• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 4,429 Views, 112 Comments

Transformares (Not So) Animated - neorenamon

When an energy wave washes over Equestria and ponies start turning into robots, they panic until robots arrive to explain things along with a human.

  • ...

The Secret Airbase

by neorenamon

"Are we there yet?" whined Sari, Bumblebee and Pinkie as one.

"No!" retorted Optimus Prime and Twilight Prime.

"Like protoforms just given shape," grumbled Ratchet.

Then the Primes both received a scrambled transmission. "UNUSUAL ENERGY SPIKE DETECTED IN AREA DESIGNATED CANTERLOT," transmitted Omega.

"Could you evaluate the spike?" asked Optimus.


"Continue your monitoring without giving away your position and continue to report."


"What was that, Prime?" asked Ratchet.

"Omega detected an unusual energy spike from Canterlot, but he couldn't get any solid data on it. I told Omega to continue scanning without giving his position away to the Decepticons."

"Maybe it was more of this magic energy stuff?"

"Perhaps, but I couldn't risk transmitting the scan to us in case the Decepticons were trying to locate Omega. We can look at that information once this mission has been accomplished."

"Thank you for helping us," said Twilight, "We're still all but strangers, and yet you've gone so far out of your way to help."

"I wouldn't be a good Autobot if I didn't."

"And then the donkey tells the barkeep," said Pinkie to Bumblebee, "that's not my boiler, that's my mother-in-law!"

Bumblebee began to snigger and giggle. "You're the funniest bot I've ever met," he said as he wiped some fluid from one optic sensor.

The Primes looked back and noticed that Pinkie were walking side by side, looking into each others eyes as they smiled and laughed.

"Ya know, this Prowl sounded like really balanced bot," said Flutterstorm.

"He was," replied Ratchet, "Always tuned to his inner nature. Always seeking inner and outer peace. And we all still miss his spark a lot even to this nanoclick."

They turned to notice that Flutterstorm was using both of her hands to squeeze one of Ratchet's.

"So just how much can you lift?" asked Rainbow Bolt.

"Oh, I can lift over 100 tons," he replied, "I've never really had to test my absolute limits."

"I betcha I can do better than that," smirked Bolt.

"Scrawny little bot like you?" asked Bulky, "No way!"

They looked around again in time to see Bolt playfully punch Bulk's arm servo as she giggled, "Sounds like a challenge. Wanna see who's the strongest bot once we're done with saving our Princess?"

"It's your slot in the scrap yard," he replied, "So you're on."

"Oh, I'm so going to enjoy making you eat those words, big bot."

"Maybe we'll make a wager on this later."

"It wouldn't be fun if we didn't," she giggled.

"It looks like the Autobots and Autoponies are friends as well as allies," observed Optimus.

"I agree," said Twilight.

The trees began to thin out as they approached a large hill.

"Funny," she noted, "The map doesn't show a hill like that."

"I think that old pony was a little off his gourd," replied Bolt.

"But the map has been accurate so far."

"Wait! That hill has a giant double door built into the side of it!"

"Great," she muttered, "Something else we weren't expecting."

"If it's not part of the mission," grumbled Ratchet, "We should just leave it alone."

"Hey, it will hardly take any time at all for me to buzz the place and see what's happening," replied Bolt.

"Very well," said Twilight, "but don't engage any Decepticons or Nightmaretron on your own. Just see what you can and fly back. Nothing fancy."

"Sure thing Mom!" she replied as she flew off. As she streaked closer, the doors began to slide open. From the lit interior, seven pegasus emerged wearing strange metal saddlebags at their sides. They were walking in a wedge formation. The lead pony looked up at her as she came closer. She could see them wearing odd midnight black suits that covered all of their body other than their goggles. Even the saddlebags were just as black. "For a place no pony returns from, this place sure has it's share of ponies," she muttered as she landed a few pony lengths in front of the formation lead. They all just looked at her without noticeable response. "So who might all you ponies be?" she asked when none spoke to her first.

"We are the Shadowbolts," replied the lead, "A mercenary fighter organization seeking to become established in the Canterlot region. Only the best fliers in the world can join out elite ranks."

"Never heard of you."

"Our ranks are still too small. Equestria is not yet ready to admit that they need top rated aerial mercenaries like us."

Bolt shifted to her Pegasus form as she said, "I bet I'm good enough to join you easy peasy!"

"Are you willing to challenge us for the right to join our ranks?"

"I think that's just what I said."

"And what name are you known by?"

"They call me Rainbow Dash!" she bragged.

The stallion turned to one of the ponies on the far right end as he said, "Dirge. Remove your battle pack and place it on Rainbow Dash."

"As you command," replied a mare's voice as she began to unstrap her pack.

"Dirge?" asked Dash, "That's a cheery name."

"Make no mistake," replied the lead, "She's called Dirge by her compatriots becauses she is anything but cheery."

Dash's knees shook a bit as the pack was placed on her back. It easily weighed as much as she did.

"Can you handle that?" said the lead.

"Just a bit heavier than it looks," she replied, "No problems."

"Then race us about the hill ten times clockwise, and if you come in third place or better, we'll move on to the next test."

"Third nothing! I'm first place all the way!"

Dirge stood before them as she said, "I shall start. On the count of three. One. Two. Three."

They all took off in a blur in spite of the heavy packs.

"I see movement. Multiple movements. But I can't see any details," said Twilight.

"I betcha Dash is showin off to some ponies who ain't supposed ta be out here," replied Apple Buster.

"Even I can tell bad fashion from here," said Rare Finder, "I mean wearing black at this time of the year." She made a disgusted grunt.

"It's best to stay back and only move in there in case Dash gets in trouble," replied Twilight.

"Agreed," said Prime.

"Ah hope this here showin off ain't gonna take too long," muttered Buster.

"Discord," said Nightmaretron, "Take us to the Castle of the Twin Sisters. That's the last place I knew my big sister kept her precious Elements hidden."

"What's the magic word?" he asked back.

"OBEY!" she snapped.

"Not even close," he sighed, "I'm sure you'll enjoy the long ride out to..."

"FINE!" she growled, then her voice softened a little as she said, "Please."

"That wasn't so hard," he said as he snapped his talons.

"Yes it was," she mumbled as they appeared in the throne room of the ruins of the Castle.

"Well, it sure looks a lot worse for the wear since this was my castle," he said as he looked about.

"No castle is forever, Discord. I'm sure big sister stayed here for a while before she built the new castle in Canterlot."

"What makes you think the Elements are hidden here?" asked Megatron.

"Because this place is very low on the list of likely hiding places," she replied, "All the better to keep them hidden from prying eyes."

"And you know where they should be?"

"Of course I do."

"And if they are not there?"

"Then we shall look into every secret passage and hidden chamber I know of."

"Can't we just blow everything up until we find it?" asked Blitzwing.

Nightmaretron and Megatron facepalmed themselves at the same time as they groaned.