzzling Twilight again.

“You are honey…you are very beautiful and you can’t see any scars. They must have healed long ago.” Cadence said softly, gently using her own magic to pull the sheet away from Twilight’s face. “I swear on my life that they aren’t visible. I can see where…your daughter got her looks from. She’s very beautiful, just like her mother. And…I hope that you will come visit me in the Crystal Empire for a few months when you get out of here.”

“I don’t want to be anywhere near him.” Twilight said, stopping her efforts to cover herself as she turned to look away with an angry look flashing through her eyes. It didn’t take long for Cadence to figure out who Twilight was talking about.

“I love your brother Twilight, but we aren’t married. He can stay here while you come with me if you agree to it.” Cadence said, not really wanting to leave Twilight here with her ex-friends in this state. There was no way Cadence believed Twilight would survive long here. Not after the horrible way the treated the poor mare during the changeling invasion.

“You…aren’t married?” Twilight asked slowly, a little shocked at the revelation.

“No, I swore I would never marry him until you were found and brought home. And only then after you personally gave us your blessing and stood by me as my mare of honor. I love you Twiley, blood or not, you are my little sister.” Cadence said, smiling up to Trixie and Summer. “And it looks like I have two little sisters now and a very pretty niece that I look forward to spoiling.”

“You’re my auntie to?” Summer asked, her mood going from worried to excited in less than a second as she beamed up at the praise given to her from what she considered was the prettier princess…and nicer one to.

“Yes honey, and I look forward to getting to know you.” Cadence said as she nuzzled the now excited pegasus filly. “Twilight…your brother loves and misses you just as much as me. I don’t know if you remember everything…but the changeling who was pretending to be me…she was very powerful and kept him under a very powerful spell that made him only think of her and reject anything that challenged her. He’s never really forgiven himself for it.”

“I don’t care, I don’t want to talk to him.” Twilight sighed, “I will think about coming with you though as long as Trixie and my daughter can come to.”

“Of course they can, I insist that they come.” Cadence said happily, smiling at seeing the excited looks on the three ponies. Something was definitely going on here though…”I…take it you know at least some about the Crystal Empire?”

“We’ve seen pictures of it and…Summer really wants to go. We actually thought of going a little, but we couldn’t afford getting there. And we were worried how things would go since…we didn’t really have a lot and wasn’t sure how cold it is.” Twilight admitted.

“The surrounding area is very cold, but the Crystal Empire itself is very warm thanks to the Crystal Heart providing protection from both evil and the elements. It feels like its summer all the time except not as hot.” Cadence said, smiling at the trio who seemed very interested. “How about I tell you more about it?”

“Really? Will you?” Summer begged making Cadence giggle as Trixie and her sat around Twilight with the filly snuggling up to her mother waiting her hear more about what seemed like a place from a fantasy book.

Author's Note:

Sorry that the chapter is a little short. I really wanted to get this out yesterday, but couldn't get it this far until today. I'm hoping to have a couple more chapters out this weekend, but I also have plans with my GF this weekend so I can't promise how many chapters I will get out.