• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 4,433 Views, 112 Comments

Transformares (Not So) Animated - neorenamon

When an energy wave washes over Equestria and ponies start turning into robots, they panic until robots arrive to explain things along with a human.

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(21) Sister Love

by neorenamon

"Not so high and mighty now, are you?" hissed Nightmaretron as she paced before her sister's prison cell.

"I wanted Luna back," sniffed Celestia, "I've wanted her back for 1,000 lonely years. That's all I ever wanted..." Without her horn and wings, she appeared to be a shadow of her former self. Her mane and tail had dimmed to a lusterless pink mass of hair. She simply lay in the hay at the back of her cell.

"LIES!!" she hissed, "The incident with King Sombra proved to us that all you ever really wanted was to rule alone!"

"We were meant to rule together, little sister!" she replied as she stood to face Nightmaretron.

"We were once foal enough to believe you!" she hissed back, "but we grew up and realized that you couldn't even see us in your SHADOW!!"

"NO! I was the foal!" cried Celestia as she walked towards Nightmaretron, "I was the one who couldn't see your needs! I was the one blind to the one who mattered the most! Punish me, but leave the ponies of Equestria out of this!"


"For 1,000 years, I've kept the balance in the land, little sister. I've had to measure the day against the night. The winter against the spring. The summer against the fall. I've never had more than an hour to myself in all that time. No time to think about what my needs were. No time for romance and thinking about what my offspring would be like. The ponies always came first. Their needs always came first."

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you banished us to the moon!"

"I couldn't let you destroy Equestria," she sighed as she looked into the hateful eyes and remembered the once peaceful eyes of her little sister Luna, "I couldn't let you rule them like you wanted to."

"MORE LIES!" hissed Nightmaretron, "I would have kept all the ponies safe in the embrace of the night!"

"You don't get it!" replied Celestia, "Plants grow in the sun and sleep at night! Without the sun, most of the plants would turn to dust, the ponies, the animal life that lived off that would die off! On the small amount of fungus and mold that grows at night would be left to feed everypony! What kind of kingdom has no subjects in it?!"

"My magic would have changed all that!!"

"I couldn't take that risk, little sister! The lives of Equestria are not some experiment! How many lives would you have been willing to lose in order to figure out what works?! How many animal species had to have died off before you realized how wrong you were?!"


"It all changed when we discovered the Elements of Harmony and used them to imprison Discord, didn't it?"

"That was the turning point for us, big sister," she replied, "The day you decided that you had to control their power..."

"IT WAS BOTH OF US!" she cried back, "I never controlled the Elements by myself! I never could have!"

"The price of power is a steep one, isn't it?" asked a voice from thin air.

"Can't you see we're having a moment?!" hissed Nightmaretron.

"And since I've delayed both the Autobots and the Autoponies, I'm sure you'll have plenty for time for that," replied Discord as he appeared in a flash of light, "Besides, I don't think you're going to get past this little moment. Not until one fully dominates the other."

"And that dominatrix shall! be! me!"

"Perhaps it's time to see what part of the world I'll claim as..."

"NO!" she snapped, "This Twilight Prime and her allies are resourceful and persistent! They shall not give up so easily, so you better not leave them to their own devices! Surely they shall make you look the foal if you do!"

"My favor to you is not endless, Night Princess."

"Neither is our patience."

"Are you threatening moi?"

"No. Merely some friendly advice on my part. We freed you from your stone prison, and you shouldn't presume our enemies cannot return you to that state of imprisonment."

"Or you..."

"What was that?!"

"I said 'I do'... agree..." he said quickly, "Well if I'm going to spy on our enemies, I guess I better get back to it." He vanished in a flash of light as Princess Megatron made her entrance.

"And that's why I'm glad I'm not counting on that one for what I'm here for."

"Who said I was counting on Discord for anything?" she replied as she shifted back to her nightmare alicorn form, "But let us move our talks back to the throne room. The less big sister hears of our plans, the less she can scheme to send messages to the hopeful rescuers."

"Of course," replied Megatron as she turned to trot back up the stairs with her ally in tow.

"I haven't given up on you yet, little sister," replied Celestia softly as the two of them left her behind.