• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 4,429 Views, 112 Comments

Transformares (Not So) Animated - neorenamon

When an energy wave washes over Equestria and ponies start turning into robots, they panic until robots arrive to explain things along with a human.

  • ...

The Return of Luna

by neorenamon

The leaders of the Shadowbolts followed the others back to Ponyville. Celestia Prime was too happy to have back Luna Prime to discuss rewards and payments at the moment, and the Shadowbolts seemed to understand that.

"You can put me down now!" growled Ratchet, "I can walk the rest of the way! If bots were meant to fly, we wouldn't have built spaceships ya know!"

"I dunno," said Bulkhead, "Flying with this magic stuff is real neat. It's like a superior form of magnetic repulsion or perhaps some kind of anti-gravity flight system."

"You know Ratchet isn't happy unless there's something to gripe about, right?" asked Bumblebee.

"We all know it's because it's an excuse to cover up the fact she cares about us," quipped Sari.

"Hey!" she replied, "I only care as much as a medibot has to!"

"I wonder if you six are going to remain fused permanently?" asked Celestia Prime as she looked over Twilight Prime's Super Form.

"I'm sure it's not permanent," she replied, "but I'm not quite sure when or how it shall end."

"Transformers have had combiners before," said Optimus Prime, "I'm pretty sure they just will themselves to separate and it happens."

"It can't hurt to try," she replied, "Twilight Prime Super Mode separate!"

And she went from one giant mechanical being back to being six.

"Oh lookie!" said Pinkie Maximum as she looked at herself, "The Element of Laughter is mounted on my chestplate! It looks like a pink balloon!" She paused to sigh, "Preeety..."

"That all seems to be the same fer all of us," replied Apple Buster as she looked at the apple-shaped red gem on her own chestplate.

"Well everypony but Twilight," said Rare Seeker as she looked at Twilight Prime's head.

"Why is my Element on a tiara?" she asked, "I don't feel any better or more special than the rest of the Elements."

"But it does seem to go with your status as a Prime," said Celestia, "You are the leader of the Elements even if that wasn't your choice to make. But I know you'll do your best to guide the others."

"I'm cool with you being in charge of the Elements," agreed Rainbow Bolt.

Luna Prime was looking down. She wasn't looking any of the others in their eyes.

"Why do you look so down?" asked Pinkie of Luna.

"We have done many horrible things as both Nightmare Moon and Nightmaretron," she replied, "Perhaps we are not worthy..."

"It's alright," said Twilight interrupting her, "I think most ponies realize that Princess Luna is not the same as Nightmare Moon. They have it in their hearts to forgive you. You just need to give them the chance to."

"You've matured so much since I sent you to Ponyville to learn about friendship," said Celestia softly.

"We hope... that you are right..." she sighed as she looked up into Celestia's eyes.

"Once the Summer Sun Celebration resumes," she said with a smile, "I shall be most proud to reintroduce you to all of the ponies. After a thousand years, I'm so glad to have you back at my side. We were meant to rule Equestria together."

"We hope that we shall not... make you regret that..."

"NEVER!!" she replied with uncharacteristic loudness.

"Say," observed Pinkie, "I haven't seen that Discord in a while. Where'd he go off to?"

"He knows the Elements of Harmony defeated him before," replied Celestia, "It's wise of him not to stick around on the chance they shall be used against him again."

"We noticed that he didn't fear the Elements before," noted Luna, "Why should now be different?"

"He fell because he didn't understand the nature of the Elements. Now I'm sure he knows better. But he shall return. Things are far too... amusing... around here for him to ignore us indefinitely."

"It also seems likely that we haven't seen the last of Princess Megatron," added Twilight, "That kind of megalomaniac doesn't give up easily. A couple of defeats will not deter her for long."

"THAT NEVER GETS OLD!!" shouted Sari and Bumblebee together.

Ratchet loudly cleared her throat before they continued.

"We have to gather the fragments of the AllSpark before she can," said Optimus, "I hope you don't mind if we build a temporary base around here to conduct operations against her."

"It would be an honor to count you among the allies of Equestria," said Celestia.

"Now we need to build a ship to get to the moon," said Optimus, "We have to get Omega fully repaired and brought back here."

"And I have to see how Arcee is doing!" added Ratchet.

"A ship is not needed," replied Luna, "We can easily take you to the moon and protect you there while this Omega is fixed."

"That would really help us out," said Optimus.

"You helped... save me... as much as anypony," she said as she looked down, "It's the least... we can do to repay you."

"AH!" said Lugnut as he suddenly woke up, "Where is my Princess Megatron?!" He jumped to his feet as if he might run.

"Calm yourself," said Celestia, "I'm sure your Princess shall return for you..."

"I'll put it on my calendar for the 12th of Never," quipped Sari. Suddenly she shifted forms as she shrunk back down to her "human" form. "Aw," she moaned, "I was getting used to be large and in charge."

It was about then that the Mane Six shifted back to their pony forms as well.

"Will I be your prisoner?" he asked.

"While you are not a prisoner," replied Celestia said as she glanced at the Mane Six, "You will need supervision while you are living in Ponyville."

Then Luna and Celestia also changed back to their pony forms.

"THANK CELESTIA YOU'RE BACK PRINCESS!!" called Mayor Mare as she rushed out with a crowd of ponies to welcome them all back.

"The Summer Sun Celebration shall continue!" she declared.

Ponies cheered wildly.

"Scrap it all!" cursed Princess Megatron as he looked from Blitzwing to Astrotrain, "How am I supposed to get back the AllSpark when I'm stuck with a couple of malfunctions like you two!"

"Well you have to go with the Decepticon Army you have," replied Astrotrain, "and not the one you wish for."

"That doesn't help," she sighed.

"There must be someone we can ally with against the ponies somewhere," observed Blitzwing.

She looked back as she said, "It's not like an ally is just going to... OOF!"

"Watch where you are going, creature!" said the strange mare that Princess Megatron bumped into.

"Watch your mouth servo!" she warned, "You speak to Princess Lord Megatron of the Decepticons!"

"Well I am Queen Chrysalis!" she retorted, "And I must know why you've come from the pony lands into MY KINGDOM!"

"OH!" said Blitzwing, "Can I beat her up?!"

A small army of changelings suddenly rose around their Queen.

"You are surely pony spies!" she accused.

"We are NO FRIENDS of Equestria or Celestia!" replied Megatron, "In fact we're trying to get revenge against them and their allies for setting out plans back!"

"What a coincidence," she replied as she looked about at her subjects, "I have a less than wholesome interest in them. Perhaps we can... help each other?"

"Well," observed Megatron as she looked about, "You do have an army. We could really use an army. I could also use a whole lot of eyes to search for something valuable that's been scattered across this world."

"I'm sure we both... can get what we want... from this arrangement," she replied with a wicked grin.