• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 4,433 Views, 112 Comments

Transformares (Not So) Animated - neorenamon

When an energy wave washes over Equestria and ponies start turning into robots, they panic until robots arrive to explain things along with a human.

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Party Crasher

by neorenamon

Twilight laid in bed mysteriously left alone by everypony that was supposed to be at the party for her. The sound of the music could be heard from the floor below. Yet the sound of the tickling clock was also painfully clear. Perhaps Spike made excuses for her? Could one wonder what how anypony could sleep with that kind of noise? We may never know...

She lay on her back and groaned aloud at her misfortune.

Then the music became louder as the door opened and Spike said, "Hey! They're about to play 'pin the tail on the @$$'. You should come down and join us. After all, you're missing your own party, Twilight."

"The party I never asked for," she groaned back, "I'd swear everypony in this town is nuts! Do they know what time it is?!"

"Of course they know what time it is!" retorted Spike, "and Nuts couldn't make it!"


"Pinkie got a note earlier saying Nuts couldn't make the party."

She groaned as she whined, "Ugh, here I thought I'd have time to learn about the Elements of Harmony but, silly me, all this ridiculous friend-making has kept me from it! 'Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about everlasting night.' I hope the Princess was right... I hope it really is just an old ponytale..."

"Hey," said Spike, "I gotta go... Rarity is expecting me... She is SO dreamy..."

"I hope one of us has fun," she grumbled as Spike closed the door. Climbing out of bed, she walked to the doors to the balcony. Opening the door, she stepped out to look up at the moon. "But what can I do?" she asked of the moon and stars, "I'm just one pony..."

Nightmare Moon and the others stalked up to a house that still had the lights on. She glanced at the mailbox that had the name 'Nuts' on it.

"This should do," she said, "We hide in the bushes. You send the one called Lugnut to knock at the door. When the door opens, I hit them with the Stun Bolt and then you slap on the Stasis Cuffs."

"How?" Megatron asked, "I'm not good enough with magic yet."

"Use your mouth like every other pony, Princess," she smirked.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" growled the Princess.

"Hush," she replied, "We don't want to give ourselves away to Nuts."

Megatron just growled under her breath at Nightmare Moon as Lugnut stepped up to the door. He lifted his hoof, knocked at the door, and stepped to the side.

Then the door opened as an Earth stallion poked his head out to ask, "Who the hay is bothering me at this time of the... *HURK!*"

Nightmare Moon cut him off with her Stun Bolt as Megatron rushed up, Stasis Cuffs in mouth, and unceremoniously slapped them on Nuts' fetlocks. He became stiff and keeled over against the door frame.

"Quickly. Take him inside before you make a scene."

"Stop ordering," replied Megatron, "You aren't the Princess of me!"

"You know, I think your voice is getting higher pitched," observed Nightmare Moon as she followed them inside, "and I think you're doing pretty good with your mouth there, sister."

Megatron moaned.

"It looks like the cuffs are functioning on the organic, Lord Megatron," said Lugnut as he observed their Nuts.

"Yes, but I think you need to make a stronger Stun Bolt," answered Megatron, "We may well need more time to slap the cuffs on her."

"Very well. I can make it stronger. This one didn't need a stronger bolt than what I hit him with."

"I still want to blow him up," muttered Blitzwing.

"Ugh, the things I have to put up with."

"We need to watch him for a while to make sure the cuffs keep working," she interrupted, "Then we can tie him up, remove the cuffs and then stuff him in a closet. I'm sure somepony will discover him long after I'm ruling."

"What should we do while we're waiting?"

"Oh, I'm sure that you can keep your Princess Megatron company while we wait," suggested Nightmare Moon, "That's what good stallionfriends do."

"KNOCK IT OFF!!" she growled back.

She just snickered as Megatron glared at her who in turn ignored how Lugnut was looking at his Master.

Prime looked around inside the shuttle they found with Ratchet and Jazz as the others stayed on guard outside.

"It looks like the Cons have already bailed," said Ratchet, "I can find any sign of their plans."

"I think I found something, Prime," called Jazz over the radio.

"What do you have?" he asked back.

"It's something you better come see for yourself," he replied.

"I'm on my way," he replied as he headed towards Jazz's signal. Soon, he was at Jazz's side as he looked down on some shattered crystal fragments.

"My scans tell me this crystal is made of some kinda weird energy. Something's I've never seen before."

"This might have something to do with why they landed here instead of at the crash site." Then he put his hand to his ear and said, "Bulkhead: Come in here and analyze these crystals. I want to make sure they're not related to Space Bridge Technology."

"On my way, Prime," replied Bulkhead.

So they waited for him to arrive as Jazz continued to examine the pieces.

"Let me look at it," he said as he waited for Prime and Jazz to make a path. He scanned a crystal piece as the others waited for the results. After a few minutes, he finally said, "Nothing to do with Space Bridges. I think it's more of some kind of alien stasis field."

"Ratchet knows about Stasis Fields," said Prime, "We better get his opinion as well."

"I agree."

"We have to assume that Megatron and the others are also disguised as local machines," he mused, "otherwise we would have surely spotted them while we were coming in for a landing."

"There was no machines within sight," replied Jazz, "So it must have been a very small machine."

"That is curious."

Sari walked away from Omega Supreme in her human form. But now that she knew she was an Autobot protoform, she could hear the Autobot's transmissions even as a human.


"Well just chill," she replied, "I'm not going far. Who knows. I might bump into the dominant species while I'm looking around."


"That's just a saying, Omega. It means relax and stand down. Nothing is going to happen."


"Fine," she grumbled, "You're worse than my dad."

She sighed as she walked through the trees. While it was dark, there was enough moonlight for her to see somewhat well. She heard a hoot, and watched as an owl glided overhead.

"Someone's out hunting," she mused as she watched it. But she was looking up at the owl as she stepped over the edge of a slope and took a long tumble. She rolled through a number of bushes as she gained speed towards the ground below. Fortunately, she avoided all the trees before she tumbled into the roadway and came to a rough stop. She sat up, and looked both ways on the road. Looking down the road, she saw the glow of lights against the night, but they were a fair distance away from her. She also say a light moving in the night like a headlight. It was moving towards the other lights.

"I found a road and some lights," she called to Omega, "Just taking a few minutes to see what they are."


She stood, brushed herself off, and then began walking down the road towards the lights. But as she walked, she noticed a pony-drawn cart coming towards her, making its way slowly along the road in the dark. The only light came from a pair of oil lamps mounted on the sides, focused to shine ahead.

"Whoa," came a voice, "What kind of creature are you?!"

"My name is Sari," she replied, "I'm from a place called Earth. They call us Humans."

The cart came forward, and she realized there was no driver.

"Hey," she called, "Who talked to me?"

"Well who else would," he replied. She realized it was the pony that was speaking.

"WHOA!!" she cried, "A talking pony!!"

"Well of course I talk," he replied mildly insulted, "You think I'm an @$$ or something?!"

She came closer as she said, "Sorry. Where I come from, ponies just don't talk."

"What kind of sick twisted land is that?!"


"I'm glad I don't live there."

"Is there a town up the road there?" she asked as she closed to just out of her arm's reach.

"Yeah," he said, "I just came from Ponyville with a late night delivery for Canterlot."

"Ponyville?!" she asked in surprise, "That... sounds... awesome!!"

"I take it Earth isn't around here?"

"Oh, it's really far away from here. Are there others around here like me?"

"I promise that you're the first creature I've seen that looks anything like you," replied the pony.

"What's your name?"

"Oh," he replied as he stopped, "My name is Longhaul. Express delivery is my job."

"Wait," she said as she looked at him in the light, "Are you hot pink?!"

"Yeah," he replied, "What about it?"

"Earth ponies don't come in that color!"

"Hay!" he protested, "I'm ALL Earth pony!"

"How can you be an Earth pony if we're not on Earth?!"

"Well duh," he replied, "This is Equestria."

"Well... okay..." she answered, "I guess I'll figure this all out... somehow... Good luck with your delivery."

"Good luck to you too," he replied as he started trotting again. She continued her walk towards Ponyville.

"That was weird," they both said as they parted ways.

"Hey Omega," she radioed.


"You won't believe this, but the ponies on this planet talk!"


"Nevermind," she replied, "I'm going on a bit longer. There's a settlement and I'm going to check it out."


"He has enough to worry about," she replied, "I should be back before he even returns to the ship."


"The stasis cuffs worked perfectly," said Megatron as they left Nuts' house, "and we still have time to set up the best ambush point."

"I doubt there should be more than two guards with Celestia," said Nightmare Moon, "Do you have enough stasis cuffs for all of them?"

"Yes we do."

"Excellent. I have enough Stun Bolts for all."

"Something is wrong, Lord Megatron," said Lugnut with a yawn, "I have this urge to shut down my systems."

"Why is this happening?"

"Almost all ponies sleep at night," replied Nightmare Moon, "but I can temporarily fix that." Her horn glowed as it spread over Megatron and the others. "There. That spell should remove the need to sleep for a couple of days."

"I no longer feel the need to shut down."

"Blitzwing might be right about this thing called magic," mused Megatron aloud. They slipped though the streets towards the largest and most important looking building in Ponyville.

"Judging by the decorations," said Moon, "I'd say this must be the place where the ceremony is being held. We need to get out of sight. Celestia should be flying in her chariot pretty soon."

"How can you tell?"

"I was once the Princess of the Moon," she replied, "and my magic tells me when it's time to lower the moon. It's only an hour or so from now, and I'm sure Celestia will try to slip in unnoticed before everypony else starts showing up. She'll want to avoid crowds until she has to deal with them."

So they moved to hide in the bushes.

Celestia looked down as they flew towards Ponyville. She wanted to slip in before the crowds gathered, so she tried to be there a bit early. But as they winged there way over the road, she caught a glimpse of a strange yellow creature. She blinked, but they were flying fast enough that she lost sight of it. Looking up at the Guards pulling her chariot, they didn't seem to have noticed what she did, so she said nothing to them about it.

"I wonder what that was?" she asked, "Ah, I must be working too hard."

"Did you say something, my Princess?" asked one of the Royal Guards.

"Just practicing my Summer Sun Celebration speech," she replied, "Hope it's not bothering you."

"Of course not, marelady," he replied.

They approached the site of the Summer Sun Celebration, and noticed how well it was decorated. Then the chariot landed, rolled to a stop, and then she climbed out as she called ahead, "You may return to Canterlot. I'm sure that Spike can send you a message when I need to return."

They whinnied before they pulled the chariot back into the sky. She watched them fly away, but just as she was turning around to walk in, a magical bolt was fired at her from the bushes. It struck her square in the chest before she could react. She couldn't move or think clearly as a strange unicorn rushed up and slapped some strange looking manacles on her fetlocks. She realized that she couldn't move or use her magic at all.

"You've grown soft, big sister," said a mare as she emerged from the bushes.

'NIGHTMARE MOON?!' she thought.

"I'd like you to meet my partners in crime," she added as she pointed her horn at the unicorn and the two others emerging from the bushes, "My associates, Princess Megatron, Lugnut and Blitzwing."

"Blast it, organic!" she cursed as her wings popped out from under the cloak, "Just call me Megatron or Lord Megatron! I AM NOT A PONY PRINCESS!!"

But Nightmare Moon smiles her fanged grin as she said, "She's just too easy to tease about anything, big sister."

"Where can we hide the prisoner?" asked Lugnut.

"Just blow her up already," said Blitzwing.

"I'll blow YOU up if you suggest that again!"

"Don't worry about big sister," she replied, "I know this area well enough to know where some deep caves are. They shouldn't be used by anypony. Once I've taken over a made the Eternal Night, we can return so that I can properly punish her for what she did to me!" Her horn glowed as she made Celestia float, and they followed her as she made her way towards the edge of town. "Then I shall return, and these foals will discover that their precious sun, their sun Princess, and the daylight SHALL! BE! GONE! FOREVER!" She made a wicked laugh.

"HAY!! Keep it down out there!! An old stallion needs his sleep after all, ya whippersnappers!!" called a cranky old pony from his window. Fortunately, he was looking in the wrong area as Nightmare Moon and the others rushed away.