• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 4,433 Views, 112 Comments

Transformares (Not So) Animated - neorenamon

When an energy wave washes over Equestria and ponies start turning into robots, they panic until robots arrive to explain things along with a human.

  • ...

(6) Flutter Along for a Song

by neorenamon

Spike continued to float down the road behind Twilight as he sighed, "Isn't she dreamy?"

"Settle down, Camarguenova," she replied, "or I'm going to have to give you a cold shower from somepony's garden hose."

She glanced back to see that he was still entranced by the white unicorn mare.

"Snap out of it, Spike!" she commanded, "We've still got things to check up on before we retreat to the Library!"

"Oh huh wha?" he asked as he 'woke up' and checked the list, "Well it looks like the last official thing we need to check on is the music. There's supposed to be a pony on the edge of town who's going to provide music from songbirds."

"Well that should be something to see," she replied.

"And hear," added Spike.

"This one's a bit out of town for just having some birds," noted Twilight.

"Maybe she has some kind of bird sanctuary in her back yard?"

"I suppose we'll find out shortly," she replied as she trotted down the road.

After a moment, Spike put his claw to his ear as he said, "Well, that does sound nice."

"Yes it does," she agreed.

They came into view of a pegasus directing birds as they sang from a branch. But the she stopped their singing as she said "Oh my. Um, stop please, everyone, umm." She fluttered up to speak to one of them: A bluejay. "Excuse me, sir? I mean, no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny-tiny bit off. Now, follow me, please. A-one, a-two, a-one two three..."

Twilight snuck up on them by accident as she said, "Hello there. I am..."

The birds scattered as the pegasus gave a startled shriek and shot 20 feet or so straight up into the air.

"I'm sorry!" she called, "I didn't mean to startle any of you!"

The pegasus slowly drifted back down towards the ground as she looked around for the birds.

"I'm just here to check up on the music and it's sounding beautiful," she said as the pegasus landed, waiting for some kind of response. "I'm Twilight Sparkle," she added when no response came. "What's your name?" she asked after no response came from that.

"I am... uh... Fluttershy," she said softly. She was turned away from the two of them as well.

"Padron? I didn't catch that."

"Fluttershy," she replied even softer.

"Still didn't catch that."

Her response was all but inaudible.

"The addendum to table 36.9 on page 123 says her name is Fluttershy," offered Spike.

"Well," she replied, "I guess things are peachy here. Let's get going, Spike..."

But Fluttershy had turned around and managed to see Spike for the first time as she squeaked, "Is that a baby dragon?!" In her rush to get into Spike's face, she all but knocked Twilight out of the way. "I've never seen a baby dragon before!" she said in a volume approaching normal conversation. "He's soooo cute," she gushed.

Spike glanced back at the sprawled out Twilight as he commented, "Well well well..."

"Oh my, he talks. I didn't know dragons could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful I, I just don't even know what to say!" she continued to gush.

"Well, we reeeaaally need to get going," replied Twilight as she found her feet, "Places to go, ponies to see and all that..."

"Wait wait," she objected, "What's his name?"

"They call me... Spike," he replied.

"Hello there, Spike. I'm Fluttershy. So what do dragons talk about?"

"Well," he replied, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Absolutely everything," she blurted out.

Twilight just groaned as she overheard the exchange between the two of them.

"Well... I started out as a cute little purple and green egg..." began Spike as he climbed onto Twilight's flank.

Now with their wings cloaked, Nightmare Moon, Megatron and the others made their way towards the border of Canterlot City. They walked up the path towards the Guards at the gate.

"Allow me to do the talking," said Nightmare Moon.

"Very well," agreed Megatron, and then he looked back to add, "Lugnut, Blitzwing. You two stay back until we're ready to go in. We don't need any... incidents... so soon."

"Of course, Master," replied Lugnut.

"We better blow something up later," muttered Blitzwing.

Megatron groaned as he followed Nightmare Moon.

"Hail," she called as she approached a pair of Guards.

"Please state your business here," said one of them as they moved to block the entrance.

"We have supplies we're supposed to deliver to the Summer Sun Celebration," she replied, "but we got lost."

"It's lucky for you that Ponyville is nearby," replied the other, "You might get there in time for your delivery if you hurry."

"I've never heard of that place," she replied as Megatron glared at them.

"It's not far from the base of Canterlot Mountain," he replied, "Just head south. The rail line will show you the way if you should get lost again."

"Thank you," she replied as she turned to leave. They all walked away as the Guards began to gossip.

"I'd do the one with the red eyes," muttered the one guard, "She's a cutie."

"Oh please," replied the other, "The one with the bad teeth and the funny voice is hotter by far."

"Too bad we're on duty," he sighed.

"Too bad they already have stallionfriends."

"Insolent whelps," muttered Nightmare Moon.

"What were they even talking about?"

"Oh, I'm sure you don't want to know that," she hissed.

"I doubt I'll ever understand you organics," sighed Megatron.

"Sometimes I have to wonder about them myself."

"Is being a stallionfriend good?" asked Lugnut.

"That is one thing most mares seek to acquire at one time or another," she replied.

"Then I am obviously the only stallionfriend for my Lord Megatron!" he declared.

"I feel so... honored," grumbled Megatron.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Not big on sarcasm, is he?" smirked Nightmare Moon.

"No." answered Megatron.


"It's lucky they have no sensors to detect us with," said Ratchet.

"Other than their optics," replied Optimus, "Keep the speed down, Omega. We don't want to generate any sonic booms."


"We should be using the clouds to our advantage," added Sari.

"That's a good idea," agreed Optimus.

"I wonder what the dominant species of this planet is?" asked Bulkhead.

"It's safe to say it's not humans," said Sari, "but there is signs of civilization all over the place. Someone must be in charge."

"I'm sure we'll discover that soon enough," said Prime, "but first we need to take on technoforms to blend in once we get there."

"Well this form looks big and strong enough for me," said Bulkhead as he looked at an image.

"That's a steam locomotive," she replied, "and I don't think they're supposed to be running off of railroad tracks. If you look at the data closely, you'll see that it has no steering mechanisms of any kind."

"That's a bummer," he replied, "All the others are either too small or they're watercraft."

"Look at that one!" said Sari as she pointed, "That kind of looks like a land train!"

"You're right," he replied as he looked, "But what is it?"

"As long as it blends in," said Optimus, "It doesn't matter."

"Okay. I'll download that scan into my transformation circuits."

"Uh," groaned Bumblebee, "They're all so slow, clunky and ugly."

"I gotta agree with that," replied Jazz.

"We all have to make sacrifices for the mission," said Prime. He looked at the scan as he said, "I only see one steam powered fire engine anywhere, so I suppose that's going to have to do for me."

"The things I have to do for Cybertron," groaned Bumblebee.

"I totally agree with that."

"We all have to adapt until the mission is over and we're back on our way to Cybertron."

"Well that one looks like a primitive ambulance," muttered Ratchet, "It looks as old as I feel, so I'll take that one."

"Very good," replied Prime.

"I guess I'll have to take that one," said Bumblebee, "At least that one's streamlined and made for speed... like me."

"Well this one's built for speed too," said Jazz, "So as long as it's temporary, I'll take that one."

"How long til we land?" asked Prime.


"Land close to the shuttle as you can."


"What about Omega Supreme?" asked Sari.

"We'll just have to leave him behind until we need some heavy firepower," replied Optimus.