• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 4,433 Views, 112 Comments

Transformares (Not So) Animated - neorenamon

When an energy wave washes over Equestria and ponies start turning into robots, they panic until robots arrive to explain things along with a human.

  • ...

Losing My Astrotrain of Thought

by neorenamon

"Blast it!" shouted Megatron as he flew after Nightmaretron, "Where did all those new Autobots come from?!"

"It looked like to ponies turned into Autobots, Lord Megatron!" called Lugnut as he followed.

"Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?!"


"We're going to have a huge hassle getting those AllSpark fragments without some reinforcements!"

"There's no way to contact other Decepticon forces. They're scattered too far away from here keeping the Elite Guard spread thin."

"Blast those Elite Guard fools for shutting down the Space Bridge network!"

"Then we'll just have to make do with what we have," replied Blitzwing, "then worry about the forces we wish we had."

"That's the sanest thing I ever heard you say."

"Perhaps we can use this 'magic' to bolster our power. That seems like something Nightmare Moon would know about."

About then, they saw Nightmaretron flying back towards them cursing, "FOUL CREATURES!! I SHALL DESTROY THEM ALL!! Even with her new powers, those ponies cannot defeat the likes of ME!"

"WAIT!!" called Megatron as they were about to be passed.

"What is it?!" she replied as she flew back.

"Our enemies are temporarily stronger than we are. Going back right now may well spell our defeat. We don't even know if there's Autobot or Elite Guard troops in reserve back on their ship."

"So what are you suggesting?"

"In order for both of us to get what we want, we need reinforcements of our own."

"I cannot help you with that. The only evil one who would live long enough to survive my imprisonment can't help us anyways."

"Who is it? Why can't they help us?"

"His name is Discord, and right now, he's a lawn statue in the Canterlot Palace Gardens. Celestia and I were the ones who used the Elements of Harmony to turn him to stone more than 1,000 years ago. Before our little... falling out."

"Can this creature be revived?"

"Without the Elements of Harmony, I don't know how we can."

"Then let us sneak back into Canterlot and examine this statue for ourselves. Perhaps an AllSpark fragment's power can do the trick."


Suddenly, the Decepticons heard a transmission from space. "Is there any bot on this channel?"

"Who dares call me?" as Megatron looked around.

"Is that you, Lord Megatron?"


"I know that audio signature, Lord Megatron," replied Lugnut, "Is this Astrotrain?"

"Affirmative," came the reply.

"I know this one from the time I served in the Decepticon Logistics Corps. He's one of the best transports the Decepticons have."

"How did you come to this planet? Why did you come here at all?" asked Megatron suspiciously.

"As to the firs question: Because I'm large enough to use a stolen Autobot warp system," he replied, "And as to the second: I managed to go to the planet Earth where I tried to blend in an Earth transport museum using Earth transport modes, heard that you were captured and that you were sent to Cybertron for trail. By the time I left Earth and warped to Cybertron, the Autobot radio traffic indicated that you had already escaped on an Autobot ship, so I warped out along the last known heading. It took a number of jumps before I arrived here and detected Decepticon radio signals."

"Can this Astrotrain fight?" asked Megatron off the air.

"He's almost as good as me or Blitzwing."

"That's not all that encouraging."

Nightmaretron laughed.

"I'm sending you my coordinates now. Approach us as stealthily as possible. There are Autobots around, and I don't want them to detect you before we can plan a counterattack against them and their allies."

"Affirmative. I'll glide in to avoid active sensor sweeps."

"The Autobots will avoid using their radar to avoid us pinpointing them, so just use the cloud cover effectively as you approach."


"How many forms does Astrotrain have?" asked Megatron, "and how many personalities?"

"Three my Lord. Robot, space transport and ground transport. But last I checked, only one personality."

"That's good. I can only deal with one multiple personae disorder at a time."

Lugnut pointed skyward as he said, "I think that's Astrotrain now at the edge of my optic sensor perception range."

Megatron and Blitzing looked up to see an old chemical boosted style space shuttle gliding towards them. It was really large.

"Hmm, we might have a little trouble sneaking around with that one unless he takes an organic form. But still, I have the feeling he could be useful."

"No more alicorns!" retorted Nightmaretron.

"I wouldn't allow that even if Astrotrain somehow knew about them."


The Autobots and Autoponies travelled deeper into the Everfree Forest. Travel was slow since they were on foot, and there was no road of any sort for them to follow. They were also trying to disturb the trees and foliage as little as possible.

"My foot plates are getting filthy!" whined Rare Seeker.

"Ya make that sound like a bad thing," smirked Apple Buster.

"Well it is!"

"Rainbow Bolt and Flutterstorm can't carry us all," replied Twilight Prime, "and separating might just give out enemies the edge they need to defeat us. There's no other way to get this done."

"I still don't have to like it!"

"Well everyone stay alert for the Decepticons or Nightmare Moon," replied Optimus, "We don't need to be ambushed like that again."

"Affirmative," replied the Autobots.

They heard something roaring and making all kinds of noise as they approached.

"What kinda critter is that?" asked Apple Buster, "And why is it makin such a fuss?"

"I better sneak ahead and look," replied Rainbow Bolt, "No matter what form I have, I'm sure I still have the best eyes."

"Okay," said Twilight, "Just be careful. Report by radio only."

"I got it," she replied as she crept ahead.

They waited a moment before they received a signal from Rainbow. "It looks like a Manticore," she reported, "and it looks like it's trapped under a fallen tree. We can avoid it easily."

But before anyone could stop her, Flutterstorm dashed ahead of them.

"Hay! What does she think she's doing?!"

The Manticore hissed at Flutterstorm even as she slowed her approach. It weakly waved one of it's paws at her defensively.

"That's alright," she said softly, "I won't hurt you."

"Be careful there, sugar-cube!" called Apple Buster as she followed, "That critter might still hurt ya!"

She offered her hand open and palm up towards it's nose. But the creature responded by biting it.

"Flutterstorm!" she called as she prepared to fire her lucky explosive horseshoes.

"I'm metal now," replied Flutterstorm calmly, "It doesn't hurt at all. If I don't respond violently, it will understand I mean no harm."

After a moment, it looked into her eyes and released it's bite. Then it whimpered softly even as it licked her hand.

"There there," she replied, "Now let's see about getting you free."

The Manticore watched her as she put her hands under the tree trunk and started to lift. She bent at the knees to use her legs to the best effect as she used all of her might to heft the large fallen tree.

"My this is heavy," she said as she slowly lifted.

The trapped creature began to claw at the ground as it tried to pull out from under the tree.

"Let me help..." called Apple Buster.

"No," ordered Twilight as she came up, "That might just panic the Manticore again. Flutterstorm has this covered."

Finally, the tree was high enough for it to get free. Then she dropped the tree as the grateful beast licked her faceplate and mane.

"You are such a good baby," she cooed, "Now run along and find your mother. I'm sure she's worried sick about you."

"That's a baby?!" asked Rainbow Bolt.

"Oh yes," she answered as it bounded away.

"That's so kind of you to help a dangerous creature you don't even know," said Twilight.

"Oh, that all is just the way our Flutters rolls," said Apple Buster.