• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 11,851 Views, 419 Comments

Starting Over - Twilight Nightmare

After feeling unwanted and abandoned during the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight leaves to try and make a new start for her only to fall prey to a gang. Now Twilight tries to rebuild a life with no memories of her past until circumstances guide her home.

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Author's Note:

Again, sorry but I won't be able to spell and grammar check until Monday. I'll try to get another chapter out tomorrow, but no guarantees. Monday I will be able to do spell and grammar checks but I probably won't get any actual writing on a new chapter done that day. Anyways, hope every pony enjoys.

Spike wasn't sure what to expect when he landed noislessly next the the still smoldering spell circle, his mate landing next to him as he looked over the damage done. It actually looked like everything was okay other than some strong winds or more likely a shockwave from whatever spell that was used. Looking to the center of the circle he found a familiar looking pegasus that spasmed every few moments as wisps of raw power floated off of her.

"I know a pegasus did not cause this." Ruby said looking around to notice some signs along the ground of something striking it hard and maybe bouncing a few times before coming to a...stop. "Spike, over here."

"Is it Twilight?" Spike asked hopefully as he looked up from inspecting Scootaloo who seemed okay, just unconcious.

"Seriously? Your asking me that?" Ruby asked arching an eyebrow earning a facepalm from Spike. The poor dragon could be such an airhead sometimes as no matter how much he matured he still managed to keep some of his cute naiviety.

"Yeah...you've never seen her." Spike grumbled as he started to cross the short distance to the body tangled in a dirty, tattered cloth. He saw a bit of purple, but couldn't see anything else beofre hearing a commotion coming towards them. Looking up he saw Trixie running toward them with Velvet hot on her tail followed by most of Ponyville.

"Trixie!" Spike growled taking a step and slamming a large clawed hand into the ground and flaring his wings, green flame spouting from his mouth for a momen freezing the oncoming mob in their tracks. "What did you do now?"

"Leave my auntie alone you meanie!" A small pegasus snapped stepping forward while most of the crowd cowered, though another foal stepped forward to the filly's side.

"Now isn't this interesting." The brown earth colt asked wearing a large grin that unsettled the dragon even as some of the crowd dispersed running away from the 'invading dragons.'

"Mom!" the filly cried out running toward the bundle of cloth just behind where Spike now stood, not afraid one bit of the dragon. The filly shocked Spike with the cry though as she called the pony on the ground mom which meant either it wasn't Twilight...which he felt strongly that it was, or the Twilight had a baby.

"Now just stay calm Mister Dragon." Trixie stuttered taking a step forward, Velvet beside her and several other familiar ponies flanking them.

"Spike?" Velvet asked softly earning several gasps as a green flame surrounded the large dragon and flared a moment before leaving behind the Spike every pony knew. A moment later another burst of flame followed leaving a pink looking cat with wings.

"Hiya grams." Spike chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck.


"Owww, what hit me?" Rose grunted as she pulled her hood back over her head and climbed painfully to her feet. When she realized her daughter was there helping her rise she smiled at the little filly.

"Thank you sweetie." Rose said, wincing as the entire left side of her body throbbed in pain.

"What happened, mamma?" Summer asked nuzzling her mom.

"I don't know...it shouldn't have surged like that unless I miscalculated the amount the spell would take because of how old Scootaloo was." Rose moaned as she limped with her daughter before noticing the large crowd looking at her. Checking her cloak and hood she realized she was covered, but there were several angry glares being sent her way.

She then noticed Pinkie Pie hugging a baby looking dragon and whispering something in his ear as his eyes widened in what appeared to be shock. There was something very familiar about the dragon, but had never met a dragon in her entire life...but then again Twilight had an assistant that was a dragon hatchling...

"Spike..." Rose whispered softly, only her daughter hearing it. The question didn't com from some reports though...it just came to mind looking at the dragon as she started feeling a longing to hug him herself though she held back as she saw Rainbow Dash heading her way while several other ponies watched on in worry as Rarity and Applejack went to check on Scootaloo.

"I knew you were bad news!" Rainbow snarled punching Rose and knocking her to the ground making Summer take an aggressive stance between her other and her idol. "I don't know what kind of evil ritual you were trying to do, but if she's hurt I'll kill you!"

"Rainbow Dash, that is enough!" Velvet snapped as Trixie hurried to Rose to help her back up while glaring at Rainbow. They all jumped back as a blur knocked Rainbow away from Rose leaving an angry looking Scootaloo hovering a few inches off the ground.

"Don't you dare touch her again!" Scootaloo growled, unable to remember just what had happened the last half hour. All she could remember was Rose promising that she could help and that she would if the young pegasus could keep a secret. She couldn't remember the secret as her head was still spining, her memory so hazy.

"Scoots! Y-Your flying!" Rainbow, Rarity and several otehrs gasped out at the same time.

"Of course I am, Rose promised she...could...I'm flying...I'M FLYING!" Scootaloo cried as she zipped toward Rose and crashed into her knocking the two to the ground as the pegasus kept crying and thanking Rose as the older mare hugged her gently.

"I'm...sorry." Rainbow said, looking to the ground in shame as Rose fought her way back to her feet glaring at the rainbow maned pegasus.

"I don't want to hear it right now...I just...need to get some rest...that wasn't supposed to backfire like that." Rose gasped out as Trixie helped support her weight and Summer joined them concern. She could see the small dragon start to head her way as they started to walk away from the crowd to see Pinkie Pie put a hoof on his shoulder and shake her head in a negative gesture. No pony noticed the small brown earth pony following them until they got to the botique.

"Are you okay sis?" Trixie asked softly as she fumbled with getting the door open.

"So how are you feeling Twilight?" The small brown colt asked making the older two stare at him in shock as Summer giggled.

"Silly, my mamma isn't named twilight. I think you have her mixed up with some pony else Disco." Summer giggled as the brown pony just grinned. "Of course I am my dear friend...perhaps I better get going. If you need anything Twilight...oops, I mean Rose, just come by Sugar Cube Corner."

"Th-Thanks." Trixie said, wary that this pony knew who Rose was, but confused why he seemed to be playing some kind of game. Rose herself was feeling a little nervous upon hearing the colt's name, but she wasn't sure why. She just had a feeling that he was...dangerous.


"Are you sure?" Spike asked Pinkie Pie as the others left the scene, most of the girls escorting Scootaloo to the hospital despite the filly's argumants that she was fine. Rainbow Dash had insisted that they make sure that she wasn't suffering any side effects from whatever it was that happened.

"I want to see her smile just as much as you Spike...but she doesn't remember anything." Pinkie sighed, much more serious than the young dragon had ever remembered her being. It was kind of strange how her mane seemed to straighten out slightly as they taled. Ruby had left with Velvet after making Spike promise to come to the library after his talk with the pink pony.

"How can she not remember?" Spike demanded as he paced back and forth.

"That my young dragon friend is simple." The small brown colt from earlier said as he seemed to appear out of nowhere. Spike was shocked when the colt grew older unil he was a stallion the same age as Pinkie Pie herself. "Miss me my little pink pastry?"

"Of course I did silly, I always miss my big strong draconneques. (Please forgive the mispelling, I'll fix it when I get my notes...I can't remember how to spell it.)" Pinkie giggle kissing the stallion making Spike gasp. Surely he did not just hear what he thought.

"Oh come now, if you keep making faces like that you may freeze like that someday." The stalion said as Spike was encased in a block of ice. With a stern look from Pinkie Pie, the stallion sighed and with a roll of his eyes the ice disappeared leaving Spike shivering a little.

"H-How...I mean I heard about it...but...Pinkie and you? How...why?" Spike asked, unable to wrap his mind around it.

"I think we have otehr concerns at the moment...while I couldn't care less for her in all honesty...my Pinkie Pie does...and assures me that I will like her when I get to know her. Question is how do you get to know a pony who is hiding from herself?" The pony that Spike knew had to be Discord asked confusing Spike.

"What do you mean she's hiding from herself." Spike asked.

"Because of us...we chased her off making her think we didn't care. Then...she gets hurt and her mind shuts down and locks away all of the pain...and her smile. As much as I want her to smile again...I know for once a party isn't going to do it." Pinkie explained sadly.

"Of course that didn't stop you from trying." Discord said hugging her to show that he didn't mean anything bad by it, "But it was a good try."

"I can't believe how serious you two are being." Spike said slowly, "Are you sure the two of you aren't changelings?"

"Are you sure you don't want to spend the rest of your draconic life with pink scales?" Discord cuckled, though the look in his eyes made the dragon swallow nervously.

"O-kay...not changelings then." Spike chuckled scratching the back of his neck. "So...what do we do?"

"Nothing." Pinkie said, waving Spike off before he could retort. "She will just run if we tell every pony who she is or pressure her. She needs to remember who she is and Discord and myself beieve that being here in familiar territory will help her regain her memoried. All we can do is hope that when she does she will give us enough time to make up with her."

"You can't tell any pony, especially her parents." Discord sighed, "I we push her, she wil run and while...I admit it wouldn't really bother me, it would me little cupcake and if it bother's her it bother's me which means it would bother me so don't tell anyone if you value your scales."

"I shouldn't agree to this...but fine. I'm staying in town though." Spike said crossing his arms and refusing to budge on his decision.

"Good, it would be good for Twilight." Discord said nuzzling a sad looking Pinkie Pie...a sight that just didn't seem right to Spike...


"I'm getting my answers Night Light, I thought you would at least back me up!" Velvet cried as she glared at her husband who finally stopped reshelving the books on the cart by him.

"Honey...don't you think I miss them? I love them to, but if it's them they will come to us when they're ready. All we can do right now is show them that we are there for them and make sure they know that we love our daughters. If it's them they will come to us." Night Light said softly, wanting nothing more than to hold his daughters in his hooves and tell them he loved them. Only thing was he wasn't sure the pair was really them unlike his wife. If he allowed his wife to rush over there though it could end up pushing the pair away...and if by chance they were their daughters then they could lose them all over again.

"Night Light...I don't know what to do..." Velvet cried as he hugged her, trying his best to comfort her. A small smile grew on his face as he thought of something to help appease his wife's desire for confrontation for now.

"Invite them over for dinner...after all the excitement today I doubt that Rarity will be seeing them now. And they could probably use a nice home cooked meal." Night Light suggested as Velvet pulled back with a large smile.

"That would be great, thank you honey!" Velvet said happily as she pulled away, "I need to go invite them then go to the market!"

"IDo you need help?" Night Light asked, feeling a little tired but pushed it out of his mind.

"I'll be fine, I'll be back soon!" velvet said giving him a quick kiss before hurrying out of the library.

"See, I told you I'm fine!" Scootaloo grumbled as Rarity and Rainbow Dash sighed in relief. The doctor had just given her a clean bill of health and even said that she seemed in better health than the last time she was there. He didn't have an explanation as to why Scootaloo seemed to be able to fly all of a sudden though as he had once stated the only explanation could be that she was deformed.

Applejack just stayed in the corner, having changed her mind about heading back to the farm as she was worried about the pegasus. She was also unsure of how to feel about what had happened between the new mare and Rainbow Dash. On one hoof, trying a dangerous stun like that likely earned the unicorn the attack. On the other the unicorn seemed to have only been trying to help.

Rarity on the other hand was just thankful that Scootaloo was okay, even excited for her as she seemed to be able to fly now...though apparently she couldn't do it very well. Sure she seemed fast, but she didn't know how to land, turn or any of the other many nuances of flying. She prayed that what ever it was that was making the filly able to fly lasted. She would have to stop by and aplogize for not being able to spend time with the new mares as well as make sure that they are doing okay...as well as apologize for Rainbow Dash's rash actions.

Rainbow Dash was having some of the same feelings as her friends, but also some very different ones. She felt horrible that she had never been able to teach the filly how to fly despite trying so hard. She knew Scootaloo had lost a lot of confidence in Rainbow, even resenting the older pegasus a little over it. Yet this new mare was able to do some kind of magic trick after not even being here more than a couple of days and voila, the filly can fly. This Rose had somehow given Scootaloo the very thing Rainbow couldn't and on top of that she must have helped the filly gain her cutie mark...wait...what?!

"Scoots...your flank." Rainbow said a little shakily pointing to the filly's flank getting the others attention.

"Oh my darling, you got your cutie mark!" Rarity cried out happily as she hugged Scootaloo.

"Congrats kiddo." Applejack said smiling proudly at the filly.

"Yeah, I knew you could do it." Rainbow cheered, but something was botehring her.

"Oh wow, it's awesome! Rose is so awesome!" Scootaloo cheered checking out her new cutie mark of a heart with a pair of large feathery wings.

"Yeah...awesome..." Rainbow sighed dejectedly as she realized what was wrong, she was jealous. She missed Scootaloo cheering for her like the filly once did and it kind of hurt hearing some pony else being called awesome the same way Rainbow had once been called it. She didn't hate Rose for it, but she couldn't help feeling like she lost something.