• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 4,433 Views, 112 Comments

Transformares (Not So) Animated - neorenamon

When an energy wave washes over Equestria and ponies start turning into robots, they panic until robots arrive to explain things along with a human.

  • ...

Orders of Chaos

by neorenamon

"Ooo!!" cried Pinkie, "Chocolate rain! Marshmallow snow!" She was dancing under the rain from one cloud to the next as she caught the falling goodies in her open mouth. "Mmm!!" she sighed as she was drenched in hot chocolate and marshmallow creme.

"This is just plain wrong!" hissed Rare Seeker, "Do you know how much effort it takes to get chocolate and marshmallow stains out?!"

"What all does this mean, Twillie?" asked Apple Buster.

"Since this isn't Nightmare Moon's style," replied Twilight Prime evenly, "It can only mean one thing."

"That we're out of whipped cream?!" replied Pinkie.

Twilight and Apple just face-hooved themselves.

"I don't think that's it," said Flutterstorm softly.

"It's just so... random!" interjected Rainbow Bolt.

"Precisely," replied Twilight, "and that means that they have somehow freed the Spirit of Chaos: DISCORD!"

"Did we just somehow skip over all of Season One?" asked Pinkie. Fourth wall fall down go boom.

"What tha hay is ya carryin on bout?" asked Apple.


"Sometimes ah just dun git ya..."

"AHH!" said Twilight in distress, "This wasn't in the prophecy either!"

"I take it this is bad?" asked Optimus.

"Oh, it just got very bad!" she replied, "Discord may well be even more powerful than Nightmare Moon! He managed to rule Equestria under his chaotic power for some time before Celestia and Luna used the Elements of Harmony to turn him into a statue!"

"Calm down an take a deep breath there, sugar-cube."

"So he can make it rain chocolate and marshmallows," snorted Rainbow, "How bad is that?"

"Well well well," said Discord as he appeared in a flash of light, "Somepony who remembers me." He was holding an umbrella and a coffer mug that read "I 'heart' chaos". He stuck out the cup so that chocolate rain began to fill it.

"Discord!" hissed Twilight, "How did you escape imprisonment?!"

"Oh, Nightmaretron and Princess Megatron were..."

"Princess Megatron!" laughed Sari, "That never gets old!"

"I KNOW!" laughed Bumblebee.

Discord cleared his throat be continuing, "They used some spark fragment thingie to release me from the stone prison that Celestia and Luna left me in. If I ever find those two..."

"Oh, you already saw Luna," said Pinkie.


"Don't say anything more!" blurt Twilight.

"After you were turned to stone, Luna became Nightmare Moon," she continued blithely, "Then Celestia had to imprison her in the moon for 1,000 years!"

Twilight face-hooved herself.

"Hmm," he said, "I'm helping one of my jailers take over..."

"WHAT?!" asked Twillie in dismay.

"Nothing," he sniffed.

"Give us back Princess Celestia!" growled Rainbow as she flew into his face, "Or we'll make you!"

"Your Celestia is fine at the moment," he replied, "Her magic is gone..."

"WAIT!" cried Twilight, "Is that her horn and wings on your body?!"

"Well thank you for that, Captain Obvious."

"It wasn't obvious to ME-EEE!" sang Pinkie.

"I stand corrected," he replied, "and as I was saying, your Princess is fine for now. I don't think Nightmaretron has got around to amusing herself at her expense as of yet..."

"Why are you helping them?!" asked Twillie.

"They freed me from my stone prison, so I owe them a few favors. When that is repaid, I'm taking this show on the road."

"So the great and powerful Discord has been reduced to the status of a flunky?" she asked with a sneer.

"I am nopony's lackey!" he replied.

"Do you think she's just going to let you go your merry way once she's got what she's wanted?"

"She does not have the Elements of Harmony," he sniffed, "and neither do you."

"But she freed you from your stone prison without the Elements, didn't she?"

"Well... yes..."

"And didn't you ever wonder how she pulled that off?"


"And once she gathers all of the power of the AllSpark, do you really think she's going to let you do what you want?"

"She's no where near powerful enough to dictate terms to me!" he hissed.

"Nightmare Moon is a control freak!" replied Twilight as she looked into his eyes, "She wants to rule this land, and rule it alone! The Eternal Night is just the beginning of her reign of terror!"

"Did somepony just say 'rain'?" asked Pinkie.

"Eternal Night?" he asked ignoring Pinkie's outburst, "That's... so dull! So orderly!"

"And that's what Nightmare Moon wants!" retorted Twilight, "What she's always wanted!"

"Well if she thinks she can control the likes of me..." he said as he vanished in a burst of light.

A flash briefly appeared in Twilight's eyes as if she suddenly had an epiphany.

"So we all have to fight Princess Megatron, Nightmaretron and now Discord?!" asked Apple.

"Oh, I think there's going to be some problems in their ranks now," replied Twilight evenly.