• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 15,697 Views, 648 Comments

Spiders and Magic II: Eleven Months - Maximus_Reborn

Sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane. Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle prepare to tackle parenthood.

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First Month: Trepidation

Chapter One “First Month: Trepidation”

The sun rose over the horizon, its rays spreading light and warmth across all of Ponyville. Twilight stretched her hooves high over her head, yawning softly before rolling onto her side. She reached for the window and pushed it open, allowing the sun’s light to enter her humble abode. A gentle breeze accompanied the sun’s warmth, rustling the mare’s violet locks. Ponyville was basking in utter tranquility, and the occasional thrills of playful birds.

Sighing contently, Twilight turned to the side, furrowing her brow after failing to find a certain stallion. She shifted her head, looking around aimlessly. It wasn’t like Peter to wake up early, let alone venture out at this hour. Twilight ran a hoof over the stallion’s side of the bed, noting that the sheets were still warm. Peter must have left within the hour. It wouldn’t have bothered the mare if it was just a random occurrence, but this was the sixth time in the past two weeks that he had snuck off early in the morning.

A concrete explanation would have helped the mare's anxiety. However, Peter’s answers were incredibly vague, saying that he was looking for something without any details. Twilight groaned under her breath. She was not good when it came to secrets, whether it was keeping one or figuring out another. In fact, if it weren’t for the information Madame Web provided in the book, combined with the truth serum that Zecora had given to Peter, Twilight probably wouldn’t have learned as much about her coltfriend’s past.

Ironically, those circumstances helped bring them together. Twilight closed her eyes and sighed, feeling the temperature in her face rise. It was strange how fate worked. Nodding, the mare turned and closed her eyes. There wasn’t anything to think about. She trusted Peter with her life. After all, he had quite literally sacrificed his to save hers. Whatever it was that he was up to, Twilight was certain the stallion would eventually tell her.

The princess paused, glancing off to the side. Of course, she promised herself to confront the stallion on his sneakiness. Twilight sighed sadly. There was no shame in admitting that she missed his company. Their relationship truly felt like a normal dating experience between a courting couple, which Twilight reveled in. There was no danger on the horizon, no more prophecies looming over their heads. This was a time of peace, to enjoy each other’s company without the stress of something happening.

The past three weeks were wonderful in that aspect. Peter and Twilight’s desire for each other was still there, building, but both ponies were treating each other like adults, not teenagers constantly yielding to their sexual urges. They shared stories that revolved around their childhoods, dreams, fears, and future plans. As of late, Peter seemed particularly interested in the latter, wondering which plans did or did not include each other as a whole. Twilight didn’t mind, even as the conversations lasted for hours on end.

They even shared more than a few laughs. Twilight giggled, actually finding Peter’s sense of humor endearing. It was as if he knew how to gauge each situation. The mare’s brow twitched at the thought. This further proved that the stallion knew how to irritate her efficiently, but he seemed to have avoided doing so lately, remaining earnest even as the world shut itself off from him. Even Trixie had admitted that Peter’s sense of humor was not as grating as usual, making the usually-stoic mare giggle involuntarily on occasion.

The Treebrary had been devoid of legitimate laughter for the first few days since they had returned from Earth. They still had to work on earning everypony’s trust back. Twilight managed a smile. It was just pleasant for the mare to see her Peter happy again in spite of the circumstances. However, what stood out the most for the princess were the moments in which she and Peter didn’t have to say anything. They simply sat in comfortable silence, merely enjoying the other’s company.

Twilight sighed blissfully. Just a couple of nights ago, Peter pulled her into his hooves, caressing the mare gently for hours while she read a book before falling into a peaceful slumber. Yesterday, Twilight asked Cadance for advice on where she and her stallion stood, and her sister-in-law happily responded that the couple was truly in a loving relationship. It had taken months to understand, but Twilight couldn’t be happier with the developing situation. The pregnancy was going smoothly as well.

That is, until a strange fixation stirred at the bottom of her stomach. Twilight’s breathing grew shallow, a desperate attempt to calm her building nausea, but it was for naught, as it traveled up her body. Recognizing the signs of the impending disaster, the alicorn sped out of her room and galloped down the hallway, knocking Trixie out of the way in the process. Twilight reached the porcelain seat, experiencing one of the worst feelings in her life. Sounds of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s regurgitation echoed throughout the Treebrary, along with traces of light whimpering.

She failed to close the door behind her. Not that it mattered. This had become quite normal over the past two weeks, but Twilight loathed it just as much as she did the first time it occurred. Trixie peeked into the bathroom with an arched brow, finding her friend slouched over the toilet. Twilight stared down at the traces of last night’s dinner before groaning desolately. She flushed the toilet, ready to take a stand, but her nausea returned, causing the princess to retch in spite of already emptying her stomach.

“Holding well, Princess Sparkle?” Trixie asked, quick to join the alicorn’s side before she vomited once again. “I’ll take that as a yes. Try not to hack up a lung, will you? It would be a real shame if a princess of Equestria died over her throne.” The unicorn was just as unsympathetic as ever.

Twilight raised her head and whined, her expression as pitiful as a sad puppy’s. “I’m dying.”

Trixie rolled her eyes, grinning. “You being able to say that much shows you are just fine.”

There was unsympathetic, and then there was Trixie. Twilight turned away to release the final contents from her stomach, which wasn’t much at this point. It took several moments, but the alicorn managed to force herself to a standing position, her limbs wobbling as her stomach slowly settled.

Noticing that the princess was in fact alright, Trixie turned away to take her leave. “Come now, let us see what we can do to fill that freshly emptied stomach of yours.”

A belated realization came to mind, evident by the mare’s widened gaze. “Wait!” Twilight called out, turning to the leaving mare. “Trixie. Have you seen Peter this morning?”

Trixie didn’t respond immediately. Instead, she used her magic and levitated a wet cloth to the princess. “I have. The idiot left about an hour ago. He asked me to keep you company. He should return sometime tonight.”

“Did he say where he was going exactly?” Twilight questioned before proceeding to wipe her face clean. Trixie merely shrugged, earning a derelict groan from the alicorn. Forcing the bile in her mouth down with a rough swallow, Twilight blankly stared at the wall before exhaling loudly. “I can’t stand this! Why am I on maternal leave already? I’m barely pregnant right now! I should go to Canterlot and beg for Princess Celestia to postpone putting me on leave. I can still work!”

Trixie blankly stared at the alicorn. “Says the mare that has been ceaselessly vomiting every morning for the past two weeks.” Trixie’s stoic demeanor lightened, allowing an earnest smile to grace the mare’s features. “While you may still be capable in some aspects, it is best for you to just focus on keeping yourself and the baby healthy. That means you must have proper rest and nourishment. It’s as the saying goes, you’re eating for two now.” The unicorn shook her head. “Besides, don’t make the idiot worry any more than he already does.”

Twilight’s ears perked. “Peter’s been worried?”

Shaking her head, Trixie couldn’t hide her exasperation. “I practically had to pass an exam just so he could trust me enough to stay by your side for the day.”

Twilight’s mind crawled into a dark place, her eyes widening with concern. “He cannot really expect me to stay indoors for that long.”

Trixie’s brow lowered, her mind going into deep thought. “It’s not so much that he wants you to stay indoors. He wants you to relax and avoid work. You’re a workaholic, Twilight Sparkle. I believe it is time that you unwind. Think of this as a well-needed vacation.” The unicorn smirked. “That is, whenever you’re not sick.”

Twilight let out an irritated sigh. “How can you just expect me to relax when I have nothing to do?” Twilight asked, whining. “What am I supposed to do with all this free time, Trixie?”

The mare tapped her chin with a hoof, deep in thought for a moment before her brow raised. “Well, if that’s what you’re worried about, may I make a suggestion?” The unicorn closed her eyes and huffed. “You just spent an entire month as a different species and in a different culture. Seeing as you have been relieved of your royal duties and restricted from any research or scientific activities... why not chronicle your adventures on Earth? I, for one, would certainly love to read a book like that, as would many other ponies I imagine.” Trixie’s face eased. “Maybe if everypony read things from your perspective, that would help them understand your relationship with Peter?”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “Why didn’t I think of that?!” She clapped her hooves together eagerly and hopped in place. “Trixie, you’re a genius!”

Smirking, Trixie laughed triumphantly. “I am glad somepony recognizes my--” was all she managed before Twilight bolted past her. “...greatness,” the unicorn exhaled, arching a brow as Twilight rummaged through a desk, placing a scroll on top of it. While the princess prepared to indulge in the fresh idea, Trixie glanced at the sun behind the nearest window. “Well, Peter... I certainly hope things are going well on your end.”

Spike approached the unicorn, rubbing a claw over his half-closed eyes. “Was that Twilight… again?”

Trixie nodded. “Yes. The wonderful effects of Mother Nature at work again. It’s quite beautiful really.”

Twilight’s hoof slammed into the desk, shaking it violently. “Where is my quill?!”

Spike cringed. “Yeah, right. Beautiful indeed.”

The hours of the night had passed, giving way to sunrise. Luna brushed a hoof over her eyes, yawning involuntarily. With another night watch completed, the princess was ready to yield to her quarters and fall into a deep slumber. Because of her younger body, she would have to adjust to her work schedule all over again. However, sleep would have to wait, as Luna was expecting a friend. The alicorn wandered into the courtyard before taking a seat by the fountain, staring at her reflection in the water with a smile.

This spot was always considered a personal retreat for the mare, its tranquil settings usually putting her mind at ease, and she made it a habit to converse with her best friend here whenever the opportunity arose. Luna’s ears perked at a sound - a series of faint shots. She turned her head in its direction, gazing skyward, and her eyes softened upon spotting a stallion swinging on a strand of webbing before he sped into a freefall. As he neared the ground, Peter shot a strand against the nearest wall, using the momentum to swing to Luna’s position and skid to a controlled halt.

Luna smirked. “You certainly know how to make an entrance.”

Peter shrugged. “Years of practice.”

The stallion grinned, taking a moment to change the capsules within the devices on his hooves. He was without his heroic attire, wearing only his backpack and signature web-shooters. Luna stepped forward, brushing the side of her head against Peter’s chest affectionately. Many moons ago, the princess wouldn’t have dreamt of publicly embracing a pony, let alone a stallion, but times had changed, with the mare doing this whenever they met. It had become ‘their thing’ as Peter declared, and Luna thought of it a guilty pleasure, considering the depth of her feelings for the stallion.

The alicorn broke away, arching a brow. “You seemed adamant that we talk. I hate to be frank, but it’s not like you to move before sunrise without Twilight Sparkle forcing you to do so.”

Peter chuckled, sliding the straps of his saddlebags from around his shoulders. “Yeah, it’s really important. I obviously caught you at a bad time. Long night? You look like a zombie. Scratch that. Zombies don’t sleep. You’re more like a vampire, with your sleeping pattern and all.” The stallion shook his head, unzipping the backpack. “You know what? That’s mean. You’re too cool to be a vampire. They actually sparkled on Earth. The popular ones did, anyway. I know! Stupid, right? You’re totally Batmare! Think about it! All you need is a cape, cowl, and lots of money. Don’t forget the suave butler. That would be--”

“Utterly ridiculous,” Luna scoffed, throwing a hoof over Peter’s mouth before he could continue rambling. “Stop. Talking.” Exhaling, the mare rubbed the wrinkles out of her forehead. “I’m listening to two different conversations at once. Must you always talk so inconsistently when you’re nervous?” Luna sighed inwardly. “You really do have a talent for annoying those around you.”

Peter shrugged. “I knew I should have been a clown. Or a door salesman. Both are equally annoying.”

Luna’s exasperation swelled, evident by her twitching brow. “What is on your mind, Peter?”

Before the stallion could respond, a bright light emitted between the pair. It slowly dissipated, revealing Princess Celestia. “Good morning,” she politely greeted, earning a blank expression from her sister.

“What are you doing here, sister?” Luna bemoaned, rolling her eyes.

Despite her sister’s repelling demeanor, Celestia held a knowing smile. “I did not mean to interfere in your quality time, Luna.” The younger alicorn scoffed, unable to hide the blush that stained her cheeks. Celestia directed her gaze to the stallion. “Peter asked that I come here to discuss something of the utmost importance.” This seemed to have diminished some of Luna’s irritation as she arched a brow in Peter’s direction. Celestia’s eyes softened. “What seems to be the matter, my friend?”

Almost all of the air in Peter’s body escaped through his mouth, forcing the stallion to take in shallow breaths. “W-Well, you see…”

His mouth failed to register his mind’s commands. This was truly a rare occurrence. Spider-Mane was at a loss for words, something many had wished would have happened sooner. Shaking his head, Peter chose a simpler course of action. The stallion reached into his back, retrieving a ruby. Its surface was smooth, carefully crafted to resemble the shape of a star. Celestia’s and Luna’s eyes gleamed as they stared at the jewel, its brightness reflecting off of their glossy irises.

Peter inhaled deeply, pausing to sort out the thoughts running through his head. “Twilight is easily the best thing to ever happen to me. Everything I have and who I’ve become is because of her. There’s a lot I have to thank her for, but if I told you about it all, we’d be here all day. She’s saved my life more times than I can count. I’ll never understand it, but Twilight’s given me so many chances. Even now, I’ve driven her name into the ground, and that girl is still trying to support me. I… can’t repay that enough.”

The feelings trapped in his heart began to escape, pouring out like a raging waterfall. “I’m always irritating her, but she finds ways to tolerate me. Twilight’s smart, funny, beautiful, considerate, patient when she needs to be, thick-headed, and I know there’s nopony else that’ll make me as happy as she does. I was lost after what happened to Gwen. When we first met, Twilight managed to give me back hope. I love Twilight, more than I have anybody. Even when I died, she was the only thing on my mind. That’s why I know this is something I want-- no, need-- to do. This is the best way I can tell Twilight that I love her.”

Peter scratched the back of his head and chuckled sheepishly, the temperature in his face elevating. “I’m going to ask Twilight to marry me. I… wanted to see if that was okay with you two.”

Celestia smiled warmly, seeming unphased by the stallion’s declaration. “I’m not at all surprised.” Peter furrowed his brow. The alicorn lowered her head until she could see her own reflection within the jewel’s smooth surface. “In the months you two have known each other, you’ve experienced more than most would in several lifetimes. The fact that you two are still together because you overcame all of that adversity speaks volumes. There is no question that you two love each other earnestly.”

Arching a brow, Celestia tilted her head to the side. “Though I must ask... Why did you feel compelled to ask us for permission to marry Twilight?”

Peter extended a hoof. “It’s a tradition on Earth, like, a really old one. When a guy wants to marry a girl, he usually has to ask her parents for their blessing. You’re like a second mother to Twilight and the most influential pony in her life, so I figured it was best to start with you.”

Celestia nodded, her smile growing in width. “"I see. Well in that case, of course you have my blessing. You needn't even ask in the first place. If you truly feel ready, then by all means. You must be careful though. I know you mean it innocently, but Twilight might take offense to the gesture. This is her life and choice, not ours.”

Peter inhaled deeply, brushing his hoof through his unkempt mane bashfully. “I know.”

After a few moments, Celestia grinned. “You’re very considerate, perhaps to a fault. I have no doubt that Twilight will say yes.” Her expression stiffened, morphing to a stern frown. “Yet I must ask. What if somepony objects? You say it is tradition to ask for permission, but I must know how devoted you are to your cause.”

“I’m going to ask Twilight regardless. If someone has a problem with it… whatever. This is something I want to do,” Peter firmly declared, his posture undeterring. “If I don’t go in with all that I have, it would be disrespectful to Twilight. She should not marry somepony who is not willing to stand up for her. Will she marry me? That’s her decision to make, and it’s the only decision I really care about.” He paused, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “I mean no disrespect, Princess Celestia, but I love Twilight too much to back down to anypony.”

Celestia’s eyes widened before her smile widened. “How brazen. I was worried you might have had doubts, but now I’m certain you are ready to marry Twilight. You will make a most reliable and trustworthy partner for her.”

Luna felt a twinge pull inside of her chest. It felt reminiscent of those feelings the Venom symbiote brought out, matching the raging fires of jealousy and the bitter coldness of loneliness. The inside of her mouth grew dry. Luna stared at Peter for what felt like an eternity, and the stallion maintained his silence, hanging on the mare’s lack of words. There was so much she wanted to say, most of which involved her own personal feelings, but Luna’s resolve prevented any words from escaping her mouth.

“What are your thoughts, sister?” Celestia asked, freeing Luna from her self-induced trance.

The question was delivered through a calm voice and knowing gaze. Celestia knew how much Luna loved Peter. The doors to his heart were truly closing, opened only for the mare with the key. Twilight was that lucky individual, and Luna acknowledged the younger alicorn’s feelings. Their love was nothing short of divine, forged out of trust. Unlike Twilight, Luna did not trust Peter initially. The moon princess sniffled. Twilight had never attacked her lover out of jealousy. She was always the first to rush to his aid, whether it was in regards to fighting evil or attempting to clear her coltfriend’s slandered name.

Their feelings for each other were mutual, both powerful in their own respective ways. Peter shielded his princess with his body, sacrificing his life for her sake, and Twilight supported her knight, standing defiant even as the world turned against them both. They were perfect for each other, both willing to give everything for the sake of their love.

Luna shook her head sadly. To say anything in regards to that would have been selfish.

More importantly, she would have broken her own solemn vow, to never betray the ones that mattered most. Peter’s and Twilight’s happiness were important to Luna, more so than water or air. While she would never disregard her love for the stallion, she promised to yield for certain circumstances. This was such a case. Luna managed to force a smile. She had an eternity to eventually tell him the truth, about how much she desired him. Even if Peter was already fully aware of her feelings, Luna earned to just tell him herself.

That day would come. There was no question about it, but for now, Luna wanted to be supportive of her two dearest friends.

Luna closed the gap between herself and the stallion, pausing to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. “You have my blessing as well.” A stray tear rolled down the side of her muzzle. Her heart still ached, but the smile on her face morphed into an earnest one. “Congratulations, Peter.”

Peter left the castle with a smile. While trepidation filled his heart, confidence existed beside it. At the very least, he had support from the most influential pony in Twilight’s life. Peter stopped in his tracks, giving another worrisome glance at the castle before venturing forward. He couldn’t help but feel concern for Princess Luna, after everything they had been through. Their telepathic link remained intact, although nopony knew how much longer it would before eventually dissipating.

Peter could still feel the mare’s thoughts. Luna’s feelings had not changed in the slightest, but she understood his plight, keeping her objections to herself. Peter reached the house of interest and entered the yard, knocking on the front door. His mind wandered, refusing to leave Luna, but he knew dwelling on the matter would not do any good. The stallion nodded feverishly. Peter wanted to marry Twilight. Simple as that. Sighing, all he could do was pray that Luna wouldn’t turn into another Felicia in the process.

Fortunately, the princess was much more trustworthy than the cat burglar. Peter shook his head, freeing those thoughts from his head. He had something important to do first. The door slowly opened, and Velvet stepped out of her home, smiling widely once her gaze fell on Peter. The mare grabbed the stallion by his hoof, leading him inside before closing the door with her magic. Night Light walked into the living room, giving his guest a small smile. Peter inhaled deeply. Hopefully this would go as well as the previous talk.

Velvet’s hooves wrapped tightly around the younger stallion’s neck. “Peter! I’m so happy you came!”

Peter strained, managing to cough out a laugh. “Thanks, Mrs. Twilight.” He glanced around, furrowing his brow after a few moments. “Hey. Is Shining Armor here?”

Night Light shook his head, taking a seat in the nearest chair. “No. He couldn’t come. Something came up at the last moment.”

Peter sighed, scratching the back of his head. “Typical. It just sounds like bad timing on my part. Oh, well. I guess it can’t be helped. If he kills me, he kills me.”

Velvet’s eyes softened before she relinquished her hold on the stallion’s neck. “What’s wrong? You said you wanted to talk to us about something important?”

Inhaling deeply, Peter removed the gem from his backpack and placed it on top of the table. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you why I love your daughter. Twilight is one in a million. She keeps me in line so I won’t do anything stupid. Twilight has accepted me for everything that I am, even my failures. If there is anypony that I know will be there for me no matter what, it’s Twilight. She has a bit of a temper, but I find that adorable about her. It might explain why I’m always teasing her.” He chuckled sheepishly. “She always gets me back, waking me up at the hint of dawn. I’m totally not a morning pony.”

Velvet giggled softly while Night Light frowned.

Peter lowered his head and apologized, a humorless smile forming on his face. “I’ve come to learn that I can’t live without Twilight. It’s been like that for a while now, actually. She’s precious to me, and I’d do anything for her, whatever it took to keep her safe and happy. I’d lay my life on the line at the drop of a hat, if only to keep her here and protect that beautiful smile of hers.”

His emotions poured out, but Peter made no effort to stop them. “I’ve imagined many times what my life would be like without her in it, and every time, it was nothing but endless loneliness. I don’t ever want to live like that. She’s been there for me since the start. I know Twilight is the only one for me, and I want to spend the rest of my life by her side. I want to marry Twilight, and I want to start a family with her. That’s why… I would like to ask for your blessing.”

Velvet giggled uncontrollably. “My little girl is getting married! I’m so happy!” She bounced in place, like a filly experiencing a sugar-high. “I’m going to be a grandmother, and I’m going to have a son-in-law!”

Night Light let out a sigh of relief, managing to smile. “Thank the stars. You’re taking responsibility. I was worried you weren’t going to take a stand after getting my daughter pregnant. I can breathe a little easier, knowing now that Twilight is in the best position possible.”

Peter hesitantly nodded. “Maybe. That’s if Twilight says yes.”

Waving her hoof dismissively, Velvet continued to laugh. “Of course she will, dear! Our daughter loves you just as much.” She paused, stealing a glance at the gem on the table. “The jewel is gorgeous. It looks just like Twilight’s cutie mark. Where did you go to have this crafted?”

Peter’s face flashed to a shade of red. “It’s a little embarrassing. Cadance made it for me. She was the first one I talked with about marrying Twilight. I didn’t really know what to do. I couldn’t just buy a ring for a princess. I wanted Twilight to know how much she means to me. Cadance told me to do what I felt was right and asked me what was the first thing that came to mind whenever I thought of Twilight. I said the stupidest thing. Twilight’s the brightest star in my life, giving me light when the world wants to smother me in darkness. I guess Cadance used a spell, because she created a ruby that looked exactly like I wanted it to. She even turned it into a necklace.”

Velvet sighed blissfully, cupping her face in her hooves. “That’s so romantic. I’m sure Twilight will love it. When will you propose?”

“About a month from now. I know where I’m going to do it, too. I’m going to talk to Twilight’s friends first, and then I’ll go from there,” Peter quickly replied, carefully placing the jewel back in the confines of his backpack. He managed to smile, despite how shaky his hooves were getting. “Thank you for trusting me. I’m… getting really nervous. I was never this scared when I fought demi-gods. Why is it that I always get so terrified when it comes to Twilight?”

Night Light chuckled. “Because we’re afraid of what our special somepony thinks. Their opinions matter the most. It’s perfectly natural. It just shows how much you really care for our daughter.”

Velvet nodded, wrapping her hooves around Peter’s neck affectionately. “Just be yourself. That’s what Twilight would want.” She smiled warmly. “Good luck, darling.”

The sun slowly lowered into the horizon, painting the sky with a dark shade of orange. Peter stretched his limbs and smiled widely. The train ride from Canterlot had taken hours of his time, but it felt great to move freely about, considering that he had left first thing in the morning and was just now returning in the late evening. He trotted through Ponyville, blissfully unaware as his mind dove into the endless possibilities of what could occur. The stallion shook his head upon reaching the front door of the Treebrary.

That would come later. Peter had earned the blessing of Twilight’s parental figures, but the support of her circle of friends was all that remained to be grasped before he was truly comfortable to take Twilight’s hoof in marriage. Peter gulped, remembering Shining had not been informed either. He only hoped Cadance would tell him in the meantime. In regards to Twilight’s friends, he had to ask. It wouldn’t have felt right otherwise. Retrieving a key from one of the tiny compartments in his saddlebag, the stallion used it to open the door. Trixie was sitting on the couch, shifting her violet gaze towards the door as it opened.

“Ah, welcome back,” she warmly greeted, making her way to a standing position before approaching the stallion. Once they were a few hoof-lengths apart, the mare shot him a knowing glance. “Were you successful in completing your errands?” Peter weakly nodded, shifting his gaze about aimlessly. Trixie arched a brow at this and nonchalantly aimed a hoof behind her shoulder, particularly the opened door upstairs just as a crumpled piece of paper flew out of the room. “Don’t worry. Twilight Sparkle is just fine. She is merely passing the time with a new activity. I must warn you; should this continue, your precious somepony may abandon her pursuit of science and become a historian.”

Peter tilted his head to the side, looking dismayed. “Aw, really?! That’s one of the cool things about Twilight! You mean she’s going to be like an archivist now? That’s so lame!” The stallion raised a hoof, his expression brightening by the second. “Hang on. Maybe not. Okay. If this leads to Twilight finding the Matrix of Leadership, I’m so going to freak out. Sparkimus Prime!” Trixie gave no verbal response, staring blankly at the pony with exasperation. Peter took this as a ‘shut up’ and shrugged. “Sounds like Twilight’s occupied then. We should head over to Rarity’s while she’s distracted. Spike should come, too.”

“It sounds like things went accordingly, but you’re still in dire straits without me. You are truly hopeless, Parker,” Trixie chuckled, making her way to the door. The unicorn paused momentarily. “Spike. Come. We have important matters to discuss.” While the baby dragon scurried down the stairs, with a look of relief nonetheless, Trixie alternated her gaze between him and the door. “Is Twilight Sparkle taken care of?”

Spike sighed. “I gave her a fresh quill, refilled her ink, left a lot of fresh pieces of paper, and made her a sandwich. So, Twilight should be fine until we get back. I wouldn’t go in there, though. It’s a warzone.”

Another crumbled piece of paper flew out of the room, landing on the small mountain of a pile resting at the bottom of the stairs, and Twilight bellowed, “No no, no, no! That won’t do at all!”

Trixie pushed Peter out of the door before he could object, nearly knocking him to the ground in the process. “Do not threaten to slow the effects of Mother Nature. She doesn’t take kindly to interruption. Not even you stand a chance against her, Spider-Mane.”

Peter’s complexion paled. “That sounds ominous.”

The trip to Rarity’s took only a few minutes to complete. They would have made it sooner had Spike not stopped by a store to buy extra ink as an insurance policy against Twilight’s erratic temper. Rarity welcomed the trio with open hooves, having already been expecting them. The others were there as well. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie chewed away at the tiny cakes Rarity had prepared, while Fluttershy sipped at her cup of tea. Applejack had brought her own mug, drinking coffee instead. Spike’s stomach growled in protest, prompting him to waste no time eating one of the sweet treats.

Trixie nudged Peter, offering the stallion a small supportive smile before she took a seat near the back of the room. After exchanging pleasantries, he cleared his throat and earned everypony’s undivided attention. Peter groaned inwardly. This was the third time today he would ask for somepony’s approval on a matter that would alter the rest of his life. While his mind moaned at this repetitiveness, his rapidly-beating heart begged for it, needing as much practice as possible before actually proposing.

Peter attempted to settle his nerves, taking in slow breaths. There was a weight bearing down on his shoulders. This should have been easier when compared to talking with Twilight’s parents or Celestia, but it wasn’t as Peter felt the inside of his mouth growing dry. The mares in the room were Twilight’s best friends, the ponies she had interacted with the most out of her life. For all intents and purposes, Twilight was the centerpiece of the group, as the Element of the Magic and the pony that brought them all together. Peter didn’t want anypony to think he was going to take her away.

That was never his intention nor would it ever be.

Peter stood on his hind legs and folded his hooves. “First off, I have a question for all of you.” He brushed his hooves together while his mind sorted out his thoughts. Inhaling, he eventually continued. “Okay. How does everypony here feel about my relationship with Twilight?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and exhaled. “I think it’s as sappy as ever.”

Rarity shot the pegasus a sharp glare before giving the stallion a warm smile. “Pay her no mind, darling. I think you two are quite a match. It’s rather adorable watching how flustered Twilight gets around you.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth, ready to respond, but the moment Peter shifted his gaze in her direction, she bit down on her lip and turned away. “Y-Yeah.”

Applejack walked up to the stallion, nudging him playfully before winking. “Why in tarnation do you think Ah pushed Twilight to talk to you? Ya’ll complement each other just right in my eyes.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “I really like your relationship! It’s easy to see how much happier Twilight has been since you two started dating. She’s been really bubbly and not as uptight. How can I not like your relationship?”

Spike glanced off to the side. “At first, I wasn’t sure how to feel about it.” The baby dragon’s expression softened while he smiled. “I agree with Pinkie though. Twilight’s a lot different now, and that’s not a bad thing. She’s actually a little calmer nowadays. Mostly.”

Trixie arched a brow. “I’ll withhold my opinion for the time being. Why ask us this question so suddenly?”

Peter smirked as he shook his head. “I can’t hide anything from you, Trixie, can I? And yeah. There’s a reason I’m asking all of you this. I’ve been thinking after everything we’ve been through, not to mention that we have a kid on the way, it’s about time we take our relationship to the next level.” The stallion inhaled deeply before showing everypony the engagement gem, earning widened gazes in the process. “I’m going to ask Twilight to marry me in a few weeks. I… just wanted to know your opinions on this.”

Rarity’s face lit up as her blue eyes sparkled. “Oh my stars, Peter! Why, that is simply fantastic news! Oh, and it’s so romantic, too! I know for certain that Twilight will love the ruby necklace and say yes!” Dashing across the room, the fashionista cooed before cupping Peter’s face in her hooves. “This is simply unfair! Twilight continues to make me so jealous! She’s found herself a true gentlecolt before me, and now her knight in shining armor is going to propose, too? This is absolutely beautiful!” Suddenly, the mare burst into tears, unaware that she was squeezing the stallion’s neck with enough strength to cut off his oxygen intake. “I’m so happy!

In contrast to the fashionista’s excited response, Rainbow Dash simply folded her hooves and shrugged, although a supportive smile graced her features. Fluttershy nodded, smiling warmly before fidgeting in her seat. Peter furrowed his brow after failing to locate Pinkie Pie. The stallion shrieked involuntarily as a loud bang erupted behind his position, causing him to jump and inadvertently stick to the ceiling. Pinkie whooped loudly before firing a second shot from her party cannon, sending a flurry of confetti into the air.

Peter eventually freed himself from the ceiling, placing a hoof over his chest in a vain attempt to settle his heart. “Pinkie! I swear! You are going to give me a heart attack!”

Applejack chuckled as she lowered her hat over her eyes. “Ah should have figured ya’ll were going to get hitched after you got Twilight pregnant.” The farmpony arched a brow. “Think about it. This should have happened sooner. You were already chosen by Twilight to be her knight and prince. Do you realize half of Equestria already thinks you two are engaged?” Applejack shrugged. “This just makes it official, Ah guess.”

Trixie’s stoic expression remained intact, faltering only in the form of a small-knowing smile. “This doesn’t surprise me in the least. It certainly explains your behavior as of late, and frankly, it’s about time, I say.” The unicorn waved her hoof dismissively. “Besides, that mare needs somepony, other than me, to keep her in line. I think you're the only idiot that can manage that. Because, let's face it, in all of my time here, you're the only one that consistently gets through to her. She listens to you and values your opinion immensely. That means something. So, I have no objections.”

Spike brushed his foot against the ground, slow to bring his gaze to meet Peter’s. “So… will this make us brothers? Like, for real?”

“Yeah,” Peter grinned, pausing to glance to the side. “That’s if she says yes.”

The baby dragon beamed, his mouth curling into a fanged smile. “Pfft. You’re all Twilight talks about, dude. If there’s anypony with a chance to make her happy, it’s you. That’s what she’ll want, and that’s what I want, too.” Spike nodded earnestly. “I’m rooting for you… big bro!”

Peter smiled, glancing over the roomful of happy and excited faces. “Thanks everyone, it really means a lot that you all approve of me marrying Twilight.”

Rainbow Dash stood up and made her way to the stallion before placing a forehoof on his shoulder. “While I’m not one for all this mushy stuff, I can say for certain that we’re all rooting for ya, Peter.” She shot him a smug smile. “Good luck, dude! You’ll need it.”

Peter let out an exasperated sigh. “Don’t remind me...”

With the announcement having been made, everypony slowly dispersed back to their own business. Spike having elected to stay behind and help Rarity clean up, Peter and Trixie strode side by side back to the Treebrary.

Raising an eyebrow, Trixie looked over the stallion beside her. “You really are nervous, aren’t you?”

Peter let out a nervous chuckle. “How could I not be? I’m about to ask the love of my life if she wishes to stay with me for the rest of eternity. I mean, we both have eternal life. I’m basically asking her to ball and chain herself to me for the rest of time. That sounds like a bad idea to most! Seriously. Can you imagine being stuck with me?”

“I’d rather not try to,” Trixie said coldly before rolling her eyes. “It seriously is pathetic watching you though. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that mare will not only say yes, but be positively elated with the prospect of wedding you.”

“I don’t know... in my heart, I know she will say yes, but I can’t shake a lingering feeling of doubt, like I’m not good enough for her, ya know?”

She scoffed disinterestedly. “We have gone over this multiple times. Twilight earnestly loves you.”

Peter smiled weakly. “Y-yeah... yeah, you’re right, I know. But... I can’t help feeling like a chicken about this.”

Trixie let out an exasperated sigh. “It’s going to be a very, very long set of weeks...”