• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 11,848 Views, 419 Comments

Starting Over - Twilight Nightmare

After feeling unwanted and abandoned during the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight leaves to try and make a new start for her only to fall prey to a gang. Now Twilight tries to rebuild a life with no memories of her past until circumstances guide her home.

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“Do you know how stupid that was?” Doctor Cross asked, glaring at Trixie as she sat near her sister’s bed where the mare was still unconscious. She made sure that no pony was allowed in the room until Rose had a chance to wake up and they could talk about what happened.

“Yeah, I held her down and carved those blood runes into her. Entirely my fault here.” Trixie sniped back making the doctor let out a sigh.

“While the magic she used isn’t fully qualified as blood magic, it used enough of it to make it border line illegal. And on top of that, rune casting is a whole other taboo by itself.” Doctor Cross explained, glaring over at the sleeping unicorn. “You do know what powers rune casting don’t you?”

“Twilight’s inner magic.” Trixie huffed, feeling as if she was missing something as her annoyance with the doctor grew by the moment.

“No, it does not. Yes a runes power is started by adding ones own magic to it, but the main power comes from something…else. Something I don’t trust and it is the reason why only a select few know about it as we have studied it under Princess Celestia so we know what we are dealing with.” Doctor Cross explained, “A rune’s main power comes from chaos…it is the reason even a Pegasus or earth pony with the tiniest spark of magi can actually use it. Its power, its chaos, is drawn from the god of chaos…and that god of chaos lives in this town.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Trixie snorted, looking over to Rose who let out a loud snore making the two others in the room giggle a little breaking up the tension a little.

“I’m not trying to be mean about this, but Twilight…Rose…or whatever she wants to go by needs to be careful. This close to the source of power will have the effect of increasing the potency by…well…a lot. You were lucky that neither was hurt when she helped young Scootaloo.” Doctor Cross said, “Which reminds me…how did she even know something like that? Even after all of the studying I did on runes, I never came across something like that? I never even heard of a condition like that before.”

“We knew a pony back…back where we came from. I can’t give out names, be he taught Rose a lot and she also found some books going deeper into the subject.” Trixie explained, “She seemed to soak up the knowledge from the book like a sponge.”

“At least even with her amnesia that didn’t change. Still…I can’t believe after all this time she finally came back.” Doctor Cross said, “You know every pony here was worried sick about her. She was very loved by the ponies here.”

“Yeah…some maybe.” Trixie sighed, “I don’t know what to think about the…elements…”

“What do you mean?” Doctor Cross asked, arching an eyebrow.

“I guess I can explain some of it, I imagine it’s pretty much common knowledge after the wedding if every pony is this close in this town.” Trixie explained.

“She was afraid of me.” Cadence sniffed, laying on her back and staring straight up at the ceiling while Shining gently brushed back her mane. “Why was she afraid of me…why does she hate me so much?”

“I tried getting in to check on her dear…but they wouldn’t let me…they said her sister is taking care of her. We don’t even have a sister.” Shining sighed.

“Yes you do.” A familiar voice came from the door. Looking up they saw Night Light standing there with a worried expression. “Trixie is Twilight’s fraternal twin…she was kidnapped when they were just foals.”

“She hates me.” Cadence sobbed out softly.

“Shhh…she doesn’t hate you dear.” Night Light said as he trotted over and nuzzled cadence. “Twilight has amnesia, but some of her memories are coming back. From what I heard out in the hall of what the others said…it sounds like Twilight was showing signs of fearing you. Is that true?”

“Yeah…she looked so terrified before hatred began filling her eyes.” Cadence whimpered.

“Dear…Twilight has been through a lot…so much more than any pony should have to suffer. And if I’m right…she blames the changeling who took your place for it. Only…she might not be remembering that it was a changeling yet.” Night Light said slowly.

“So…she might not…hate me?” Cadence asked with hope.

“I’m sure she doesn’t…I bet she’s confusing you with the changeling. After all…you were one of the only ones who don’t have things to answer for when it comes to Twilight.” Night Light explained.

“Wait…you sound like you knew she was back.” Shining said, his voice sounding as if he was accusing his father of something.

“We just found out, but we’ve known her as Rose for a bit longer. She’s…hurting and if her memories are coming back then we all have to make sure she knows we won’t judge her. That we will be there for her during what’s to come.” Night Light said.

“What happened to her dad?” Shining asked, a little fearful of the answer.

“Things that no pony should have to suffer. I think she will be okay though as long as we make sure she knows that she is loved and help keep her focused on the silver lining of it all.” Night Light explained.

“What silver lining?” Shining asked just as filly pegasus burst into the room.

“Grandpa, there you are! Grandma is talking to the nurse or something. Is momma here to?” The filly asked making Night Light chuckle at the young pegasus’s antics.

“Shining, Cadence…meet Twilight’s daughter…Summer.” Night Light said making the two’s jaws drop open in shock.

“But momma’s name is Rose.” The cute filly said pouting a little getting Night Light to ruffle her mane.

Neither Shining or Cadence heard Rose, all they could do was stare in shock at the filly upon learning that they were looking at Twilight’s daughter.

“Sister! We need to go to Ponyville, NOW!” Luna cried out frantically as she burst into the audience hall where guards were ushering out ponies who were hoping to petition the princess for one thing or another.

“I felt it…blood magic. We have to make sure we don’t have another Sombra on our hooves sister.” Celestia said, worry filling her voice. “It wasn’t strong…hopefully some pony just trying something they found in a book.”

“What if it is actually a full out blood mage sister?” Luna asked, worried about the situation herself. Blood mages were powerful, one of the forbidden schools of magic. The moon, Luna’s source of power was also the source of the illusionist school of magic while the sun, Celestia’s source of power, was also the source of the main branch of the arcane arts. Blood magic came from the dark creatures of Tartarus…and attracted those creatures when used.

“If they are beyond help…we do the only thing we can.” Celestia said, a little too coldly for Luna’s liking. She knew it was necessary…but she didn’t have to like it. She couldn’t help worrying about the ponies in Ponyville, especially cadence and Shinning Armor as they went to investigate the power coming from there. If Luna even had an inkling that it was dangerous she would never have let them go. If a blood mage was involved though…all hell could be breaking loose…literally.

Author's Note:

I'm not really too sure I'm completely happy with how this chapter turned out. I kind of had other plans on revealing some of the information, but my GF convinced me to have a doctor there that is an ex student from Celestia's School who studied forbidden magics in order to know how to treat it when coming across it. Though not enough to know a lot of spells or conditions such as Scootaloo. Hope this chapter made some sense at least lol, though I may change it back to the way I originally planned if every pony doesn't really like it.

I was planning on getting a one-shot done for today, but since I couldn't get time to do it I wanted to release this chapter. It isn't as long as I originally planned, but I won't have time to work on it and I wanted to wish every human out there a Happy Valentines Day and every pony a Happy Hearts and Hooves Day. :twilightsmile: