• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 4,433 Views, 112 Comments

Transformares (Not So) Animated - neorenamon

When an energy wave washes over Equestria and ponies start turning into robots, they panic until robots arrive to explain things along with a human.

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by neorenamon

Twilight continued her walk towards the library even as Spike continued to spout his history to the enraptured Fluttershy. "...and that's the story of my whole entire life! Well, up until today. Do you wanna hear about today?"

"Oh, yes, please!" she pleaded.

But Twilight bucked enough to toss Spike to the ground at the Library door. This caused the baby dragon to cry out in distress and surprise.

"I am so sorry, how did we get here so fast?" said Twilight as she tried to look apologetic, "This is where I'm staying while in Ponyville and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep."

"No I don't..." protested Spike before Twilight bumped him onto his backside again, "whoa!"

"Aww, wook at dat," said Twilight in a baby-like voice, "he's so sweepy he can't even keep his widdle bawance!"

"Oh my," replied Fluttershy, "You need to get him right to bed." She scooped him up in her forelegs and swept him into the Library before Twilight darted in afterwards, and she found herself bodily pushed back out the front door.

"I agree," she said as she pushed Spike though the door, "We'll get right on that. Well, g'night!" Then the door slammed shut behind them.

"You were a bit rude to Fluttershy, don't you think?" grumbled Spike.

"Sorry, Spike, but I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time!" she replied with a mixture of apology and desperation, "I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now, where's the light?"

"You just might need friends one of these day," he grumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," he said quickly.

"Now let's find that light switch, shall we?"

Spike switched on the light switch to reveal that they were surrounded by a mass of strange ponies. There was the toot of a party horn, and then they all cried as one, "SURPRISE!"

A party noisemaker was all but blown in her face.

"Oh great," grumbled Twilight.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you!" said the pink Earth pony mare as she popped up next to Twilight, "Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?"

"Very surprised," she grumbled, "Libraries are supposed to be quiet."

"Well, that's silly!" she blurt out quickly, "What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring! Y'see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all 'hello' and I was all [deep gasp], remember? Y'see I've never saw you before and if I've never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville!"

Twilight just groaned at Pinkie's rushed speech.

"And if you're new, that meant you haven't met anyone yet," Pinkie continued to gush as she bounced and jumped all around Twilight, "and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, then I had an idea, and that's why I went [deep gasp]! I must throw a great big ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville!"

Then Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were all there around Pinkie as she added, "See? And now you have lots and lots of friends!" Wait, didn't Twilight just ditch Fluttershy at the front door? ARGH, another plot hole! I have to think of a way to rewrite this scene later... oh, pardon me for editorializing... back to the story.

Twilight used her magic to grab a random bottle from the table she approached and poured something red into a goblet. Wow, nothing can go wrong with this. Then she placed a straw into the cup as she started to sip and pretend to listen to Pinkie's ramblings. But then her cheeks became puffy and beet red. There was clearly something wrong with her.

"Are you all right, sugarcube?" asked Applejack with some concern.

Then she jumped upwards and shot fire from her mouth. While still in the air, she shot off towards the someplace she could find some water.

"Aww, she's so happy she's crying!" said Pinkie as she watched her go.

But Spike picked up the bottle she had used and commented, "This is 'hot sauce'."

Pinkie poured the sauce on a cupcake (Wait! Who does that?! Oh nevermind) and popped it into her mouth. Then she said with her mouth full, "What? It's really really good..."

"That must be the town of Ponyville up ahead," said Nightmare Moon as her group sighted a cluster of buildings ahead. By sticking to the roads, they managed to avoid the small farms and other sidetracks along the way. "My big sister won't be here yet," she continued, "I highly doubt she'd leave the coziness of her palace bedroom to spend the night here. It's not like her."

"Then we just need to know where the Princess will arrive so we can take her by surprise," replied Princess Megatron.

"But then what are we going to do?" asked Lugnut.

"Let's just blow her up!" said Blitzwing.

Nightmare Moon groaned as she said, "If I just put big sister out of her misery, then I cannot make her suffer just like I've suffered!"

"I like the way you think."

"I'd still rather just blow stuff up!"

"And nobody asked YOU!!"

"My sister defeated me before because I made the mistake of letting her see me coming," replied Nightmare Moon, "This time, a stun bolt spell should be able to stun her before she can react. We just need to restrain her before she can recover."

"Perhaps I can help with that," replied Megatron, "We have some stasis cuffs I... borrowed from the Autobots along with their ship. Perhaps they can be tuned so that they'll be effective against organics."

"Won't we need a test subject for who's not one of us?"

"Yes, that is a valid point," she replied, "We'll need to abduct a pony to test them on. Somepony that won't be missed until after we've captured Celestia."

"Oh, I don't think that's going to be a problem," said Nightmare Moon as she looked at the houses.

"Lugnut: release one of the stasis cuffs from your storage. If I'm right, then they shall be on the right scale for use on ponies."

"As the Master commands," he said as his chest split and two doors opened.

"That is really disturbing," said Nightmare Moon as she looked away.

But a pony sized pair of stasis cuffs flopped to the ground just as Megatron predicted. Then the doors in Lugnut's chest closed and disappeared without leaving any seams or cracks behind. The alicorns horn glowed as the cuffs likewise glowed and floated from the ground.

"What kind of power is that?"

"What? My magic?"

"Can I do that?"

"Any creature with this style of horn should be able to perform this feat."

"How... intriguing..."

"Ooo, and it looks like all kinds of fun too!"

"What do I need to activate?"

"You just look at the object you wish to move," replied Nightmare Moon as the cuffs circled around her, "and will it to move as you desire."

So Megatron looked at a hoof-sized rock as his horn began to glow. The rock began to likewise glow and shake.

"That's it," she urged, "Just focus more."

The rock began to lift off the ground even as Megatron began to visibly strain. "This is harder than it looks," she groaned.

"The more you practice, the stronger the power becomes. I'd rip up one of these trees to show you, but we can't afford to make such a scene right now."

The rock fell as she said, "And I doubt I'll be around here long enough to worry about it."

"But imagine what Decepticons could destroy if we could harness this new power!!" gushed Blitzwing.

"He's all about destruction, isn't he?"

"Indeed, but as long as it's just Autobots and other enemies of mine, I... put up with it."

"The Master is very tolerant of our failings!"

"He's bragging about that?!"

"Yes," groaned Megatron.