• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 11,817 Views, 419 Comments

Starting Over - Twilight Nightmare

After feeling unwanted and abandoned during the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight leaves to try and make a new start for her only to fall prey to a gang. Now Twilight tries to rebuild a life with no memories of her past until circumstances guide her home.

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Rose couldn’t hide the dread as she paced in her room, wondering what possessed her to accept the invitation of her mother to come eat dinner. She had enough to worry about with figuring out why the spell actually overloaded from that, not that spellcrafting with runes was widely used much anymore. Many of the spells were far from common knowledge of modern day unicorns. They have refined their magic so much to not even need the help of runes, yet at the same time so many spells that could be pulled off using runes could not be cast just by using magic. It was…confusing as to why runes had been pretty much thrown away in favor of more reliable yet not as potent methods of spellcasting.

And if figuring that out wasn’t enough she had been getting migraines since helping the young filly as her sense of déjà vu had been steadily increasing as well as shadows of images flitting through her mind unbidden. Most of them she couldn’t quite grasp, but others…they were terrifying. There was a white unicorn yelling at her, denouncing her and though she knew who it was, she couldn’t remember it happening…yet the image was much more than what was in the reports sent to Nomad. It couldn’t have been her mind putting images to written word as some of the things said weren’t included in any report. She tried wiping it away as imagination…yet, it was too real to do just that.

And if what she feared was true…were the other few images she could grasp at all really memories instead of imagination. Was the image of her crying, screaming for mercy or help real…was the blurry images of laughing ponies surrounding her, hitting her, shaving some of her coat off including cutie mark…was them…forcing her to do things real? She couldn’t stop shaking the more she thought of that. She had some problems from the knowledge of what happened, but she didn’t want to remember it. She prayed that it was just her imagination running wild.

“Well, well, well…a bit nervous are we?” A familiar voice cooed making Rose look up to see the same colt before her, only he was no longer a colt. There stood an earth pony her age with a manic gleam to his eyes staring at Rose. “Dinner with the parentals?”

“What do you want, Discord?” Rose snapped before covering her mouth with her hooves, shocked at what she said and the images filling her mind of a strange creature of mismatched parts. Slowly the earth pony before her melted away and formed the same creature from her thoughts.

“Ah, so you are remembering me are you?” Discord chuckled, “I’d like to think it was because I was just that devastatingly handsome that it would be hard forgetting me. But alas, I fear it was that bit of chaos magic that you cast just awhile ago that is blowing whatever self imposed locks on your memory away.”

“No, I’m not remembering anything!” Rose shouted, tears stinging her eyes. The memories, even if only a few could be clearly seen, she could tell that the others were slowly coming back into focus for her. She didn’t want them to be memories, she didn’t want to remember…it…

“My dear, poor Twilight Sparkle.” Discord said softly, all mirth gone from his voice. “While I once would be laughing at your misfortunes…even I would not wish that inflicted on you. And yes, I can see what you are thinking…you are basically shouting it to any creature with any telepathic sensitivity at all.”

“Get out of my head!” Rose snarled, shaking her head as if to rid herself of the images. “Trixie!”

“Your sister can not hear you, I case a simple silencing spell on this room.” Discord said, “I came to…despite my better judgment…check up on you. Your friends and parents all love you and miss you after all…and by extension…even I miss you.”

“They don’t care about me…no pony does…” Rose sighed hanging her head only to have one of Discord’s claws gently pull her head back up to look her directly in the eyes.

“You have a daughter and sister who beg to differ.” Discord said sadly, “As well as parents…tell me, Twilight, what would you feel if your daughter ran away and was missing for five years?”

“I…I…I would be going crazy with worry.” Rose whispered, the images…memories of her past mixing with the last five years making her feel even more confused than ever.

“As has your mother…talk to her Twilight, tell your parents and take things from there. You don’t have to tell your friends yet, but you are going to need even more support now that things may be returning to you.” Discord said, “I won’t force you my dear, but I will tell you that you would be much happier if you told them.”

“I don’t know if I can.” Rose sighed to no pony as Discord had vanished in a swirl of gold colored sparkles that quickly faded just before Trixie came into the room.

“What were you doing, I’ve been calling you for the last five minutes.” Trixie asked with worry filling her voice.

“Sorry sis, I…was thinking.” Rose sighed, “Sis…what…if I told our parents the truth. Would you…be okay with that? This involves you to and I don’t want to do anything that would hurt you.”

“I would love to tell our parents, I may not completely trust them but the only way to find out if we can is to give them a chance.” Trixie said slowly, “They seem like great ponies.”

“Yeah…great.” Rose sighed.


The living space above the library was also filled with bookshelves and thankfully not any pictures that could be seen in the family room where Rose and Twilight sat on a couch with Night Light sitting across from them in one of two chairs, a coffee table between them with a tea set and every pony having a cup. Summer had gone to help Velvet in the kitchen as they were early and Trixie and Rose wanted to speak to Night Light alone.

“So ladies, what did you want to speak to be about?” Night asked sipping his warm tea as the two mares fidgeted nervously.

“Well, you said you’re a counselor, right? You said I could talk to you if I needed to?” Rose asked softly, “I don’t have much money, but…”

“I refuse to take money for helping you.” Night said waving Rose off about the money before saying, “Please tell me what’s wrong.”

“I don’t want to say much about the incident, not with my daughter close by, but I’m scared my memories are coming back.”

“Are you sure?” Trixie asked in fear looking at her sister. As much as she wanted Rose to remember her past, she didn’t want her to remember how the mare ended up hurt like she was. Roe already had some night terrors sometimes, but if she remembered everything it could get a lot worse.

“I think the spell did something to me and…I’m seeing these images…but as much as I want to talk about that, there’s something else I want to talk to you about first.” Rose sighed, “You see, Trixie is my sister by blood, but I never knew her before the incident. At least not that she was my sister, but we both used spells that tested our DNA and by what ever twist of fate happened, it brought us together.”

“That’s a good thing, you two finding each other even after being…separated…” Night said, his voice slowing as he started seeing parallels with these mares’ story and his own daughters. He wouldn’t get his hopes up, he had been hurt one to many times letting his hopes get up.

“Well…my sister…” Rose started, unsure of how to continue before thankfully Trixie took over.

“I was raised by a stallion I thought was my father and the mare I thought that was my mother left us though I always believed she loved me. The both betrayed me…betrayed Rose to telling her lies…even I lied to her…” Trixie said wiping a tear from her eye as Rose leaned up against her.

“You didn’t have a choice…he threatened you.” Rose said softly.

“He threatened you?” Night Light asked angrily. Upset that any stallion could threaten a child and these two before him were children to him.

“He was found dead, but we both feel betrayed by him and what little I know about our family from reports he had that we found…our family didn’t exactly like me a lot.” Rose said softly, almost afraid of Night Light’s reaction.

“I’m kind of scared to…what if they don’t accept me?” Trixie asked looking a little scared to Night Light. “We want to tell our parents who we are and give them a chance…but we both are kind of scared.”

“It’s good that you want to give them a chance, if this stallion lied to you who knows if he could forge reports to hurt you after his death.” Night Light said looking into his tea, trying to figure out just what to tell the pair. He wanted to tell them that all parents love their children and would be very happy to have them come back into their lives. He also knew better and knew that some parents really didn’t care.

“What do you think we should do…if you were our father…would you accept us?” Rose asked, using her magic to sit the tea cup down and pull back her hood while Night studied his tea.

“Of course I would!” Night Light gasped out, looking up only for his eyes to widen in shock. “Tw-Twilight?”

“Hello…father.” Rose said slowly, looking away in shame as Night Light stared at her. What finally broke him out of the spell was seeing her starting to pull the hood back up.

“I’m sorry…I know they’re ugly.” Rose sighed, only to have Night Light jump over the table and stop her from hiding under the hood again.

“You aren’t ugly…Twily.” Night Light sobbed as he hugged her, Rose collapsing in his hooves sobbing.

Trixie sighed thinking that she wasn’t wanted, or needed in the family moment and started to get up only to be pulled into the hug by her father.

“I’m so happy to have both of you here!” Night Light sobbed holding both of them tightly in a hug.


Velvet was just sitting down a small plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Summer to munch on while they watched their meal finish baking in the oven. She couldn’t help wondering what had the filly’s rapt attention though as the small pegasus sat there staring off to a space on the wall. Following her gaze she was surprised to see a family photo of Night Light, Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor and herself hanging there.

“Why do you have a picture of momma? Do you know her?” Summer asked making Velvet almost hyperventilate.

“Wh-what do you mean dear?” Velvet asked slowly, afraid of the answer. She was scared that maybe the young filly’s mother only resembled her daughter.

"N-No! It's just...so ironic..." Trixie laughed.

“No…it couldn’t be…” Velvet gasped out as realization washed through her like a raging river. She didn’t believe Trixie was her daughter because of the name while the hooded mare was named Midnight Rose…

“That’s my momma.” Summer said happily, dunking a cookie in milk. “Thank you for the cookies!”

Velvet didn’t hear the thanks though as she rushed out of the kitchen into the family room to see both her daughters hugging their father crying. Velvet took one step at a time slowly until the group hug broke apart and looked her way a little nervously.

“Umm…hi mom.” Rose…Twilight said softly.

“H-Hi.” Trixie…Midnight said nervously.

Both mares gasped out as Velvet threw herself at them gathering them in her arms, Night Light joining in on the hug.

“I want a hug to!” Summer said surprising the group causing several teary chuckles as the little filly was dragged into the hug.

“Did I miss something?” Spike asked, Ruby by his side as he came into the room after just coming back from Sugarcube Corner carrying a pink box that Velvet sent him after. A nice cake for the groups’ desert.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, this week has been really hectic. If anyone is interested, I haven't abandoned Sunset Sunrise, I'm rewriting the first chapter in a different perspective since I've had several complaints. I plan to post the rewritten chapter in a forum here or blog and let every pony vote on which they like better. If the original style is what every pony prefers I will continue it unchanged. If every pony wants me to redo it in the new style (basically pretty much like the style for this story) I guess I'll rewrite it using this style.